Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
2 3
And |
In |
Daily |
k.i.s.s.-l o g + all
~ Library of
7 years ~ HOME
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( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
28/ Tammuz 25, Monday, still 18 days -at Shoham
Parting from my
obsession to complete this page---the next day
back to past ~~~~~
forward to future
I desire that my wholeness (I must express
my wish, I must not expect
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
I desire that my children will
integrate my wish for my 70th birthday into their own planning:
I wish that the relationship between each of the Six and me
be honest and healing!
I desire that they use the
trigger of my wish to heal and that I stay whole with "my
I desire that Micha's hand will heal, and that he'll listen
to the lesson this hand wants to teach.
I desire that the dog will heal her fear, teach
us her lesson, but not put an additional burden on us now!
I desire to enjoy the last 2
days of being al-one part of the time by
preparing for stressful days!
January 29, 2003, while watching images
from Immanuel's&Efrat's wedding in the USA,
we celebrated Immanuel's 40th birthday -
the Seven of us in the flat of Ronnit & Uri.
This is the only picture on which all appear,
except for I., who took it, and whose image I had to transfer
from a big family
event, Alon's Bar-Mitzvah in
2004 . |
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
My Body, my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to our nerves,
or whatever in you is transmitting our feelings,
for being so balanced and serene.
Please let them function with such serenity in the coming
I am grate-full that E's fierce attack
- in the name of the other Five -
did not trigger or even hurt me.
I do felt grief for the fact, that my family is so un-whole,
and I do feel "parental"
to this lack of wholeness.
I cope with the "fact", that I'm forever triggering
and not righteous,
but I have no doubt, that I was right to express my wish so
I'm grate-full for the good time I
had with Mika out there on "the hill"
(E.: "when
she walked with Abba yesterday , she said:
'Savta hasn't been here for a long time!' "
and for the good time I had with
Efrat despite that "discharge".
Right Use of Will , p. 66-67 .
"The beaten-dog image of surrender to God
is not an accurate understanding of Me.
"The image that joy can be found this way
if you just surrender more
is not accurate either.
"Holding an image of what you think
is the correct Spiritual attitude,
rather than seeing what is really happening,
holds true understanding away.
The real truth for you is coming
from true self-acceptance
and no place else.
If true feelings don't want to accept a beating,
allow them to take action to stop it.
As long as you believe that you must accept something,
whether you like it or not,
you are overriding your own Free Will.
If you are doing this to yourself,
you are opening the door for others
to do it to you.
This has been happening for a long time
and is heavily powered
by many misunderstandings and denials.
These denials and misunderstandings
imprison the very emotional response
that could change things for the better.
[See also "Sacrifice"
and "Self-Sacrifice" in
puzzle-piece 31] |
Finetuning to my Present
While intending to phrase a desire concerning
Nella, the dog,
and doubting, if the issue was "wothy" to be appear
on my "altar"
I came across this
sculpture of October 2005 [see
left frame] about
"The beaten-dog image!"
"If true feelings don't want to accept
a beating"
and my sentence to Efrat against her
anger about the "stupid" dog:
"If Nella reacts to having been
beaten for peeing in the flat
by now peeing everytime, when someone wants to walk her outside,
it means, that she is not stupid at all, but sensitive."
She agreed to this,
but when this morning Nella ran away and hid even from me,
and when E. called her nervously,
reacted with peeing even more, in fact with all she had in
her bladder,
E. asked me to take Mika into my room, and then we only heard
She had stuck the dog's head into its urine, as one is taught
to do in this case.
I am not a fan of dogs, despite my long experience with them,
but seeing poor Nella now, my stomach aches. What can we do?
I try to give her attention now
(even when only I am around, she hides under a table),
I talk to her: "please,
Nella, heal your fear", etc.
but the point of this entry on K.i.s.s.-l og is
that I see a sign in her behavior:
Even dogs will no longer agree to be
And aside from this metaphor
I must express my pain about what I've been reading in the
Franz Rosenzweig, ever since his engagement
- Jan. 6, 1921 -
and marriage - March 18, 1921 - with Edith, my mother-in-law,
(which he calls "suicide", and his "living"
since then as the "living of a corpse") ,
is the epitome of a beaten-dog-image, though in an unusual
a relationship in which the true love of a good woman could
not be answered.
