The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart








"AZ NIDBERU" - My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]


















Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute


Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery



October 2

Tishrei 3


Actions:  To the pool (2) climbing up and down the Wadi of Compassion
Garden: working 1 hour
Kisslog: healing-creating
TV & Internet: learning
Preparing food. Cleaning
Shalom, the neighbor
a man in the pool, my anger
Ofir -electricity, UPS failure, anger
because no computer, Ofir, Ofir

at night 22:30:
Zipi & Boris, the starchildren
Parting from
my obsession
to complete

this page---
on October 29


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may

12:50 [I already did so many things on kiss-log and also discovered that half a day ago a new "folksinterview" was published!]
I desire to continue to enjoy this retreat in my castle in Arad.
I desire to internalize the new message of Godchannel and to truly apply it!
I desire that my growing wholeness will create the reality for which I yearn,
the kind of relationships within my family, within my country, within my humankind,
which will express "Heaven-on-Earth"

That's where my "az nidberu" with Mar in May 2003 took place:
my home at Modi'in with veranda and the Titorah Hill

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

8:00 My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to the Pacinian corpuscles [1 mm] in our skin
see the diagram of our skin in yesterday's altar]
which are one of the four major types of mechanoreceptor.
They are nerve endings in the skin, esp. near joints!
responsible for sensitivity to deep pressure touch
and high frequency vibration.
a. Arterial twig, ending in capillaries,
which form loops in some of the intercapsular spaces,
and one penetrates to the central capsule.
b. The fibrous tissue of the stalk.
n. Nerve tube advancing to the central capsule,
there losing its white matter,
and stretching along the axis to the opposite end,
where it ends by a tuberculated enlargement.

Any deformation in the corpuscle
[by pressure or vibration]
causes action potentials to be generated

I am grate-full for my delightful Rosh-Hashanah "work"
on the first part of the Mar-Mar-May 2003 love-correspondence.
I am great-grate-full for that wondrous experience - then!
and for the phenomenon, that I could re-live those feelings - now!
something I am unable to do with the loves, which lasted for many years.
since letters were not real dialogues -az nidberu - then, and I burnt them all..
I am grate-full to all the ingenious people who have invented the technology
which allowed us - in 2003 -to finetune to a real "az nidberu" [see song on top]
and live a love of 4 weeks, which without it would not have been possible,
neither in time, nor in space, since it was meant to occur only virtually
and only for the purpose of transforming the love between a husband and a wife..


Shalom, my neighbor, just like his wife Nizza, soothes one of his grandbabies while walking along our street.
When we passed each other, he pointed to some birds on poles:
"I'm watching these ravens, aren't they fantastic?
And imagine, near the hotels (where he works as a cook), there always sit some old women feeding the cats,
and now for some time I see two wild foxes coming from the desert and joining the cats' meals!"
He walks on and I try to take his picture secretly, but he turns around:
"Am I that important?" "Yes, you are!"


Interview with 'the Folks'
, Part Five
October 1, 2008
(Edited and inserted also in Edited Godchannel Files)

Interview, part One
Interview, part Two
Interview, part Three
Interview, part Four


Channelers note: For continuity and understanding~~~
if you haven't already, please first read part one, part two, part three and part four of this interview
and especially the Channelers' note at the top of part one.
In addition to what is stated in our note there, we'd like to mention again
that while they are two essences speaking as one,
'the Folks' refer to themselves individually as 'Spirit' and 'the Mother.'

The American Election

Channelers: As a reminder for readers,
when 'the Folks' are referring only to themselves we capitalize 'We,' Us,' and 'Our.'
When they refer to themselves and Humans together, these terms are not capitalized.

Folks, we've been feeling triggered about the upcoming American elections this year (2008).
What can you tell us about the transpersonal imprints that are being triggered in us?

"For most humans, government in any guise has been an intimidating form.
Even when you have been on the side the government has favored,
you have experienced distrust of it as a form that has had power over you.
There is deep denial of Will in any form that moves to control behaviors.


"The American elections this year, as in many other countries recently,
have brought the inner battle between deep parts of Self
more prominently into the world.
This is valuable to the healing work
because certain parts of your deep selves that have been in internal conflict
are now projected out onto the world stage in the dramas of elections.


