The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
A R A R A T  -  H E A R T  [34 pages]
was but a temporary location for my creation,
a branch of my learning-healing on Healing-K.i.s.s.

Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2011
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "FIND"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"

  WITH          DEITY  


2005_04_05; last update 2005_05_09



Listen to me! Talk to me! Help me!
I've fallen back into "depression", which means
lack of any desire, except the desire to not exist.

Everything in my life is still better than I ever dreamt of.
And as to my vision being so slow in coming true, it's exactly fine for me.
Because I'm afraid of too much work in the outside world,
and the two days a week of walking/hitchhiking/walking to Samira's
and staying there for some hours and walking/hitchhiking/walking back to Arad
are already too much for me.

Walking in the morning from Arad to the departure of the Samira Path on the road to Massada: the western outskirts of Arad in spring

Every small "program", like needing to repair something outside my house, is too much.
How can I stay with this horrible feeling of not wanting to do anything,
- the opposite of my other predicament: wanting to do five things at once,
No desire at all versus too many desires at once.

And the frustration of not being able to complete so many things I start
- sculpting my experiences on my websites
- learning again "Flash" to make a sound button to my song "To My Feeling",
- learning to utilize all the possibilities
on my keyboard, MP3 Player and Digital Camera,
and so many things I started, - reading, listening , watching,
even after I am so good at limiting myselves with interactions with people
or with creating new things or even creating in my garden.
I limit and limit and limit myself and still it's always too much.

To MY FEELING [see 2005_03_13]
Pressure-Pain, MY FEELING,
Shame and Fear and Fury,
I embrace you kneeling,
like Rachel her Uri (*).
Breathe,cry, scream and tremble,
sense my love, so gentle!
Do not judge yourself, Fear,
Let's grow in my womb, Dear!

While breathing the feelings of depression some hours ago,
I suddenly had a desire (!) to delete old e-mails
and open a library for those I want to keep.
I thought: this will be a good way of Driving Backward...
I started with November 2003, after my return from AUschwitz-BirkenAU,
but already the fourth letter interrupted my Driving Backward.
In a letter to Immanuel, my son,
I mentioned Levi Bar-Gil, my once almost adopted son.
The letter was dated on Levi's birthday and I said, that I couldn't reach him.
Now, this morning, I felt driven to send him an SMS - with no success.
I had the idea (always these ideas....) to look for him on the World Wide Web.
I found Levi Bar-Gil, the folk-dancing choreographer and educator!
I read,
that he is "integrating arts and education, for children with regular and special needs."
I felt excited and wrote him a letter, expressing my hope,
that our two rivers would once join and flow together through the desert..
[he responded, indeed, and came to be with me at the Dead Sea with three of the Star-Children,
and later drove us back to Arad, where the two of us had a deep twosome evening...]

For a while I didn't feel the depression.
Was I running away again?

Through links on Levi's website I found a site with dance clips.
I started to dance, and a new avenue seemed to open:
Shouldn't I dance instead of elaborating my experiences on my websites?
Creating there is my way of driving backward to whatever happened
be it this very week, or be it ages ago.

Sometimes it's great fun to sculpt these experiences,
to harvest and to heal.
But then time runs out in the middle of sculpting ,
in the middle of harvesting and healing,
and this constant pressure : "I must complete this or that", drives me crazy.

Lava flowing from Kilauea, Hawaii

You say
(the following quotations - in red - are all from the latest channeling:
Interview with the Folks, Part II):

"Emotions are expressions of desire,
and in the case of 'negative' emotions,
the expression of the denial of desire.

What am I denying, that I feel these horrible emotions?

The healing begins
when you have released
enough denial energy
and brought enough acceptance
to an emotion
that you can feel
the desire under it.

Whenever I do this, I can feel only one desire - to not exist.

Ask Us
to help you feel under the emotional energy~~~
to the denied desire that is beneath it.
As with emotions,
first release the denial energy
that has twisted the desire.


"When you can feel the unfulfilled desire begin to move,
bring your loving acceptance to it.
You are then loving your desire just as it is,
unfulfilled edginess and all."

Oh , Folks, what is the matter with me,
why can't I simply play from moment to moment,
but you say I need to drive backward,
you say I need to harvest and to heal

Isnt' that work,
healing and harvesting
by using my mind and the internet sites I've created.
And I repeat it, because it's so crazy:
It's often sheer pleasure, this sculpting,
but there is no time to complete
and then there is pressure, such terrible pressure,
that all pleasure is nothing compared to this pressure.

I'm feeling so horrible, oh my God, please make me listen to you.
Thank you for the tears now.

In the following composition I placed side by side

the response of the "Folks", especially of "the Mother", to my outpour
and some quotes from the latest channeling Interview with the Folks II

- with a trigger-feeling-healing work connected to my "Star-Children".