The torturous lack of communication (in the sense of
3, 16
those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other, and he
listens and he hears"
made him grateful for the other plight
in his life -
the lack of resonance to what he had to give to people,
and not having found a way to realize his vocation-
Since this plight was communicable,
understandable, justifiable, acceptable.
Though highly aware of his feelings and totally honest about
his situation,
he did not know, that it wasn't God who had staged this excruciating
Finetuning to my Present
Continuation of
coping with the "shadow"
of my birthday-wish.
I felt reminded of my metaphor of the Mona-Lisa,
which has often helped me to explain,
that the person who triggers me is only an instrument,
while I'm the one who attracts the trigger
to point out a hole in my wholeness that now wants to be healed.
"If somebody would tell the Mona-Lisa,
that she is ugly,
she wouldn't be effected by this, would she?
For she KNOWs that she is beautiful, whatever somebody else
will think or say."
The tricky - really cleverly manipulating blame - was :
"You whose main goal in life is
that people may love themselves,
you yourself cause your own children to hate themselves,
since their inability to fulfil your wish forces them to refuse
your wish
and by refusing - risk to hurt you.
But you, you simply don't care, you override everybody with
your wish."
Feeling, that by referring to my greatest goal - that people
love themselves -
she had "hit a nerve", as one says in English,
I could also observe at the same time,
how I still was in danger of succumbing and giving up on myself
for the sake of "not causing others to hate themselves",
especially not my children.
But I felt the strength and the wisdom to explain:
"You must differentiate
between the expression of a desire, a wish,
and the expectation that somebody will fulfil this desire,
this wish.
I have a right, yes an obligation, even a responsibility to
express my desires.
How else shall things change in my life and in the world?
You, too, express the wish that Jews and Palestinians may
live in peace,
though most people will tell you cynically that you are naive
etc. etc.
" But if I would expect from others that they fulfil
my wish,
then I would, indeed, perpetuate self-hatred in the world,
because I would, indeed, cause myself to feel hurt and others
to feel guilty."
[If I had more time to explain, I would have added:
also: how do I know if the time for the fulfilment of my desire
is right?
or if the way I imagine my desire to be fulfilled is right?
There is that famous movie where the woman so ardently desires
that her husband may come home from his work on an oil drill
plant at sea.
He does come home - but with a broken spine!
Isn't this my fierceful objection against all those,
who nowadays claim - in the name of "thought creates
energy" -
that I can "get" all I desire?
I also would have liked to quote Fritz
Perl's "Gestalt-Prayer":
"I do my thing and you do your thing
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
and you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you
and I am I
and if by chance we find each other,
it's beautiful." ]
I reinforced, that I had to express my deepest and greatest
- the healing of my children's relationship with their mother
together with the recognition of what they are grateful for
[this "together" made E. especially mad]
and to create a chance not of "one-to-one", which
cannot be done,
but a togetherness at this one-time opportunity, my 70th birthday.
Efrat exploded again:
"You know perfectly well, that
there is no chance for this kind of togetherness.
Even if somebody would express "suffering" and "gratitude"
as you wish,
s/he wouldn't do it in this circle."
I smiled and said:
"I'm reminded of another such situation.
Peres, then Prime-Minister, had ordered his closest advisor
to meet me,
when - after the
murder of Rabin in 1995- I came to him with
a beautiful project.
While I, - in the company of my "partners", David
Troim and Gadi Lybrock -
explained the project,
this advisor - a very old man - got terribly triggered and
"You are dreaming, Rachel, you
are dreaming!"
Efrat had used the slang of nowadays:
"you live in a movie, Rachel, you
live in a movie"!
I'm grate-full that this attack gave me the chance to check,
if I could accept it finally,
that my greatest goodness - doing everything so people can
love themselves -
also casts my greatest shadow,
- that it's exactly my very existence
which causes my actors to not love themselves...
Efrat's discharge was cut off, when we arrived at the kindergarden
to fetch Mika.
Only late at night there came a little light into my sadness.
Though we had already parted: "Go
to sleep, Rachel, you are tired",
Efrat came in, sat on my bed beside
my chair and computer,
and showed me a song she had just heard again on TV
(see below).
