Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart

Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk
among each other,
and he listens and he
yatakaalamuna allathina
yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri va-yasma'
Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht und er
Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent
l'un a l'autre
il entends,
il ecoute
k.i.s.s.-l o g + all
~ Library of
7 years ~ HOME
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( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
25/ Av 24, Monday, 11th day after "the Death of
my Righteousness & my Perfectionism" - at
Bet Nehemya , with Efrat & Mika
Parting from my
obsession to complete this page--- on August 29
back to past ~~~~~
forward to future
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
I desire to live this day of
"having Mika all to myself" in ongoing delight, free
from ambivalence.
I desire that Efrat will trust me totally and neither worry
nor interfere with my being with Mika.
I desire that the dire lesson with Tomer "listen
to your Body"
will never have to be repeated.
I desire to grasp the insight: "you
succumb to T. because you succumb to your righteousness!"
I desire that Efrat will learn - not from my teaching but from
our growing with this our actor -
to replace her fear of the "domino-effect"
- our becoming victims of T's super-human manipulations
by the constant awareness, that nothing occurs in her drama
unless she invites it & needs it.
put "Compassion" in Google-Search - Images
and I breathe out our Cultural Conditioning!
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
My Body, my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to you for having tolerated one more time !!!!!!!!!!
that I ignored your needs, especially your need for going
to bed IN TIME.
But even more I give thanks to your brain,
which - with the help of whoever makes it aware of what I
have to learn -
has shown me - yesterday evening for the very first time
- following my attempt to "share" my Tomer-lessons
with traumatized Efrat
- that the real reason for her, his father's & my relapses
into our "allowing"
and becoming accomplices of T's egotistic, overriding , exploitive
his "I'll take from you and then throw
you away" ,
the real reason - like in the case of Daniel,
her drug addicted brother & her parents -
is our addiction to our righteousness, our
natural so-called "compassion".
I give thanks to the cooperation between your brain &
those who guide us
that we - after 2000 years of unbalanced preaching of "compassion"
can begin to grasp that compassion
towards "T" mixed with denial of Self
is devastating for Self, for "T" , yes for the entire
and - I again emphasize this new insight -
that this denial of Self is really rooted in the addiction
to our 'righteousness'
~ the patterned need
~ the imprinted judgment ~the cultural conditioning
that the value of "being compassionate towards the other"
- is "absolute".
8:35 I'm grate-full for this sculpture!!!
who is that - YOU?
kalah, warm , loving!
A stepmother,
but not killing,
wombing her son as her daughter!
A sign of redemption!
Heaven on Earth!
You chose actors for the entire drama! |
song for Efrat's birthday
- adapted to a Schubert-Shakespeare song -
needs modification,
at least in its interpretation and application.
For the line "wombing her son"
might be understood
as unbalanced, patterned compassion.
Since I haven't yet found the exact term,
I'm explaining, what I mean by "unbalanced":
It is the "ethical" belief and attitude
which amplifies the plus-pole in a way
that the minus-pole will be amplified as well!
See an excerpt of the English translation
of Erich
Neumann's book,
Depth Psychology and a New Ethic,
which - ever since the year 1969 - has begun
to shatter my belief "that one has to be good".
And the compassion is "patterned",
if it is not strictly directed to the needs of "T",
of "T" as an actor chosen to play in my drama,
but derives from my egotistic-egocentric need
to be 'righteous' in my own as in others' eyes!

to my Present
There were not as many hours with Mika as I thought,
but those which we had, were magnificent- and free of
all ambivalence.
I regret, that I didn't take more photos.
There are only these about the encounter with the dumb-deaf
(Arab?) shepherd,
who drove the herd of his boss into the pens
- right across our veranda-lawn-fence
and the little slope beyond it -
exactly when we left the house, in order to go to the
grocery for grapes,
and to the playground in the center of the village.
Since the first thing we wanted to do, was to discover
the cock or cocks,
which are "alerting us " so often and not only
before sunrise...
we ran right into the herd.
When Imma later asked Mika about this experience,
Mika focused on the shepherd and didn't mention how she
touched some kids.
"The sheep were running fast
(they were afraid of us),
and the man did not talk!"
"But what did he show you,
where did he take you, Mika", I tried to help
"The man did not talk!"
she repeated, as if nothing else had mattered.
I can see on the photo, that she somehow grasped this
man's handicap
but couldn't integrate it in her frame of reference.
The shepherd and I talked with signs,
but he, for instance, did not understand, that I asked
him about his name.
He understood instead: "Where do you come from?"
and pointed into the direction east of Bet Nehemya.
On the other hand, when he showed us the ewe ('rachel'
in Hebrew]
with two kids drinking from her udders,
I understood, that the mother was a bit sick.
I also understood, when he gestured with regret in his
that those young sheep over there would be led to slaughter
Of course, I had to remember "my" verse, the
verse about 'rachel'- Isaiah
53:7 -........
But again - I didn't get, what he
gestured, when the cock and the hen escaped,
while several white egrets flew around the roofs above
the different pens.
It "sounded" , as if all these birds found worms
in the soil,
but why should this cause him to worry?