A trigger comes to point out
a hole
in my wholeness,
that now wants to be

The texts are interwoven with the Star-Children's images

showing them in different situations of togetherness with me,

and with the views we saw on our way to creating the Samira Path.



"Mind you!
This is nothing you need to change right now on the exterior level.

Let yourself be pressured.
Use this pressure as a trigger to breathe, move and sound.
I gave you the dances, so you can let them help you with moving."

Walking in the morning from Arad to the departure of the Samira Path on the road to Massada. I'm living in the neighborhood to the right.


"Do not decide on any change, do you hear us!

It was fine that you used that little trigger from your Star-Children

to get into those old traumas of sticking to time appointments etc.

You really took "the time" to wholly feel and start to heal those."

Walking in the morning from Arad to the departure of the Samira Path on the road to Massada: looking towards the Dead Sea beyond


"That trauma is nothing compared
to your time pressure predicament,
which nowadays appears in a new gown - telling you
that there are too many - though enjoyable - things to do and to learn.

"Let yourself be triggered,
Scream, run around in circles,
it's me, your Mother,
who has been holding all this pressure-pain!
And it doesn't matter, what the content of this is!"

"Finding the Will to heal

is the first priority in desire fulfillment."

"Do not escape to Spirit and his inspiration

of doing things and completing things.

"Stay with this unfulfilled desire,

the desire to complete, but not being able to complete. "

"The key is

in fully feeling and loving your desire
just as it is in the moment,



"In the past your children made fun of you,
whenever you opened your mouth saying:
"I've reached a decision...!"
You always made "decisions" to change something fundamental in your life
and to what aim? to escape suffering! "

"Desire is the essence of Will, and the Mother is parental Will.
So, her desires are parental.
non-parental Will has been the most prevalent kind of Will in humans.
Non-parental Will has had the desire
to escape from the pain and suffering of the Will polarity
by bonding directly with certain parts of Spirit. ...

" Most non-parental Will separated from the Mother to avoid her pain,
and particularly the suffering of her lost parts.

In doing this she aligned with parts of Spirit
that had also been avoiding the Mother and her pain."

"Please stay with me now, with me, your Mother, your feelings.
Let us see this through until we are healed!
There is nothing more important to do now for you,
than accepting and moving this pressure-pain
of not utilizing and of not completing,
not utilizing all the technical possibilities of pleasurable things to do ,
not completing all the learning and creating you have started by following your desires."


But there is no info in the world, not even yours,
relating to this kind of suffering,
and there seems to be no person in the world
who understands this kind of suffering.
Name any difficult feeling,
pain, grief, anger, fear, terror, shame,
powerlessness, despair, frustration,
- they do not define the feeling of depression,
the feeling of not desiring anything but to not exist.
Is it connected to you at all?
What is it that I deny?
Or what judgment is dictating my pain?

"Manifestation is meant to be a playground
where being and doing are fun,
not like it is now for most humans~~~
a prison where it's believed forced labor is required for survival. "

"For you the prison is your belief,

that you must die with shame,

if you do not complete something you started,

and that you are ungrateful, ~ which must be punished ~

if you do not utilize what has been given to you.

It's very close to that lesson,

that you must die if you don't stick to a time-appointment.

Walking back towards sunset from the Samira-Path on the road Massada-Arad


"You are one of the firsts to heal into new Heart, my love,

please do not expect us to teach you,

what we all learn through YOUR very experience!


"Please! stick with the pressure-pain

and breathe and dance and sound it.

Imagine, while dancing,

or doing Paula with your palms on your eyes,

that I, your Mother, am in a coma,

and each movement, breath and sound of yours

is bringing me a tiny bit closer to waking up."

Walking back towards sunset from the Samira-Path on the road Massada-Arad -first perspective of a wadi to the south west

If so, I'll dare to air this page as incomplete as it is,
and shudder with shame,

and also laugh at myself, at the very assumption,
that there is anyone in the world, who ever reads my stuff
and cares, if its complete or incomplete....

Walking back towards sunset from the Samira-Path on the road Massada-Arad - second perspective


Expressing Desires instead of voicing Decisions:

Desire and Driving Backward

 I want to get satisfaction from those desires I DID fulfil. and from what I   DID   d o
and not suffer from those desires I could not fulfil, because there were too many.
And I want to enjoy the plans (time appointments) that did come out,
but to enjoy just as much the surprises that happened instead!
If the sequence [2005_04_14, what did I mean by 'sequence'?] is to heal the Mother
then my desire is to heal what's in the past
and to harvest what I've experienced and done in the past.
and every situation I create, be it planned or be it attracted, has this one aim:
to heal and to harvest.




