The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Re-edited on July 24, 2013 ----------- In this research - first completed 41 years ago -
I cannot update, how the central concept of "SIN" has to be radically transmuted.
Sin is "Suende" in German, which derives from "sondern"= to separate.
The actual "Suende" is "Denial", i.e. the separation between Thinking and Feeling,
i.e. the lack of awareness - by ignoring, overriding, repressing -
of what I do not want in my life - a) feelings, b) needs, c) qualities, d) greatness.

These denied parts of myself do not simply disappear ,
but survive in body and soul and all around me,
they even attract more of the same denials, become monstrous,
produce evil doing, perpetration, or evil suffering, victimhood.

The redemption from "Sin", i.e. from denial and "Lost Will"-
and from there the redemption from suffering and death,
begins with learning to feel, i.e. to accept, "to womb" what I feel,
to move it physically and then to understand...
In other words: I can allow myself to feel unpleasant feelings, needs, qualities,
only if I KNOW and PRACTISE - that every feeling, from the tiniest to the biggest -
must be   V I B R A T E D ,  i.e. physically breathed, sounded, moved,
in order to heal and evolve, and then fulfill its task: to guide me and to full-fill me.

Once there was a quantum-leap in evolution,
when humans understood that there was a connection between suffering and doing.
Since they knew from the beginning (unlike humankind today), that the many and the one were tied together,
their "solution" then was, to uproot the one evil-doer from the community, so as to spare it the consequences.

The next quantum-leap in evolution, was,
when it was understood that this "solution" caused even more suffering,
and they evolved the idea of "reproach and protest".
This, also, caused more damage than benefit.

The "solution" people then came up with, was not an evolution,
but a re-volution, a re-gression:
it was to deny the connection between doing and suffering altogether
and to ignore the mutual guarantorship between the one and the many.
As the present time-period shows, this was/is a horrendous denial,
yes the culmination of an absurd, monstrous illusion.
Now the time has come, to go down to the deepest roots of both:
the connection between doing/notdoing (=denial) and suffering,
and the connection between me, the individual, and everybody else .
July 31, 2013
The root is the disconnection between the aspects of "God" or humans:
Spirit-Will-Body --or thinking-feeling-sensing...
When Spirit/Mind denies feelings or needs or qualities and greatness,
then these feelings, needs, qualities and greatness become "Lost Will".
Lost Will either undermines myself and - as its worst - causes "cancer",
or attaches itself to other people who are weak in their self-acceptance,
who then - in order "to do" something - produce havoc all around them.

My PH.D.-Thesis, 1966-1982, delivered in Hebrew to the Jerusalem University 1972
(i.e. my coping with the holocaust).
Final Hebrew Title 1972: "The  PERCEPTION    of    SUFFERING    and    SOLIDARITY    with the    SUFFERERS
in the Thought of the Jewish Sages from the time of the second Commonwealth till the End of the Talmudic Era"
(i.e. in Bible, Apocryphes, Qumran, New Testament, Talmud, Midrash)

Title of the German Book 1978    (Rachel Rosenzweig)
Solidaritaet mit den Leidenden im Judentum
"Solidarity with the Sufferers in Judaism"

Title of the Hebrew Book 1982 (Rachel Bat-Adam)
"kol yisrael 'arevim zeh la-zeh"
"All Israel are guarantors for each other"

See the overview of "MY BOOK" in the context of "MY LIFE's HARVEST"

"All Israel are Guarantors for Each Other"
Maryam, alias Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, married Rachel Rosenzweig, born Eva-Maria-Christa Guth

Etrog, Myrtle, Date, and Willow
-- these are Israel!
Knowing and doing do exist or do not
-- these are Israel!
They shall make one union - Israel!
They will atone for each other -Israel!
An ancient psalm was given to the nation!
A redeeming psalm also for the World!
Without leaves- there won't be grapes!

The Cross: my old belief in struggling!
The Etrog: my rejoicing in fulfillment!

