2005_04_25 ~~~ See the continuation of "Noah's
Shore" on www.Empower.co.il/ARARAT
For the Dreamer Trainees on
Noah's Shore:
Two attempts to trace the evolution of Noah's DeadSea
until the breakthrough towards "The
Mount Ararat Evolution"
Two Accounts
of how I started to realize a dream
and how I have to let go of it now and do another "lekh-lekhâ"
First Attempt or Account: 2004_03_15-20;
Pesach 2003: a phone-call from Paris from
a desert-friend, with whom I had not been in contact for 9 years:
Hebrew account into a letter to my children at the bottom of K.i.s.s.-log
Itamar, born on August 15 like me, only 5 years earlier, said:
"I want to create "Noah's Village",
a healing center for war-and terror stricken people from both sides,
financed by guests who will come to the same place for a desert holiday.
Can I buy "Succah in the Desert" for this purpose?"
"No!!! Itamar!!! You should know,
that Succah
in the Desert is a scientific model of a Desert Economy based
on hosting.
The rules, which allow this economy to preserve what it wants to sell
also tomorrow,
[the Desert resources of SPS, or Space, Purity and Silence,
as opposed to the City's Crowdedness, Pollution and Noise],
allow no ownership.
"Succah in the Desert" can neither be sold, nor bought,
nor bequeathed, nor inherited.
To demonstrate this, I parted from the Succah myself in 1996,
and its present guardian, Avi Dror, has withstood all temptations
from potential buyers."
"I understand. But will you run the village when it will come
into being?"
I hesitated ~~~
Wasn't I supposed "to
cease creating new manifestations"?
Hadn't I been forced, gently and not so gently, ever since 1994,
to stop doing and start being?
Hadn't I finally retreated into the inner circle of my family in 1999,
and in 2001 even withdrawn into a "normal" flat, rented
by my children?
Had I not followed the call to dedicate myself solely to
healing and harvesting my past
through the interaction with my children and grandchildren
and through learning and creating on my website?
Still - to my surprise - I heard myself responding:
"Yes, Itamar, I will."
But soon after this irresponsible response
I came to my senses:
"The timing and the general direction of Itamar's project is
But as to me, I am supposed to be at the Dead Sea, not in the Negev
And the place, Itamar dreams about, is not supposed to be "a
center", but a space,
and definitely not "a village", but something that hardly
touches the Earth.
"What has the biblical Noah to do with a village? a settlement?
God forbid!
The only thing, which this savior of mankind from the huge flood did
on land,
was to plant a vinyard and get drunk and expose his intimate parts
to his sons.
[Genesis chapter 6 - 9]
It's not said anywhere that he built a house, leave alone set up a
But I did feel,
that this call indicated a calling
towards a new assignment in the exterior world.
During the following weeks I came to understand
that I should close "Healing-K.i.s.s.", the stage of my
inner work.
Being a fan of dates, I planned the closure for July 3, 2003, 7 years
after my descent to
On the day of the closure I received a gift from my youngest grandson,
also called Itamar,
which I interpret as a deeply moving
promise, that my vision will manifest~~~
Since the communication with Itamar in Paris didn't work,
I started out on my own, with a vision that had matured:
"Noah's Ark"
Physically - a tetrahedron-shaped raft in the estuary of the River
Jordan in the Dead Sea.
Conceptually - a complex project with political, economic and mainly
psychological aspects,
meant as a tool in the hands of the Palestinians
to shape their destiny not as victims , but as masters.
It was necessary, to keep the project secret,
necessary also, that I, an Israeli, stay invisible.
But now, that I know, it will not be ME, who will manifest Noah's
Ark, if at all,
I may share all the ideas and part of the work around Noah's Ark,
until October 2003.
At present, only the physical model of this "Ark" remains
to be seen in "Noah's Cave".
In January a storm broke the model
and blew away the model tents.
I fixed the ark,
but didn't find the tents.
This represents my sadness
that "Noah's Ark"
is as yet only a model
and even this broke..
On November 29, 2003, I started to carve out a cave
under a rock.
Now - after 108 days, 3 minutes before midnight - I'm writing this
on my solar-powered laptop,
the sound of the stormy DeadSea is my only companion.
Gushes of wind threaten to tear off the nylon curtain, glued to the
ceiling of the cave.
But I am comfortable and I am at peace.
I re-read the sentence I found in the recently written "Spiritual
Biography" of Michael Lightweaver,
the man behind the 2012 Network of
what he calls "Light-Workers":
"From this point forward, for the rest of your life,
whatever you accomplish in the world
will not be the result of anything you do.... But who you are. ...
that there would continue to be plenty of doing, and this was OK,
but the real effect I would have in the world
would be the result of who I am, not of what I did."
Until I'll sculpt the call for "ceasing to manifest" "Noah's
Shore Peace Project"
i.e. the call ~~~ to simply BE here and BE available for Dreamer Trainees,
I'll insert a letter, I've written to Michael Lightweaver:
Shalom-Salaam to you, Michael,
It is early morning in the cave.
Before midnight, crouching under the low ceiling of the "loft"
in my cave,
I was savoring again a page or so of your bio.
There is so much to remember and compare...
But then both, the solar battery and the laptop battery ran
Now it's early morning, I'm on "the porch",
the laptop connected to the solar battery, powered again by
(what kind of power did you and do you have in your "cave"?)
trying to find a place where the light doesn't "obscure"
the screen,
allowing myself to read on, though I have a routine
of dedicating any free morning hours to creative thinking-writing,
in this case with concern to the "Dreamer
Training" on "Noah's
Though I'm not finished with your journey
the above sentence asks for sending you an in-between response.