Walking back from the Samira-Path on the road Massada-Arad - the Jordanian Mountains beyond the Dead Sea beyond Samira's place

Wasn't the star-children's planting the apple-tree
so much more meaningful than that triggering "event"?
How fast could I forget it?
To heal and to harvest.
Whenever I feel pressured by
either not managing to do what I want to do – i.e. fulfilling a desire,
or not making happen what I planned to happen
it's a trigger to point out,
that there is something to heal and something to harvest.

Even at Ramat-Hadar [1964-1980] I judged myself for this pattern:
watching my garden and seeing everything un-done,
or ruined by kids and dogs
instead of seeing the seeds that DID sprout
and delighting in the flowers that DID blossom.
What kind of judgment is it that I need to release, Folks?

that things have to be perfect , vollkommen, vollendet, vollstaendig
that things have to be complete! that things have to happen according to planning!

Walking back from the Samira-Path on the road Massada-Arad - the Dead Sea beyond Samira's place

I release the judgment,
that things have to happen as desired or planned,
and I release the judgment,
that my garden, my websites and the world
have to be perfect and complete.
I choose instead the desire,
to see the flowers in my garden,
the sculptures on my websites,
and the healing and creating in the world.

Not the world has to be perfect and complete,
only I have to be whole, tamim,
then - whatever I experience - is life.
But I now do choose the desire to savor the beauty
in my own living, loving and creating -
with my children, my grandchildren, my star-children
and with Samira and her seven kids..

Walking back from the Samira-Path on the road Massada-Arad - the Dead Sea beyond Samira's place

2005_03_24-31 Planning of this page.

part of the planning was carried out on April 13-14,

the rest will be "not completed"....:

"This might also be a page of Stages!
I want to compare the apple tree story with the former tree stories
and the not yet Passiflora story.
[My "Partners" , Hagai and Tamir, promised me Passiflora plants
as a contribution on their part to my new home and garden,
So far the promise, repeated several times, has not been fulfilled.]
I want to express my anger in a way,
that allows my star-children
to differentiate between feelings
and knowing
that i'm not my "partners" victim,
and to share with them the decision
not to confront my "partners" with my anger and blame,
but instead to use the trigger, whenever it comes up ,
to breathe, move and sound more pain of the past.
yesterday, a day after I gave this passage its "final" wording,
I came back to Arad from Grandma Day at Mazkeret Batya,
and found on my veranda table ~~~
two little pots and a badly scribbled note:
"Passiflora Plants" - Hagai.
If anything, this "surprise" triggered me even more:
"Too late, too few plants, too small plants,
and the worst: no sign from Tamir,
no loving handing-over of a gift,
no blessing for "my" garden,
just the technical fulfilment of a duty."]

"Too often
in the human level of this work natural allies
have become enemies,
because they lost track of the fact
that they're here working together
to help heal themselves and Creation.

"Too often
they've taken the triggering of each other seriously,
and forgotten
that the true cause of their immediate pain
is not their friend who has triggered them in present time,
but something from long ago,
and until now hidden deep within themselves."

[From "Godchannel>Healingclass III"]

I also plan to insert the Sacrifice page
and refer to it from the puzzle piece 31.
I think I'll not update quotes of Godchannel in the Puzzle Pieces,
but only link from those quotes to the edited Godchannel file
or, if I have time, to what I managed to quote on "Ararat".

I want to make my starchildren read
the chapter about Self-acceptance.
I still must add to this the shocking passage about the denials of "Loving Hearts",
so they can really make the difference
between acceptance of self and acceptance of others.

I want to tell about the day with making the path.
I want to mention the new Godchannel files:
folksinterview2 and .quest2
And I want to place here
my letter to God in my letter to the Channelers [see right box]
and cope more with this problem of "two many desires",
part of which, at least, stems from my pattern of "completing things".

But I want to talk also about the opposite:
depression which is lack of any desire.
And this quote of Nietzsche, I read yesterday:
"In the end we love our desires, not the object of our desire"
or something like that.

3 problems with desire are unsolved:
(1) too many desires at once,
(2) no desire at all = depression
(3) the gap between desires and their fulfilment
(in my case:
the desire to accomplish certain specific tasks.
I have no problem with the gap
between my grand vision and the progress of its realization,
nor do I have a problem with the gap
between something, or someone I want (peers) and the lack of them.)

On 2005_02_28 I sent an e-mail to God via the Channelers:

....But allow me first to ask God a question, or you, for that matter, to
which I simply cannot find the answer in myself:
"God, in that wonderful dialog "Healing and Judgment" - you say:

"stop judging and start living,
and feeling,
and being in the moment
what it is you want to be and feel in the moment,
and release any and all judgment you have around
what that should look like and just be."

