The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"





K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














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March 31, Monday, -at Arad

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Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire to thoroughly examine and sculpt
how my very "Intention" on Shabbat
- together with the sore shadows of my compassion-pattern -
made me play my part in ruining the harmony we all had created on Shabbat Eve.









hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks for our deep sleep, made conscious by 2 toilet breaks,
also for our harmonious, gently flowing dream processes
and mainly for our prolonged, pleasurable, awakening,
accompanied partly by connected breathing,
which loosened even the cramp in our right foot.

I AM GRATE-FULL beyond any expression,
for being able to create the circumstances of my life in a way,
that I can alternate
between short intense experiencing with other actors
and sufficient rests of al-one-ness for digesting those experiences
in my holy solitude, where no coping with actors is demanded.

I am grate-full again for the on-line dictionary "Babylon",
which allows me to sculpt my experiences in a language which is not mine,
letting this chosen fruitful self-limitation be enhanced by the concepts
behind the languages which are my own - German and Hebrew.

Nourishment from Others
March 30, 2008 From Jean Hudon's 184th Meditation Focus.


"Can you imagine for a moment what the common man's thinking was several centuries ago
when enslaving humans was a practice so common in some countries
that no one was giving it any second thought?
Never in their wildest dreams could the slaves believe
that, one day, their descendants would live free
and that one of their kins would be considered a leader of such charisma and intelligence
that he could soon become the president of one of the most powerful countries on Earth.
And yet, such a dream has come to pass...

"Can you also imagine for a moment what the common's man thinking was a mere hundred years ago
when half of the world's population was considered so unworthy and inferior,
because they were female,
that they didn't even have the right to vote?
Never in their wildest dreams could the women of a century ago believe
that, one day, their daughters and grand daughters would become equal citizens
endowed with the same rights and benefiting from the same opportunities as men,
and that several of them would have become powerful leaders in every field of human activities,
heads of states and perhaps even president of one of the most powerful countries on Earth.
And yet, such a dream has come to pass...

"Can you imagine now what the common man's thinking is today
regarding the seeming inevitability of war and violence
perpetrated by humans against other humans and nature
as something that will never change,
like a never-ending plague that befalls humanity beyond its control?
Never in our wildest dreams can we believe that, one day,
no longer raising one's hand to hurt or kill another being
will be tolerated nor even be thinkable.
And yet, such a dream is soon coming to pass...."


Finetuning to my Present
continuation of my attempt to integrate my enormous "fishul"

Please, it's now 11:42, help me to do this.
My landlord makes a lot of noise, installing new windows above,
it's grey and cold outside, and I'll even switch on the stove now.
I've rested, maybe even slept a little, to not force it, but let it come to me.
I allowed myself a second breakfast - good bread from Shoham, butter, honey.

I still feel, as I felt when I had to write a paper at school or at the university,
empty in my brain, paralyzed in my feeling...

5 actors in a drama + 3 secondary actors who join in for 4 hours.
While the wave pattern of myself and Immanuel is quite even and smooth,
the curves of E. and T., and even of little Mika, have a high amplitude.

When on Saturday night I. and I sat down to understand what happened,
- after T. was gone, Mika in bed and E. refused to talk with either of us -
he began:

"You'll never learn - or more exactly - you have this pattern
of always wanting to put things right immediately!
It doesn't work like that with other people!"

This is true, but my inappropriate behavior did not start with this pattern.
It started with forgetting "to walk humbly with God's walking with the world".

I should have known, that after that peak of harmony on Shabbat Eve,
the wave needed - yes "needed" - to drop the next morning ,
and if I had not only anticipated this, but actively accompanied it with my love,
I would not have fought it , intervened and tried to hold on to the peak.
2013: See the song: ride with the wave, descend with the wave,
don't stick to peaks, nor get stuck in pits...

In fact, this time it wasn't even Tomer who fell into the pit.
Until we left the beach and drove and drove to find a restaurant,
his mood was relatively steady and his interactions relatively smooth.

It was really me, who stirred up what would have petered out by itself.

T. got up by himself, as far as I know he hadn't needed to be pushed.
He encountered me nicely and when he sat opposite me in my room,
I asked:
"Do you still feel happy?" And he saw, that I had tears in my eyes.

Then I heard E. demanding in a harsh voice, that he fold his blanket.
It was not the easy, humorous attitude, which I had missed for a long time,
and which had reappeared last night to my great delight.
T. brought the blanket, but didn't know where to squeeze it into the cupboard.
To make sure, we had found the right place, I gently called E., while T. left.

"What's the matter, didn't he put the blanket back to its place?"
Softly I pointed to a better solution in the crowded cupboard.
I didn't mind, that she harshly insisted on the appointed spot.
I should have seen, that any further word was "not wished".
But the real reason for having called her was that I wanted to convey her this:

"E., is it ~ possible, that you talk to T. the way you talked yesterday night?
He is very vulnerable right now."