Click and hear my song created in December 2008,
based on the metaphor of "The Four Species,
connected to the Succot-Festival and the motto of my book:

Each is special, UNIQUE , but none is preferable!
Only by integrating, coalescing into ONE UNION
can we LIVE and LOVE in zest and full-fill-ment

and Links to all chapters

Re-edited on July 23, 2013

Summaries of the chapters
in the German Book and in the Hebrew Book

            In the original books they appear after each major chapter - in Hebrew and German

I marked names and quotations to convey the message:

"Whoever says something in the name of the person who said it,
brings redemption to the world"
[Avot 6,6 & Siddur]
red: Hebrew Bible and New Testament
orange-filled: Qumran, Apocrypha, Talmud&Midrash
green: other names, mainly of modern researchers
Bundle 1 / g10-15 / h28-34
Bundle 2 / g15-19 / h34-38
Bundle 3 / g20-27 / h39-47
Bundle 4
/ g27-30 / h47-49
Bundle 5 / g30-35 / h50-55
Bundle 6 / g35-47 / h55-66
Bundle 7 / g47-53 / h67-72
Bundle  8  / g 53-  56  / h 72- 75
Bundle  9  / g 59 -  65 / h 78- 84
Bundle 10
/ g 65- 68  / h 84- 87
Bundle 11 / g 69- 77  / h 87- 95
Bundle 12
/ g 77- 83 / h 95-101
Bundle 13 / g85- 96 / h105-116
Bundle 14
/g100-110 /h117-127
Bundle15 /g111-120 / h128-138
Bundle 16
/g121-130 / h139-147
Bundle 17/g130-138 / h147-154
Bundle 18/g138-148 / h154-163
Bundle 19
/g148-153 / h163-168
Bundle 20/g155-166 / h171-182
Bundle 21
/g166-176 / h182-191
Bundle 22 /g176-187 / h191-201
Bundle 23 /g189-200 / h203-215
Bundle 24 /g201-210 / h215-225
Bundle 25 /g210-222 / h225-237
Bundle 26 /g226-233 / h240-247
Bundle 27 /g233-245 / h247-259
Bundle 28
/g248-262 / h261-274

F I R S T      P A R T
In German: T H E   S U F F E R E R S
In Hebrew:

[bundle 1]
E R S T E R      T E I L
D I E    L E I D E N D E N

Erstes Kapitel:    
     mit der leidenden Menschheit

1. Qohelet
2. Paulus
3. Esra der Seher
[bundle 2]
4. Die Rabbinen
5. Rabbi schmu'el bar Nachmani


[bundle 1]
F I R S T      P A R T
In German:T H E    S U F F E R E R S

First Chapter
In German: Solidarity with Suffering Humankind
The Consciousness of Suffering
             common to all humans

1. Qohelet/Ecclesiastes
2. Paulus
3. Ezra the Seer
[bundle 2]
4. Israel's Sages
5. Rabbi Shmu'el bar Nakhmani


[bundle 1]

[bundle 2]


Das allgemeinmenschliche Leiden war den Denkern Israels nur selten bewusst.
Die Leiden des "Gerechten" oder die Verfolgungen der Apostel einerseits
und das Leiden Israels andrerseits
verdraengten das Bewusstsein vom Leid aller Erdenkinder.

Dennoch ragen eine Reihe Denker hervor,
denen die Gemeinsamkeit der Geschoepfe im Leid bewusst war:

'Qohelet' [bei Luther: 'Prediger'] als Repraesentant der vorapokalyptischen Zeit,
Paulus als Repraesentant der apokalyptisch-christlichen Erloesungs-Hoffnung,
'Esra' als Repraesentant des Zusammenstosses zwischen apokalyptischem Individualismus
und biblisch-rabbinischem Solidaritaetsgefuehl
Rabbi Schmu'el bar Nachmani als Vertreter der rabbinischen eschatologischen Lehre.

Einige Weise erkannten zumindest ein besonderes Leid,
das Leid der Duerrekatastrophen,
als eines, das alle Grenzen zwischen Voelkern und Menschen und Geschoepfen sprengt.
Ja es gab solche, die die apokalyptischen Troestungen abwerteten,
weil sie nicht alle unter der Duerre Leidenden der Welt einschlossen.

Eine ausdrueckliche Konsequenz
fuer das praktische Verhalten zwischen den Voelkern sehen wir jedoch nirgends.
Aus der gemeinsamen Not ergab sich noch keine gegenseitige Verantwortung.

