The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


April 8, Tuesday, at Shoham

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
Since I found enough attractions to distract me from full-filling yesterday's main Intention,
I repeat it , though already half of my l-one-some hours were filled with such at&distractions!
"I desire to FOCUS my bubbling, foaming thinking about two seemingly different "issues"!
(1) about another condition for 'Heaven-on-Earth', which may be perhaps called 'excitement',

(2) about Godchannel's condition of "wholeness" for transiting from 4 to 5 dimensional reality."
And - since my pilot son is home - I desire to balance "yozaemet -zminah initiating or being available"

image of the day







hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks for the symmetry of our 2 eyes and 2 ears and 2 nostrils,
of our 2 arms and hands, 2 legs and feet, 2 breasts and kidneys,
and 2 lungs and 2 cardiac chambers ,
and the way all these "couples" work together.

I'm grate-full to my oldest friend Anke Ristenpart for having sent me a CD
with Bach Cantates, directed by her father Karl Ristenpart,1900-1967
and sung by Dietrich Fischer-Diskau.
I'm grate-full not only for the music and the nostalgia connected to it,
since 2 pieces were on the first records given to me as her gift in 1959.
Since my son had to teach me, how to copy the music to my computer,
so that from there I can copy it to my mobile phone and listen on my way,
I started to copy other CDs - Mika's CDs with Children Songs - as well,
in order to learn them and then sing them with her as her parents do.
The first 2 CDs, randomly chosen, were all about
Love to my Body and Love to myself!
What a contrast to the suffering&death-praising lyrics in Bach's cantates!!

"I desire to carry the staff of the cross"! Oh weh! Alas!





Two days ago: The woman from Ramlah,
See the strange coincidence two days ago
She knocked at my door,
while I was sculpting the Jewish-Muslim, Judaism-Islam composition:
there she stood,
as if she had stepped out of those photos I made in the bus to Arad.
"May I leave the key of your neighbor with you?
I've just finished cleaning her flat."

I couldn't help asking her: "From where are you?"
"From Ramla - but don't be afraid!" she added and laughed a bit.
"I'm not afraid, but it's such a surprise to see you suddenly."
It took some insistence until she listened to my coincidence. And then:
"You wouldn't allow me to take your picture, would you!" I said cautiously.
"Why not, you can take it,
but what will you do with it? Put it on the newspaper?"

Luckily she didn't wait for my answer,
since she was in a hurry to reach the "hasa'ah",
obviously a group-transportation of other workers from Ramla like her.


last communication next communication
see in

"and walking humbly with your God" [ Micah 6:8]

Isn't it "amusing", how I escape full-filling my intention
of catching the input from your website, from TV, books, my own memories,
as well as catching the output from my mind
before all gets forgotten??

"If you leave out the apostrophes before and after "amusing",
it will be really amusing, meaning something to smile and laugh at."

But I am ashamed - having promised, I would etc. etc.,
and I truly regret, what I forget.

"For Heaven's sake"
start now! this moment!
instead of regretting forgetting!"

Without being systematic?


Alright, first to "excitement".
mentioned by you for instance at the end of "Interview with the Folks I":
the energetic excitement
necessary for this next part of the healing work

Two inputs:
Among the images I put on the Nebo-LetGo page of last Shabbat,
there was this anonymous poem with the line:
may your soul be teshovev [or teshuvav] like a child's.
And being reminded of the obscure term "shuvah" in the Isaiah song
I suddenly understood the pair:
shuvah ve-nakhat".
It is "excitement and full-fill-ment".

"Fantastic interpretation! go on!"

That the former was missing in my, our understanding,
was brought home to me by some sentences said by a woman
in the frame of the "theme-day" of 3 SAT on the "revolution of 1968".
I didn't have much time to listen, and what I listened to, was known to me.
But that one passage made the entire "theme-day" worthwhile for me.
I wished I had it in writing, and not only in my memory:

"I was born after 1968 into a time of "Befriedung",
in a country, where "peace" seems to have prevailed for 68 years
No enemies to fight,
neither on the national nor on the socio-econimic front,
in short : there is no change, nothing to strive for!
That's why we travel abroad to the areas of the planet,
where people still need to strive for change."

