The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart

"AZ NIDBERU" - My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]

Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute
It seems that I chose 26 actors for my life's drama and those 26 actors chose me! One common trait of all roles is "mutual dependency" between them and me.
With 16 actors - my family - the mutual dependency is life-long! With my landlords at Arad & with my 6 starchildren,
born between 1986-88, it may be temporary.
My children: Immanuel, Ronnit, Micha; my children-in-love: Efrat, Uri, Ra'ayah; my 10 grandchildren [born 1987-2005): Elah-Alon-Tomer-Mika; Jonathan-Rotem-Yael-Itamar; Arnon-Ayelet
My landlords: Ofir & Meital+ Lior (2002) & Amit (2005). My starchildren: Lior Oren, Zipi Winkler , Dina Strat , Meshi Taib, Gal Mor, Boris Arons [26=YHWH=13+13=ahavah+ahavah =

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery



December 12

Kislev 15
Full Moon

Kisslog: healing-creating
Internet: learning

playing with Mika
Efrat and Mika
e-mail to Levi & Ayelet:
thanks for kids dances DVD
& "did you meet with Tomer?"
Parting from
my obsession
to complete

this page---
on Dec. 14




Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may

9:28 After having dedicated almost 100 minutes to the sculpturing of a letter to Immanuel -
I desire that my message, encouragement & consolation will - effectively! - resonate in my son!
I desire that the insight
"(focus on small triggers and ignore the big ones, since you attracted those only because you ignored the small ones) will be helpful to him and produce fast , visible changes in his interactions...
I desire to balance this last day
(before a full Shabbat: grandma-day from 10:00 to 19:30 & traveling back at night)
between creating al-one in my sanctuary and interacting with Efrat & Mika with joy & laughter
Song of the Day~~~~ relevant in May 1967, relevant in December 2008

Thanks for the compassion of little Immanuel for his baby-brother Micha in January 1967
Thanks for the song which soothed the pain when a fourth child was not allowed to be born

Thanks for my son's strength to cope with being torn by his co-actors between child and child

"People have to be given small steps to turn their lives around,
...something that can be obtained rather than shooting for the stars.
Depression will result from this and falling back in to old habits and lack of motivation".

from a channeling I received in 1988, glued to a drawing of 9 year old Immanuel (1972):
"The Bedouin returns from the waterfall to his tent, and the child awaits him."



Finetuning to my Present

Yesterday I ordered some 10 yoghurts in a way, that E. should have noticed them.
It didn't help: she bought 4 new ones today, which wouldn't have disturbed her,
if she hadn't seen my face, when she called me:
"Take two with you to Arad."
Despite my decision to eat from their fridge to my tongue's delight,
I cannot help being even more carefull than always, when choosing what to eat,
and the amount of delight in joghurt is definitely not worth its price in money.
2 days ago she bought the kind of herring I like but would never buy,
and even before the financial misery, could not justify that it was bought for my sake.
So why now?
And how can I hide from E. that I judge her as "wasting money", even if I keep silent?

On the other hand, I did not keep quiet 10 minutes later,
when the clapping of her boots on the floor got on my nerves too much.
I tried to wrap my quest carefully:
"Before you go into all this cleaning now
(the threat on Sunday, that she would clean "tonight" - amidst all the great pressure -
was not realized to my relief, and cleaning was postponed from day to day until now)

"is there something I can do to help?"
"No, no", she said and smiled cheerfully, "you have done enough!"
Should I have walked away then and given up my quest?
No, it is exactly this nano-need, which I have to voice,
and then cope with the reaction which my fright attracts
- whole-hearted-ly,
neither taking on blame nor making Efrat feel guilty for blaming me:
I said humbly:
"Would it be too cumbersome for you to take off your boots?
The clicking-clacking is hard to bear for me.
I heard it so often in my life, for instance above my room at Shoham,
and even today - on some mornings - above my room at Arad."

The potential trigger - attracted by my fright - did not hesitate to follow:
"Last week you became utterly crazy with your oversensitivity to noise etc. etc. "
and then:
"I can't talk on the phone in my own house, I can't wear my shoes, am I in a prison?"
Though I trembled with fear and guilt, I did not fall into the trap of the trigger.
I said boldly: "
Thank you for being considerate", and returned to my room.