[bundle 3]
Zweites Kapitel:   
 Das leidende Volk

1. Israels Schicksal
2. Die Unheilsliteratur

     a) Purim-Rollen und Klagelieder
     b) Der Unterschied zwischen
         Ungluecks- und Siegesliteratur
     c) Der Unterschied zwischen
         Traumpoesie und historischem Denken

[bundle 4]
3. Kennzeichen der Klageliteratur:
    Solidaritaet mit der Gemeinschaft
    und Partnerschaft mit Gott

[bundle 5]

4. Die Sekte am Toten Meer und das Leiden     Israels
5. Die Christen und das Leiden Israels

     a. Die Ideologie der Kirche
     b. Jesus von Nazareth und das Leiden Israels
[bundle 6]
 c. Die Verwandlung des Buergen in den          Raecher:  Secharja ben Jehojada

[bundle 7]
6. Esra der Seher und das Leiden Israels
7. Die Weisen und das Leiden Israels

[bundle 8]
8. Rabbi Aqiba und das Hohelied


[bundle 3]
Second Chapter
G: The Suffering Nation
H: The Consciousness of Israel's Suffering

1. Israel's Destiny
2. The Literature of Calamities

a. "Purim Scrolls" and Lamentations
b. The difference
between Calamity Literature & Victory Literature
c. The difference
between Dream Poetry & Historic Thinking

[bundle 4]
G3.|H2d. Characteristics of
the Literature of Lamentations:
Solidarity with the Community
and Partnership with God

[bundle 5]

G4.|H3. The Dead Sea Sect and Israel's Suffering
G5.|H4. The Christians/Messianists and Israel's Suffering
a. The Ideology of the Church
b. Jesus of Nazareth and Israel's suffering

[bundle 6]
c. Conversion of the guarantor into the revenger:
Zekharya ben Yehoyada

[bundle 7]
G6.|H5. Ezra the Seer and Israel's Suffering
G7.|H6. Israel's Sages and Israel's Suffering
[bundle 8]
G8.|H7. Rabbi Aqiba and the Song of Songs (Canticle)

July 23, 2013:
Israel's uniqueness expressed itself
in the capability of its prophets and sages
to take responsibility for Israel's harsh experiences.
This has always deeply touched me.
I now see this uniqueness in an even deeper sense:
Unlike other nations with their legends about victories and heroism,
they did NOT deny their responsibility.
Even if they did not understand what exactly caused their experiences,
they accepted that "we caused it" (anakhnu garamnu).
And, of course, this was possible only,
because they said "we" and not "they" (the terrorists or whoever).
It is the demonstration and exemplification of Godchannel's message:
I am the perpetrator, I am the victim,
just as I am the benefactor,
I am a ray of the one sun, a wave of the one ocean, a color of the one light,
therefore it's up to me to heal myself=Israel=Creation into wholeness.



[bundle 9]
Drittes Kapitel:    
Das Verhalten zum leidenden Andern

1. Das fehlende Bewusstsein vom leidenden Andern

2. Die Verurteilung des leidenden Andern

a) Die uebliche Haltung
     b) Jesu Verurteilung des Richtens
     c) Ein rabbinisches Verbot der Verurteilung des Leidenden

3. Das Leiden als Abschreckungswaffe
    im Rahmen der ethischen Erziehung

[bundle 10]
4. Jesus von Nazareth und der leidende Einzelne
Paulus' Beziehungslosigkeit zum leidenden Einzelnen

[bundle 11]
6. Die Rabbinen und der leidende Einzelne

a. Der Mamser
     b. Der Arme
     c. Der Kranke
     d. Raschbi (R.Shim'on ben Yochai) & R.Nachum aus Gamso
     e. Rabbi Jehoschua ben Levi

[bundle 12]

7. Das Leiden des Einzelnen  als Problem
   der Gemeinschaft
    a) Die Gemeinschaft und ihre Armen:
          Denken und Tun des Paulus
     b) Die Gemeinschaft und ihre Kranken:Zwei Midraschim

8. Mose, das Symbol des solidarischen Menschen

[bundle 9]
Third Chapter

In German:
The conduct towards the suffering fellow
In Hebrew:
The Consciousness of the fellow's suffering

1. The lack of consciousness
    G: of the suffering fellow / H: of the fellow's suffering

2. G: The judging of the suffering fellow
2. H: The judging of the fellow's suffering
a. The common approach
b. Jesus' condemnation of judging
c. G: A rabbinical interdiction of judging the sufferer
c. H: The interdiction of judging the sufferer
in the Mishnah Law against Deceit
3. The suffering as a preventive weapon
in the framework of education towards values

[bundle 10]

4. Jesus of Nazareth and the suffering individual
5. Paulus' lack of relating to the suffering individual

[bundle 11]

6. Israel's Sages and the suffering individual
a. The Bastard
     b. The Poor
     c. The Sick
     d. R.Shim'on ben Yochai and R.Nachum from Gamzo

e. Rabbi Jehoschua ben Levi

[bundle 12]