That message was brought home to me for the
first time also in 1994 .
And now, this week, with concern to my "project".
Let me copy, what I wrote yesterday night to my old classmate
in Germany,
who donated my solar-powered cellular communication system in
the cave:
Barbara wrote:
There was something in the news today: Obviously somebody sponsors
an international university at the southern end of the Dead
See. The location is reported to be right at the border to Jordania
and it was specifically mentioned that this facility should
be open to Israeli citizens and Palestinians/Jordanians as well.
We were shown pictures of the official start of the project
including foundation stones being layed by A Sharon. Unfortunately
I did not catch who represented the Jordanian/Palestinian side,
but Arabs took part in the ceremony.
It all sounds almost too good to be true although I feel the
delicate environment should not be burdened further. But if
this project would really take off successfully it would be
I answered:
"What a coincidence, that you saw the news about "Bridging
the Rift", or in Hebrew "Transforming borders into
bridges" the gigantic project on Jordanian and Israeli
land about 50 km south of the Dead Sea in the Aravah. You say,
it sounds almost too good to be true! What would you say, if
you would know the background and the goal. ...
I am not able to list all the details about
Matti's work and tribulations during the last 5 years, which
delighted me, literally - mich entzueckten - in that article.
What is important is, what strange quantum leap took place in
my own being.
This project
- which coalesced out of 80 proposals
and after 3 educational smaller projects on the Jordanian side
seems to complement my own project so much,
or vice versa,
my project - based on my desert economy experience, which Matti
doesn't have, and with a vast perspective of what really should
be researched in that "university" (not biotechnology!....)
is exactly what would make that project universally so effective,
that I should have rushed to meet that man somehow.
I chased after so many people of influence and money in my creative
life? Shimon Peres, whom I wooed for 27 years is just one
But there - there was suddenly this inner
voice saying clearly:
"You are not to take any initiative.
Let yourself be found, in the right time."
And why? Und da kam der Hammer:
"You were supposed
to manifest "Noah's Shore" just to the point,
where it can serve as t h e arena
for training dreamers,
which you have searched for since that night of revelation at
the age of 27.
Now go back to "cease creating new manifestations"
(my website>puzzle piece
You set up the stage for people to play and dreamers to train.
Now you have to wait, even if it will take two years
[July 27, 2009:
"two years"?
Just recently a new opportunity seemed to come up -Josef
Semana - but died quickly!]
As to "Succah
in the Desert", you were allowed to manifest it
- partly, for getting the experience needed for training others
and partly for making you credible in the eyes of your trainees.
That was and is its purpose, not the manifestation of your Desert
Economy vision.
Matti has come a long way, and yes, he will join forces with
you , one day.
But with you as a trainer of dreamers, not with you as the one
who manifests Noah's Shore."
I read this again now, in the light of your
sentence, Michael, and I am amazed at the confirmation by your
Addition on July 27, 2009:
I did make an attempt to travel to Matti's place after all,
- probably in November 2004 - but somehow I didn't reach it.
Now - by searching on the Internet -
I find the
last info dated in May 2006.
I have never heard of "Bridging the Rift" again.....
Second Attempt or Account:
It was the 29th of November 1947, when the UN
declared, that the Jews had a right to their own state.
I was born as a Christian German in 1938,
3 months before the "Crystal Night", which "opened"
the murdering of 1 000 000 children.,
The 29th of November 1947 means for me, Christa-Rachel Mariam Bat-Adam,
that Israel then "got" the "right" to survive
and translated this right into fight.
But Israel has not yet learnt to live.
I immigrated to Israel 40 years ago, on April 15, 1964, with my baby
son Immanuel,
to dedicate my life to Israel's learning to live.
Even before I came to Israel for a scholarship year at the Hebrew
University in 1960-61,
as one of the first Germans, and during the Eichman trial,
I knew, that Israel couldn't live, if it didn't "get along"
with the indigenous people.
It took me ten years of living in Israel, as a mother of three and
researcher of Jewish Thought,
to understand, what "getting along" involved:
After a fierce dispute with neighbors in June
1974, which only hardened everyone's position,
I asked myself and other "Peace Activists":
"If we can talk to Arab enemies,
but not to our Jewish adversaries, what will we achieve?
Are we not dependent on these Jews as much as we are dependent on
the Arabs?
And if so, isn't the only option that we turn this negative dependency
into a positive one - a partnership?"
It will be 30 years this year, since I started to apply and test the
Partnership Concept"
regarding every person or authority, on whom I am dependent in order
to reach my goals.
With concern to the dependency between Israelis and Palestinians,
phrased this concept on this website like that:
E-volving, Un-folding the "SPS"
resources of the Desert
[as opposed to the cities' crowdedness, pollution
& noise],
will be the gigantic challenge , which will help Jews and Arabs
to bring about E Q
U A L I T Y in S E
L F - E S T E E M .
Since 1974, my peace-work [started in 1958] has been based on:
transforming a negative dependency into a positive dependency.
Positive dependency or PARTNERSHIP is based on 3 conditions:
After 30 years of having PRACTICALLY tested this theory ,
I know, that EQUALITY in SELF-ESTEEM can only be realized,
if the adversaries, forced into mutual dependency by destiny,
will engage in COPING TOGETHER
which is SO BIG , that it DWARFS the GAP in SELF-ESTEEM.

