The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
A R A R A T  -  H E A R T  [34 pages]
was but a temporary location for my creation,
a branch of my learning-healing on Healing-K.i.s.s.

Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2011
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "FIND"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"

  WITH          DEITY  

2005_03_22; last update: 2011_01_06

On the auspicious date of 2011_01_01, at 11, German time I reached "the Cave of the Womb".
See the context in "January 1, 2011 - Finetuning to my Presence"
Why "German time"?? Because the idea of meeting there at this hour had been Cornelia's.

When she cancelled her flight from Germany to Israel, I decided to walk to the Cave myself.
I did not take my camera, but when the beauty touched me yet again, I used my cell-phone.
These photos I now want to intersperse in the pages of Communications with Deity of 2005.

May the quotes from 'Right Use of Will' and the photos of my hike to the Cave of the Womb
enhance each other!

Compare ! these pictures of 2011 with the pictures of the same history-loaden area in 2005
on the last page of Learn&Live 2005






March 22, 2005; 8:00 AM

When I now was kneeling in front of the computer,
waiting for it to open the programs I work with,
I felt like opening a book in the shelf to my left,
the Hebrew translation of Right Use of Will.
The Blue Book opened on the chapter Acceptance!
I understood that I have to learn it again into depth.
And my way of learning this time should be
by copying the translation
and paralleling it with the original.
This is a chance to present most vital info
from "God"...


This sign was not yet erected here on January 26, 2006, when I walked to the Cave of the Womb for the last time.
Why for the last time? because while carving out the last of 3 pathes, which connected the cave with "the World",
my right groin failed me finally (after warnings since 2002) and I knew I could no longer walk, climb and dig so hard.

What was striking, was that I immediately understood the message of this physical handicap:

"You are no longer to work for the World on the exterior level,
for as long as DENIAL is not healed; as long as people - and as a microcosm your Bedouins - do not love themselves,
everything that you could ever create with them, is bound to make the denied feelings explode and make things in the World worse."

[See "A Short History" about my work with the Cave and with Samira's family, since April 2005 till January 26, 2006]



Excerpts    from    Right    Use    of    Will

I"ll first quote the definition of the main terms
in the Introduction to Right Use of Will.

Each Spirit is part of the Divine Consciousness
and each individual Will is part of the Divine Will.
Each person must take responsibility
for his complete being, and not for only a part of it.

The Spirit must accept its own Will
and evolve it in a loving way
rather than a punitive, non-accepting or unloving one.

The Individual Will expresses itself as feelings.
When the Individual Will feels the loving acceptance of its own Spirit,
it cannot fail to come into alignment with the Divine Will.

God has given each individual
part of His Consciousness with which to be aware of himself,
and part of His Will with which to experience himself.



2011_01_01: When I reached the highest point of the road from Arad to Kfar-ha-Nokdim - Masada, I could see the southern part of the Dead Sea




see context in the Blue Book


As difficult as the hiking of some 7 km from Arad had been so far -
I now understood, why I wasn't "supposed" to be picked up by a car:
from here down towards my destination, the Cave of the Womb
"my" Desert presented itself to me in all its splendor..



Form has been expressing imbalance
because it expresses essence
and essence of Spirit and Will
have not been balancing in the heart.
Denial of the Spirit
has caused many people
to let their minds run them.

Denial of the Will reinforces this
not only because feelings cannot then participate
in the mind's decisions,
but also because the Spirit cannot be fully present,
if the Will is denied.
Magnetic energy
draws Spiritual energy into manifestation
and holds it there.
If the Will is denied,
the Spirit's presence is then equally denied.

The mountain in the center - - to the south of the road -- looks like Masada,
but it's "Har-Qana'im", the Zealot's Mountain , towering over the Zealot's Valley,
[See about "Masada" and "The Zealots" and the dangerous myth and ideology of Self-Sacrifice]
where the some 1 7 Bedouin families live,
with whom I desired to work after I could not go on with "Noah's Shore".
Since these families live more or less as original [settled] Bedouins
(though, of course, every family has a car and a generator for electricity) ,
I dreamt of them as becoming the pioneers of a mobile hosting-business
- as a model of my vision about Peace through Desert Hosting Economy





The Will [the feeling essence] must open the space
to receive the Spirit.
The essence of the Will is acceptance.
The Will manifests acceptance
in the process of responding to the Spirit.
The Spirit and the Will
must accept each other unconditionally.

To do this yourself
you need to start where you are.


I also enjoy the view of the desert left, i.e. north of the road : I discern a natural cave over among the rocks to the left



Accept all of your feelings first
and let them open your mind
to accept more of your Spiritual presence.

... The mind cannot tell the feelings
how they should be feeling anymore.
Agreement means
that nothing is overpowering anything else.
Being able to accept everything involved
in the process of coming into agreement
without overpowering or denying anything
is the practice of Right Use of Will.


And again - over there , to the north-east, above the crescent wadi - I discern a cave!

Many Spirits thought
that they should experience and accept everything in Creation
by     becoming     i n v o l v e d     with it.
They   did   not   a c c e p t     t h e m s e l v e s   here   though.
The self must unconditionally want to experience something,
before it is really the right experience for it.
Any time acceptance is forced on a part of the self
that does not have it,
that part of the self either has to deny itself
in favor of the experience
or resist the experience altogether.


I came closer to the cave above the crescent wadi




Often times this resistant part of the self
cannot stay totally present
and may even have to completely break off from the rest,
if it cannot handle the overpowering.

This practice of overriding parts of the self
was a confusion about the nature of acceptance.
The self must not diminish itself
in favor of external experiences.

A look at this path can show you
that it leads to extinction.