The outbreak which followed rightaway was bad,
but nothing compared to the aftermath 11 hours later.
In hindsight I could see - and I. also pointed it out -
that I had ripped the membrane from a seething volcano.
which, as the day proceeded, was stirred by more mistakes on my part,
until it exploded spreading ashes and lava all around.


"It's none of your business to defend Tomer
or to intervene in any way concerning E.'s or my behavior towards him!
I know, how difficult this is, since you are a part of this entire setup.
I wished, I could tell you not to be with us, when Tomer is present,
so as to not make things worse, but this, of course, is not realistic."

I am making things worse by at least two patterns:
by - in one of 100 cases - falling into the trap of my need to defend Tomer
and by - always - falling into the trap of trying to pull T. or E. out of a "mood".

As to the latter trap, it's hard to forgive myself for not learning.....

Let me "drive backward" to a lesson in October 2006:



Diary of 2006_10_10 and Communication with Deity during Tomer's stay with me.
The night before I had brought him from Tel-Aviv to Arad.


Ride the wave, recede with the wave!
October 11, 2006, in bus and train from Arad to Beersheva to Tel-Aviv:
always the same posture, the same facial expression, the same stare,
only the scenery changed!
And I - I couldn't grasp - that the wave , which had risen so high during the last day and night,
had descended so low the next morning.
I was such a close friend for Tomer, and now I was nothing more than air for him.
But my problem wasn't grandma-ego, but the torturing question if and what I should do.
I took a few days then, in October 2006, to really integrate the message of the wave.
And then I forgot everything.....

Tomer with Grandma during the celebration of his father's 50th birthday, Jan. 2013

Back to March 29, 2008 on Palmachim Beach,
Arnon and I now read the info about the newly excavated ancient site Yavne-Yam







Different places, different perspectives, but the beach is seen from everywhere,
and somewhere in the center of it - the patience of my "holy trinity" is strained...

Micha and Ayelet find us and call us, but I am in no hurry,
I even clean this place from garbage,
so as to get a pure view...


One last photo of that beautiful place.
Ayelet and Micha and Arnon.
What a pity, that Tomer had not been with us.
Or Immanuel and E. and Mika for that matter.


Finetuning to my Present

Back to that first intervention, with which I messed up everything.
I said to Immanuel, that the concept of "no intervention" is not clear-cut.
For five years I studied
how the ancient Jewish Sages endeavored to learn the lessons
from the destruction and catastrophes
which put an end to Israel in its own land.
I learnt, that "if you don't protest against an evil,
you are the one who is responsible for this evil,
yes, you have done this evil!"
The same I learnt later in "Reevaluation Counseling":
stand up against oppression!

This may be right for the people all over the world
who protest against China's oppression of Tibet,
but it obviously is   n o t  r i g h t   i n   t h e   c a s e   o f   a   f a m i l y.
For  if   I   defend   one   member  of   the   family   against another,
this other member will feel   g u i l t y
and   w i l l   n o t   l o v e   h i m / h e r s e l f.
Guilt and self-hatred   together  with not- feeling full-filled
will cause more oppression, more humiliation, more killing.



song of the day

I love and laugh with you


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home ~ library of seven years ~ intro to k.i.s.s.-log ~ contact

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8




"Abraham" (1998) e-mail quote on March 31, 2012

Anything you do to overcome or prevent,
causes a spotlight on the very thing
you are wanting to overcome and prevent.
You cannot take enough action
to compensate for the Energy that you're flowing.

I need to balance this fact rightaway by the alternative focus:
When totally accepting my trauma-pattern of feeling pressured,
for instance by guests, even the most loved ones like Arnon and Yael,
I focus on what would like to occur so both they and I'll feel "good".
In this case the answer was easy. After the first night I told them:
"I want to play a game with you! You will plan, organize, lead~
I'll be like your child, following you, and not tell you at all what to do.
If I should fall into the parent-pattern, you'll make me aware of it!"

They agreed, and most of the time it worked wonderfully!

As if rewarding me I was granted an exterior gift later that day:
The son of a friend + a girl wanted to visit me and stay overnight ,
after - the next day -my grandchildren would have left in the afternoon.
I asked my friend, if this girl knew what she was letting herself in to.
"Oh yes" said my friend, giving me "proofs", that she would cope with me.
But a day before, i.e. on this evening, my friend's son called:
"We'll not come after all, this girl doesn't feel like traveling to you!"
How grateful I am, that I'm spared another "guest-expectation-trap"!

March 31 , 2012, Shabbat, Arad

I want to quote this again
"Can you imagine for a moment what the common man's thinking was several centuries ago
when enslaving humans was a practice so common in some countries
that no one was giving it any second thought?
Never in their wildest dreams could the slaves believe
that, one day, their descendants would live free
and that one of their kins would be considered a leader of such charisma and intelligence
that he could soon become the president of one of the most powerful countries on Earth.
And yet, such a dream has come to pass...