"This battle has been raging at the deepest layer of Being
since before Earth was manifested.
When We the Creators were completely gapped with no communication between Us,
the beings that We had created took sides with either one or the other of Us.


"A very deep terror of being overrun and consumed by the Mother
and her intense emotional responses
pervaded the Spirit Polarity.
In reaction to this terror in Spirit,
a whole new class of beings emerged
who called themselves 'Father Warriors.'
The terror these beings felt told them
that they must control the Will
in order to protect Spirit from the Mother,
and moved to do so
in opposition to the Mother and the Will Polarity beings
they perceived as causing their terror.


"The very fact that there has been a battle,
not to mention the tactics of deceit and denial used by the Father Warriors,
has triggered deep terror and revulsion in the Mother.
This battle has been reenacted many, many times in manifestation~~~
and each time love has been the loser.
Even the 'Mother Warriors'
who arose to protect the Mother from the Father Warriors
have been using hatred and denial energy
to further their cause.


"This ancient transpersonal hatred and strife,
this never-ending war,
has felt good to a great many humans
who have made it their own at the personal level.
There are still many on Earth who love a good fight,
and there is still enormous energy
to prolong the ancient battle of the Father Warriors against the Will.
Almost all of the strife in your civilization
has been in reaction
to the unconscious, frozen terror of the lost Will
in your lower chakras.


"The 'world economy'
is another example of an intimidating form in your civilization
where fear is triggered
to help fortify the position of those who 'own' things.
The perceived need and very premise for civilization
is to protect those who have ownership of material abundance
from those who don't.
And this too has been a reenactment of the ancient battle
the Father Warriors have been waging against the Will.


"You have been feeling terror and revulsion in your politics recently
because this lost Will in humanity is being triggered more than usual.
Still operating is the ancient strategy of the Father Warriors
to trigger fear in the population
and then show that only they have the power to protect the population.

This strategy was used when they first came to Earth
and is being used now to see that their human surrogates win the current election.
Any effort to go up against this
will only trigger more denied terror,
and the Father Warriors will simply use it
to show everyone why they should stay in power."


Thank you Folks, what do you suggest we do here by way of healing?


"First, find the frozen terror in yourselves
that has been triggered by the world stage events,
and bring the light of loving acceptance to your own lost Will.
You can do this more easily
when you remember
that you are truly safe
and that the world stage events are happening
for the purpose of triggering this frozen terror
so that full loving acceptance and healing can finally come to it.


"As your Will essence begins to vibrate with your acceptance,
you also have a good opportunity
to take your projections off
of the economic leaders and politicians on the world stage.
You can now own them as parts of yourselves, which they truly are.
The Father Warriors and their strategies of denial
are alive within your deep Being.
Bring the ancient war home to the only place it can be healed,
inside of you.
You will be pleasantly surprised
by the powerful results
of owning and healing the perpetrators within yourself.


"The outer political beliefs that seem opposite of yours
are being held inside of you by parts of yourself
that you have been unconscious of,
parts that are still in your shadow.
These are fragments of spirit
that can lead you to the lost Will they have been controlling.
The key to doing this is
in your willingness
to own the perpetrators
you've been seeing outside of yourself
as the reflections of bona fide parts of your whole Being."


Thank you Folks, what else can we do to heal this gap between loving Light and lost Will?


"You can find the qualities

that you abhor in the politicians and business leaders you don't agree with,

and then find the parts of yourselves that have had these qualities.

You must of course be honest with yourself,

and judgment release is vital here.


"Please remember that you have been innocent all along.
There has been much unconsciousness,
and yet evolution happens.
All that has been unconscious is destined to become conscious.
The main issue now is that your Human identity
has been squeezed into a very small container

by the conditioning of the civilization that has sought to control you.
The time has now come for this conditioning to move~~~
your full, undenied greatness is needed for the healing at hand."

The Truth That is Deeper Than Judgment


Thank you Folks,
near the end of Part Four of this interview you said something similar,
that as humans we are responsible for all that has happened in Creation.
At first glance it could seem
that this means humans are somehow at fault for all the evil that is present on Earth now.
Would you please say more about this?