There seems to happen something with the "triggering
children" after all, at least with Yael and Itamar.
After Efrat and I had "rested our case" with the "Quartet"
yesterday and let go,
Ronnit called Efrat today , and among other issues brought up the
"Isn't there going to be any Grandma-Day?"
"I came down on her like a thunderstorm",
told Efrat, "how do you dare... "
etc. etc.
As a result Yael wrote an SMS to me : "Would
it suit to do tomorrow?"
Would it suit to do what?
And later: "Grandma, I'm sorry, that I
didn't call or send a message,
the entire week I had something else
and yesterday there was a Bat Mitzvah from 3 to 12 in the night.
bla- bla-bla.
As we had fixed yesterday, the communication was up to Efrat.
I warned her: "remember not to get messed
up with those children.
You and I need all our energy to fight - not on one front - but among
cross-firing from all sides."
She knew, I meant our superhuman lesson with Tomer.
"No, I'll call Yael and when she'll say
she wants to come, when and with whom,
I'll ask for her mother and fix the details with her."
"MIND YOU!" I repeated, "BE
CAREFUL, we have had enough disappointments!"
She promised.
We still don't know, if Arnon and Ayelet will "change their program"
and come after all.
I am angry, I am triggered, and I am fed up with these youngsters,
who are so over-fed with "programs", that they don't know
what to prefer,
leave alone respond to an invitation with either "yes" or
I can very well understand,
that after they had dedicated so much time to their
presentation for my 70th birthday,
they felt no need for a "Grandma-Day",
and I, even at a time, when I still initiated such days, wouldn't
have done so in this case.
But I felt compassion with Efrat, who so much wants company for Mika,
now that Mika is on holiday from her kindergarden,
and I am proud, that Efrat prefers the company of my grandchildren.
And yet, I do not want to give time and energy to coping with this
It's small and will dissipate the moment, the kids or some of them
will come here.
I want to stay focused on the "Tomer-less
Lesson" of yesterday morning,
And though I've written about it, thought about it, screamed about
talked about it with Efrat,
I again and again go through the scene at the gate
(and I'll now, though it's almost night - 19:18
- ) go there and take
a photo -
- I feel, as if something crucial could have happened there,
but I missed it, I failed, I was in the clutches of fears, of which
I wasn't even aware...
I'm back: 19:42
When I reached the gate in the security
fence which surrounds Bet Nehemya,
I found it wide open - unlike yesterday morning - when only the lock
was open.
The traces of animals - perhaps our shepherd's sheep - were in the
center of the gateway.
With some effort I succeeded in restoring
the gate as I had found it:
I saw how symbolic the state of the gate was, when we reached it:
It looked closed, but when looking close, there was an opening.
The opening which my fear made me forgo...
Does the wide open gate today also symbolize
I photographed the closed-open opening with and without flash
And then I placed myself on the other side,
though not as far away as I had stood,
when I invited Tomer to see the sunrise, and when he, instead, asked,
if I felt offended.
The track on the other side is where he walked away from me, home, to
the computer...
Here are more images of my Tomer-less walk
in the early morning yesterday , along the fence and east of the highway

The marked path passes by a huge area of
deserted hen-houses - to an underpass which leads back into the security-fenced-in
Floyd are an English rock band (1964-1994) who initially earned
recognition for their psychedelic or space rock music, and, as
they evolved, for their progressive rock music. They are known
for philosophical lyrics, sonic experimentation, ..., the group
have sold over 200 million albums worldwide.. Pink Floyd have
influenced progressive rock artists of the 1970s such as Genesis...
One of Genesis' Songs which Tomer taught
me on Shabbat
during that hour which I should have dedicated to Body's wish
to sleep...
("what means 'Genesis'?"
he asked))
: Firth of Fifth
The path is clear
Though no eyes can see
The course laid down long before.
And so with gods and men
The sheep remain inside their pen,
Though many times they've seen the way to leave.
He rides majestic
Past homes of men
Who care not or gaze with joy,
To see reflected there
The trees, the sky, the lily fair,
The scene of death is lying just below.
The mountain cuts off the town from view,
Like a cancer growth is removed by skill.
Let it be revealed.
A waterfall, his madrigal.
An inland sea, his symphony.
Undinal songs
Urge the sailors on
Till lured by the sirens' cry.
Now as the river dissolves in sea,
So Neptune has claimed another soul.
And so with gods and men
The sheep remain inside their pen,
Until the Shepherd leads his flock away.
The sands of time were eroded by
The river of constant change,
I'm back inside the fence of Bet Nehemya,
I stop to take a picture of a view, which is embellished by a Bougainvillia.
I turn around on the spot and take a picture of the opposite view -
towards the east.
I discover some spots of
beauty: the fruits on a "Sabres"- cactus
(when I first came to Israel in 1960, Jews who were born in
- unlike most others who had immigrated -
were called "Sabres", meaning: outside thorny, but
inside sweet...
And then - hanging on the bare branch of a tree: the skin of
a snake!
Just before I reached the western "outskirts" of Bet-Nehemya,
where the fence runs along the road Shoham-Ben-Shemen junction,
I turned into a street to the north, which led into the village.
The first house was a kitschy marvel in ever so many respects:
First some stalks of Hatzav
, one of them particularly huge
totally out of place - in front of cultivated Geranium flowers
(Hatzav is a wild flower which announces the end of the summer).
I watched the strange composition of "utensils"
around the strange family name Khushkho,
the old pail with the address: farm 11,
the old milk-can
and the rocket or whatever this is between two flags
above a bombastic gate with the words: Welcome!
See some more impressions tomorrow
Mika - before going to sleep in my room:
"Imma, it's your birthday [actually
on July 5], I want to put this wreath
on you"
(it's a chain of wooden beads, which I once received from Ayelet).
Then she played "Flour-Sack", but instead of "Flour-Sack
on the Back",
she sang "Flour-Sack on the head" and laughed her grand
until she fell off her mother's back on her own back!...
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7 years ~ HOME
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( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
never perfect&complete
Keep It
Simple Sweetheart
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