Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1 2
3 |
And |
Train |
In |
Creating |
Daily |

Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk
among each other,
and he listens and he
yatakaalamuna allathina
yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri va-yasma'
Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht und er
Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent
l'un a l'autre
il entends,
il ecoute
It seems that I chose 26 actors
for my life's drama and those 26 actors chose me! One
common trait of all roles is "mutual dependency"
between them and me.
With 16 actors - my family - the mutual
dependency is life-long! With my landlords
at Arad & with my 6 starchildren, born
between 1986-88, it may be temporary.
My children: Immanuel, Ronnit, Micha; my
children-in-love: Efrat, Uri, Ra'ayah; my 10 grandchildren [born
1987-2005): Elah-Alon-Tomer-Mika; Jonathan-Rotem-Yael-Itamar;
My landlords: Ofir & Meital+ Lior (2002) & Amit (2005).
My starchildren: Lior Oren, Zipi Winkler , Dina Strat , Meshi
Taib, Gal Mor, Boris Arons [26=YHWH=13+13=ahavah+ahavah =LOVE!]
k.i.s.s.-l o g + all
~ Library of
7 years ~ HOME
~ contact ~
( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
SMS to Tamir
from Riki, Dental Clinic -dentures ready
Lior and Amit, then Meital, Amit stayed on for
more than 1 hr. |
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
SMS to Tamir
"Tamir! I strongly intend,
that this year you'll find your love and your family
and an expression of your vocation
which will excite and full-fill you!"
"Many thanks for your
being... beloved woman, Tamir" |
Tamir's palm-frond
art at the Red Sea & above the Salt Sea
~and~my recent experience with Tamir & Tomer!
the tragic
sculpted in June 2003,

hodayot [thanksgivings] for
I give thanks
to you, Tamir,
that you agreed to be an actor in my drama
(in the years 1998-1999 and in 2004),
and to try to be a partner in realizing
our vision,
and this though you are 32
years younger and lack minimal "education".
I am grate-full for our one meeting
in 2 years
when I came to you because of Tomer."
Watching Tamir-Tomer side by side on
that image (Sept.

I now know with even more certainty,
that it's not "partnership", better: "peer-ship",
which I'm meant to live at present - despite my longing -
but "Grandmotherhood" - and this mainly with Tomer
and Mika.
I am grate-full for the experience with these two on this
a bit painful with Tomer. and very joyful with Mika.
After hours of playing in my room, -
at 18:50 - I announced:
"Mika, we should begin to
put order around here,
for soon I'll have to return to Arad."
Mika never makes a scene, when her loved-ones part,
Abba for a flight for a few days, Elah after a visit of a
few hours.
"You are not going?"
Mika asked, when her sister got up from her chair.
"No, not yet!"
But when she did, Mika refused to kiss her "good-bye"
As to grandma this time, she had a special way of expressing
her grief:
She got up from my bed where we had played a role-play [see
between "Hatfani", the "snatcher" (a TV
animal), and Gal, a friend:
and said "casually": "Hatfani
gets lost, if Gallush goes to Arad!"
and while leaving the room: "Hatfani
gets lost NOW!"
When - at 23:00 - I reported to my son that I had reached
my home, he told:
"When I came back and sat
at her bed, she asked:
"did you bring grandma to Arad?"-
"No, only to the train. Grandma is sweet, isn't she?
"Yes she plays very, very nicely with me!"
Sara, Tamir's mother
outside Tamir's tent in Eilat after the storm
and Shim'on, Tamir's father in front of the David-Succah above
the SaltSea.
Tamir and Rachel in the Red Sea and some months later with Sarah
at the SaltSea.
these photos side by side, I observe, how in the Red Sea Tamir
put's his hand on Rachel's shoulder, while at the Salt Sea it's
me who puts her hand on his.
Children Songs about
which I've learnt from Mika's audio -discs
and which Tamir will hopefully sing to his future children
from Others
Kaestner ueber Gotthold
Efraim Lessing
(und ueber sich selber?)