Nourishment from Others
Information from Deity, which is asserted, for instance, by the TV show "Polygraph":
to a woman - who previously had answered extremely embarrassing questions honestly:
"Do you sometimes yearn to go back to the life-style you led before your child was born?"
She was absolutely sure of her answer:
"No, Never!"
but the polygraph showed her, that she was denying her yearning.
[If this would be my preference, I would like to learn more from two organizations: polygraph and anti-polygraph!]

A paper-clipping that came my way

From the purple book, the third book of "Right Use of Will"
DeRohan, Ceanne - ORIGINAL CAUSE 2,
"The Reflection Lost Will Has to Give",
Locating the gap between Spirit's vision and reality on earth.
Four Winds Publications, Sante Fe, New Mexico, 1987

P. 31-32 (?)
... understood that
We were looking at the pictures Our judgments were creating
rather than open-mindedly looking at situations that could evolve

Almost everything you think and feel right now
is involved in belief systems
that are going to have to become more recognized than they have been so far
if true freedom is what you seek.
Most people do not allow themselves to notice they hold this judgment
or to notice to what extent they hold this judgment.

The judgment goes like this:
"I cannot allow myself to notice everything that is happening
because it is too overwhelming
and if I allow myself to notice everything,
I'll be too overwhelmed by my response to it."

There is another judgment that is really the same judgment that says:
"I cannot allow myself to know everything I am really doing
because I can't face the responsibility this may mean that I have."

I hesitated to join Heart because of the feelings I have just been explaining to you.
The Rainbow Spirits took this hesitation to mean
that they did not feel good to Me,
or that they were somehow not acceptable to Me,
or perhaps not good enough for Me,
or maybe lacking in some way physically, spiritually, or in what they had to offer me.

We all had a moment of uncomfortableness there.
We tried to ignore it and move past it,
but what went into the Lost Will was, and still is, significant.

Heart felt the guilt that was present also, and did not know how to handle it.
He wondered if He was displeasing Me with His actions
or if I now found Him unacceptable to Me in some way.
Since We had been so close so many times in the past
and shared so much excitement and ecstasy
over what We thought could pour forth into manifestation,

Heart did not think I would find fault with His suggestion
that We now allow Ourselves
to enjoy something outwardly in its manifested form.

Lost Will has reflected these fears and uncertainties ever since then
in the form of people
who feel they have to hold back the feelings they have toward one another
for fear that they might be wrong feelings to have,
might be misinterpreted
or might lead into wrong avenues of expression.

Heart wanted to understand Me here
but He also had guilt saying
We should not make the Rainbow Spirits feel
that once again We couldn't join them
because We were continuing to have personal problems that were more important.

Heart hoped that whatever was troubling Me this time
would be quickly solved within Me
so that I would be able to join Him for a bath in colored light.
Heart also felt
that there were so few Rainbow Spirits acting receptive to Us
that He wanted to give them a positive experience.

I had a moment's hesitation
and I have been trying to help you notice
how much Lost Will can be created even in a brief moment's denials.
I tried to cover it up in Myself
by voicing My concern about the rest of the Rainbow Spirits.
I even told Heart that I questioned
whether He should be indulging Himself like that
when others might be needing His help.
Heart had some guilt here
or I could not have given Him this reflection at all,
but He also saw Me as being unduly hard on Him.

He felt that I was being punitive, lacking in compassion and understanding,
and even cold and unloving to tell Him that He did not really deserve
even a few moments of pleasure as a resting point amidst all the service
He was rendering in My name on behalf of the Rainbow Spirits.

What Heart saw here
was a picture of guilt that did not love or accept what He was doing,
and since it went into Lost Will,
it was not resolved then.

The patterns I am describing hid themselves in the Lost Will
and reappeared later in Heart's life as Jesus.
So much Original Cause for the Rainbow Spirits
gave its Lost Will reflection in the life of Jesus
that much Original Cause can be understood
by studying the life of Jesus in the light of the understandings I am giving here.