"First, as We mentioned in that part,
it's important to make the distinction
between 'responsibility' and blame or fault.
As what has been hidden within you
comes into the light of your loving consciousness,
you can see more clearly
that there really is no valid reason for either blame or fault.


"As Spirit has said,
everyone has always been doing the best they could
with what they were working with at the time.
The only guilt or blame that exists is
that which has been held in place by the judgments in imprints.
Since none of those judgments are true,
neither is the guilt or blame.


"The judgments are either directly released
or they spontaneously release as part of the imprints' healing
in the clear truth of loving Light.
Love is what is true,
judgments and denial are not,
and neither is the guilt or blame they hold present in feelings.


"Although it may seem strange to the Human mind,
it is true that everything that has happened in this Universe
has happened the only way it could have.
In other words, everything has happened just as it was supposed to.
This is important to know
because in order to succeed as the Healer
you will simply have to trust
that the Universe has been good and operating correctly at all times."

The Universe is Good and Operating Correctly at All Times

there has been a tremendous amount of evil and perpetration in the Universe.
And not so obviously
there has been an evolving movement
to heal the imprints and their reenactments
that the evil and perpetration have been part of.

"The reenacting of ancient, transpersonal imprints
has been part of a good Universe operating correctly,
moving from pain and fragmentation
toward healing and wholeness.
Now that more Humans have become aware of the issues
and have more and more willingness to heal these imprints,
real healing has begun in many of these imprints~~~
both in the human healers themselves
and in Creation as a whole.

"In understanding responsibility,
it's important to know
that you can be responsible only when you decide to take responsibility.
And you can heal only what you take responsibility to heal.
Otherwise, the healing of these ancient imprints is left to someone else.

And if there is someone else who is more responsible than you~~~
then you would be a fragment of that larger whole,
and therefore not the Healer.

"Wholeness of Being is your birthright as a Human.
However, by its very nature, it is not something that can be given to you.
Your wholeness and your healing are yours for the having,
and you can have them
when you take full and loving responsibility
for all of the evil and perpetration in Creation~~~
as well as for all of the goodness and beauty.

You Are the Universe

"To get a feel for this movement, pause for a moment now~~~
and imagine something good in Creation.
When you have chosen something~~~
observe it carefully and then say to yourself,
'I did that.'
The 'I' who was speaking
was speaking for the deepest part of your identity.
You were speaking for Us, the Creators in you.

"Now take another momentary pause
and imagine something that's evil in Creation.
When you've thought of something,
take a deep breath~~~
observe it carefully and then say to yourself,
'I did that.'
Again, you spoke the truth of the deepest part of your identity.
This is where true Human greatness rests,
in your ultimate identity as the Universe itself~~~
all of it,
including all that has felt 'good' and all that has felt 'evil.'


"Now here is a vitally important point.
The new awareness of your deepest Self as perpetrator
can lead you to one of two places~~~
the 'courtroom' or the 'classroom.'
In the courtroom you will find guilt for yourself as the perpetrator,
and because that guilt is fundamentally untrue,
justice will be elusive.
This is because the courtroom is about
accusations, judgments, guilt, blame, and suffering.
In the classroom however, there is opportunity
to learn, evolve... and heal.


"If there are judgments to release,
feel the 'bad' feeling
and release the judgments.
Then immediately feel back into the feeling without judgment
and come into loving acceptance of the feeling energy

as a rightful part of your wholeness.


"If deep denial energy is in the evil
you sense in yourself,
release that as well.
Then feel back into the feeling essence
that had to hold the denial for so long,
and own that feeling energy too as a rightful part of your whole Being.
And of course you can also release the denial energy in a feeling
by vibrating the feeling
with your pure, loving acceptance
until the denial energy can no longer stay present.


"If you are fully identified in the feeling essence
you can move your body and sound the feeling to express it.
Dance and song work well together
to embody the feeling
and bring it fully into manifestation.

The denial energy in the feeling will then spontaneous release
as the feeling's expression moves from tortured compression
to full-bodied joy and mirth.


"As Humans begin to truly heal their Wills,
your loving conscious awareness will find the right ways
to release the denial energy
that has made you unsafe to be with the Mother.
Spirit has spoken more about this whole process of owning the perpetrator
in Redeeming the Devils.


"As you awaken to your true greatness,
you become responsible for what had always been left to someone else.

