Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1 2
3 |
And |
Train |
In |
Creating |
Daily |

Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk
among each other,
and he listens and he
yatakaalamuna allathina
yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri va-yasma'
Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht und er
Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent
l'un a l'autre
il entends,
il ecoute
It seems that I chose 26 actors
for my life's drama and those 26 actors chose me! One
common trait of all roles is "mutual dependency"
between them and me.
With 16 actors - my family - the mutual
dependency is life-long! With my landlords
at Arad & with my 6 starchildren, born
between 1986-88, it may be temporary.
My children: Immanuel, Ronnit, Micha; my
children-in-love: Efrat, Uri, Ra'ayah; my 10 grandchildren [born
1987-2005): Elah-Alon-Tomer-Mika; Jonathan-Rotem-Yael-Itamar;
My landlords: Ofir & Meital+ Lior (2002) & Amit (2005).
My starchildren: Lior Oren, Zipi Winkler , Dina Strat , Meshi
Taib, Gal Mor, Boris Arons [26=YHWH=13+13=ahavah+ahavah =LOVE!]
k.i.s.s.-l o g + all
~ Library of
7 years ~ HOME
~ contact ~
( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
To the pool
only once because of other tasks and accident
while walking down Wadi.
Power-cut planned, there-fore little Kisslog creating
Shop: butter, milk, labaneh
TV: "Kidney donation!"
SMS Ofir-Rachel:
no electricity between 9:00-16:00
Dental Clinic: Riki, Dr. Irena, Anna. Postal
Bank: Nomi Avitan, Woman in sidkit (haberdashery) shop,
to Meital. Lior invited to learn to crochet, Lior, then Ofir
, Meital
Efrat -"kidney"-doc.! Tomer!
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
7:19 An SMS from
Ofir at 7:00 "No Electricity today froom 9:00-16:00"
-"???" - "the Company distributed notes in our
I desire to move my feelings - disappointment
that I cannot accomplish what I planned to create
and complete on K.i.s.s.-Log , fear what to do with my time
without computer & TV,
fear of having to face my addiction to intense output-put and
total dependency on electricity for this .
I desire to open myself to a wonderful opportunity of spending
time outside planning & routine.
I desire to savor the hours without electricity! [Why
did "savoring" turn into physcial "suffering"?] |
My solarpowered
computer in my bus 1991,
and the solar-panels on top of the bus at the Red Sea 1998
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
My Body,
my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to your nano-problems, the cramp in my right
foot tonight,
the running nose and coughing the previous night,
the sudden, painful "crouching" of my groin 2 days
the discomfort in my mouth because of dentures , part of the
because all these make me even more
aware of your overall wellness.
I am again and again GRATE-FULL for
the technical basis of my life,
Who in the electricity based humankind has had the chance
like me,
to appreciate it - when I lived in a bus, in a tent, in a
cave -
and how many people use it for Healing, Creating & relevant
And who except for experts has given so much time and "energy"
to replacing the petrol-dependent electricity by the power
of wind & sun?
I am grate-full that nowadays electricity comes to me without
I'm grate-full to the companies and workers who provide electricity.
I'm grate-full that the costs of my electricity are included
in my rent to Ofir,
for I would rather eat dry bread than not having enough electricity.
The solar panels in front of the "penthouse",
which I added in 1997
Dental Clinic:
After the extraction of another still alive
tooth and the arrival of the re-adjusted dentures:
"We hope you'll not have to return to us
except for checkups every half year!"
Outside the dental room: Riki, the secretary,
with an Ethiopian client : "but
I'm not photogenic!"
inside: Dr. Irena, ready to pose for my wish to be photographed with
her by Anna, her assistant.
Anna, when I took her own picture and showed it to her: "But
it looks as if I was doing nothing".
I always pity the boring job of a dental assistant, who much of the
time has "nothing to do".
The more so Anna, who had quite a different profession in Russia....
Impressions of Arad,
my town [experienced before
my slipping accident!]
This is the nice employee, Nomi Avitan,
at the postal bank,
from where I had to take my pension
and order a new check-book, which I need only
in order to take out the monthly pension!
The advertisement on the red-grey truck:
Be yourself
- five times.
But what does the car market? Cigarettes! |

Since I'm not focused on my specific assignments
today - no electricity at home! - I open my eyes to look around.
As usual I savor the ethnical diversity of the population of this
small town in the desert - Arad
50 % Immigrants from Russia, but also Bedouins, Ethiopians, Black
Hebrews, Orthodox Jews (see the one who
goes towards the red truck!)
Bedouins I couldn't catch on this picture, though I saw them at many
a restaurant table in the court which continues to the right

I was amused by the combination of advertisements
around the central circle of the town
To the left: The "PARTNERSHIP
2000" CIRCLE,
To the right : the poster on the Samuel Rubin Cultural Center:
25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence
Against Women
and in between "yesh
kesem ba-avir" - there is magic in the air!
And then, when approaching the woman-shadow behind
the bars,
I discerned the advertisement : "L'HOMME"
- THE MAN ....
From this perspective the roses seem to bridge between them....

Why did I need to touch the center of the
town at all?
Because I wanted to buy threads in white, black and brown, and crochet
hooks for little Lior.
I knew there was still one of those shops, where such little, but
so practical things can be bought.
But when I saw the advertisement outside: "A story of textiles",
I was afraid, that this shop too had disappeared.
I entered and saw the woman, whom I remembered from past years (I
"settled" in Arad 4 years ago).
"Do you still have "sidkit"
(in English: "haberdashery"?
in German; "Kurzwaren")?"
"Oh yes!" "But it's not
written outside?" "No? I know it's mentioned in the "Golden
"Well, someone who wants to by some threads, will not look for
them in the Golden Pages, would he!"
I praised her for still dealing with such things, but she didn't have
"scissors for children" (for
Amit, see yesterday!)
and she didn't have the Nr. 3 of the crochet hooks, only Nr. 2.5 and
Nr. 3.5.
Anyway I was grateful for what she did have.