I chose the 29th of November, 2003,
to apply this concept by manifesting another physical creation,
this time on what I had come to call "Noah's Shore" at the
Dead Sea.
For 15 weeks I worked harder than anyone can ever imagine.
I fell back into my pattern of pressuring myself to the limits and
By the end of the 15th week, on March 11, 2004, I felt,
my cave was ready , complete with solar-powered computer and cellular
Noah's Shore Peace project could now be realized
and with it the Arena for Training Dreamers
On that day
I read about the stunning project of Matti Kochavi's
"Bridging the Rift" Desert Research Institute 50 km south
of the Dead Sea.
It was then, that the inner voice said:
"You now must cease to create
physical manifestations.
Others will go on with Noah's Shore Peace Project.
You must step back!
You must focus on Training Dreamers."
When I thought I had digested this message
and was just about to simply BE in my cave,
and enjoy creating, learning and communicating
with the help of my solar-powered computer and cellular Internet,
patiently waiting for potential dreamers to come and train on Noah's
I came back from my weekly two "grandma-days"
in town on March 19 and found
that the solar system - panels, battery, battery protector - had been
as well as the 12 liter gas-bottle and gas-regulator, I needed for
and - my CD-Tape-Radio system with a disk in it,
which connected me deeply to my
grandson Tomer,
and about which we had corresponded just the day before.
"Can't you bear that I enjoy myself for
one single day?"
I screamed at my Angels, or my Higher Self, or God, whatever.
Where God closes a door, he opens a gate,
is an Arab proverb.
And I knew, that these physical things had been taken away,
so I would be even more capable of fulfilling my vocation,
the vocation of Training Dreamers.
The direction became clear within 3 days:
I now was in need of people
who would let me connect my laptop and cellphone to their "power".
"Power" in English is the everyday word for electricity.
The power to full-fill dreams is, what I want to raise in people.
And when even the glass of my kerosine-lamp broke into pieces,
I understood, that I wasn't even allowed to have light in my cave,
so that I would have to beg people for letting me work in their light.
While breathing-sounding-moving my pain, whenever it came up again,
I started to go out to people and beg them for "power"
and "light".
In the evenings I'm now sitting in the ugly room of .........
workers in the Ein-Gedi Fieldschool, once
my refuge.
"That's what we are here for!' said
one of them
Then an amazing miracle was sent my way:
A man, who explicitly introduced himself as a Bedouin, came around
the corner of my cave.
"I stood above and saw someone working
among the stones
(I was mending the path down to the spring)."
I invited him in and guided the talk towards my interest:
"I know, you have no idea, who was the
Unlike in "Succah in the Desert",
where I made an alliance with the Bedouins
and belonged to their "Halaal" of protection,
there are no Bedouins in this vicinity.
But would you be ready to tell every Bedouin you meet,
that they spread the word about the woman in the cave,
so it will eventually reach potential thieves and tell them,
that it's no big honor to steal from a poor woman,
who works for the good of everybody in this country
and that they should rather protect her instead?"
Habib suggested to meet the manager of the Ein-Gedi petrol station.
"He is a Bedouin, my neighbour in Al-Fur'aah,
8 km south of Arad.
He meets many people."
The first word I heard from Musa at the petrol station, was :
"I am bored!"
Soon enough I started to ask him about his dreams.
He was embarrassed and I showed him this feeling.