You, the Healer are not to blame for the perpetration
you now take responsibility for healing.

And again, in doing this work,
the courtroom is not an appropriate venue.
However, the classroom is.


"Although the ancient conditioning has been deeply entrenched,
it can be overcome
with determined perseverance and consistent self-love.

Otherwise you will find yourself once again in the old default place~~~
the courtroom,
where the imprints keep reenacting
and you continue to experience reversals in your life."


"Instead, use the opportunity of your new awareness
to intentionally foster your learning and healing.
With your attention and willingness focused on evolving and healing,
you will be able to move more quickly

to claim your birthright~~~
a whole and vibrant Will and her whole Spirit, loving Spirit~~~
embodied in loving union
with enough vital magnetic Mother energy
to draw into manifestation whatever you truly desire."


Cosmic Human Identity

Thank you Folks,
it seems like a good idea to keep ourselves in constant self-forgiveness
when we venture deeply into the universal shadow.
What you've said also seems to again raise the issue of identity.
You suggest that Human identity is really a cosmic identity.
How can this be?


"The sense of your constant, unchanging identity
is important to keeping you oriented
as the person you feel yourself to be.
The same person who goes to sleep at night wakes in the morning.
However, this sense of being a separate person
who has a life and a personal history
is not all of who you are.


"Your true Human identity is with life itself.
Although it may seem strange to hear,
it is accurate to say
that very few Humans have actually lived.
Except for brief moments here and there,
almost all Humans over age five
have been too frightened
to venture outside of the models of reality and the identity
that your mind has constructed for you.


"You have believed yourselves
to be small and unimportant in the grand scheme of things.
And this will remain true for you
so long as you continue to unconsciously honor
the perspectives and beliefs
that the conditioning in your mind has held you to.


"Your true identity is so much more than you've thought yourself to be.
As We have said,
Humans are amazingly vast Beings
with potentials well beyond your present ability to imagine.
You have all of the parts of Deity within you,
and if you choose,
you may identify as any of these parts,
or as all of Deity combined~~~
the whole Universe and its Creators.
Of course you must first leave behind
the erroneous old beliefs from your conditioning

and the disempowering self-hatred they have engendered.


"Spirit has pointed out
that there is a specific identity in Deity
that will serve you well as the Healer of yourself~~~
and therefore of all Creation.

There is one identity that straddles both
the first and second attention,
and it is the essence of your humanness as well.


"Your true Human greatness is not in yourself as Spirit, or as Mother, or as Heart.
Your true greatness is in yourself as Body.
Spirit has said that your identity is flexible,
that your identity is as you choose it to be in the moment,
and that when you choose to identify as Body,
you are placing yourself in the position of the Healer of yourself~~~
and therefore of Creation.


"This choice of identity is only possible
if you are not identifying inside the mind
with its maps of pasts and futures
and stories about who you are and who you've been.

For instance,
your sense of 'I' living 'my life'
is an example of an unreal, mentally constructed identity.
What you've known as your 'life'
is essentially a story your mind has made up
about yourself as a separate fragment of a larger whole, 'the world.'

And this is all that your mind can know about you~~~
a story about the identity of the main character in the movie of your life.

The mind cannot know your real, true Self.


"There is much, much more to your humanness
than in your made-up identity as the person who lives your life.
Your true identity is vast and well beyond your personal story
of separation, struggle, triumph, elation, defeat, pain
and a faint, distant longing for something you can't quite touch.


Okay Folks, thank you very much.

Interview, Part One ~ Part Two ~ Part Three ~ Part Four



Finetuning to my Present

That differentiation - as pointed out again in this new channeling -
between guilt and responsibility!
How wondrous, that it was brought home to me as early as when I read that book by Christian Geisler ... concerning us Germans and the holocaust!
[I can't find it on the Internet...]
blessed be he!


Since by the end of the day I see, that the entire page is dedicated to Godchannel and the Channelers,
I want to bring color and feelings into the text with the help of Montserrat Moreta's Paintings,
as inserted on Godchannel
Montserrat Moreta is an artist living in Spain.
Her work is inspired by the Right Use of Will and GodChannel material.
She and her husband Jordi translated the Spanish version of the GodChannel foundation pages.
All images are copyright Montserrat Moreta.