This may have been a very nice pretext
for the real reason of her coming,
something she obviously wanted for the family's birthday project:
"I want you to choose a verse in
the Bible which expresses your vision
and then send it to me by e-mail until tomorrow."
Since there are many such "verses",
I decided to listen inside
and not go about the time-consuming task of finding and choosing.
The first verse, which popped up, was the latest I learnt:
the one which I found, when I searched
for Lior's name - "li or" -
to me is light,
or in the order it appears one single
time : "or li" - light
is to me, Micah
"..when I fall, I shall arise;
when I sit in darkness, YHWH shall be a light unto me. "
So I went out to Efrat who smoked
on the veranda
and told her my choice.
She wasn't content:
"I should have made it clearer
to you:
I meant your vision concerning your tribe..."
I went back to my room and the answer
appeared rightaway.
Back with Efrat on the veranda I told her,
that the verse -Maleachi
3, 16 - I was going to tell her was so important
for me,
that I am singing
it in five languages:

"az nidberu yir'ee
YHWH ish el re'eehu va-yaqshev YHWH va-yishma' "
"Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk
among each other,
and he listens and he hears"
allathina yarau'na-hu , va-yusri va-yasma' "
"Dann die IHN sehen, werden reden miteinander, und er
lauscht und er hoert"
"Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
- il entends, il ecoute"
She seemed to understand the depth of
the sentence and accepted it.
On my way out I moved my head to her once more and said softly:
"This expresses my birthday wish!"
And when I copied the Hebrew verse into
an e-mail for her I added:
Shachter sees this as a prophecy for inter-religious dialogue,
I myself see it as a prophecy for inter-familial dialogue."
{By the way I think I met Shachter
thanks to Jonathan Jacoby on our
and maybe Jonathan's sudden letter at this time came to point
to this prophecy...)
Because of the line:
"Where you once believed
to be only good and righteous,
you will find your goodness has also had its
the shadow cast by my very expression
of my birthday wish,
I decided to re-study this my favorite Godchannel file,
and to also re-edit it
( without the comparison between
old and new phrasings in the orignal material
and without referring to the quotes in many
puzzle-pieces of "God has Evolved")

This is what I saw, when I took Nella
out in the morning,
though she already peed on the floor at home.
Later, when I did my work of soothing her and talking to her,
I wanted to find out, how her facial expression and body posture
were different from "the beaten dog image".
She let me take her picture only while sitting close to me.

A Letter from God
to Those Doing the Healing Work
"This is Spirit,
and I wish to speak to those of you
who are driving
backward now in your lives
as you do the
healing work ~
"about some of what is immediately ahead,
and also more in the distance
on the road to wholeness
and the completion of the healing.
"Some of you are closer
to the wholeness of your own being
than you have realized.
And as you get even nearer,
it will seem at times
like you have been going in the wrong direction.
"At times your experiences
as you approach the threshold of
will likely seem to be complete reversals
of all you have done in the healing work.
It will seem
that the entire world gaps or splits from you,
and becomes oppositional to you.
"Where you once believed yourself
to be only good and righteous,
you will find your goodness has also had its shadow.
This pattern will apply at each 'gate' or 'threshold'
you must pass through
as you near the end of the journey home.
"There will be great darkness for you in
these times,
and I want you to know that 'this too shall pass'.
You are trusting that the Mother and I will be here for you,
to catch you as you fall backward.
And that is so, we surely will.
"Yet those who are successful in the final
phases of the healing work ~
will be so
because they will have had a contingency plan
that enabled them to complete the final steps of the healing
without the need of divine support or guidance.
They will be able to move through the darkness
with a certainty of purpose
that in itself will carry them over the last few dark steps
of the journey.
"As humanity begins to fulfill
its destiny ~
some of you will be embodying divinity here on Earth ~
as Bodies
that will endure and thrive for eternity,
regardless of what form you may choose from time to time.
However, in order for this outcome to be possible for you,
you must choose it completely ~
from your own free
human Will.
"You must decide that this journey
and its destination is your life's purpose,
and know it as your deepest desire.
"Before I say more here,
I wish to share a metaphor with you.
"It is as if all of humanity is waiting in a train station
for a very slow train that never seems to come.
This train will take you all to your salvation,
some glorious promised land -
or so it is rumored.
most of those waiting at the station
have long ago given up on any real train,
at least in their lifetime.