Judas, for example, was a Lost Wioll image that Heart and I created here.
Judas implied that Jesus was not doing a good enough job to be my Son
and criticized Jesus in the same ways I was doing here.
The same Spirits that were present here were among the fol-
[continuation see December 14.]

[see also puzzle piece 26 Redeeming Lost Will]

Copy of what I once phrased as a "pop-up":
"Lost Will" are parts of God or me or you
- painful emotions,
needs judged unfulfillable
"negative" qualities
or feared greatness -
that are so denied, that they are "lost".
This does not mean they are not active

Left frame of quotes:

From September 11

"Being aware of what is triggered in you
is not a bad thing,
it is the first step
in the healing.
It is the first step
in recovery of the lost Will
that is being stirred.
Even though it may feel very bad at first,
embrace it, own it, be it... "

From "The Reflection Lost Will Has to Give"

"How you really feel is what needs expression
......emphasize guttural sounds.

"the definition of love needs to be expanded
to include emotions that have been labeled 'negative'."

"When the will [feelings] receives judgement
instead of love and light
[acceptance and consciousness]
it becomes lost from the light
and thus the term, 'Lost Will'.

"Finding the Will to Heal"

"The issue of Spirit
overriding Will
has been around
ever since Grandfather and the Original Mother
lost most of the Will
that had been present
in Original Heart.
But the issue is now present
in Body
in this Creation,
and this is
where it must be resolved,
where it must be healed.

Will must lead,
if Will is to become free.
And unless you wish to spend
the rest of your manifested existence
in an ever larger and better parking lot,
Will must become free.

"To understand the secret to using the key
requires both

a deep commitment to heal
and a firm willingness
to risk everything in doing it.


"Here is the secret,
if you are ready.
consciously choose
to dedicate
all of your free Will
to helping free
all of your trapped Will.
Second, take Spirit's advice,
and drive backward under guidance.

[updates discovered on 2005_08_29]
"When your conscious intention and your free Will

is purely dedicated
to healing into wholeness,
and nothing else matters more to you,
you are ready
to take responsibility for

healing yourself
and all of Creation.
When you are relying entirely
on your Will
and her mate, loving Light,
for inner guidance

[in the old version "mate," was missing!]
and no longer planning a future
or believing what your imprints and conditioning have been telling you

about what you must do
and what you must protect yourself against ~
you are doing the work."





Big Brother Drama 00:00

An interview with Ranin Bolus
Ranin to the interviewer at the end:
"perhaps you tell me what happens outside?"
"you are the most interesting thing in the State",
"I too?"

Bless you.

Bless you for being a glittering jewel in the wonderful net of life
and for reflecting in your surface all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number.

Bless you for being a dreamer; for thinking big and daring to be great. Thank you for showing the way.

Thank you for your clear communication; for your considerate words that go like sunlight to one's heart.

Bless you for being a messenger of God, delivering the message of Love, Peace and Joy.

Bless you for loving all of life, and for saying YES to each moment and to each "other." Thank you for being courageously involved.

Bless you for being the change you wish to see in the world and for realizing that you are indeed as powerful as you can imagine.

Bless you for... letting go and making space for the new; for serving the greatest vision you have of yourself.

Bless you for being an example of humankind's self-empowerment and self-actualization and for reminding us that everything we need is within.

Thank you for our sacred relationship; for allowing me to awaken to the awareness that although we are not outwardly identical, We are One.



Nourishment from Others

From a paper-clipping from
"Seth" , the Nature of Personal Reality, 1974
last quote on december 4 ~~~ see also Godchannel's reference to "Seth"

p. 387
... each of you choose - ahead of time, in your terms - the kind of framework through which you will contend with this life situation. This applies personally and collectively. ..
Since all is simultaneous, your present beliefs can alter your past ones, whether from this life or a "previous" one. Existences are open-ended. Now with your ideas of progressive time and the resulting beliefs in cause and effect, I realize this is difficult for you to understand. Yet within the abilities of your creaturehood, your current beliefs can change your experience; you can restructure your "reincarnatonal past" in the same way that you can restructure the past in the present life.
(with gestures:) In the center of the page:
The Point of Power Is in the Present.

This experienced present also represents your psychic touchstone to all of your other existences. You are consciously aware of certain events, and unconsciously aware of much more that in one way or another you are learning to bring into conscious focus.