I then turned back towards the pool and my neighborhood.
Near the pool there is the grocery, where I - rarely - buy those things,
which do not come to me "by themselves",
like milk, butter and the cheapest bread-spread, nowadays "Labaneh".
I forgot to take a photo, though this small grocery is important for
since it spares me the "torture" of having to enter a Supermarket.
to my Present
In the pool I felt very tired and yearned to go home and sleep
like yesterday.
It's always like that after my travel from the north: for 1
1/2 days I am tired.
But this time there would be a much more severe reason for needing
my bed:
On the way down the
Wadi of Compassion
when I was fumbling with my cellphone - trying to click the
next song to rehearse -
I slipped!
I slipped so badly and felt so much pain,
that at first I thought I would not be able to get up by myself.
Then I realized, that the cellphone had torn itself from the
socket and flown away.
Moving myself somehow towars the small shrubs next to my climb-down,
where I discerned 3 different components of the phone,
I felt anxious: "what, if I can't
even use the phone to get help?"
And , of course, parallel to these exterior worries, I asked
"Why have I attracted this?"
The faint answer: "It's because
you make a fuss about some hours without electricity"
did not feel right.
I do not believe, that I'm attracting punishment, as long as
I am aware of a pattern.
And - as today's "altar" proves - I was very much
aware of it.
So, why did I slip?
I'm writing this the next morning:
The first answer was paradoxical:
"You saw, that despite the
dispersion of the phone parts - you could fix the phone!
Also: despite the immense pain, which made you scream ever so
often day and night,
you understood, that the pain would slowly pass without any
medical intervention.
And you could not only drag yourself down and up through the
Wadi of Compassion,
- you also managed, though slowly and screaming with pain, to
move in your home,
between bed, kitchen and toilet, and later even to the computer."
"So? why did it happen at all?
Only to make me feel even more grate-full for the way my Body
even when it attracts an accident?"
"Do not try to figure it out
too soon! Live the pain and the gratitude!"
Little Lior came to learn crocheting, but -
lying on my mattress - I couldn't take a photo.
When my patience was exhausted, I told her to now practice at home what
she had understood already,
and to come again tomorrow - "but
just for 10 minutes" - so you can train and not forget what you
learnt already."
to my Present
I'm glad, that after much thinking -
Meital's hinted disappointment that the kids see me only "once
in 2 months" -
I found the following solution:
a) I'll fulfil Meital's wish to teach Lior crocheting,
by buying 2 hooks and giving them to Lior as a gift,
and by teaching her during a sequence of sessions dedicated
to this learning only.
b) I'll initiate a routine of being with the kids for an hour
a week,
but with each one separately,
so as to be able to give maximum of attention to each,
and so as to not be pressured myself.
I still don't know, if it should be one hour for each a week,
i.e. two hours a week,
or one hour per week, alternating between the two kids.
As to the extraordinary heart-warming Israeli
"like love is meant to be",
see tomorrow
of the Day
Da neigt sich die Stunde
und rührt mich an
mit klarem, metallenem Schlag:
mir zittern die Sinne. Ich fühle: ich kann -
und ich fasse den plastischen Tag.
Nichts war noch vollendet, eh ich es erschaut,
ein jedes Werden stand still.
Meine Blicke sind reif, und wie eine Braut
kommt jedem das Ding, das er will.
Nichts ist mir zu klein, und ich lieb es trotzdem
und mal' es auf Goldgrund und groß
und halte es hoch, und ich weiß nicht wem
löst es die Seele los...
An attempt to translate the
last stanza at least:
Nothing is too small for me, and I still love it,
and paint it on gold and huge
and lift it high up, and I don't know whom
will it untie and loosen the soul
of our Foursome on Friday afternoon and the Eve of Shabbat |

At home I could continue with the new camera,
which worked well as long as we handled it well....

"Mika, put
your five fingers next to the five finger leaf" |
Grandma's green wide Pullover

Immanuel: "Mika,
we shall now introduce a new ceremony to you!",
meaning my non-traditional ritual concerning
light, wine and bread,
which are the traditional elements blessed on the Eve of Shabbat
[see more on November
This image
of how I unite the two flames,
I let Immanuel take in February 2002,
when he already had a camera,
but I hadn't.
See puzzle-piece 50.
The November 2008 pictures of Mika
I asked Immanuel to take,
only after the ceremony was over.
I wonder, why they came out so badly
(the camera was still on "sunset",
not on "automatic",
but this doesn't explain
the miserable expression
of Mika's face.
Still I want to keep the images
until there will be an opportunity
to replace them) |
At the end of dinner Mika vigorously stirs
a "cake" in the bowl, which had contained "parmesan-cheese",
and then feeds it to her mother
To the pool
only once because of other tasks and accident
while walking down Wadi.
Power-cut planned, there-fore little Kisslog creating
Shop: butter, milk, labaneh
TV: "Kidney donation!"
SMS Ofir-Rachel:
no electricity between 9:00-16:00
Dental Clinic: Riki, Dr. Irena, Anna. Postal
Bank: Nomi Avitan, Woman in sidkit (haberdashery) shop,
to Meital. Lior invited to learn to crochet, Lior, then Ofir
, Meital
Efrat -"kidney"-doc.! Tomer!
k.i.s.s.-l o g + all
~ Library of
7 years ~ HOME
~ contact ~
( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
never perfect&complete
Keep It
Simple Sweetheart
- L O G 2
0 0 8