2004_04_06 ; latest update 2008_01_07
"Aren't you dreaming all the time, how
everything will look like on Noah's Shore?"
This was the question of my grandson Arnon
(7), who lives my dream with me.
Not by chance is he called Arnon,
like the river which flows into the Sea from the Jordanian side,
exactly opposite Noah's Shore.
For some time I wondered, why - except for the cave, the sulphur spring
and the pathes up and down -
the dream doesn't manifest as fast as "Succah
in the Desert", or the
Pyramidion in Sinai.
May this first spring flower next to my cave, on March 2, 2004, symbolize,
that the timing of the manifestation of Noah's Shore will be perfect.

The dust-road , once a few meters above the
Sea, must have been made by the Israeli army after 1967.
The army is the only authority which controls it up to now.
It runs right through Noah's Shore.
The rocky slope between the road above and the army
dust-road below will hide the six artificial, amorphous caves for
the parents.
The mud slopes or terraces above the Sea will hide the "zulas"
of the Dreamer Trainees, who will create "Noah's Shore".
In the middle of the peninsula will be a pond (diameter: about 7 m,
depth: about 1,30 m), a replica of the
ashes-pond in AUschwitz-BirkenAU.

The slope above the spring: the most recent mud terrace
deserted by the sinking, retreating Sea,
is similar to the several terraces south of the peninsula.
It's where Yuval-David built his zulla and where seven more zullas
will be erected by the first seven dreamer trainees.

South of the Peninsula I discern the sculpture of an agonizing camel...
but also - small - natural caves,
which point into the direction of the artificial caves for the future
grownup guests on Noah's Shore.
What follows, is a series of photos, taken on a slow
walk from the eastern head of the peninsula
towards its center, where the pond and the 6 tents of the 12 children
will be,
towards the slope with the caves.

Between the slope caves and the peninsula pond/tents
there will be a crescent shaped large bamboo succah,
which will contain all the necessesary facilities for the hosting-healing
space and the scientific laboratory.
This is the model, which Arnon (7) and I created together - on a little
foldable table (a gift from Tamir),
placed on a waving blue dress (bequeathed to me by Paz), which simulates
the Salt Sea.
[See the pretty photos of Tamir, Paz and Yuval-David, when they visited
me in the Cave on the 12th day]
Lass dir alles geschehn,
Schoenheit und Schrecken.
Man muss nur gehn. Kein Gefuehl ist das fernste.
Lass dich von mir nicht trennen.
Rainer Maria Rilke, aus "Gott spricht
zu jedem ehe er in macht"
Let everything happen
to you, beauty and horror.
One must just go. No feeling is the farest.
Do not let yourself be separated from me.
Rainer Maria Rilke, from "God talks
to each one before he makes him"