The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart








My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Maleachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]


















az   nidberu   yir'ee  YHWH   ish - el - re'eehu
va-yaqshev   [YHWH]      va-yishma'

Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute


Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


August 6/ Aw 5, Wednesday, still 9 days until my 70th birthday -at Arad
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on September 7

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire -during this break of 9 more days towards my birthday - while still healing" the sun eclipse trigger"
- to achieve the goal of my "Driving Backward":
to convey the message of the heroic failure of the life of Franz Rosenzweig, my father-in-law,
and discern the repercussions of this heroic failure in the lives of his son and grandchildren
so as to light a light of hope for healing for all his offspring and for humankind altogether.
I desire an intimate relationship with my six children, in which each child can heal and grow
I desire to understand what role I'm suddenly meant to play in the life of a dead friend's son
image of the day

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

I must repeat yesterday's thanksgiving

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to you for always having been on the alert to my denials
by expressing them in ever so many pains,
but for never having succumbed to these denials
to the extent of Franz Rosenzweig's body succumbed.
At an age (35), when his body showed him through the most cruel expression,
how his spirit - despite utmost awareness and honesty towards SPIRIT -
had squeezed, squashed, smashed his DESIRE and his FEELINGS,
I, his daughter-in-law and - more important - his daughter-in-SPIRIT ,
attracted teachings and trainings in acknowledging and moving FEELING!
Therefore you, my Body, are alive and at the age of 70 healthier than ever
(despite my ambiguity towards living,
despite my frequent wish to not exist,
which was prevalent in the past and is still popping up nowadays).

Thank you for preparing us to become
"the embodiment of loving light"

Now, before 8 in the morning I read a good biography of Franz Rosenzweig in English
and re-discovered that already at the age of 11 he wanted
"to learn Hebrew properly",
and that while bridging between the Hebrew and the German language as nobody had ever done before or after,
his eyelids dictated the Latin letters of his last sentence to Buber- in the context of their work on
HIS Servant, Isaiah 53:
"… and now it comes, the point of all points, which the Lord really gave me in my sleep: the points of all points, for which it …".
"Here broke the thread of his life."

I could never really deal with "The Star of Redemption" (see about the English version )
nor with any of his systematic essays,
but a few of the midrash-like "notes" to Jehuda Halevi,
[see August 13 and August 15]
and the dictated "pearls" which "fell" from his mind,
while working on specific problems in translating the Hebrew Bible
[see my note to my edition: "Arbeitspapiere zur Verdeutschung der Schrift"],
and most of all - many sentences and passages in his letters
helped me to live
[See the newspaper article in German with the title: "One who helped me to live"]
It is not the Greek systematic thinking which talks to me,
but the Talmudic way of telling an episode or phrasing a new interpretation of an old biblical verse,
which stimulates my thinking and supports my attempt to apply it to my life.



Continuation of the letters to Gritli, which I chose to copy

See: Christian&Jewish - Israeli&German
about Reinhold Mayer, Franz Rosenzweig & Gritli
April 4, 2008; 13; 15; May 21; 27;
June 11
; 18; since August 4    

The main actors in Franz Rosenzweig's drama of love, truth & death:
Margrit Rosenstock-Huessi, with whom he fell in love in February 1918,
"Eugen" = Eugen Rosenstock, Franz' closest friend & "peer" since 1913
and Gritli's husband since 1914.
"Rudi" Ehrenberg - Franz' cousin and "peer" -and his wife Helene.

I now [August 5, 2008] want to start copying passages,
which I've noted as "relevant",
since I first began to read
the more than thousand letters of Franz Rosenzweig to Gritli.

Relevant for me are what I perceive
as Rosenzweig's three main desires,
and the way he denied the un-fulfillment of these desires:

- the desire for wholly living his love
for the one woman, whom he believed was "like himself"

- the desire for learning and creating
together with peers "like himself",

- the desire to bridge between being a Jew & being a German,
not only for himself, but for all Jews - in pre-Nazi Germany....

