The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




[see more in "My Life's Harvest"]

Third Page



His first attempt to overcome this obstacle was to play the innocent:
He sent messengers to Esav and commanded them to tell him:
I have sojourned with Lavan and have tarried until now.
Ox and donkey, sheep and servant and maid have become mine.
I have sent to tell my lord, to find favor in your eyes.

But the messengers return and tell him
that Esav was already on his way to meet him

"and four hundred men are with him".

It's not said, that these men were armed,
or that Esav had hostile intentions.
But fear is rarely concerned with facts.
And fear was, what took a grip of Heal-Sneak.
'Ya'aqov became exceedingly afraid and distressed.'.

So what does the chosen one do?
First he uses a simple technique of minimizing the threaded assault:
He divides people and animals into two camps, "saying to himself,
should Esav come against the one camp and strike it,
the camp this is left will escape."

Then he addresses his God with the most perfect of manipulations,
similar to the way Ester , for instance , pleaded with a human king.
But ~~~~ there was ~~~~ no answer.
It was night.
Night ~~~~ Dawn ~~~~ Sunrise
will illuminate the stages of Ya'aqov's wrestling with himself..

This silence on God's part is in contrast to Ya'aqov's usual experience.
God is always "with" him,
never reproaching or blaming, leave alone punishing.
It IS YHWH='EHYEH 'IMAKH'="I will be-there with you"! (Ex 3:12.14]
Ya'aqov/Israel must learn to take responsibility for their lives.
No God can do this for them.
But he is the solidary God, who is with his human aspects always,
be it in suffering and be it in sin.

My PH.D. thesis was guided to reveal and understand this.

The interpretation of Gustave Moreau ,1878

The Bible now depicts two parallel developments of Ya'aqov's coping with his guilt and fear.
The coping on the physical level encloses the wrestling on the level of the soul.

After his three poor attempts of evading Esav and himself
- playing innocent,
- succumbing to save only a part,
- manipulating his god,
Ya'aqov pulls himself together,
devices an effective strategy,
and turns his stealth into an asset.
His goal is no longer to evade Esav's wrath.
His goal is to uproot the enmity from Esav's heart,
According to the ancient Jewish proverb:
"Who is a hero?
The one who makes his enemy his lover ['osaeh oyevoh ohavoh']"
Not to love his enemy, not to turn the other cheek,
but to cause his enemy to love him, is his interest!

In order to do this
"Heal-Sneak" combines four manipulations with ~~~ a change of attitude!
The manipulations:
he humbles himself [your servant],
he demonstrates his power [herd after herd},
he sends gift after gift,
he indirectlyly reminds Esav, that they are brothers.

To see the tricks, I imagine myself to be Esav.
I travel with my 400 men through the desert.
Suddenly a herd of goats crosses my path, with some men behind them.
I ask them, who they are and where they are heading.
They tell me, what they tell me and I tell them: "go to hell!
Just let me meet your fine Ya'aqov and you'll see, how he'll finally pay!"

I pass along, and another herd, this time he-goats, comes my way.
The men say the same rubbish, that's "a gift" for me from my "servant" Ya'aqov.
"Fuck off", I yell at them and threaten again.
But lo, there comes a third herd, and then a fourth, a fifth, a sixth, a seventh,
how often can I refuse a gift? I must admit, that my anger is melting!
Yes, that I start to feel some longing for this guy. He is my twin-brother, after all!
And what's more: this brother-enemy of mine seems to be a rich and powerful man!
I better be cautious and pretend, that I, too, come as a friend!
[In the 1948 war between the fledgling Jewish State and 7 Arab armies,
a ridiculous firing canon, called Davidka, was moved from one station to the other,
to make the enemy believe, that the Jews had lots and lots of canons and weaponry.]

Spending the night there that night,
he took
a gift from what was at hand, for Esav his brother:
she-goats, two hundred, and he-goats, twenty,
ewes, two hundred, and rams, twenty,
nursing camels and their young, thirty,
cows, forty, and bulls, ten,
she-asses, twenty, and colts, ten;

he handed them over to his servants,
herd by herd and herd
and said to his servants:
Cross over ahead of me,
leave room between herd and herd.