The same applies to all of your other "reincarnational selves." They are unconsciously aware of your presents, creative. You draw on their knowledge as they draw on yours, and this of course applies to personalities that you would consider future. You have a gigantic pool of information and experience to draw upon, but this will be utilized according to your present conscious beliefs. If you understand that the point of power is in the present, then you have an inexhaustible realm of ability and energy at your command.

p. 388
...beginnings and endings are realities only within your own system of three-dimensional life.
The energy of your being exists outside of your system, however, and impinges upon it in your terms, becoming "alive" physically at certain points of time and space. Your own greater energy dips in and out of the space-time continuum as you understand it. As it does, its experience becomes physical. Within that system then it leaves a life-trace. When you think in terms of reincarnation it seems that one tracing exists before the other, but the entire "chart" exists at once, with all the individual life-tracings.

(Long pause.) Since these offshoots or life-tracings each come from your entity, they are connected psychologically and in terms of electromagnetic energy patterns. Consider this analogy: Taking it for granted that you are indeed multidimensional, you can perceive only so much of your own experience at a time because of the characteristics of physical creaturehood; the three-dimensional system automatically specializes in before-and-after effects.

p. 403
.... you create and experience your daily life through your personal feelings and beliefs, so the same applies to dream reality. There, however, your thoughts and feelings become "instantly" alive, springing up one upon another, coming full blown as it were. The dream world exists in terms of energy also, of course, but simply at ranges that are not physically obvious. Much of yourr interior creative work and planning is done at this level. There must be some differentiation between dream and waking experience just so that you can manipulate in the more narrowly focused daily life.

However, there is no great reason for the vast separation that now exists between your waking and sleeping lives. ...
the dreaming "I" and the waking "I" are one, but operating in entirely different environments. Therefore, you become familiar with depths of experience and knowledge unknown to you before. You acquire a true flexibility and expanded awareness of your own being, and open channels of communication between your waking and dreaming realities. This means that you are far better able to utilize unconscious knowledge, and also to acquaint the unconscious with your present physical situation.
Such a procedure can bring you in contact with wisdom you have been denying yourself, help unify your entire life situation, and release your energy for practical every-day purposes. Even the decision to try such a venture is beneficial, since it automatically presupposes a flexibility of attitude on the part of the conscious self...
p. 404
Each night's dreams then provide you with a rich bed of creativity. Spread out before you in great profusion, you will find not only any problems but their solutions.

Now, in physical terms it may take some time before your conscious mind accepts or recognizes a diagnosis given in a dream. It may come to you later in altered form as a hunch or sudden intuition, or an urge for action. If you do not trust yourself you may ignore such impetuses and not take advantage of the answers.

The enlightened conscious mind is always alert for such messages. You can also go steps beyond this into the dream condition itself, requesting certain dreams, certain solutions, and therefore shortening the time, so to speak, that may be involved otherwise.

While looking for Nella outside, I saw the full moon
and quickly lifted up Mika and carried her outside to see it.
When we reentered the house, Efrat reported:
Tomer has just sent an SMS, that we should look at the moon,
because it is "The biggest Full Moon of the Year",
as I now found asserted in

"It's no illusion.
Some full Moons are genuinely larger than others
and this Friday's is a whopper. Why?
The Moon's orbit is an ellipse
with one side 50,000 km closer to Earth
than the other

"In the language of astronomy, the two extremes are called "apogee" (far away) and "perigee" (nearby).
On Dec. 12th, the Moon becomes full a scant 4 hours after reaching perigee, making it 14% bigger and 30% brighter than lesser full Moons we've seen earlier in 2008.

"The best time to look is when the Moon is near the horizon. That is when illusion mixes with reality to produce a truly stunning view. For reasons not fully understood by astronomers or psychologists, low-hanging Moons look unnaturally large when they beam through trees, buildings and other foreground objects.."

In 2004, Greek amateur astronomer Anthony Ayiomamitis
photographed an apogee Moon and a perigee Moon,
and set the images side by side to show the difference.

Moon Halo on December 11

Ugur IKIZLER , Mudanya- Bursa / Turkey


Ørsta, Norway : "This sporty Lunar Halo was visible around the Moon,
looking quite like a wheel rolling on the Moon illuminated mountainside."