Now this cave is zoomed-in. Why do caves fascinate me so?
Is it because they gave me refuge in other lives -
like they gave refuge to the biblical David [see his "Psalm in the Cave"]?

Instead, having acceptance of the whole self
will allow you to evolve
into a readiness for experiences

or a willingness to see and accept
that they are not for you at this time.
If judgment is not made
about the initial response of the Will,
space is left open for change.

One last glance towards the North-East - with the Salt-Sea behind the horizon


The manifested part of the Spirit
is the Will and the Body.
The Spirit must accept its own manifested parts
and realize
that they are its own way to learn in manifested experience.
Acceptance allows the alignment necessary
to have success in this learning experience.
The Spirit cannot successfully pressure the Will
to get ahead of itself.
This confusion has greatly increased
the pain and confusion of the denial in the Will

Ending the denial of the Will
involves accepting the pain the Will has had to hold.


To the South-East I begin to discern the Zealots' Valley, with Bedouin compounds to the right, and Kfar-ha-Nokdim to the left

There are mny photos of this Desert (unlike the desert of the Negev and "Succah in the Desert") ,
which are dispersed on the pages of ARARAT-HeART,
see especially the 3 pages of "Thousands of Pathes in the Desert"
but it was a nostalgic hike , and so I wanted to get hold of some aspects yet another time...


The question of how much pain your Will
is likely to hand your Spirit
depends on how much it has been having
to hold in the Body
because it was not allowed earlier release.

The understanding needed is
that when there is a gap
between feeling something
and accepting those feelings,

the energy generated in the gap
is energy of denial in some form.


The term "to release"
is misleading here
and in the rest of the books.
Not feelings have to be released,
but judgments.,
especially in later infos
is much more exact in language.
Compare, for instance,
the updated version of
"True Sacrifice",
with the old version.
Feelings have not to be "released",
but to be moved physically,
so they can be free to EVOLVE!
See Healingkiss puzzle piece 17e



In Oct. 2010 I passed here by car
with my German family,
in order to bring them to Samira's family

"Please go slowly,
I want to find the spot,
from where the path,
which I carved out,
led down to The Cave of the Womb!"

But I couldn't find the spot.
Now I was not driving
but walking   s l o w l y ,
and when I did discern
the Hebrew and Arabic letters
of "Cave of the Womb",
I understood,
why nobody could even know about the Cave,
leave alone find it:
The letters had faded,
though I had painted them with special paint,
and the "Rujum" of stones under the rail
had been kicked down the slope...

There were Bedouins in the Zealot's Valley
who hated me that much....
another proof
for the rightness of the message,
that no realization on the exterior level
was helpful,
as long as
people did not accept themselves
and therefore had to hate others,
and most of all those
who wanted their true interest...


If you genuinely understand your judgments
and see how they have affected your experience,
you can know that their reflection will heal.
If the release is complete,
reality will really open up
and things will change.

"Cave of the Womb"
in Arabic.

See the rail
with the fresh paint
of the English

among the photos
in Learn&Live 2005


Karma brings your patterns forward into experience
so that you can see them.
Mental recognition is not enough though;
the understandings must reach all levels of your being.
The repetition that karma allegedly brings
is because the understanding of everything involved
has not yet been reached.
The experiences come
to try to bring the understandings
necessary for you to evolve.

repeated experience is only meant to go on as long as needed.

When understanding comes, the repetition is no longer necessary
and you are free to move on.
I did find the first section
of the path of 20 minutes,
which I had carved out
in summer 2005.

Then I lost it.

After all,
pathes have to be maintained!

My path down the Wadi of Compassion
- on which I climb down and up
on my way to the pool in Arad-
has to all the time be cleaned
of rolling stones and accumulating sand.
[see for instance the first picture on "Yom Kippur 2007]

After some trial and error
I found another section,
and from there I looked back,
up to the Arad-Masada road,
and took a photo,
to prove,
that something I created,
was still manifest...


Most people that are saying
they have acceptance for their karma
are saying this, but are not really looking at it.
This approach to karma can be likened
to taking a beating
because you feel you must deserve it
or it wouldn't be going on,
so you crouch in a corner,
shield yourself as best you can
and allow it.
Full undestanding is not there.


You need complete acceptance of yourself first
and then you can decide
what you want to accept into your reality.

The beaten-dog image of surrender God
is not an accurate understanding of Me.

The image that joy can be found this way
if you just surrender more
is not accurate either.
The real truth for you
is going to come from true self-acceptance
and no place else.

If true feelings do not want to accept a beating,
allow them to take action to stop it.




On my way down - partly on a visible section of my path, partly without any path - I was , as so often in 2005, amazed by this view

The situation on Earth
has been worsening and worsening
because so many have been holding feelings
that they cannot do anything about it.


As long as you believe you must accept something
whether you like it or not,
you are overriding your own Free will.
If you are doing this to yourself,
you are opening the door for others to do it to you.

This has been happening for a long time
and is heavily powered by many misunderstandings and denials.
These denials and misunderstandings
imprison the very emotional response
that could change things for the better.



The Spirits of Loving Essence on Earth that are saying
that they have no resistance to what is happening,
and know that it's all fine
and there is nothing they need to do about it,
are disconnected from major parts of themselves.



If you connect to these feelings,
and feel overwhelmed and out of control
and even express fear, panic and terror all at once,
it is still better than any other option you have.
The acceptance and expression of true feelings
will allow the energies perpetuating the situation
to move and change.


to next and last Communication with Deity in 2005.

As to the continuation of "My Visit to the Cave of the Womb" on 11_01_01 , move back to the former Communication with Deity