He charged
the first group, saying:
When Esav my brother meets you
and asks you, saying: To whom do you belong,
      where are you going,
      and to whom do these ahead of you belong?
Then say:
- to
your servant, to Ya'aqov,
it is a gift sent to my lord, to Esav
here, he himself is also behind us.

Thus he charged
the second, and thus the third,
and thus all that were walking behind the herds, saying:
According to this word shall you speak to Esav
      when you come upon him:
You shall say:
Also - here,
your servant Ya'aqov is behind us
Genesis 32:2-21a

But let's return to what happens in the heart of Ya'aqov.
For once, he is not relying on manipulation alone.

The text doesn't make it clear, if what
Ya'aqov says, is transmitted to the servants,
and if it's transmitted, if it's just for them, or if they are supposed to say this too to Esav.
What is decisive, is, that finally, after twenty years,
Ya'aqov confesses,
that he has wronged his brother and that he needs his forgiveness.

[In my Partnership work with Jews and Arabs I often realized,
that what both sides needed from each other, was just one thing:
the admission that "I know, that we have wronged and hurt you terribly."]
For he said:
I will wipe (the anger from ) his face
with the gift
that goes ahead of my face;
afterward, when I see his face,
perhaps he will lift up my face!

Genesis 32

But can we believe this change of heart?
What is it , that made Ya'aqov see his true interest?
Is it the fear of being wiped out?
Have all those hardships in exile made him grow?
Has he, in fact, changed?
We'll see, that the answer to this is: "No".
The story is not about the change of a pattern,
but about how to accept and cope with the pattern..

The verb 'abr, which is the root of the word Hebrew, is used excessively.
Everything and everybody
"crosses over" the Yabboq exept for Ya'aqov.

It is night. And he must be all al-one.
The consonants of the river -
YVQ associates those of the name Ya'aqov - YQV,
thus preparing us for the process of growth, in which
Ya'aqov is about to be thrown:
The verb of the process - which appears nowhere else in the Bible - is
How can we be sure, that this verb means "wrestling"?
The gift [minkhah] crossed over ahead of his face,
but he spent the night on that night in the camp [makhanaeh].
He arose during that night,
took his two wives, his two maids, and his eleven children
to cross over the Yabboq crossing.
He took them and brought them across the river;
he brought across what belonged to him.
[Gn 32:22-24]

And Ya'aqov was left alone.
And a man wrestled with him

until the rising of the dawn.
And he saw that he could not prevail against him,
and he touched the socket of his thigh;
the socket of Ya'aqov's thigh had been dislocated
as he had wrestled with him.

[Gn 32:25-26]

The process begins with "wrestled with him"
and ends with "wrestled with him",
but the subject has changed.
In the beginning it was
"a man",
in the end it was Ya'aqov.
In the middle the subject is not clear:
And he saw that he could not prevail against him,
Who is "he" and who is "him"?
And was it really "wrestling", what they did?
It is a fourth pun which makes this clear:

"he embraced him", HBQ,
will soon be told about Esav
[Gn 33:4].

Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi,
who lived 200 years after Jesus and was his closest kin among the ancient Jewish Sages, suggested:
"Read 'as he had wrestled with him',
ike a man who embraces his friend
and his hand touches (or reaches ) the right hand of his friend."

And Rashi, the great medieval interpreter, says that the text speaks about : someone
"who is embracing and wrestling with him, ' hovqoh ve-'ovqoh', in his arms."
This relation between embracing and wrestling, is best illustrated in the "Avuqah",
the braided candle, over which the "Blessing of Differentiation" is spoken,
when the Shabbat, the symbol of Oneness, closes,
and the six days of differentiated and polarized Creation start.