April 19 , 1918

Liebes Gritli, ich leide so sehr unter der weiten Entfernung von Kassel und nebenher auch von Berlin (Bradt), dass ich mir sehr ernsthaft ueberlege, ob ich mich nicht nach dem Westen melde. Durchgehn tut so ein Gesuch glatt. Frueher war mir ja diese Front sympathisch, wegen des interessanten Hinterlands, der schoenen Suedlichkeit und auch grade wegen der Entferntheit - das einsiedlerhafte Dasein an der Peripherie gefiel mir-, aber jetzt ist es schrecklich, so weit weg zu sein, nicht rasch schreiben oder gar, was im Westen geht, telefonieren zu koennen. Im Punkt der Gefaehrlichkeit ist es eher eine Verbesserung, da meine Art Flaks im Westen weniger in vorderster Linie eingesetzt wird. Ich habe das Gefuehl, zur Hand sein zu muessen, wo Vater nicht mehr da ist. Entgegensteht eigentlich nur mein grundsaetzliches Nichtsselberverschieben, dem ich im Militaerischen folge. Es waere ein "Schritt" und ich habe seit meinem Eintritt im Fruehjahr 15 keinen "Schritt" beim Militaer getan.


April 19 , 1918

.... Man ist ja wohl immer machtlos, wenn man "will". Aber hier freilich ganz besonders. Dabei, es ist ja so gar nicht das Uebliche: ich will ja nicht selber gehoert werden, ich will doch nur dass sie (his mother) vernimmt. Aber schon das ist "gewollt", -

Du darfst auch mit Eugens Depression nicht viel "wollen". Ansprache von aussen wäre doch nur Betäubung. Ists wirklich ein Altersruck, so musst du es eben rucken lassen, schieben kann da niemand, auch du nicht. Bloss halten kannst du ihn, halten und nochmal halten. - Ich habe ihm auf seinen Brief gleich zweimal geschrieben, aber Ansprache von aussen ist das ja nicht, und die brächte ich auch nicht fertig. Ich bin ihm nun nicht aussen genug. (Leider, müsste ich hier wohl sagen, in diesem Zusammenhang, - aber ich kann es nicht sagen, sondern nur: Gott sei Dank).

Ich sitze nicht mehr in dem Loch am Rande der grossen Ebene, sondern mehr in den Bergen drin.

Dein Franz.


April 21 , 1918


Ist es nicht merkwuerdig das Cohens Namensvetter Jecheskel (denn sein juedischer Name ist Jecheskel -Ezechiel or Hesekiel - "dass ich Jecheskel der Soundsovielte kommen musste, um Jecheskel den Ersten zu rehabilitieren" sagte er mir im Januar-, auf der Chaiselongue liegend, weil es der Arzt befohlen hatte - und jubelte mir dann Hesekiel 18,31 vor), also dass auch wieder dieser Entdecker der Einzelnen Seele es war, der auch die wechselseitige Verkettung dieser Seelen (33, 2-9) zuerst ausgesprochen hat? Die bewusstlose Gestalt in der diese Verkettung zuvor da war, die Gemeinschaft, der gegenueber der Mensch gar nicht wusste, dass er Einzelner war, diese bewusstlose Gestalt hat er, sollte man denken, zerstoert, indem er aussprach, dass "die Seele suendigt" [18,4.20] und grade er stellt sie nun auf dem neuen Menschenbegriff wieder neu her, in der "Suende des Bruders", fuer die ich verantwortlich gemacht werde. Er loest das Volk in Seelen auf und dann baut er es aus Seelen neu.

Werft von euch all eure Abtruennigkeiten,
mit denen ihr abtruennig wart!
Bereitet euch
ein neues Herz und einen neuen Geist!
Warum wollt ihr sterben,
Haus Israel?!

Jecheskel 18, 32
Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed,
and get a new heart and a new spirit.
Why will you die, O house of Israel?

Ezekiel 18:32
To Rosenzweig's interpretation see my my entire book:
All Israel are Guarantors for each other

and specifically the chapter about Jecheskel in
"The Guarantorship of the Emissaries"

See also the funny song about Yecheskel in SongGame



Wayne Cristaudo, University of Hong Kong


‘Love is as Strong as Death’:
The Triadic Love of
Franz Rosenzweig,
Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
and Gritli Rosenstock-Huessy.