I was reminded of an outbreak of a friend towards his father,
when I drove with both in the car, in 1990:

"You have not left us anything to do!"
Rami Haruvi's father, an immigrant from Germany,
was among the pioneers, who had founded Naharia.
Rami is extremely creative -
[the "bell-tower" in Sucah in the Desert was his idea, for instance,
and also the modification of Ben-Gurion's slogan:
to make the desert blossom:
le-hafriakh aet ha-shmamah.
"No!", said Rami Haruvi,
we want to make the soul blossom in the desert:
le-hafriakh at ha-neshamah be-shmamah."]

Rami yearned for challenges of the kind his father had faced.
This was 18 years ago.
Now the lack of challenges , even in Israel, leave alone in Europe
has become the sorest of problems!

And - let me scream this to the end of the world -
all those peace-joy-love-light spiritual people
never concern themselves with the lack of motivation,
lack of challenges, lack of full-fillment
and therefore lack of self-love of most people on this planet,
especially the young people from the age of nine.

I scream, I scream, I scream!

"Yes! And I am with you !
Only I tell you for the umptiest time!
Let go of other people, "who do not understand!"

"You try to avoid taking in all the atrocious things in your world,
amplified, reinforced by your media by the hour!
I suggest that you also avoid taking in the peace-light-joy stuff.
It is right for other people, but it hinders you on your on way.

"You are here to create Heaven-on-Earth-in-Body.
You were trained also to scientifically question and think
and work for the quantum-leap in understanding!
understanding not only this or that condition for Heaven-on-Earth-in-Body
but the entire fabric of conditions.
It's not enough to know about gravity
in order to construct an aero-plane, leave alone a spaceship
but many other "parameters" have to be taken into account,
and in order to launch a spacecraft and make it return safely,
many experiences and experiments have to enrich the thinking."

This example shows you what is missing:
there are thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people,
who work on this one assignment: a spacehip to Mars.
When Kennedy said in 1961,
after 4 years earlier the Russian Sputnik had shocked the USA,
"We'll be on the moon before the end of the decade!"
the entire nation turned around into this direction,
and that's how they reached their aim.
But I - alone - who am I?

"There you are - still denying your greatness as a hologram of Creation!
Copernicus was one man, Galileo was one man, and see what they did!
[And you at least are not in danger of being executed...]"

"but I do suggest, that you now concentrate on this theme only,
the balance between those 4 terms in Isaiah's prophecy [30:15]

be-shuvah wa-nakhat tivashe'oun
be-hashqet u-we-vitkhah
tihyaeh gevuratkhaem

shuva - nakhat - bitkhah - hashqet,
or - since the two latter are what everybody has in mind:
safety/security and quietness/peace,
focus on shuvah and nakhat
in the interpretation I inspired you with:
excite-ment and full-fill-ment
And let go, for now, of what has "excited" you in my new message."



Finetuning to my Present

In "Exploring& Creating begets Full-Fill-ment"
I found this passage and link
the almost banale message of Archangel Michael
about the almost banale fact,
that we are "adventurous Beings",
and that even when Heaven on Earth will manifest,
we shall still go on to explore,
and be much more competent in balanced creating.

I can understand, that in olden times
"a poor wayfarer" sang "I'm just a-going over Jordan,
I'm just a-going over home",

since "There is no sickness, toil nor danger,
in that bright world to where I go."

I cannot understand,
that people even today cling to the simplification of the song

Yes, imagine, that all people live in peace
but this will be possible only
if all people love themselves,
which they cannot do,
until they feel
"Excitement and Full-Fill-ment".

Yes, imagine, that there is no hunger
but once there won't be hunger for food
there will be a much greater,
much more dangerous hunger
- hunger for
"Excitement and Full-Fill-ment".

Yes, imagine, that there is no sickness,
but this will be possible only,
when people love themselves,
and no longer deny part of themselves,
their emotions, their body,
their greatness, their real needs,
including their needs for
"Excitement and Full-Fill-ment".

Yes, imagine there is no toil,
but what will people do with their time,
or won't there be any time ?
what does "God" do with his/her time?
Shall we live like flowers or like ants or like dolphins?