7. The suffering of the individual as a community problem
a. The community and its poor: Paulus' work and concept
b. The community and its sick: 2 Midrash stories
8. Moses, the symbol of the solidary person





The    T E A C H I N G   of   S O L I D A R I T Y

ZW E I T E R      T E I L

[bundle 13]
Erstes Kapitel:     
Die goettliche Solidaritaet
1. Theologie als Spiegel der Anthropologie
2. JHWH, der solidarische Gott Mose's
3. Die Solidaritaet des Heiligen-gelobt-sei-er

S E C O N D      P A R T
The    T E A C H I N G   of   S O L I D A R I T Y

[bundle 13]

First Chapter
Divine Solidarity
1. Theology as a reflection of anthropology
2. JHWH, the solidary God of Moses
3. The solidarity of the Holy-one-blessed-be-he

[bundle 13]

[bundle 14]
Zweites Kapitel:     
1. Der Unterschied zwischen goettlicher
    und menschlicher Solidaritaet

2. "Kein Gefangener loest sich selbst aus dem Gefaengnis"

3. Das Lebensgesetz
[bundle 14]
Second Chapter

1. The difference
between divine and human solidarity
2. "No prisoner releases himself from prison"
3. The Law of Life
There is no summary to this chapter

[bundle 15]
Drittes Kapitel:   Zwei Beispiele von Solidaritaet in der Bibel
1. Die Konkubine des Leviten:
    Solidaritaet der Gemeinschaft mit einem Einzelnen
2. Die Konkubine des Koenigs:
    Solidaritaet eines Einzelnen mit der Gemeinschaft
[bundle 15]
Third Chapter
Two Examples of Solidarity in the Bible
1. A community's solidarity with the individual
(the concubine of the Levite)
2. An individual's solidarity with the community
(Esther, the concubine of the king)

[bundle 15]



Viertes Kapitel:   
Die ausdrueckliche rabbinische Lehre von der Solidaritaet

[bundle 16]
1. Solidaritaet des Einzelnen mit der Gemeinschaft
     a) Die Warnung im Gesetz
     b) Die Solidaritaet & die Verantwortlichkeit des Einzelnen
     c) Die Identifikation mit der Gemeinschaft zu jeder Zeit

[bundle 17]
2. Solidaritaet des Menschen mit seinem Andern
     a) Die Lektion der Geschichte
     b) Die Identifikation als Motivation rabbinischer Ethik
     c) Die Bedeutung des

       'Halte lieb deinen Andern, dir gleich'

[bundle 18]
  d) Die Anwendung der "Regel" in der Weisung selber

     e) Die Anwendung der "Regel" bei den Rabbinen
     f) Die Solidaritaet angesichts des Todes

[bundle 19]
3. Die Solidaritaet der Gemeinschaft mit dem     Leidenden Andern
Fourth Chapter
 The  S a g e s '  C o n c e p t u a l i z e d
T e a c h i n g   of   S o l i d a r i t y

[bundle 16]

1. The solidarity of the individual with the community
a) The warning in the Law
b) The solidarity and responsibility of the individual
c)The identification with the community at all times

[bundle 17]

2. The solidarity of everybody with his fellow
a) The lesson of history
b) G: Identification as motivation in rabbinical ethics
b) H: "A big rule in the Torah" : The Sages' estimate
c) G: The meaning of
"Be-loving to your fellow (as one) like you" (Levit. 19,18)
c) H: "your fellow like you", the meaning of the rule
[bundle 18]
d) G: The application of the "Rule" in the Torah itself

e) G: The application of the "Rule" by Israel's Sages
f) Solidarity in the face of death

[bundle 19]

3. The solidarity of the community with the individual



In Hebrew:


[bundle 20]
Erstes Kapitel:     
Die Solidaritaet des Gesandten
1. Mose
2. Elimelech
[bundle 21]
3. Jeremia
4. Ezechiel
5. David
[bundle 22]
6. Rabbi
     a)Die aelteste Deutung der Krankheit Rabbis:
        Das Erlernen der Solidaritaet
     b) Das Erlernen der Abhaengigkeit vom Andern  
     c) Das Leiden eines Stellvertreters
7. R. El'asar Sohn Raschbi's:
    der fingierte Stellvertreter
     a)Der Heiligenschein des freiwillig Leidenden
     b) Der antisolidarische Typus
     c) R. El'asar, der leidende Stellvertreter
     d) R. El'asar, der solidarische Mensch par excellence 



