The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart








"AZ NIDBERU" - My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]


















Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute


Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery



November 10

Cheshvan 12


Actions:  To the pool (2) climbing up and down the Wadi of Compassion

Kisslog: healing-creating
TV & Internet: learning
Preparing food. Cleaning
Buying milk & butter
Interactions: in the Wadi 2 Bedouin boys passed me by and then from behind me one asked: 'Is this for sale?' 'What? My phone?' 'Yes' .'Are you crazy? I'm hearing music!' Strangely I said: 'shome'a' & had to correct from male to female:' shoma'a't.' Why was I triggered?? --With Ofir: stores furniture on my veranda! Skype: Immanuel & Mika
Parting from
my obsession
to complete

this page---
on Nov. 14




Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may

I desire to relax into unpressured creating on in the al-one-ness of my Arad castle.
I desire Tomer to become "parental" to structuring and full-filling his last days at Bne-Arazim.
I desire that I. will stick to his diet & love himself for this & also heal the c a u s e for his obesity
I desire that E. will follow her vow & begin the process of quitting smoking and l o v e her s e l f!
"Please, Ezriel
my equipment angel, supply me with a safe piano-stool for Mika's birthday on Dec. 20!"
the folds in their vocal voices allow father and son to sing together - old Hebrew songs

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks again to our tongue and this time for a function of hers,
which I learnt from Aya (see the Hebrew overview -(5)- on Oct. 31):
"Narrow tongue in closed mouth, to be done in every body position:
Begin to fold the fringes of your tongue from its root upwards
while intending ever more folding!"

This effects not only the bladder sphincter and the lower back,
but - as I watched to my surprise - the chest! Aya said:
"You see? Usually you breathe high in the chest, like a dog,
which makes your chest frozen and closed!
While doing something funny, illogical - putting in "Search" : 'folded tongue and free chest'
the Internet brought up"The vocal folds" in "The human voice", Wikipedia,
It reminded me of my talk with Mika: "why can't a dog sing like us?"

10:56 I'm grate-full for a good sleep, for a delightful awakening process,
for my creativity in sculpting this altar, for the comfort in jacuzzi and pool,
for the fresh greenness in the wadi, which I cleaned on the way back,
and for rehearsing and singing from all my heart:
"Praise with elation, praise every morning,
God's recreation of the new day!"

Cat Steven live 1973 -I got to know it in 1978 in the RC workshop in North England


"Driving Backward into the Future" = "Closeups to the Past" = Healing&Harvesting my Past

In the pool I heard two old men talking - in Hebrew ! for a change, not in Russian! -
obviously about a son who started to work as an engineer in a company for certifying patents, in a town in Virginia called Alexandria.
One said: "Did you know that there are 19 towns in the US called Alexandria?"
Before I completed my thought reaction, the other man pulled it out of my mind:
"The Americans are not very creative in giving names to their towns!"

And I remembered "MY" Alexandria,
both my visit there in 1981, and the fragment of a Hebrew novel,
which plays there ...
It was called "the Victory of the Defeated"...
I worked on it for 2 months in 1974, but stopped when I understood,
that the time had come for going out into the world and "Doing"
(despite the expected opposition from my husband and my own fear).
It was then, that I started with what became "Partnership"....

I came across an old [July 1999] dialog in Godchannel and felt I should re-study it today.

In February 2005 I wrote, that "every single word is relevant to me right now."
While reading it today, I 'm surprised to see,
that most of the issues, both in the questions as in the answers, are no longer "issues" in MY life.
What is more I feel a bit of frustration !
It is not that I want to change other people's behavior, "though
they are happy with it".
The point is , that they are NOT happy with it and it is therefore that I desire that they change.

(I eliminated the quotes which caused this, so if you want to know, go back to the original dialog!]

Hello God.

The world feels pregnant.
Are we getting ready to deliver?

"There is much going on under the surface.
Yes, pregnant is a good word.
There is a new world developing, growing, waiting for it's time to arrive.
Yet there is still a lot of preparation
that needs to be finished in order to bring this about.
It is happening.
Even in times of seeming lulls, there is work being accomplished."

What can I do to help God?

"You know the answer to that.
Keep healing into wholeness.
You're doing fine.
All that irritation you're feeling is good.
It keeps you moving and moving keeps you healing.

Seems tedious I know,
but this is the  n i t t y    g r i t t y    we're into now."

Thanks God. You're right. I am irritated.
I don't really know why though.
It just feels as though I have some sand inside my shell,
kinda rubbing me the wrong way.
Just not entirely comfortable.

"That's right.
I want you to feel everything, every little thing.
Comfortable can sometimes be the last thing you feel before you die.
I want something different for you."


"I would say, listen more to your body.
Give your body what she needs to be happy.
Try not to judge too much what that is,
and also try to discern when it is your body talking
and when it is your spirit or will instead.

Keep working on releasing all judgments
and before long you will see exactly
how to be in your body in a way that is right for all of yourself
and feels best to all of you."