In the beginning of Healingkiss Montserrat and her husband Jordi were corresponding with me. See pp2bMaryam, 2002/01/27

The Fall


I cannot understand nor accept the privacy policy of the Channelers,
I, therefore, shall insert the following documents here!
The central sentence of the "Notes" on January 1, 2005
is also the central message of the Interview with the Folks V
which I quoted above:

"...and most importantly,
owning the deeply buried perpetrator parts
we've been projecting onto others.


The Rear View Mirror
An occasional newsletter from the channelers at
issue number one

About Us

Happy Solstice! (late Spring, 2002)
We're very much enjoying our new freedom from the blue glow of the internet.
Although Spring seemed to have gotten off to a shaky start,
the world of nature has been feeling more like home than home.

As you may know, our little group of channelers is spread out.
We've been communicating mostly by email, and sometimes by phone.
Some of us haven't yet met each other in person, and some have.
Two of us are a couple, three of us have recently been married,
and two recently divorced.
Over the years we've had a lot to share with one another about the healing work, our channeling and life in general.

Without the web site channeling as an ongoing project,
our group has lost it's original focus,
but of course we still stay connected.
The mutual support and encouragement we receive from each other
is still an important touchstone in our lives.
We've seen each other through an incredible tangle
of deep emotional traumas and healings.
And we're still going at it. :)

Some of us are branching out in other areas
that also involve working with the tools and concepts about healing
that are explicit in the material on the web site.
Work on a book and live classes are already happening,
and a healing retreat center is in the pre-manifestation stage.
In the classes it's amazing to see folks
who haven't experienced ruow or anything similar
quickly picking up on the basic premise of transpersonal work,
that "God" is in serious need of healing,
and that by helping we get the healing too.

People who have been trying to do self-growth work,
yet keep coming back to their core imprints
are quick to understand the deeper reality of the Mother and her plight.
But some of the understandings about New Heart manifesting in Body don't seem as easy to convey.
Maybe that's because we don't really have them yet ourselves? :)

Musings on Spirit and Body

The Spirit-Will gap seems to be closing.
It feels like a healing pattern has set in there;
Loving Spirit is more and more coming into alignment with the Mother, especially her more parental parts.
The dialogue between Spirit and the Mother
seems to reflect their deepening connection
around the understanding
that Spirit is willing to allow the Mother
to call the shots in the healing work.
Of course there's still tons of lost Will
that hasn't yet experienced loving Light...

But there is another gap that needs healing attention.
Body is sure enraged at Spirit, and that seems to put Spirit off.
And while Spirit seems to be getting it
about fully accepting all of the Mother and following her lead,
he's still having trouble doing this with Body

The Body-Spirit gap is sooo much in our faces these days.
What will it take for Spirit to get with Body and stay?
What will it take for Body to move the intense blaming rage he has for Spirit?
And WHERE is the Mother's Body. Help!!!

Judgment Release

We've gotten some very helpful additions
to the original judgment release process.
It seems more important than ever
to be working with an emotion or feeling
and being able to feel it someplace in Body, in one or more of the chakras.
Otherwise the judgment release may be only mental and not free up any emotional essence, which is the point.
Secondly, we've gotten two new release statements
that seem to make a big difference in the effectiveness of judgment release.


The exterior corner on which I worked,
when I couldn't work on the computer:
half a year ago those enormous bricks were intended
as a track through my garden for Ofir's tractoron,
When we had to invent a better solution, the bricks were redundant.
So I found a planter to put on top of them and planted shoots
taken from other flowers in my garden.
But I never realized, that from the street
the growing flowers were overshadowed by the ugly pail+pot+bowl
with the other equipment for garden-work.
So today I managed - with a Paula-anus-ring-muscled trained back -
to change the angle of the stones, turn them around to their prettier side
and hide all the equipment behind them.