Richard Meinig, Moon Halo over Colorado Springs


Though at 19:00 the moon was already too high on the sky to let us see the big "ellipse" (how come I never heard of this before?)
Mika and I went outside and - while pushing her or letting her drive her bicycle - watched the moon
and stopped at the water-tower of this village, Bet Nehemya.
I was delighted to get big moon and tiny mika on one photo...

Back home:

I hear her talking so clearly on the phone,
that I come out of my room to see this,

"Yes, grandma Miryam (Efrat's mother), yes, I'm going, yes grandma Mirjam".
She never speaks like that with the real grandma on the real phone...

Efrat and I try to catch some scenes in a satiric Friday-night program,
while Mika plays around us. Suddenly we hear her saying clearly

"Sabaaba! Sabaaba" (Slang for "Great! Fantastic!", in the same intonation some comedian had said it a few moments before. )


No triggers, just fun and laughter...



More from the Great Conjunction Gallery on

Tom Soetaert, Lawrence, Kansas, USA

Stephen O'Meara, Pu'uloa Lava fields, Big Island, Hawaii
"A triad of celestial orbs looms over a similar arrangement of mysterious orbs
carved in the ancient Pu'uloa lava fields of Kilauea Volcano.
Some petroglyphs, like these, may have may astronomical significance."



Serdar Hepgul, Istanbul, Turkey

What a contrast between these two environments...




Ulhas Deshpande, Mumbai, India Dec. 1, 2008
After the terrorist attack,
"Mumbaikars were grieving their friends
who passed away.
This apparition in the heavens came as a blessing
and encouraged them to carry on."



The next day, on Shabbat, on the playground,
Arnon , Yael and I were sitting together
on a bench,
wrapped in a blanket against the cold,
while Mika was playing with her friend Adar,
and Itamar and Ayelet had gone somewhere
to talk with each other.

Arnon told about his experiences at school,
and also mentioned his teacher of geography.
It was then, when silent Yael interrupted:
"My teacher of geography will no longer come to us.
His mother was among the six Jews
who were killed at Mumbai.
And -
she added -
also the grandmother of one of the pupils
was among the victims".

I was shocked:
From among the three Israelis,
two people who are connected
to the Democratic School of Modi'in??????

Mumbai-Based Rabbi and Wife Killed in Terrorist Attacks
Also killed at the Chabad House were
kosher supervisors Rabbi Leibish Teitelbaum of New York
and American-Israeli Bentzion Chroman.
... the English Web site of Yediot Achronot reported the identity of a fifth victim

as Israeli woman Yocheved Orpaz. At least one other hostage was reportedly killed.

Through the heroic actions of his nanny, the Holtzberg's toddler son, Moshe, managed to escape many hours before Indian commandos stormed their building, known as the Nariman House, in the popular touristy neighborhood of Colaba.

"Gabi and Rivky Holtzberg made the ultimate sacrifice," said Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, vice chairman of Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, the educational arm of Chabad-Lubavitch. "As emissaries to Mumbai, Gabi and Rivky gave up the comforts of the West in order to spread Jewish pride in a corner of the world that was a frequent stop for throngs of Israeli tourists. Their Chabad House was popular among the local community, as well as with visiting businesspeople.

"For five years, they ran a synagogue and Torah classes, and helped people dealing with drug addiction and poverty, Their selfless love will live on with all the people they touched. We will continue the work they started."

The Holtzbergs arrived in Mumbai in 2003 to serve the small local Jewish community, visiting businesspeople and the throngs of tourists, many of them Israeli, who annually travel to the seaside city.

Gavriel Holtzberg, 29, was born in Israel and moved to the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, N.Y., with his parents, when he was nine. A prodigious student, Holtzberg was a two-time champion in a competition of memorizing the Mishnah, a compendium of rabbinical laws and enactments redacted in the second century C.E.

He studied at yeshivas in New York and Argentina, and as a rabbinical student served communities in Thailand and China under the Summer Rabbinical Visitation Program run by Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, the educational arm of Chabad-Lubavitch.