He talked about the injustices committed against Bedouins,
and I showed him that this was the material for devicing a dream.
He finally admitted, that his dream was money,
"to build a house, to have a family and
to travel in the world."
I was in the middle of Training Dreamers.
Eventually we found the first step:
One of his dreams was to learn English.
His father had left his family and established a new one in New-Zealand.
One of the feelings, which didn't let Musa follow his father's invitation,
was that he wouldn't be able to talk the language there.
He was not aware of this fear, nor of the resentment against his father.
The path now is clear for him:
He'll bring a video system to the petrol station.
He will borrow a video course in learning English.
"Where will you find such a course?"
"I'll try in the center for culture, sport and youth in Arad."
I praised him for this idea and for the very fact that he knew about
this center.
Getting hold of these things, will in itself be a feat for his self-esteem,
he said,
"Since I am the kind of person, who always
delays what needs to be done."
And then he will study day by day in between serving clients.
When Habib drove me back, I said, that he had given me the gift of
two "corrective experiences" .
First - that he had provided the chance for me to "train a dreamer",
away from Noah's Shore.
It helped me understand, why that equipment was stolen.
Second - he and Musa were both Bedouins, like most probably those
There was more to come.
While he drove slowly along the almost unpassable dust-road along
the shore,
he asked, what kind of music I liked and put "Enigma".
It must have been in several workshops about "Rebirthing"
in 1986-7,
that I was exposed to this music.
And now a Bedouin was playing it for me, while coasting the Dead Sea.
It was a "corrective experience" for the loss of the disk
which bonded me with Tomer.
And then came the best part.
In and outside 'my' hot spring I asked him about his present dream.
He was very lucid about it
and my work could be conducted on a high level.
He asked me not to talk about the result, and I won't.
But I feel permitted to share an insight that was in this work for
He told two vivid, stunning nightly dreams,
in which I discerned two messages:
"You are now asked to strife for Total
And part of this will be
that you choose to be only with people
who make you the person you want to be,
i.e. with people who cause you to love yourself.
And this, by the way, is the sign for true love in a relationship:
Does the relationship make me feel good about myself or guilty?
"Where guilt is, love cannot dwell.
When loving or being loved makes me love myself,
the relationship is right."
This aspect of Total Self-Acceptance
was new to me.
The insight came from Habib's ardently expressed pain:
"They [creatures
in the dream] made me a person who I
didn't want to be."
We made plans, which would serve the realization of the dreams of
both of us.
But even if nothing will result from the "Training of Dreamers"
on this day,
I feel deep gratitude for the healing and encouragement I received.
And for the theft,
which opened the chance for a vaster perspective of my task
as a Trainer of Dreamers,
and Bedouins among them.
Lass dir alles geschehn,
Schoenheit und Schrecken.
Man muss nur gehn. Kein Gefuehl ist das fernste.
Lass dich von mir nicht trennen.
Rainer Maria Rilke, aus "Gott spricht
zu jedem ehe er in macht"
the song
Let everything happen
to you, beauty and horror.
One must just go. No feeling is the farest.
Do not let yourself be separated from me.
Rainer Maria Rilke, from "God talks
to each one before he makes him"
the song
of the photos of my only one-day journey to my SaltSea in 2009 |