"My desire for you is for you to have all that you desire,"

I feel, that I am what I desire to be, have what I desire to have
and do what I desire to do..
But what, if I always desire to do five things at once?
In former times I felt pressure to do things
because of my mission on this planet,
because of other people's needs etc. etc.
Now I have integrated the needs of the planet and the people with my desires.
The guilt, about which the contributor to .channelingd talks , is gone.
Moreover; my addiction to work, my workaholism, is gone.
There is now simply the desire of a small child of doing something all the time,
On every Grandma Wednesday with the four youngest of my nine grandchildren
(now between 6 and 8)
I watch , how they do not sit idle for one moment.
One of them, Arnon, already has the same problem: wanting to do too many things at once.

I've limited my work and the people in my life to the utmost minimum.
I may stay in my one-room flat and not leave it for days on end, not even see anybody,
and there are still too many stimulations, too many desires that want to be fulfilled.

I experienced this for the first time in 1987,
when I drove my mobile home to the desert.
I wanted to be alone for 40 days.
I hardly did work I "needed" to do
and rarely saw people.
This was still at a time, when I was obsessed with my vocation, and "time-pressured",
because I thought, certain things simply "needed" to be done.
Reducing those needs to what had to be done for my own physical survival,
I should have had plenty of "free" time at my hand.
Then there was no computer, no Internet, no phone, no TV, no video,
no keyboard, no websites to create,
and still my problem was that whenever I followed a desire,
there were two-three other desires, which also wanted to be fulfilled.

So far I have never found anyone who addressed such "a problem".
And your info, God, helps me only in so far,
that I try not to judge myself for having such a "ridiculous" problem.
And that I know how to constantly move the irritation by this "too much"."

I know, that you, Channelers, have "no time" either to do all you want to do,
and since God and the Mother and Heart and Body make themselves dependent on you
in giving us info and responses from the outside,
they have "no time" either to respond to my predicament.

Still , I wanted to voice what troubles and puzzles me,
and not judge in advance, that "they won't relate to it anyway".

There came no direct response,
but the Channelers wrote,
that I might find an answer in the next channeling,
which turned out to be about DESIRE!

And there came the experience of "relapsing" into Depression,
the lack of any Desire.

I'm listening~~~ I'm embracing ~~~ I'm learning ~~~ I'm healing~~~

This last entry to the subject of
"The Path to the Path" with my Star-Children
both here in "Communication with Deity"
and there among "Stages"
towards the realization of my Peace-through-Desert-Economy-Vision,
how we learn and heal together.

On 2005_03_29 I wrote a detailed letter to Gal Mor (16)
concerning her
establishment of an Internet "Blog"
about an eco-educative vision she shares with her teacher Eitan
at the Democratic School in Arad:
"Berakhah le-Adam u-le-Adamah" = A Blessing to Human and Earth


While relating with all my heart and mind to their vision,
I also criticized and suggested corrections
concerning grammar, style and presentation.
After I had sent the letter, I felt ashamed.
Who on earth had asked me to judge and correct?
And in writing???

Later that night Tzippi (17) came with a girl, G.P. (16),
whom I had met several times among the Star-Children.
This time I felt extremely uncomfortable with her.




No wonder, that following these two events,
I woke up the next morning with the crows' q-ra, q-ra, q-ra.

I decided to help myself by e-mailing Gal, Tzippi and Dina.

After having shared my shame about my judging and criticizing
(to which Gal responded with the sweetest reassurance and comfort),
I entered the issue with G.P.
When I did so, it suddenly hit me, and I wrote:

"I had a really great insight following the meeting with G.P.
I wanted to tell you, Tzippi,
"do not bring her from your own initiative,
because her defense mechanisms are not pleasant for me."

The quest is still valid, but the reason has changed completely:
"Do not bring her from your own initiative,
because I do not like -
the behavior, the interaction which I see myself creating with her,
or in short:
I do not love myself in her presence.

And it seems to me
that this is the only criterion
for choosing
to be in contact with another human:
Do I love myself
and do I love what I create with him/her
or not?

I'm talking about people,
whose presence in my life I'm free to choose.
Those whom I cannot choose, i.e. those on whom I am dependent,
are in my life to heal something, to learn something, to expand myself.

On you , Gal, and you, Dina, and you, Tzippi, I am not dependent,
but I choose you, Tzippie and you , Dina, and you, Gal,
for in your presence I love myself,
and I love what I create with you.



Walking back from the Samira-Path on the road Massada-Arad until a car picks me up, past this gorgeous wadi to the north of the road


May 9, 2005: I decided - oh, Dr. Christa-Rachel Maryam Bat-Adam! you and your decisions!
- to limit my Internet work on quoting/editing whatever info I want to