His 28-year-old wife, born Rivkah Rosenberg, is a native of Afula, Israel. Chayki Rosenberg described her sister as dedicated to helping Jews.

She “gives lots of classes for women at the Chabad House, Rosenberg told The Jerusalem Post.

Friends described her as always having a positive outlook and a kind word for everyone.

Two years ago, the Holtzbergs raised funds to purchase the current location of the Rohr Chabad Center, a five-story building in Mumbai’s Colaba market area known as Narimon House. A trained ritual circumciser and slaughterer, the rabbi also conducted weddings for local Jewish couples in addition to teaching Torah classes and visiting with tourists.

His last known phone call was to the Israeli Consulate Wednesday night to report that gunmen were in his house. In the middle of the conversation, the line went dead.

The Holtzbergs joined the more than 195 people who were killed in the Wednesday night through Friday attacks, which saw at least 10 suspected Islamic terrorists come ashore in Mumbai near the Gateway of India monument. The terrorists, carrying assault rifles and grenades, quickly fanned out to a central train station, the Chabad House and other tourist locations, including several popular hotels.

According to security services, the Chabad House was a pre-selected target.

Rivkah Holtzberg cuts the ribbon at the grand opening of a Jewish ritual bath in Mumbai.

Yocheved Orpaz
Meanwhile, friends and relatives are mourning the death of Yocheved Orpaz, also killed at the Chabad House. Her sister, Orly, told Ynet that Yocheved traveled to India to visit her daughter and two grandchildren who were traveling there.

"She was an amazing and noble woman, a good fairy and a mother of four," Orly said. "She loved to travel. We were waiting for a miracle. We spent Shabbat together, until the bad news arrived."

Leibish Teitlebaum, another terror victim at the Chabad House, resided in Jerusalem's Mea Shearim neighborhood, and traveled to India as a kashrut supervisor.


Written with tears... By Rabbi Eli & Shani Cohen

In shock, we join the 3000+ Chabad Centres & World Jewry in mourning the tragic and senseless loss of our fellow Chabad emissaries in Mumbai, India Rabbi Gavriel & Mrs. Rivkah Holtzberg who together with other Jewish hostages were killed by terrorists in the Mumbai Chabad Centre. 'May Hashem Avenge Their Blood'.

In 2003, shortly after their marriage, Rabbi Gavriel and Rivkah Holtzberg heeded the call of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of blessed memory, and cheerfully gave up all the comforts of home and family, taking up residence at the other end of the world, to selflessly help others in need. In a very short time, their home and center became a thriving hub of goodness and kindness, as they dispensed their blend of gracious openheartedness to the local Jewish community and to thousands of tourists and business people who frequented Mumbai.

The Holtzbergs toddler son, Moshe’le, who was heroically rescued from the hell by his nanny, Sandra, marked his second birthday, on Shabbat, November 29. (Our own son Menachem Mendel Cohen celebrated his birthday too this Shabbat however,) Moishe’le Holtzberg marked his birthday as an orphan without a mom or dad to lovingly embrace him and celebrate with him.

The world of Chabad and our emissaries will adopt this beautiful young toddler, and assure him of the best possible upbringing into adulthood.

Rivkah Holtzberg holds her son Moshe (center).

Yocheved Orpaz
On Thursday, Avi Orpaz was anxiously awaiting the return of his mother Yocheved, 62, from India, where she traveled to visit her daughter Ayala and her two grandchildren. They began understanding what was taking place in Mumbai, fearing the worst, trying frantically to get in touch with Yocheved. On motzei Shabbos, they received official notification, the bitter news that she was among the dead.

The mother of four, from Givatayim, Yocheved is described by friends as “someone with a big heart”.

Avi is still unable to refer to his mother in past tense. Alon, another son, [I think, this is Yael's teacher of Geography] left before Shabbos for India in the hope of finding his mother. They used all their connections and contacted many Israelis with family and friends in India, hoping to track down their mother.






December 12

Kislev 15
Full Moon

Kisslog: healing-creating
Internet: learning

playing with Mika
Efrat and Mika
e-mail to Levi & Ayelet:
thanks for kids dances DVD
& "did you meet with Tomer?"
Parting from
my obsession
to complete

this page---
on Dec. 14

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8