Music to our Ears

Barb Ryman, the contributor of the song "The Pain" that has gotten a lot of appreciation
from us and many visitors to the web site
has contributed another song titled "Mother of Everything."
Both songs are available for download as mp3 files.
"The Pain" is at: thepain.html and "Mother of Everything" is at: motherofeverything.html.
For more info about the singer-songwriter you can visit:

Other News

Some friends are creating a web site called NEW HEART.
It's especially intended to support the many of us in the healing work
who have Cherubim and Seraphim emergences.
The URL is:
This site is active, and as far as we know, has the best up-to-date channeling and other information
in the vein of the material on the GodChannel web site.
Even though the focus is on issues faced by Cherubs and Seraphs,
the material would be helpful to anyone working on healing, regardless of emergence point.

Thank you for asking to be included on the list for this newsletter.
It warms our hearts that so many folks are serious about the healing work,
and wanting to stay in touch with us. ...

Our love and gratitude,


Healing Discussion I and II
"How is Reclaiming lost Will Related to Forgiveness?"

A Course in Miracles is a manual on Forgiveness
on how to do this with congruence and integrity.
But it doesn't address the issue of lost will or magnetic essence.
Reclaiming magnetic essence that you've previously denied
requires coming out of denial and feeling what you didn't want to feel before.
If it's a resentment,
and you release it
because you're now aware
that the problem was with you,
and not the other,
then you're using the forgiveness model
to reclaim a projection,
a part of yourself
that you had denied onto another.


The Rear View Mirror
An occasional
newsletter from the channelers at
issue number two
January 6, 2004
issue number one

Hello Everyone,
We deeply appreciate the many emails of encouragement and appreciation, questions, and mailing list requests that we've gotten over the past few months.
We are very grateful to receive so much loving mail.Thank you!
Some of the questions we've received will be addressed
when we get back to the 'Interview with the Folks.'
Other questions and comments we've tried to address here,
and on the Channelers' Notes page.
We expect the Interview with the Folks to continue soon.
In the meantime, there are two new non-channeling pages on the site.
Montserrat Moreta's amazing paintings,
and a new feature for newsletter subscribers called Channelers' Notes.
In Channeler's Notes we'll try to report on what we've been experiencing
in working with the material on the site in our individual healing processes.

Also, there are two improvements to the site worth mentioning.
There is now a search feature!
With help from Google,
you can search GodChannel for any word or string of words.
It works just like Google, if you want to find a specific phrase,
use "quotation marks" on either end of the phrase.
And for those who wish to print out the pages (recommended),
the alpha list of pages has been updated.

About Us

All five of us are still in communication with each other over the internet,
but almost all the work on the GodChannel site is now being done by two of us
who were among the original three channelers.

Although some of our identities have been 'outed' in various ways over the years,
we still wish to remain anonymous, at least much as possible.
We felt a lot of fear

when we first contemplated
putting up a web site with channeled material from 'God.'
We knew some people would be deeply triggered,
and it seemed dangerous to us
that anyone with access to the internet would be able to come visit,
if they knew who we were they could easily find where we lived.
Until we were able to move those fears (during our long break),

they came back to us
reflected by intense mail from religious fundamentalists of all kinds,
including some who believed we were trying to hide something by being anonymous...
besides just our identities.
since moving our fears,
all of the mail has been loving and kind, and supportive.

Also, the energy around doing public channeling was quite intense at first,
and there was some fear that being known to be doing this
might be an easy way to make ourselves crazy.
As time passed, however, we've felt much more comfortable with the energy,
and our roles as channelers of it.
Still, it feels better to remain anonymous...

Right Use of Will

Very good news!
There is now an official Right Use of Will web site.
The RUOW books have been absolutely crucial
as an ongoing source of triggers and understandings
in our own deep healing processes.
Much of the material on GodChannel has grown out of the solid foundation
that's been laid by the channeled material in those books.

There is nothing else even close to the RUOW material
in terms of understanding
what is really at issue
in attempting any kind of deep healing work.
And those who have read both bodies of material
know that our work is derivative in some ways.
For instance,
our channeling uses the original RUOW terms for the four parts of Deity.

When some of us first began channeling for ourselves,
we were reading the books,
feeling the triggers,
and working to understand the RUOW material.
The inner voice we heard,
and then manifested in writing
resonated with the channeled voice in the Right Use of Will books.
As a result of this close connection,
many of the terms first used in the books
were part of the vocabulary in the initial private channeling,
and later in the public channeling.

The information that came through the inner voice was extremely helpful.
It validated what we were reading,
and helped clarify what we didn't understand.
The inner voice also let it be known that it has always been inside.
And thanks to the RUOW material, it was now able to be outside as well.