See pp50 2002/02/23

"Then he said:
Let me go,
for dawn has come up!
But he said:
I will not let you go
unless you
He said to him: What is your name?
And he said: Ya'aqov.
And he said:
Not as Ya'aqov/Heel-Sneak
       shall your name be henceforth uttered,
but rather as Yisrael/God-Fighter,
for you have fought with God and men
and have prevailed.

"Then Ya'aqov asked and said:
Pray tell me your name!
But he said:
Now why do you ask after my name?
And he BLESSED him there.
Ya'aqov called the name of the place:
Peniel/ Face of God,
for: I have seen God,
face to face,
and my life has been saved."
[Gn 32:27-31]

It is not said, that Ya'aqov "overcame" the mysterious someone.
It's only said, the someone could not "prevail against him".
Ya'aqov has found his match.
How surprising, that he interprets this fact as his chance
to truly receive the BLESSING
which he thought he needed to steal.

But the BLESSING is not about the right of the firstborn.
It's about his pattern of stealth.
He will be able from now on,
to not bypass his life's challenges,
but to face them face to face,
and this includes his own pattern.

I remember a sentence from a channeled book, called "Living with Joy":

"If you have a pattern, which you repeat over and over again,
don't make it wrong ,
for it's exactly in coping with this pattern that you grow."

is  Israel -  not  because  he  is  an  ideal  person,
but  because  he  wrestles  with  his  being  not  ideal  at all.

"The sun rose on him as he crossed-over Penuel, Face of God,
and he was limping on his thigh."

[Gn 32:32]
Three times "night", twice "dawn" and now the "sun rise".
And now he too is allowed to "cross-over" ,
to "cross-over" God's Face.
But is he now whole?
Has he finally received the BLESSING???


The narrative returns to the physical scene:


How strange, that I did not pay attention to
"and he was limping on his thigh",

and that I skipped the following sentence altogether:
"Therefore the Children of Israel do not eat the sinew
that is on the socket of the thigh until this day
for he had touched the socket of Ya'aqov's thigh at the sinew.."
[Gn 32

This physical metaphor serves as literary transition
between the interior and the exterior scene:
It has become personally relevant for me since January 2006,             
[see about "the groin of my joint"] ]

Ya'aqov lifted up his eyes and saw:
there was Esav coming, and with him, four hundred men!
He divided the children among Lea, Rahel, and the two maids:
he put the maids and their children first,
Lea and her children behind them,
and Rahel and Yosef behind them,
while he himself advanced ahead of them.
And he bowed low to the ground seven times, until he had come close to him, to his brother.
[Gn 33:1-3]
How come, that he is still afraid,
despite his clever campaign with the nine donating delegations?
despite his prevailing in wrestling and the blessing he received?
It is the beauty of this story, that it is so strikingly real!
Don't be naive, as long as you have fear.
Even if you have done everything to uproot the reason for your fear.

But Ya'aqov really succeeded in uprooting the enmity from his brother's heart!
How delightful - the description of the wrestling that had become an embrace!

But be wary! This is - not yet - the result of the wrestling!
Even if the conflict between the brothers has been solved,
the conflict in Ya'aqov's heart is not lulled by the embrace.

Esav ran to meet him,
he embraced him, flung himself upon his neck, and kissed him.
And they wept.

Then he lifted up his eyes and saw the women and the children and said:
What are these to you?
He said:
- the children with whom God has favored your servant.
Then the maids came close, they and their children, and bowed low.
Then Lea and her children came close and bowed low.
afterward Yosef and Rahel came close and bowed low.
[Gn 33:4-7]

The BLESSING from the mystical "someone" was fine.
But the BLESSING he received will become valid only,
Ya'aqov can right the wrong he has done to Esav.

Esav seems to have forgiven and needs no compensation.
Ya'aqov's soul will not be at peace,
until he'll be allowed to return something as his BLESSING.
He is pleading desperately, that Esav may take his gift.

"al-na! im-na! No, please, if , please!"
Yes, the text uses the strong verb patzar, used nowhere else:
"And he pressed him"
[the noun petzirah is an iron tool, 1.Samuel 13, 21]
He said;
What to you is all this camp that I have met?
He said: - to find favor in my lord's eyes.
Esav said; I have plenty, my brother,
let what is yours remain yours.