Das, was er schrieb, war manchmal Dichtung,
Doch um zu dichten, schrieb er nie.
Es gab kein Ziel. Er fand die Richtung.
Er war ein Mann und kein Genie.
Er stand allein und kämpfte ehrlich
Und schlug der Zeit die Fenster ein.
Nichts auf der Welt macht so gefährlich,
Als tapfer und allein zu sein!
In 3SAT "Sternstunden der Philosophie"
an interview with the sinologist Harro von Senger
about China's "36 Stratagems" (which could also be
called: 36 trickeries)
I was impressed by the comparison between cunnery as a Chinese
and the characterization of the snake in the Garden of Eden,
associated by Harro:
"the snake was more shrewd arum
than all the living-things of the field that YHWH, God, had
made" {Genesis 3:1,
translation of
Everett Fox}:
as well as Jesus' saying:
[I am sending you out like sheep among wolves].
Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.Matthew
10:16 International Translation
But throughout the interesting program
I felt - as usual -
that I have no emotional connection to China at all,
and this despite one little book in my youth about China,
from which I remember one scene:
a peasant woman works on her field, suddenly goes into labor,
gives birth - without any midwife - and continues to work.
3 SAT: "Wie schützt man
sich vor listigen Verhandlungspartnern? Vielleicht so: Indem
man die List durchschaut. Bleibt die Frage des Wie. Der Sinologe
Harro von Senger widmet seine Forschungsarbeit seit über
30 Jahren der "unsichtbaren Software" chinesischen
Denkens. Besonders dem Katalog der 36 Strategeme, einer altchinesischen
Sammlung raffinierter List-Anwendungen, die noch heute zur kulturellen
Bildung der Chinesen gehören. Von Sengers beschäftigt
sich aber auch mit zwei weiteren Säulen des geistigen
Koordinatensystems, um das eine Beurteilung der Entwicklung
des heutigen China nicht herumkommt: Einerseits die Supraplanung,
die für uns unvorstellbar
langfristige Zukunftsplanung des
Reichs der Mitte. Anderseits den Sinomarxismus,
zu dem sich das heutige China nach wie vor in seiner Verfassung
bekennt. Hat der Westen China gegenüber eine Intelligenz-Kluft
zu überwinden?"
In Beijing
Review I
found this article
UPDATED: December-21-2006 Web
Harro von Senger and His 36 Stratagems
Professor Harro von Senger, a leading
Sinologist with the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law in Lausanne,
recently held a press conference to announce the publication
of the Chinese version of his book The Book of Stratagems. He
is regarded as a leading Western expert on the subject having
devoted several decades to the research of Chinese ancient military
strategy. Uncertain of his readers' reactions, the professor
only wrote about the first 18 'stratagems' in the first volume
of his book published in German in Berne in 1992. But it became
so popular that it has since been reprinted many times and translated
into 12 languages, such as Dutch, Italian, Chinese, English
and French. The total print run so far is 500,000.
In 2000, the second volume illustrating the
remaining 18 stratagems came out. August 2006, meanwhile, witnessed
the return of the ancient Chinese tactics to their home as the
complete Chinese manuscript of wo volumes was published in China.
At the press conference in Beijing, Professor
von Senger impressed the audience with his refined Eastern manners
and perfect Chinese. His speech had great sense of humanity
and was sprinkled with many delightful idiomatic Chinese expressions.
Love affair with "Chinese stratagems"
Born into an intellectual family in Switzerland,
Harro Ven Senger saw Chinese characters for the first time at
a family friend's home in 1963. The same year, he was admitted
to the Department of Law of Zurich University and later chose
the Chinese language as his minor. Although he passed the bar
exam in 1971, he found the "China dream" too attractive
to give up. So, he left Switzerland for Asia and studied Chinese
in Japan, Chinese mainland and Taiwan.