So they have found ways to make the waiting feel worthwhile.
Many are raising families
so there will be others to continue on their behalf.
Some are playing games in the video arcade,
or busy with the business of improving conditions in the station.
Others are reading and talking,
telling stories and taking notes -
and of course most everyone is keeping busy
doing something
to pay the rent on their part of the bench in the station.
"Among all the waiters is
a small group of 'seekers'.
These are people who feel certain
that a train will indeed be coming soon,
and they are out actively searching for it.
Most are organized behind leading seekers
who they believe have good maps and directions and formulas.
All true seekers are truly dedicated to a life of seeking,
and not just waiting.
"But there
is a third group,
unknown to the first two groups.
This group I call the manifestors or 'makers'.
The makers are former seekers
who had been seeking long enough and hard enough
to realize that the train won't come
unless they manifest it.
And they have dedicated their lives to making it so ~
that indeed a train does come.
Among the makers of
humanity are those of you
who are doing this healing work ~
manifesting your own healing
into wholeness,
and by extension, the healing of all Creation.
"Eventually there will be many separate
humans on Earth
embodying the Father of Manifestation and the Mother of Manifestation.
as they realize the intention of Original
And they will not be competitors,
they will be allies and cooperators
They will be allies because each of them
will recognize the value of having peers,
true friends
who have also realized their own wholeness.
And they will choose the values of wholeness,
cooperation and equality of being ~
over the values of superiority and the power-over paradigm
that superiority and belief in hierarchy hold in place.
When the fundamental gaps
in the Heart of Creation are healed,
there will be no superiority in manifestation, no hierarchy
only greatness and grandeur of being for each human manifestor,
each maker of their own salvation.
Toward More Wholeness
"You will experience
a great increase in personal power
as you near wholeness,
and there may be a temptation
to assert yourself and your rightness
against the power structure around you.
But this will be unnecessary,
and for the first few,
important to avoid entirely.
You will be able to 'slip through the cracks'
of the matrix of the dominant power-over paradigm on Earth
because you will have nothing to say and nothing to prove.
has been happening in yourself
and in your immediate peers in healing
will be the only proof you'll need.
"As you approach wholeness
you will notice a marked increase in synchronicity
and deeper meaning in the events of your life.
"And as you look backward,
you will see your life
in terms of a path
that has been leading inexorably
to your own greatness as a whole being.
You will find you have new understandings
of your true identity,
and a sense of yourself as a mythic figure.
of the events in the last book of the Christian bible
as well as the other prophecies of the end of time
will begin unfolding around you in your venue,
and you will know yourself to be causal
Sometime later these same events will also unfold,
but in other ways ~ for everyone else on Earth.
"Those of you who find enough
of your wholeness
to embody the Father and Mother of Creation
will eventually find yourselves on a nearly
virgin Earth,
without the need or care of Ahriman's
technical aids
as substitutes for your living, moving Will.
You will have full powers of manifestation
and easy, natural abilities at true
And eventually
you'll even have the ability to change form ~
as your essential Self endures in manifestation forever.
"You will have two newly acquired freedoms
as well.
First, to be together with others as peers
in a neutral venue
of true personal freedom, deep love and great beauty.
And second,
you'll have the freedom
to join with peers of your choice
in manifesting your own independent Creation
as fully empowered Creator Beings.
"Each seeker will
eventually find what they were seeking,
and although much of that may not look good to you -
it will be what is right for them and what they desire.
"The waiters will
either continue waiting,
or become either seekers or makers.
"As the Earth changes,
each group will find themselves in separate realities
and on very different-seeming Earths.
Even though they are deeply loved by us,
those who are simply waiting
will eventually run out of time on Earth ~
but their departure via death,
and what they leave behind ~
will not seriously impact the realities of the makers,
or of the seekers who eventually find the gifts of the makers.
" All of this will
happen over enough time
that even the most serious Earth changes
will cause no harm to those
who can embody wholeness.
"Those of you who are soon to
become whole
need to know
that all you have dreamed will come to pass ~
and much, much more.
However, there is a point
where you will need to take a huge risk,
to make the leap of choice ~
to embody divinity,
and all that this implies ~
or die trying to avoid it.