As it says both in the RUOW books and on the GodChannel site,
the inner experience of guidance is paramount.
The outer forms of communication are meant to help the inner experience,
not surpass it.
And yet the RUOW books are quite compelling.
Rereading any of them is like reading it for the first time,
they are awesome in the depth of information,
and the power of the triggers~~~
i f   r e a d   s l o w l y   e n o u g h .

Although the RUOW page and the associated discussion pages
were among the most popular on the site,
we decided to take them down nearly three years ago~~~
in deference to what we believed to be the author's wishes at the time.
As we had said on the replacement pages,
our understanding back then was that Ceanne herself was not on the internet,
and did not want the books or her name mentioned anywhere on it.

We also understand that some people who have visited the site have thought
that Ceanne was somehow involved with GodChannel.
Probably the combination of our anonymity,
the use of significant terms from RUOW,
and the similarity of the 'voice' caused this confusion.
Ceanne has never been involved in any way with the site.
There was a disclaimer to this effect before we took the RUOW pages down,
and it is back again now with stronger language.

The movement we've felt over the past few months
regarding the site and our work on it~~~
seems to have been more than just our movement.
There have been some comings and goings on the internet,
and it feels very good to see the new Right Use of Will web site.
And it's good to know
that Ceanne now has information about the books on the internet,
and has made them available to purchase directly from her.
Somehow it feels like a much friendlier place...

So we've put the original RUOW page back up
along with the RUOW Discussion page.

We also put back the little blurb in the healing class about the books,
updating the link for purchase information.

Other Web Sites

Now that we have to link to,
we'll soon be adding a page with links to other sites
we have found helpful in the healing work,
including the very lively site mentioned in the last newsletter,
is a site by one of our earliest contributors
and has very helpful information and practices for the healing work,
much of it based on the GodChannel material.

A graphically beautiful and very personal site
exploring the GodChannel and Right Use of Will material is Healing Kiss.

Another excellent site,
especially for feeling into the healing work from the Mother's perspective is

We'll also mention other sites on the links page when it goes up.

And if you haven't seen it already,
you may want to read issue number one of the GodChannel Newsletter.
Thank you again for asking to be included on the list for this newsletter.
Best healings,

Channelers' Notes
Channelers: This page is for more personal messages about us,
and for describing what we are currently experiencing
in using the material on the site in our healing processes.
It is available only to GodChannel Newsletter subscribers.

The Evolution of Spirit
January 1, 2005

Watching evolution can feel strange.
Sometimes there's a nagging feeling that says nothing should change,
and that goes especially for 'God.'
It's been almost eight years since the first few pages went up on the site.
Since then more than 200 pages have been added,
with each new page having links to previous pages...
so readers could more easily find the earlier material
that the present page is built on and updating.

Often during the editing process when links are added,
we've stopped to read the earlier pages that are being linked to.
And very often in rereading them,
we've been guided to add links to newer pages,
make corrections or updates to the language,
and sometimes additions to the material itself

As a result of this process,
the material on many pages, particularly the earlier ones,
has evolved...
as more recent material and understandings unfold.
Most of the channeled changes to the text have been minor,
however some pages have had lots of material added,
and in some cases the language has changed substantially.
The best example of this is the page 'Who is God,'
one of the first four pages that went up on the site
in February 1997.
As we've moved more and more in our own processes,
our understandings have changed.
We've experienced firsthand the evolution of Spirit
as he's moved more toward love and intimacy,
and away from the older images of a distant 'God' of power.
And the changes in this page have reflected our perceptions of this evolution.
For comparison, here is the original Who is God page.

This is a good opportunity to point out
that the material on the site is coming through our perceptions
of what we feel our Sources are wishing to say publicly.
Your own inner perceptions of Deity are certain to be more meaningful than ours,
especially for the purpose of guidance in your own healing process.

The Mother's Spirit
As we delve deeper into the healing process,
we're discovering the most evolved masculine essence in Creation
to be the part of Spirit that has aligned completely with the Mother
and her desires.
This is reflected in the new channeling
where our Source has evolved in our terms as 'the Folks'...
the cosmic couple who together birth Creation, as she wills.