It was pure coincidence that led Harro
von Senger to the "36 stratagems." One day, a professor
from the Center for Chinese Language and Culture Studies of
National Taiwan Normal University, suddenly said to him that,
of the 36 stratagems, running away was the best. When von Senger
asked him what were the other 35 stratagems, the professor said
he didn't know. At that time, von Senger was living in a students'
dorm of Taiwan University and he questioned his Chinese roommates
on the subject. Two or three days later, a Chinese student gave
him a copy of all the names of the 36 stratagems. Several weeks
later, when von Senger was at a book market and a Chinese student
who was with him picked up one book and said: "This is
a book on the 36 stratagems; are you interested?" Thus
von Senger purchased his first book on this subject.
In the interview today Harro
von Senger told this a bit different: von Senger met an
Austrian, who had emigrated to China in the thirties (a
Jew?), who asked him: "Do you
know the 36 stratagems?" and was surprised to
hear, that the first ones he knew by heart. He sent him
to a library, but "they always
said, that it had been lent out. Probably"
- and he laughed - "this
in itself was such a "stratagem" used against
me!" - It was the time of Mao
Zedong .... |
He studied in Japan for two years after his
two-year stay in Taiwan. Then, between 1975 and 1977, he studied
history and philosophy at Peking University. During this period,
he gradually understood that the stratagems were not only relevant
to ancient times but also formed a modern tactic for analyzing
the adversary.
Upon returning to Switzerland, Harro
von Senger started to examine the social phenomena in Western
society in light of the 36 stratagems. "I
noticed that the 36 stratagems are not unique to China; they
have universal value and can help to better understand society
and human relations. Therefore I selected a large number of
Western cases in the first volume of Stratagems in order to
globalize this branch of Chinese culture," he said.
Eastern wisdom
The professor has divided consciousness of the stratagems into
three levels. The first is zero level, in other words, total
ignorance. He quoted the example of Adam and Eve, saying: "Of
all the animals, the snake is the trickiest. Since Adam and
Eve didn't have any consciousness
of the trickery involved, they fell into the snake's trap. The
outraged God drove them out of Paradise. A recent Western theory
posed the question whether Adam and Eve could be Chinese. My
answer is no. If they were Chinese, they would not have been
trapped by the snake and they would be able to continue living
in Paradise."
When he talked about the middle level, he cited
quoted an example from The Prince written by Niccolò
Machiavelli, in which a politician concealed his real intentions
through using plots and intrigues. Pretending to seek reconciliation,
the politician took advantage of the trust of his enemy, who
ended up being hanged for his sincerity. When Machiavelli wrote
this history, he was aware of the stratagems used by the politician
but he failed to define them.
According to Harro von Senger, the highest
level of stratagems doesn't exist anywhere other than China
and there were numerable examples from the classic novel Romance
of the Three Kingdoms as manifestation, such as the linking
stratagem. "Europeans could
only know the stratagems, but would be unable to define them
nor explain our full appreciation of them," he sighed.
See the
list of the 36 stratagems
The Secret Book of the Art of War
(Sanshiliu Ji: Miben Bingfa)
from circa AD 1500
7. Creating something out of nothing
16. If one wishes to catch something,
one has first to let it go
30. Turning [the
role of] the guest into [that
of] the host
36. [When
the situation is growing hopeless]
running away [in
good time] is the best stratagem
On the same page of
, Dec. 2006 I found a link to an event, of which I had no idea.
Nor did I know, that Ehud Olmert's family had lived in China.
January-5-2007 web exclusive
Israeli Prime Minister to Visit China
At the invitation of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, Ehud Olmert,
Israel's prime minister, will pay a formal visit to China on January
The visit is to mark the 15th anniversary
of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and
Israel, which took place on January 24, 1992. Prime Minister
Olmert will be the first foreign leader to visit China in 2007.
...Olmert will meet with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier
Wen. They will talk about ways to promote bilateral relations,
and discuss regional and international affairs of concern to
both countries, such as the situation in the Middle East and
the Iranian nuclear issue. Olmert and Wen will also witness
the signing of bilateral agreements.