"The terror of truly becoming who you
truly are,
and the terror of that choice ~
more terror than you have yet known,
will be moving in you as you approach the point of no return.
"First and foremost, remember
~ you are safe.
You are.
It is that simple.
You must trust us here,
because holding onto the terror is the only other choice.
And this terror, like all terror, must move
if the Will is to be truly free.
But it is not the Mother and I
that you must trust in those final moments ~
it is you yourself.
"You must truly trust yourself
to do
what only you can do,
to embody divinity on Earth
in the ways we desire to manifest here.
Only you and your peers are capable
of completely realizing Original
Heart's most fervent desire ~
to be fully present and whole in manifestation
with a lover, friends and peers ~
each embodying Spirit and Will
in ecstatic union as New Heart in Body.
"Beyond honoring, accepting and moving all
held emotions
and the Will essence that underlies them,
besides moving all that is necessary
to recover all of your Lost Will,
there are two additional secrets of success in this healing
The first secret is the second step in the four
steps to wholeness.
That is to
drive backward
under the guidance of the Mother and myself.
"Allow life to bring
you what it does,
knowing that whatever comes to you in this way
will be just what you need in the moment
to bring you closer to the wholeness
you have chosen in the first step.
"The second secret is
to be ready to lose our support temporarily ~
and continue on anyway ~
as you follow your own free Will home to your Right Place.
"Of course there is a lot
of important nuance in this work,
and those who are working
on the inside
with the Mother or me, or us both ~
will continue to get the detailed guidance
we have to offer you.
Because the Mother and I know
where this is all heading,
and more of the details of how it all will come to pass ~
you are wise to rely on us for inner guidance.
have asked the channelers
to create an interactive communication forum
and to invite new channelers to help work on the channeling
for the site,
and particularly to help channel the Mother and Father of Manifestation.
"It is the
Parents of Creation who you will be becoming ~
as you embody divinity.
And of course it is they
who will be helping you now on the inside.
"Just as you
have found the unmanifested Mother's voice
or my own voice as Spirit within you ~
you will also find the voices of the Parents of Creation.
"I would like to
say again that the channeling on this site
or elsewhere in the outside world
is not meant to replace your inner contact with Deity ~
but rather to help support and strengthen our voices within
"If you haven't already,
please read what I have said to
the Father and Mother in this regard.
And if you are moved to participate in channeling publicly ~
please join the channelers and the others in the Forum."
note: Although the GodChannel Forum is presently closed to posting,
is is still open to reading.
See an excerpt on October 26
- chosen from one of the perspectives from which I look on this
cherished message.
Nourishment from Others
Late at night Efrat came in wanting me to listen to a
song, which she loves very much:
The Sea of Compassion by Kobi Aflaalo, a man from Ma'ona in
the Galilee (memories from "Partnership"....),
who had belong to a band called "Shim'ouna",
which she had brought to Ma'alot, when she was the municipality's
.... and you live in
the time of times counted on a table,
and hope to drink life to the fullest.
And between all these you, after all, want to be joyous
and are on the way of fulfilling a dream.
Perhaps you'll reach heaven after all,
perhaps you'll rejoice about life after all
say thanks and transform suddenly into water,
and join the Sea of Compassion..... |
song without images
I want to relate to another passage [see
right frame] in God's letter [see
I once agreed with it totally.
Yet today my situation is not with "the
power structure around me"
but with my family.
To express my birthday wish
is not at all a "temptation to assert
myself and my rightness".
So what am I meant to do?
Moreover, I feel grief, when "God" assumes,
that I have "immediate peers
in healing".
It's difficult enough not to judge myself
for not being able to attract peers in
I constantly remember the passage in Old
Heart New Heart
about empowering my desire for peers by accepting
my desire,
"unfulfilled and all",
but "God" shouldn't assume, as he does in this letter,
that these "peers in healing"
already exist.
Whatever I "did" to attract them - the last time
with Yaacov
- failed pathetically.
Once in Succah
in the Desert, when I invited people to study RUOW
with me,
I simply became their teacher - without learning from them
anything at all...
While continuing to study that message, I'm coming across
another sentence:>>>>
I feel it pertains to what I'm going through with my birthday
but the problem is not "terror", the problem is
guilt and shame which say:
"You can't even make your children love themselves,
on the contrary, you, you are another cause for their self-hatred,
so what is it you have achieved in all your seventy years?":
will experience
a great increase in personal power
as you near wholeness,
and there may be a temptation
to assert yourself and your rightness
against the power structure around you.