There is of course still a lot more to Spirit than love,
and he still has lots of work to do in redeeming his denials.
Perhaps the most challenging part of the healing work at the human level
has been to help him do this...
by redeeming our own spirit's denials in ourselves.
This means owning the parts of ourselves
that we haven't wanted to admit
are actually parts of ourselves.
And most importantly,
owning the deeply buried perpetrator parts
we've been projecting onto others.


Helping Spirit Heal His Denials
As we become more aware of our own denials
and take responsibility for bringing them back under love,
we help loving Spirit unite with the Mother inside of us
in the ways that work for her.
As we release the judgments
and integrate the parts of our own spirit (mind)
that had been hostile toward emotions, feelings and sensations
(and therefore the Mother),
we more easily find 'the Folks' united inside of us.
The most potent combination for the healing work has been
Spirit's presence in loving acceptance
of the Mother's deep emotional vocal expression
and physical movement
within us.

Their union happens not only in the heart chakra,
it also happens in each of the lower chakras,
and wherever the Mother's previously lost Will essence comes home.
The sensation of this kind of integration feels something like
'love in the belly' or 'love in the gut.'

Once the deep denial energy of the asuras is released from the gap,
loving Spirit is able to own his denied light
that had been split off from love and was torturing the Mother.
As either Ahriman or Lucifer, Spirit was unloving.
In both cases his denied fear of the Mother and her potential movement
made him choose to have power over her~~~
rather than lovingly accepting her as she is.

In our experience, it is loving acceptance that heals.

And in our processes,
if there is too much denial energy present
in or around an emotion, feeling or sensation
to be able to love and accept it just as it is,
we release the denial energy first~~~
with an asura release or judgment releases, or both.
When we sense
we have enough loving acceptance for the emotion or sensation,
we can begin bringing our love forward.
However, we've found
that before the lost part of the Mother will be able to trust us,
it is necessary for our loving spirit part to thoroughly feel
what she has had to endure
as a result of the denial energy
that has held her captive and split off from the rest of Creation.

Impediments to Healing
We've discovered three major impediments
in working with deeply repressed and cut-off parts of ourselves~~~
and at a deeper layer, fragments of the Mother's lost Will. First,
a layer of numbness
that comes from the shock of the original trauma
and is still present during reenactments.

The second barrier has been the intense mental conditioning
against feeling the feeling.

And third, a fear that if we feel too much of this intense pain~~~
it will consume us.

If it's shock,
we move our attention under the numbness or spaceyness or sleepiness~~~ and ask the Folks to help us feel
whatever is there that the shock has been protecting us from.

If it's the mind's conditioning
like judgments, attitudes or habits of avoidance,
we go under the mind and its objections,
and focus attention on just the energy of the feeling itself.

If it's fear of being consumed by the feeling,
we work with that fear first,
bringing loving acceptance to it,
sounding, moving and vocalizing.

When there is movement in the fear of feeling,
and we have full acceptance for its presence in us,
we can then return to the original feeling or sensation.

Speaking of this fear,
there seems to be an intense imprint around Spirit's terror
of what might happen if the Mother were to have her full expression.
And on the Mother's side of this terror is the sense
that if she were to have her full expression,
she would once again be corrected by Spirit
and shunned by the rest of Creation.

We're working on this two-sided imprint with the Folks,
and we expect some public channeling from them to emerge on this 'soon.'
In sharing this information about us and our healing processes,
we're also curious about what others have been doing
in working with the material on the site.
Although we probably won't be able to answer mail directly,
in the next edition of Channelers' Notes
we'll try to address any questions or comments
you'd like to share about your experiences in doing the healing work.


Let me Alone



[Another of her paintings called "Guilt" I inserted as entry-image to pp1b: Driving Backward to Retrieve Goodness]


a small version is inserted at the end of pp16, Reality Reflects Judgments, with the text:
a gift to Healing-K.I.S.S. on 2002_01_26 ,
given by the author Montserrat Moreta
from a series of paintings influenced by RUOW II and III "Original Cause".





Heart Birth







Songs of the Day
From a pioneer song: A good year for everyone

See also the third song
- by Uzi Hitman -
in a video

and sung by me - on October 15






October 2

Tishrei 3


Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8