"Can you also imagine for a moment
what the common's man thinking was a mere hundred years ago
when half of the world's population was considered so unworthy and inferior,
because they were female,
that they didn't even have the right to vote?
Never in their wildest dreams could the women of a century ago believe
that, one day, their daughters and grand daughters would become equal citizens
endowed with the same rights and benefiting from the same opportunities as men,
and that several of them would have become powerful leaders in every field of human activities,
heads of states and perhaps even president of one of the most powerful countries on Earth.
And yet, such a dream has come to pass...

"Can you imagine now what the common man's thinking is today
regarding the seeming inevitability of war and violence
perpetrated by humans against other humans and nature
as something that will never change,
like a never-ending plague that befalls humanity beyond its control?
Never in our wildest dreams can we believe that, one day,
no longer raising one's hand to hurt or kill another being
will be tolerated nor even be thinkable.
And yet, such a dream is soon coming to pass...."


Both these grandchildren - they'll be 16 in May and June - love to cook and to eat.
In addition to their own ideas, I suggested to bake a Challah in my new toaster-oven,
since we would celebrate the Eve-of-Shabbat together
(just when Boris and Dafna "jumped" in for 20 minutes)

"In our kitchen, too, everything is silvery", Arnon said,
when I showed him the pretty view of the toaster-oven,
above the electrical hot plates

with which Ofir replaced the old one,
which - in synchronicity with the toaster-oven - stopped working

next to the electical water-heater,
also a recent replacement by Ofir,
and all the other pretty utensils.




10 Hebrew lines daily between Ya-Ra towards the doomed-to fail
2012_03_31- 2013_03_134DELICIOUS      DELETION



A lovely picture with Yael in my arms and Alon smiling at her - on Yael's Bat-Mitzva, May 2008

Yael and Mika on Immanuel's 50th birthday, January 2013

on 2013-03-31

As agreed between us, Boris keeps pointing out spelling mistakes in my copy of the Right Use of Will books.
This time - in rereading the pointed out page III of the Intro of the Blue Book I felt urged to add in purple...:

"The understanding you need now about how to evolve the Will quickly is, in short:

express everything you feel,
and do not stop expressing,
emotionally and otherwise,
until you have really finished.
You must not impose this on others that do not want it,
for just as it is not spiritual balance to deny yourself in favor of others,
it is not spiritual balance to deny others in favor of yourself, either.
Then when you have cleared out, truly, all emotional charge any given situation triggers in you,
you will have allowed release of old emotions
that have accumulated when the free expression of the Will was denied."
[2013-03-31 - setting up "triggering   s i t u a t i o n s" is only the beginning of learning to feel and fulfill.
The tricky part is the subtle "not feeling good" in ever so many nano-moments of my day and my night!
It is Moving, Breathing and SOUNDING MY VOICE, which transforms those feelings into full-fill-ment!!!]


on 2013-03-31

Micha sent an SMS, yesterday night, inviting me for the last day of Pesach.
It seemed to come my way as a test of what I had expressed in that song


I asked him to allow me to decide only today till noon.
Though I felt engulfed with fears, I knew, I would come.
This morning it took me 5 hours till I was able to force myself
to search for public transport on the Internet.
After 5 min. I lost patience and listening inside an idea to ask for help !! came:
I sent an SMS to Micha - to help me with my phobia of seeking for transport,
"please find for me busses, stations and times!"
He did so, and I'll leave at 14:00, pass by the pool and sit in Nr. 388 at 15:00.
Because I, indeed, expect, that they feel the endeavor of my coming to them!
This idea also helped me to leave it to Micha,
when he wanted me to come (there surely are later busses),
and when and from where to fetch me (Bilu-junction at 17:10) .
Thus I "did not expect", but neither did I put the guilt on them,
concerning the fact that I was to come instead of there coming to me

["Coming to Arad doesn't suit us, since Arnon comes back from a 5 day desert trip"]

April 3, 2013 - He, indeed, said, when he fetched me from the bus:
"Yashav li al ha-matzpun, It sat on my conscience,
that you spent the Seder-night alone in your home."
"It won't help you, if I tell you again, that I like being alone!?"

Not only on that evening, but also through the next day and night,
we coped well with the fear of not feeling at ease with each other!

Addition on April 21, 2013, concerning another "test".
I felt triggered by someone's not-reacting to what I had written,
though an answer had been sent.
Surprised by myself,
I mumbled, grumbled, rumbled all the way to the pool.
In the jacuzzi a rhyme made itself up

and on my way home I sounded it into the desert,
until nothing was left in me but laughter...
[see the song in March 2013: "I want to sound you, my feelings"]

on 2013-03-31
Since there is no "time" to choose another passage from my Haggadah,
I'll insert a "Pesach-passage" from the book of Micha [Micah], chapter 6

(I was just opening the passage, when Micha sent that SMS!)
which is significant:
a) God's "quarrel" [the word appears 3 times] with his people
b) Mirjam is mentioned
without title ("his sister", "prophetess") together with her brothers
Khata'at is so typical for how "sin" , guilt - was and is perceived:
as something big, huge, gigantic - which angers the God,
and the God can only be appeased by a horrid sacrifice:
my own child!

See also the recent song [SongGame 2013, March, Nr. 2], which contrasts "sacrifice" with "khaesed"

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