1. The Background
... . Like Rosenstock, Rosenzweig had been born into a liberal Jewish family, but whereas Rosenstock insisted that the triadic unity of God, man and world was best understood and hence God was best served by entering in the Christian faith, Rosenzweig, on the verge of converting to Christianity, had the overwhelming conviction that he had to devote his life to the Jewish faith and that faith was the true faith, of which Christianity was an inferior, but essential relation.
While both were fighting for the Central powers, Rosenzweig in Macedonia, Rosenstock on the Western front, they exchanged a passionate correspondence about their respective faiths. That correspondence of 1916 was first published in Germany after Hitler had come to power, in 1935, by which time Franz Rosenzweig had been dead six years from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; he had also become probably the most important intellectual leader for German Jewry. That role had largely derived from his establishment of the Jewish Lehrhaus in Frankfurt, his translation of the Bible, with Martin Buber, and his unflagging devotion to the promotion of the benefits of the Jewish life and tradition. ....
The reason that Rosenstock-Huessy knew that the letters between Franz and Gritli were of overwhelming importance was because he knew it was not merely a bit of personal gossip, but that it was an essential component of the way of thinking and being in the world that he and Rosenzweig had brought to the public. He also knew that once the existential condition of The Star became public then the nature of the forces and faiths that formed Rosenzweig would have to be seen in a different and truer hue than the popular one of that of the paragon of Jewish life. It was not merely his love of God and His people that drove The Star’s composition and the uniqueness of its accentuations – all of which were the forces which elevated his own star among his people – but the love he had for and received from a Christian woman. In many ways it is not going too far to say that The Star is an attempt to woo Gritli towards Judaism, in the full knowledge that she must not leave Eugen if the love is to be a redemptive force for all three – for Eugen, in that he would see that the struggles between them in the foxholes were but stages on the way to the creation of The Star and that he, Eugen, had helped build the edifice not for Christians but also for Jews, but also for Gritli in that her love would not just be directed at her Christian husband but would fill her Jewish beloved with the energy to be more than he would otherwise be and by so doing show to His people the love that existed

between him and a Christian woman was indeed divinely sanctioned because it too was integral in the world’s redemption. And that this love between Gritli and Franz was transgressive, that it was sensuous and because it was sensuous, in contravention of the decreed walls of the sanctimony of marriage, it revealed that all three accepted the compulsions of the pagan.
That the truth of this love story which lay concealed for so many years finally burst out, and like all repressed truth it came into the world like a lacerating blade damaging the ideal portraiture of Rosenzweig’s marriage with Edith was yet but one more verification of the truth that “love is as strong as death. [Song of Songs 8:6]”
Wayne Cristaudo - see my letter to him tomorrow

Zank, Michael.

The Rosenzweig-Rosenstock

What Can We Learn from Letters to Gritli ?

A Review Essay
" The lover who says
"thou art mine"
to the beloved
is aware
of having begotten
the beloved in his love
and given birth to her in travail.
He knows himself
the creator of the beloved.
And with this awareness
he now enfolds her
and envelopes her
with his love in the world--
"thou art mine."

Franz Rosenzweig,
The Star of Redemption

Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929),
a historian,
a Jewish intellectual,
and the spiritual inspiration
of an ongoing movement of Jewish renewal, is an outstanding figure
among modern thinkers.
A Hegel scholar of some renown,
he made a lasting mark
with a philosophy of revelation
written in some of the most difficult
and enchanting German prose
produced in the twentieth century. Memorialized as a courageous sufferer
of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS, or Lou Gehrig's Disease)
who translated the Bible with Martin Buber even as he lost all voluntary muscle control and the capacity of speech,
Rosenzweig has come to symbolize
the best of the legacy of German Jewry,...

to be continued tomorrow




song of the day

".... tell me, beloved daughter,
how come, that all I saw didn't give you an answer..."



Continuation of my virtual journey to Petra - with the help of Arnon's and his friends' photos - Arnon, a greatgrandson of Franz Rosenzweig























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whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8