No, please!

Please, if

I have found favor in your eyes,

then take this gift from my hand.

[Gn 33:8-10a]
For I have, after all, seen your face,
as one sees the face of God
and you have been gracious to me.

Please, take my BLESSING
that is brought to you!

for God has shown me favor
- for I have everything.
And he pressed him, so he took it.
[Gn 33:10b-11]

Now, everything will be wonderful - peace and harmony for ever and ever.
But no! Not at all!
To live in peace, does not demand to walk and live together.
On the contrary!
More often peace will prevail only when we part from each other.
But why does
Ya'aqov/Israel have to make excuses?
Couldn't he - for once - have been honest with Esav?
Of course, there is no trust yet, suspicion has not subsided.
But what's more probable:
Ya'aqov just cannot help it!
He cannot tell Esav his true reasons.

Then he said;
Let us travel on, and I will go on at your side.
But he said to him;
My lord knows
that the children are frail,
and the sheep and the oxen are suckling in my care;
if we were to push them for a single day, all the animals would die!
Please, let my lord cross-over ahead of his servant,
while as for me, I will travel slowly
at the pace of the gear ahead of me and at the pace of the children,
until I come to my lord, at Se'ir.
Esav said;
Please, let me leave with you some of the people who are mine.
But he said;
For what reason?
May I only find favor in my lord's eyes!
So Esav started back that same day on his journey to Se'ir,
while Ya'aqov traveled to Succot.
[Gn 33:12-17]

"Building" has a bad connotation in Genesis.
It is Nimrod, a kind of antithesis to Abraham, who builds Ninive [Gn10:9-12]
Israel's fathers are cast into the image of wandering nomads.
build nothing except an altar here and there.
They leave no traces of human technology except wells.
Only in this moment of wholeness "building" is allowed.

But significantly the place is called "Succot", which is the plural of succah,
a temporary shelter against wind, rain and sun,
the symbol of the Succot Festival,
which celebrates the inner completion of freedom,
started half a year earlier with the liberation from exterior slavery.

He built himself a house there,
and for his livestock he made succahs.
Therefore they called the name of the place


[See also Desert Peace Process 2002, part 5]

And now?
Oh the moment of wholeness! How short-lived it is!

"Ya'aqov came-home in wholeness
to the city of Shekhem,
which is in the land of Canaan"


Phillip Ratner's sequence
["Isaac's Blessing" - "Jacob becomes Israel" - "Jacob and Esau"]

leads to an idyll,
which is shared by other wishful thinkers on the Internet.

What follows is the atrocious deceit of two of Ya'aqov's sons,
as revenge for the rape of their sister Dina.
deceit, compared to which Ya'aqov's deceit was child's play,
is perpetrated against men, women and children
in the town Shekhem, today Nablous in Palestinian land.

[Genesis chapter 34]

Ya'aqov's sons answered Shekhem and Hamor his father
speaking (thus) because he had defiled Dina their sister
. "
Ya'aqov knows the consequences:
"You have stirred-up-trouble for me,
making me reek among the settled-folk of the land,
the Canaanites and the Perizzites!
For I have menfolk few in number;
they will band together against me and strike me,
and I will be destroyed, I and my household!"

But the Bible is not a book of history.
It does not tell, how this came to pass.

The point has already been made:
The WRESTLING with and EMBRACING of the parts we hate in us, will go on.
The BLESSING we need is that we may have the strength and power to do that.

I want to close with a close-up of Gustave Doré's interpretation
and with Rainer Maria Rilke's line from a poem I don't remember:
"Sein Wachstum ist der Tiefbesiegte von immer Groesserem zu sein"
"His growth is in being the deeply-defeated of what will be greater and greater."


Is it by chance, that in "Rembrandt's Drawings" I found only these two illustrations: Ya'aqov's interactions with the two men in his life,
the deception of his brother Esav and his separation from his uncle Lavan.