....allow your feelings about letting go of habit patterns
to flow along with the habits that are leaving.
It is this that makes you uncomfortable.

"The act of judging everything you are doing as good or bad
is enough to make you crazy right there.
My most important piece of advice would have to be
stop judging and start living,
and feeling
& being in the moment what it is you want to be & feel in the moment,

and release any and all judgment you have around what that should look like
and just be."


"Free will does work,
but I'm not sure people will really understand or appreciate this
until they have finished choosing,
and find themselves in the place they have created for themselves.
In the process they will have ample opportunity to have chosen
what really feels good to them,
and so this is how things will eventually sort themselves out."

.......this is complicated, this journey we are on,
but we are making progress,

and I don't want you to feel pressured to go any faster than you are.
You will be able to adapt very quickly if that becomes necessary,
so don't worry about that.
Do try to have some fun in the process too."

Okay God, thank you.
I have been doing that, and I feel it's important too.
I get way too serious at times.
I know it's because I really care,

" Once, long ago,
when I was trying to heal myself of the eating disorder that held me prisoner for so long,
I asked you to help me.
I dared ask you to make it easier.
I remember it clearly.
Instead of asking for patience, or perseverance, or fortitude or courage,
things I had prayed for in the past,
I took the brilliant step of asking for it to get easier.
And miraculously, it did.

Healing didn't come so hard,
changing my ways didn't feel so impossible.
Gains were made with less effort.




Big Brother Drama -last night's show

I was most moved, that it was again Ranin [or Renin] who comforted people,
in this case Itai, who had been in love with the "eliminated" Vanessa.
I'm glad, that she so far was never proposed for "elimination".
But now (10:30), during 10 min. breakfast
I heard Einav saying to the newcomer Haggit:
"Ranin was so weak in the beginning, she always wanted to go home,
was in bed all day long, and I was the only one who comforted her.
Where then were "her friends" Leon, Tzabar and Shifra?"

Of course, this is very different from what I discerned:
Shifra was Ranin's friend from the first day,
to the degree that Ranin, when she, because of her birthday,
was the first one to be granted to spend 12 hours in the "Private Suite",
she invited Shifra to be with her.
When Hagit asked:"so how did Ranin manage finally?"
Einav claimed, that it was Shai,"who had made it his agenda,
to support the weak ones!"

What a distortion. ..

It is the first time,
I heard someone gossip about Ranin behind her back.
And I feel a bit scared:
Ranin cannot be simply Ranin.
She will for ever be "the Arab girl",
and whatever is said against her,
will be said against her people.
Someone also said about her once:
"She is denying her people, she has become an Ashkenasi Jew",
or what - since Yossi's and his daughter Einav's racist outbreaks -
is called a "Friedmann", [probably because this name sounds so German].

(When the newly spreading term was used during the brunch on Tomer's birthday,
I discerned, that people understand the word as "a free man"
and I said: It means 'a man of peace', "Fried" means "Peace",
and I looked at Tomer, since only recently I had explained my father's name to him;
"Siegfried" - the victory of peace, or a peaceful victory.

I am again surprised, how fast the judgments against the people change,
not only mine.
If Leon had made that joke, that soon Ina will be Eena = "not there",
it now turned out, that Ina was proposed for elimination only by one person.

15:00 During my lunch I zapped in, as usual.
This time they were encouraging each other to sing,
and this time Ina was truly lovable.

It seems, that once people are long enough with each other,
they loose their "pose"
and when they are their natural selves, they are lovable.
It was like that with Leon, whom I really detested when he entered.
Now there is not one person, who gossips about him,
and he is perhaps the one who enriches the community most.
Yossi I appreciated for sharing his tears,
but he did so only in the "Confession-Room".
As long as he is with the group, he is never ever himself.
On the other hand, I find it great,
that all these 70 days father and daughter stayed on - TOGETHER!

I realize again, that the background includes the top of Einav's head...

Nourishment from Others

A program in 3SAT "Nano": see as a video
I was fascinated by a new method
of helping children like Tomer.
The computer-game is actually striving to make children
aware of "judgments" or "beliefs"
(in the game called "helpful thoughts" or "not helpful thoughts").

and training them in choosing the "helpful" beliefs.

Das verhaltenstherapeutische Computerspiel "Schatzsuche" unterstützt Therapien

Ein Computerspiel soll die Therapie von ängstlichen, depressiven oder aggressiven Kindern unterstützen. Die an der Universität Zürich entwickelte "Schatzsuche" ist das erste verhaltenstherapeutische Computerspiel für Kinder von neun bis 13 Jahren. "Wir wollen damit Psychotherapeuten in ihrer Arbeit unterstützen", sagt Veronika Brezinka vom Zentrum für Kinder und Jugendpsychiatrie. "Es ist jedoch kein Selbsthilfe-Spiel und ersetzt die Arbeit eines Psychotherapeuten nicht."