I calculate the time I might need to hitchhike back
until the dark
and walk back along the difficult terrain of the beach.
The Arab family or families had left their fire-place
and roamed around the rivulets and the Sea.
When I almost sank into the mud somewhere,
a woman kindly adviced me where to pass.
I felt, she wanted to engage me in a talk....

The fact, that I met only Arabs, made me realize,
that I actually was on Palestinian territory.
I shouldn't even be here!
How could I forget that?
This also means:
I must NOT be at the wedding of Ronny
and Sivan,
which is to take place HERE - on January 7, 2010,
despite my friendship with them during the 'Walk'.

In the East, the Jordanian (Moab) Mountains
begin to emerge, as always when the sun goes down in the west.

Once more - but at a different hour - the
view of the Beach of Metzoqe Dragot from above - with the figures
of Arabic speaking people below

The sun and clouds begin with their gorgeous spectacle
from now until I'll reach Arad.
Does the metal soldier and the soon to be seen "Makhsom",
the checkpoint , indicate,
that Metzoqe-Dragot Junction will be the future border between Israel
and Palestine?
At my time - between 1998-2000
and 2003-04 the checkpoint was much further north!

I turn into the road, to the left, passing by
some friendly soldier girls ,
and wondering about the combination of the two signs to the right:
"Ahava", which means love, but is the
name of the Company of Mitzpe Shalem,
above "Metzoqe Dragot", which means "the Cliffs of
the Steps",
"Dragot" is the Hebrew plural of the
Arabic name of the close dangerous wadi: Darajeh,
and the word Matzoq, cliff, reminds me of the verb "le-hatziq"
, to harrass.

The first car brings me only a bit further
south - to the entry of Mitzpe
It was a young couple who had been living there no longer than a month.
I was just about to tell them, that lately my landlord Ofir Cohen
had guarded their gate,
when they asked me: Do you know Naomi Ofir, who gives workshops here?"
I discovered this
woman on the Internet, but I wonder, if we have anything in common?
Mitzpe Shalem started as a kibbutz on Palestinian territory on the
When it was transferred to its present location,
"Metzoqe Dragot" became the hosting business,
which in 1998 accepted
me and my partners as temporary residents.
When people, who know my adamant stand against
even visiting people or places in the occupied territories, ask me,
why I allowed myself to live at Metzoqe Dragot (from
May 1998 till February 1999, interrupted by my three months in India),
I answer, that the very idea of transferring
our RedSeaPartnerSHIP
from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea was Tamir's:
"Rachel, we are at the wrong place
our work has to be with Palestinians!
Neither Jordan, nor Egypt, leave alone Saudi Arabia are as important
as the Palestinians!"
And while there, at Metzoqe Dragot, on Palestinian territory,
we made at least one promising connection
with "the Palestinian Society for Nature Protection" ...

I walk and walk - south along the Dead Sea.
I come across a bridge-under-construction
above one of those wadis,
which tend to be so flooded by water in winter,
that many a driver on this road,
who tried to make it through the water,
left his life there....

The other side of the construction above the wadi
before it ends in the Sea

A look at the workers, who watch me curiously.
Mitzpe-Shalem can be seen in the background.

Then a woman opened the door of her car;
exclaiming: "YOU ARE an INSPIRATION!
She was sitting next to a man who didn't understand Hebrew,
so we talked English and both were so enthusiastic to hear
about my Vision of Peace through Desert-Hosting-Economy,
that I didn't manage to learn anything about my friendly driver.
We all regretted, that they had to let me off already at Ein-Gedi.

While walking on - south - I delighted in the view on both sides of
the road

This is not the familiar perspective of Kibbutz

The spectacle of clouds and sun above desert mountains
and man-planted palm-trees - what an exhilarating sight!
I'm picked up by another woman, alone, blonde, with a cigarette
and totally different from the former woman,
An assistant professor in political sciences at Toulouse University,
her thesis being about "Ethics
in the Israeli Army".
Unlike that former woman she did not ask me one question,
and even when I added an observation of mine
about a reason for the deterioration of "Ethics in the
Israeli Army",
she had her own truly reasonable reasons to hold against me.
What was even more intriguing than her theoretical theme,
was her relationship with an Israeli Arab from Abu-Gosh,
who is the manager of a restaurant in Kibbutz Ein-Gedi.
She loves Israel and wants to live here.
"But you are not Jewish, right?"
"I am Arab, too, actually, just like my boy-friend.
Though I grew up in France, my parents are from Algier and Tunesia!"
I was stunned.
And I was glad, that - for a change - an "Arab" is
in favor of Israel...
"What's your name?" I
dared to ask when she turned into the hotel-area.
"Samia Shushan!" "Shushan?"
"Yes, I know, it's also a Jewish name!"
She laughed: "may
be I have some Jewish roots after all!" |
On our way I discerned a truly mystical Masada.
I asked, if I could wind the window down to take a picture,
and then turned the camera around to take a picture of her!

One last time I walk and I walk and I walk~~~
is that strange light on that slope?
Oh, it is the sun beyond the mountain,
reflected back from the hotel's windows!

I reach the famous Wadi across the hotel-city

The stronghold is already in the shade, while
the peaks further north are still lit up by the sun

Nabatean, Byzanthian stronghold

Some 300 steps further south, the scenery seems
to be the same.
It needs skilled "desert-eyes" to delight in the differences.....