While working on "Bat-Sheva and David" I came across this woundrous 2002 interpretation of Ya'aqov's wrestling by John Bradford

"Jacob Wrestling with the Angel provides us with one of the strongest images in the show.
A red outlined figure is seen flying from the top of the canvas
catching the stooped figure of Jacob as he trudges towards the right edge.
The horizon is barely noted by a succession of white dots.
They evoke spots of light, perhaps the sunrise,
that also catches the angel's upper leg still attached to the heavenly spheres.
Jacob, bordered by a dark gray line, is oppressed and bent over
but still striving onward as the verse says,
"…but Israel, for you have striven with the Divine and with man and have overcome"
(Gn 32:29).
This simple composition imagines the angel tackling our patriarch
as he journeys toward the fateful meeting with his brother Esav.
Bradford does more than just reflect the text.

"He interprets it instructively telling us
how this struggle with the Divine confronts us over and over again
as we stride down life's roadway.
The struggle helps shape and define our personalities
to better prepare us for the conflicts that await us.
The spare form of the purplish gray ground defines the twilight just before the dawn.
It is here that we metaphorically conduct our life
until a red flash of Divine struggle interrupts our lives."


It is still early morning: 7:45
and I already got 3 "messages" with the same aim:
to learn again how the frightful can be fruitful.

The first message:

My getting-up game in the morning includes:
connecting the electricity to the TV recorder,
click the order of buttons and then,
while accomplishing the "jobs" of
taking care of my teeth and dentures, making my bed etc.
to open one of the 3 channels, to which I limit myself
and choose the one which provides me with a relevant content.

Today it was in 3SAT - a program about Equatorial Guinea
When the Portugese invaders overran the country,
the old culture seemed to have no chance,
people lost their feeling of identity.
A new culture spread, a mix between Africa and Europe,
Yet now the people return to teach and learn their own culture.
What was striking me the understanding
that the indigenous people were not only violated,
they were also enriched!
This means: An important result of invasions and immigrations is
the cross-fertilization of different cultures.

The second message did not express this law of reality,
but - in association with the first - I felt it:
A part of my getting-up game is
to draw a book from my shelf and open it blindly.
Today was an exception:
Borris suddenly returned from abroad after 3 months,
and at his mother's place found what he had ordered long ago:
the 2010 edition of "Right Use of Will", for which I had asked.

When I opened blindly,
it was about the Lemurians and why they attracted the dinosaurs.
I remembered that many, before perishing altogether, escaped to Atlantis,
where they were "received" just like the immigrants today,
be it in the USA or in Israel or in Europe
(recently hundreds of immigrants from Africa drowned at the Sicilian coast....).
But this time, instead of being pained by all the evil,
I could see that purpose of emigration-immigration:
it enriches the country that is so resistant to immigrants.

The third message : the article "Jacob the Immigrant"
showed me an aspect of this story,
this jewel in the crown of my biblical learning-teaching,
of which I had never thought:
If Ya'aqov would have been a good guy
and stayed put in his tent with mother, father, brother,
there would not have been any "Israel" up to this day.
Though the lekh-lekhâ of Abraham shows,
that an exterior reason for wandering is not necessary,
not the plight of hunger or violence,
and definitely not the need to escape the consequences of a crime
as in Ya'aqov's case,
and though the experiences in the hostile host-country
are not much better than those in the home-country,
in any case there occurs this enrichment, this fertilization,
in both directions:
from the invaders to the indigenous people
or the immigrants to the hostile hosts
from the hosts to the immigrants or invaders.





to 3 more pages, called "Ja'aqov wrestling with himself".
but on January 17, 2012, I combined their content with the first 3 pages
and used the now free space for an intervall in the documentation of
"En-JOY-ing and growing with Mika and my Family"
between the thread with this theme along the 365 pages of SongGame 2007,
and the merging of - now much lesser - experiences with the "material" in K.i.s.s.-Log 2008
[the first time, I did this merging, was after a completely new situation with Mika at Shoham in March 16-19, 2012]