T H I R D         P A R T

[bundle 20]
First Chapter

The Guarantorship of the Emissaries
1. Moses
2. Elimelekh
[bundle 21]
3. Jeremias
4. Ezekiel
5. David
[bundle 22]
6. Rabbi (Yehuda haNasie)

 a) The oldest interpretation of Rabbi's illness: Learning Solidarity
                   b) G: Learning the dependency on the other
b) H: Learning mutual dependency
                   c) Vicarious suffering
7. R. El'asar son of Rashbi (R. Shimon ben Yokhai):
the fictive vicarious sufferer
a)The aura around one who suffers voluntarily
     b) The anti-solidary type
     c) R. El'asar, the vicarious sufferer
     d) R. El'asar, the solidary human par excellence 


[bundle 23]

Zweites Kapitel:     
Die Identifikation mit dem Suender
1. Die Identifikation des Gesandten
    mit der suendigenden Gemeinschaft

     a) Mose's Solidaritaet mit den Suendern
     b) SEIN Knecht
[bundle 24]
 c) Die Verweigerung der Solidaritaet mit den Suendern        
     d) Gottes Identifikation mit den Suendern

Die Identifikation mit den Suendern:
   ein Charakteristikum Israels
     a) Der Zusammenstoss
         zwischen Identifikation & Individualismus
     b) Gute und Boese "sind Israel"
[bundle 25]      
c) Die Solidaritaet mit den Suendern
         als Funktion des Haftungsgesetzes

     d) Die Identifikation mit dem Suender in der Praxis

     e) Das Verbot der Auslieferung
     f) Wurde Jesus ausgeliefert?



[bundle 23]
Second Chapter  
The Identification with the Sinner
1. The identification of the emissary
with the sinning community

     a) Moses' solidarity with the sinners
     b) HIS Servant
[bundle 24]
     c) Refusing solidarity with the sinners

     d) God's identification with the sinners

2. The identification with the sinners:
a quality of Israel

 a) The clash between identification and individualism
     b) The good and the bad "are Israel"

[bundle 25]  
 c) Solidarity with the sinners as function
of the Law of Guarantorship

     d) Identification with the sinner in real life

  e) The interdiction of extradition
     f) Was Jesus extradited





[bundle 26]
Drittes Kapitel:  
Qumransekte und Christentum 
1. Die antisolidarische Sekte vom Toten Meer
 a) Der geistige Hintergrund
     b) Die Absonderung der Sektenleute
         vom suendigen Israel
     c) Die Absonderungslehre von der Praedestination

     d) Aggressive Traeume
     e) Antisolidaritaet innerhalb des Jachad

[bundle 27]

2. Die Identifikation Jesu mit den Suendern:
   und die Identifikation der Leidenden
   mit dem Gekreuzigten
     a) Die Solidaritaet der ersten Gemeinde
         und der Schueler Jesu
     b) Die Ausstossung des Suenders
     c) Der sich mit den Suendern identifizierende Jesus

     d) Die Solidaritaet des Gottessohnes mit den Menschen
     e) Der Glaube an die Solidaritaet des Gottessohns
         als ethische Motivierung
     f) Der Glaube an die Solidaritaet des Gottessohns
         als Quelle des Trostes



[bundle 26]
Third Chapter

The Qumran Sect and Christianity
1. The anti-solidary Sect from the Dead Sea
 a) Spiritual background
     b) The segregation of the sect from the "men of evil"
     c) Emphasizing segregation by the doctrine of predestination

     d) Aggressive dreams
     e) Anti-solidarity within the community of the Yakhad

[bundle 27]

2. The identification of Jesus with the sinners
and the identification of the sufferers with the Crucified


  a) The solidarity of the first community and of Jesus' pupils
   b) The expulsion of the sinner
     c) Jesus who is identifying with the sinners
d) The solidarity of the Son of God with the sons of Man

         e) The belief in the solidarity of the Son of God
G: as ethical motivation / H: as basis for ethical admonition
 f) The belief in the solidarity with the Son of God
as a source of solace



[bundle 28]
Viertes Kapitel:  
Der Ausdruck der Verantwortung


[bundle 28]
Fourth Chapter

The Expression of Responsibility

Background to
Original Introductions
to the Books
Intro 2002 and Diary
Table   of   Contents   in
and Links to all chapters
English Summary
of original thesis
German Summary
Entry Pages, include
a Hebrew Summary
translated to English

The Books' Pages
scanned, marked
and bundled

Synopsis of History
1570 BC - 525 AD
Digests of Books