Psychotherapeutische Computerspiele ohne begleitende Psychotherapie können keine kindlichen Störungen beheben. Deshalb wird "Schatzsuche" nur an Fachleute abgegeben, die sich als solche legitimieren müssen. Pro Therapiesitzung sollen jeweils 20 Minuten gespielt werden. Brezinka glaubt, dass das Spiel Kinder in der Therapie motiviert. Zudem könne die Schatzsuche Therapeuten helfen, die Sitzungen zu strukturieren.

Das kostenlos erhältliche Spiel findet auf einem alten Segelschiff statt. Das Kind hilft dem Kapitän, eine Schatzkarte zu entziffern. Dazu muss es verschiedene Aufgaben im Schiff lösen. Sind alle Aufgaben einer thematischen Gruppe gelöst, gewinnt das Kind einen Seestern, den es in die Schatzkarte einsetzen kann. Dadurch erhalten Kind und Kapitän weitere Anhaltspunkte, wo sie suchen müssen. Hat das Kind den Schatz gefunden, bekommt es eine vom Therapeuten unterzeichnete Urkunde.

Nach einer Studie des Robert-Koch-Instituts zeigen
11,5 Prozent aller Mädchen und 17,8 Prozent aller Jungen im Alter von 3 bis 17 Jahren psychische Verhaltensauffälligkeiten. Hinzu kommen bei 15,2 Prozent der Jungen und 21,9 Prozent der Mädchen Essstörungen und bei knapp 10 Prozent der Jugendlichen der Missbrauch von Suchtmitteln. "Ich meine, dass vieles auf eine Zunahme solcher Störungen in den letzten Jahren hinweist, dass aber auch Eltern, Lehrer und Ärzte sehr viel aufmerksamer geworden sind und deshalb heute Störungen wahrgenommen werden, die man früher schlicht übersehen hat", erklärt Kai von Klitzing, Direktor der Leipziger Uniklinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie.

Während Hyperaktivität noch vor wenigen Jahren als Unartigkeit bezeichnet worden sei, wisse man heute, dass es sich um eine ernsthafte Störung handelt. Auslöser gibt es laut von Klitzing einige: "Statt Beziehungsangeboten werden den Kindern Medienangebote gemacht. Eltern sind mit Beruf und Familie überfordert. Familien stehen im gesellschaftlichen Abseits. Armut und Arbeitslosigkeit gehören bei vielen Kindern und Jugendlichen zum Alltag." Aus dem zuletzt genannten Grund sei das Problem der verhaltensauffälligen Kinder und Jugendlichen im Osten Deutschlands auch stärker zu beobachten.



A Skype talk in the evening with Immanuel and Mika


Continuation of Tomer's 14th birthday


Abba's speech
for Tomer and his guests.

What is this light
on Tomer's nose?

The two classmates of 1970: Levi with his daughter No'a, Immanuel with his son Tomer

Immanuel and Tomer (who doesn't feel at ease, as his face shows...) ----- Micha ------- baby Maya on Ayelet's arms



Mika sings:
"Uf Gozal", "Fly Nestling"
and spreads her arms
as if flying like a bird

See the day, October 31,
when she began to learn this song,
which is not at all a kids' song...



Mika, Ayelet and Ronnit
delight in Mika's show!


Another lovely composition of members of my family:
Ronnit with Rotem
(Tomer on Yael's Bat-Mitzvah: "I'm surprised, how much wine Rotem drinks!") and Dita.
IN front of them Arnon playing with Itamar , and Yael listening to her mother

Yahel and Goaln ----- Yael and Ayelet - - they , too, delight in Mika's performance

Tomer still doesn't feel comfortable, and after his father's speech escapes into eating..
A pity, that he does not recognize that he and his cousin Itamar have some beautiful things in common.
Tomer doesn't love himself enough in order to value children who are younger or even the same age as he is.

A moment with Levi and his daughter No'a

not a good picture: but it shows my three children-in-love;
Uri, Efrat, Ra'ayah ( behind Alon)

Again a composition of generations which I cherish:
No'a and Mika ---- Yael and Ayelet
Micha, Ra'ayah and Hagar

Tomer with his intentionally torn trousers and the boots he is so proud of (bought by Efrat, of course)
between his playing teacher and his playing father and across his tutor Ro'i






November 10

Cheshvan 12


Actions:  To the pool (2) climbing up and down the Wadi of Compassion

Kisslog: healing-creating
TV & Internet: learning
Preparing food. Cleaning
Buying milk & butter
Interactions: in the Wadi 2 Bedouin boys passed me by and then from behind me one asked: 'Is this for sale?' 'What? My phone?' 'Yes' .'Are you crazy? I'm hearing music!' Strangely I said: 'shome'a' & had to correct from male to female:' shoma'a't.' Why was I triggered?? --With Ofir: stores furniture on my veranda! Skype: Immanuel & Mika
Parting from
my obsession
to complete

this page---
on Nov. 14

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8