[not completed]


The bell-tower in Succah in the desert, made of discarded oxygin-bottles,
and needed for calling the guests - in a distance up to 1 km - to the meals,
was Rami Haruvi's idea


"We'll be on the moon before the end of the decade!"

And they landed on the moon on July 20, 1969.
On the same day, exactly 20 years later,
14 people gathered near the Ramon-Crater
for 2 days of the first and - as it turned out -
also the last Succah experiment.
2 months later I started with the realization of the first model
of my Desert-Hosting-Economy Vision

Copernicus (1473-1543) and Galileo (1564-1642)


Only the next day, on April 9, I saw the coincidence
between the metaphors above
and the images of the crescent moon taken all over the planet.

E-mail from Spaceweather for April 8

LUNA AND THE SEVEN SISTERS: Cast an eye over the photo below and, using your imagination, insert to the left of the crescent Moon a sparkling star cluster. Too good to be true? It's going to happen on April 8th when the crescent Moon glides by the Pleiades: sky map.

Also known as the Seven Sisters, the Pleiades are a cluster of stars 400 light years from Earth. The brightest seven of these blue-white beauties form a little dipper visible to the naked eye even from urban areas. The Moon will come so close to the Pleiades, they almost overlap!

To see this delicate conjunction, go outside after sundown, face west and locate the Moon. Scan the area around the crescent with binoculars and you will see not just seven but dozens of sparkling stars, some winking in and out coquettishly behind the mountainous lunar limb. Be careful, though, this kind of beauty can be perilous

Moon Crescent, April 7, 2008, taken in Germany



the crescent
in Tennesee,

the crescent in Norway
the crescent
in the Czech Republic

the Crescent in Greece



the Crescent in Holland



My outing with Mika yesterday


To climb on each and every bar,
to walk on walls along railings,
to point out "the yellow flower",
these are Mika's (and Grandma's) delights
when we actually head for the playground...



"Do you know what tree this is?"

[believing that she wouldn't understand the word "bush"]
"It's a siakh - bush", she corrected me.
Then we explored the banana cluster from all perspectives.
But she couldn't grasp, that these big things were buds and flowers,
and even I doubted my interpretation ...

I don't remember if I ever looked awarely
at Banana buds and blossoms.

The next day, today, while walking the dog,
I took another photo of the beautiful "tree":

Next to the banana, Mika found a long snake like leaf on the ground.
sat down -her feet on the dry banana leaf, which I had plucked for her,
and tried to figure out, what could be done with the "snake",
tie it into a knot, hang it around the neck or wind it around the waist

At that moment I got a - very rare - phonecall.
Since the reason for Paz to call me was the announcement of being pregnant,
I didn't want to postpone the call.
We talked perhaps for half an hour,
and Mika was all the time present in a gentle way,
sometimes playing alone,
sometimes catching my attention - cautiously,
one time even demanding that I climb up the iron bars to the snail-slide,
yes, that she encouraged me to slide down myself,

while conversing with Paz all the time.

Finally I managed to take these two photos -
while talking through the same device !!!
in order to have "a souvenir" of this communication
with Paz and the child in her womb,

to which I'll now attach the sculpture of a scene of 4 years ago with Paz and Yuval-David.
They married in Dec. 2006 and celebrated their wedding for 3 days around this very pond!



Back from this glorious wedding, in December 2006, at my most beloved SaltSea,
in which I was not supposed to take part, since "I'm hidden in the hide of his face",
to this day with Mika
to the moment before her ascension up to her 'Yashvanon'
['behinder' - a kid's toilet seat]


song of the day : I love you, Imma
"Imma Yeqarah li"
lyrics: Moshe Dafna, tune: Nahum Nardi
hear the song also on a personal video
When Mika sang with the song on the CD in the car to the beach,
I not only bothered her by singing with her -
still - her "otakh" - (I love) you - can be heard clearly,
but by pushing my cellphone recorder under her lips.
The last word expresses her anger, about which I laugh


back to past ~~~~~ forward to future

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8


Ronnit's post in IMmanuel's and Efrat's blog, and their discussion about it

continuation tomorrow