But this will be unnecessary,
and for the first few,
important to avoid entirely.
You will be able to 'slip through the cracks'
of the matrix of the dominant power-over paradigm on Earth
because you will have nothing to say and nothing to prove.
has been happening in yourself
and in your immediate peers in healing
will be the only proof you'll need."
"The terror of truly becoming who you truly are,
and the terror of that choice ~
more terror than you have yet known,
will be moving in you as you approach the point of no return.
Knowing that these are the last days in the
Mizpeh-Street at Shoham, I'm paying more attention to the many spots
of beauty in what was "our" street:

My work on healing Nella
was successful!
At 15:30 she came with me willingly and peed outside as usual.
And I was fantasizing how I would explain my "work"
to Efrat.
When reaching the metaphor of the "beaten dog image",
I saw clearer than ever,
how the beaten dog behavior of Franz Rosenzweig concerning 'his
repeated itself in his son's first marriage to a woman he did
not love ,
and in his grandson's first marriage to a woman he did not love
and I so much wanted her to for once listen to an advice of
to participate in a workshop of "Family
the place, where therapists understand the Biblical observation
(Ex.20:4, and often, see cross references in the English
Standard Version)
that "God" is
"visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children
to the third and the fourth generation"
Of course, in my son's case he had to
bear another terrible burden,
my self-victimizing behaviour, but this is different from the
Franz Rosenzweig applied all his immense intellect and wisdom,
in order "to accept God's beating"!
And more thoughts about the lesson, Nella is giving us:
Isn't Israel trying to "beat" the Palestinians "into
I remember having read the autobiography of German woman,
persecuted by the Nazis,
but when the bombardments of the Allies became fiercer and fiercer
"I too suddenly felt solidarity with
my nation against the enemy.
Why don't they understand,
that bombarding people does NOT demoralize people,
but on the contrary - it unites them?"
And aren't they becoming stronger through
every beating?
This is not at all new to me, of course, who always reminds
its a law in physics:
when you apply force, there will be resistance and counterforce.
But the unusual behaviour of Nella seems to be a sign, as I
that even a dog will no longer to be beaten. |
Our Outing today
Wall exists, of course, in order
to jump from them, with savta's help.
The advantage of this one was, that Mika could climb up alone,
which permitted me to take a picture which would remind us... |
In stark contrast to yesterday's
sitting on the edge of mud and puddles,
this journey was one from walls to benches, & from bench
to bench.
Grapes from our blue box were eaten, and a little drama was
in this case with the poor garbage-bin
which didn't want to be kicked all the time!
Another bench was discovered in a bus-station.
To Mika's delight 4 lively girls (age 11 or so) came inside,
only to arrange an attack of surprise on 2 other girls coming
along. |
Finally Mika met Imma again,
with whom I had fixed
"in front of the Cultural
The meeting between mother and daughter
was as hard-warming as always,
-especially since I had just taught Mika,
what this is: "to meet each
but Efrat would hate me forever,
if I would insert her part of the photo here
I was curious to sit in
this restaurant,
which Mika and I had "inhabited" so thoroughly
the Holy Holi-Day of Atonement"...
Efrat told me, that
it had changed owners,
which explained both,
the flashy "TAKE YOUR TIME",
and the not-so-excellent food...
avoiding any ongoing correspondence with anyone.
But now Lior Oren let herself be attracted
into my life again,
and since she is the first of my six starchildren (since she
was 11 in 1999),
I feel open and totally available, and I do enjoy the communication,
partly about her coping with her drama and her actors,
partly about her desire to delve into the well of living water,
the Hebrew Bible,
and to learn through me, how to get away from what she learnt
at school
and discern and perceive and apply, what I discern, perceive
and apply.
Since I don't teach, it's a funny, totally unsystematic way
of learning,
or perhaps it would be best to call it a "game",
played with the help of the
online concordance
of the day
about not needing to say
anything except for expressing my wish clearly
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the wayy, and let happen what may!
" need to say,
no need to do, in wholeness I flow with my universe..."
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Keep It
Simple Sweetheart
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