During his visit, the Israeli prime minister will also meet
with Chinese entrepreneurs in order to boost bilateral trade
and economic ties. He will also attend the inauguration of a
China-Israel dairy technological cooperation center. In addition,
Olmert will visit several competition venues for the 2008 Olympic
Games, which are still under construction.
A concert marking the 15th anniversary of
China-Israel diplomatic relations will be held on January 11.
Famous artists and singers from both countries will perform
together on stage.
Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the two countries
have developed ties in different fields. According
to Israeli statistics, the bilateral trade volume reached $2.6
billion in 2005, and is expected to top $3 billion in 2006.
Olmert is the third Israeli prime minister to visit China,
but the first in nine years. His last visit was in June 2004,
when he served as vice prime minister.
Olmert was born to a Jewish family that had
lived in China for decades, and thus has a special relationship
with the country. In 1917, his grandfather moved to Harbin,
the capital of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. The
prime minister's father was born and educated in the city, and
lived there until he moved to Israel in 1932.
(Source: Press and Information
Section, Embassy of Israel to China)
to my Present
It turned out, that yesterday was Meital's 32nd birthday.
They wanted to invite me, but I wasn't in Arad,
so she promised the children,
that they would be allowed to bring me some cake the next day.
They reminded her of this promise , which was only an excuse
to spend time with me.
Amit wanted to paint with Gouache rightaway
and I feared for his clothes, since his mother...
After a while Meital came, hinted at her birthday, but was afraid,
when I started my birthday-talk:
"3 things you are grate-full for
and something you wish for your new year. "
The gratefulness included also Me
"for becoming more and more knitted
into this family and house",
and one of the wishes was: "that
I may be less pressurized".
She laughed: "though it seems to
get worse with the years, I still wish this!"
I felt great compassion for her, being so familiar with pressure,
though for different reasons.
"You shouldn't let him paint with
You shouldn't let him wash the dishes!"
"But Meital, that's why he likes to come to me, because
I allow such things,
again I ask, when you send the kids to me,
dress them in a way, that they can become dirty."
The most important point in the short encounter was only hinted
at by Meital:
I had admitted, that if the two kids come to me together, I
feel terribly stressed,
because -unlike my 4-5 grandchildren, who take care of each
Lior and Amit ask for my attention both at the same time:
"that's because they are so excited!
If they wouldn't come here only once in 2 months, they wouldn't
be so...."
From this I understood, that more chances to be with me are
And I want to think about how to plan and organize this.
So that 2 dangers will be avoided:
(1) My first unpleasant reaction - even if I don't show it -
that I'm being "disturbed in my work" by their sudden
(2) The danger of too much contact and dependency
between me and my landlord family.


When Lior was dragged away by her mother,
since "you have to shower before
you go to your dance circle" (why
"before"???), Amit finally had the priviledge to be
alone with me. First he wanted to cut paper and train in handling
glue and celotape. When I feared for my bed-cover, I brought this
tray. "It has to be cleaned,
it is dirty!" and to prove
it, he asked me to wipe my hand over it. It was indeed dirty,
so I taught him, how to wet and wring a rag and clean especially
in the corners. This was a good exercise before he went on to
a more difficult task: |
"I want to wash the dishes in the
I put the stool, which I once let
being made by a locksmith for Immanuel, when I wanted him to
wash the dishes once a week,
except that he was 9 or 10 years old then...
and I taught him systematically, even how to clean a knife.
He is so talented, so dedicated... |
In the end he begged me again to let him take
photos, and with my help, he is getting better at that too...
from Others
Zum 20. Mal gehen 2008 in Baden-Baden die besten Fernsehfilme
für den renommierten Fernsehfilmpreis der "Deutschen
Akademie der Darstellenden Künste" ins Rennen.
Nominiert von Sendern in Deutschland, Österreich
und der Schweiz sowie den Mitgliedern der "Deutschen
Akademie der Darstellenden Künste", stellen
sie sich den strengen Kriterien der Jury. Dieser gehören
2008 unter anderen die Schauspielerin Eva Mattes und
der Schriftsteller Harry Rowohlt an. Alljährlich
zeigt 3sat die Filme des Festivals in seinem Programm
und ruft die Zuschauer auf, ihren Favoriten zu wählen.
Dieser wird dann mit dem 3sat-Zuschauerpreis ausgezeichnet.
Folgende Filme sind dieses Jahr im Rennen: Von der ARD
wurde der Film "Brennendes Herz" über
einen Neonazi, der sich in ein türkisches Mädchen
verliebt, nominiert. Das ZDF geht mit "Das Wunder
von Berlin" ins Rennen, eine Stasigeschichte, gespielt
von Heino Ferch und Veronica Ferres. Von Pro7 kommt
"Fleisch", in dem ein junges Ehepaar auf seiner
Hochzeitsreise in Südafrika entführt wird,
und Sat.1 stellt sich mit "Don Quichote - Gib niemals
auf!" mit einem Familienfilm der Jury. Die weiteren
Filme wurden vom Schweizer Fernsehen, dem ORF, ARTE
und den Landesrundfunkanstalten der ARD produziert.
Die Reportage "Best of -
Fernsehfilm-Festival Baden-Baden 2008" stellt die
Preisträger des Festivals vor, berichtet über
die wichtigsten Filme und vermittelt die Stimmung des
Festivals, zu dem sich alljährlich im Kurhaus in
Baden-Baden Filmemacher aus ganz Deutschlandversammeln.
Auch der Gewinner des 3sat-Zuschauerpreises wird vorgestellt.
a 3 SAT report about those 12 films of the Baden-Baden
last week,
of which I managed to see six (?),
the first prominent person to be interviewed said:
What I expect from a good movie
are 3 things:
- that I feel entertained
- that I get something to think about deeper
- that some of my prejudices become shattered.
Big Brother
Drama Channel 2 , the Sunday show
I hadn't
watched since last public show, on Tuesday.
Now I feel a bit sad, that there was a regression
concerning the bonding
between oldtimes and newtimers...
And - there is the story with Ranin:
She went to the Confession Room announcing,
that this time she would propose herself for
"I am bewildered
and with low self-esteem. I don't know what
to think of myself.
I've never been proposed for dismissal by
the people in this house,
and therefore never had a chance to find out,
how I'm perceived outside."
But the next day, when she had to make this
proposal official, she regretted:
"Though I desperately
need to know who I am in the eyes of the public,
I don't want to waste my votes.
I need them, in order to propose two people
who "do bad" osim
ra' to the house:
Yossi and Shakhar"
I couldn't help agreeing with her concerning
these two.
But then the surprising thing happened, that
she did become a candidate!
3 participants proposed her, Yossi and Shakhar
and Einav understandably: [see
on Nov. 27]
She was so happy, when she was announced as
votable for dismissal!
Shakhar, Shifra and Ranin are "on the
grill", as they say.
Shifra was also happy. She had said before:
"If a person like Shakhar is esteemed
by the public,
then I want to be discarded by it.
And anyway I'm dying to go home and see my
What I expect from a good
movie are 3 things:
- that I feel entertained
- that I get something to think about deeper
- that some of my prejudices become shattered.
It is exactly this threefold experience,
which I find in "Big Brother".
of our Foursome on Friday afternoon and the Eve of Shabbat |
Since the battery of the new camera announced
it would soon be empty
and I hadn't taken the reserve one, though I had charged it right
after Immanuel delivered it,
I returned to my cell-phone camera for the last photos during daylight
[I walked - and photographed - the
same path in August, see Aug. 24
and Aug. 25]

The cellphone doesn't render the beauty of
the setting sun at the horizon, but it gives an idea of the beauty of
the narcissus at our feet:

As to more
images of our togetherness - the threesome walk and Shabbat
- see tomorrow |
SMS to Tamir
from Riki, Dental Clinic -dentures ready
Lior and Amit, then Meital, Amit stayed on for
more than 1 hr. |
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~ Library of
7 years ~ HOME
~ contact ~
( of Latin characters only!) my
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