The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"





K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart








My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]


















Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute


Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


September 17/ Elul 17, Wednesday, 32th day of "having died to righteousness"- between Arad and Bet Nehemya
Actions and Interactions: pool once, garden watering, travel,~~~ Immanuel, Efrat, Mika + Adi, Adar, Yoav
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on October 7

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may
I don't exist to realize my desires, rather my desires exist to give me reason for creative action and pretext for loving interaction!
12:02 (after having worked like crazy to complete my Thanksgiving-Letter to my Sixteen with its 3 sound-files and 49 .jpgs & .gifs)
I desire that my Sixteen will not be triggered , but at least amused by my thanksgiving letter.
I desire more!!! that some of them will feel "received" by me & therefore love themselves more.
I desire that the Driving Backward to both: my grandparents and the Jewish children in exile
will accomplish, what I'm now learning regarding the "Tribal Soul" &
The Tears of the Ancestors
I desire, that my travel - complicated since there are no trains in the south today - will be easy.

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to the 3 systems in you, which enable us to talk and to sing:
(see Sept.10] and this time I thank you for the Vibratory system
our Voice box (larynx)
and the Vocal folds which vibrate, changing air pressure to sound waves producing "voiced sound," frequently described as a "buzzy sound"
and vary the pitch of sound.

I'm grate-full that the worrying electricity problem (even the UPS stopped)
fixed itself after I had tried all kinds of solutions
I'm grate-full for the fabulous game
the 22 Hebrew letters and the 23 syllables of my grandkids' names-
which have adapted themselves to Arnon's and Yael's duet!
I'm grate-full for the sculpture of my thanksgiving to my children,
the letter itself and the attachments of 3 sounds, 49 images&texts,
and the two links to videos with the Yiddish song which moves me so much.
(1) Oifn Pripetchik - (2) Oifn Pripetchik

I'm grate-full for all the honor, which Renin Bolus received in "Big Brother"!
May she be able to shatter many Jews' prejudices against Israeli Arabs!

Yesterday towards the evening: Ofir works on his "Pergola", between my gate and my veranda.
Amit knocks at my door - which I closed deliberately to not attract him..
. - "This is me, Amit!"
And a little later: "Look, what Abba is doing", and then , looking at me full-face:
"What do you have to do with me?" ma yesh lakh la'asot iti - i.e. do you have an idea, what we could do TOGETHER?
I laugh and i love him and I suggest that we go to the Wadi, which he insists calling
"The Field" (ha-shetakh)

Abba works with wooden planks, Amit photographs snail and tiles,
part oft what I once collected from the Wadi of Compassion
and composed as an enclosure of the entry to my path down the slope

Amit's sandals here and Amit already in his pyjamas there...
He also photographs a crooked old woman
("shame, shame"...)
and his father beyond the board which he paints with oil.















This morning:

From the big pot in the corner of the veranda a self-sown dwarf-tomato-plant has produced some fruits,
not as many, though, as that miraculous self-sown plant on my veranda at Modi'in in 2002!
See "Time of Fruition": An unsown Seed grows Fruit

This pretty flowery plant - now intermingled with other plants - is not self-sown!
It's a descendant of a plant which I received from Orit, my neighbor above, at Modi'in!

I laughed at those cheeky creeping leaves and flowers! I'll have to cut them soon - if not - Ofir will override them with his tractoron.



Big Brother Drama


Ranin (or Renin?) and Shifra embrace!
They have a private "suite" for themselves
for 12 hours

Na'ama is so hurt, so furious, she is broken,
she'll leave "the house" by her own volition,
though, when she wanted to "eliminate" herself,
the public did not accept it.


Ranin & Shifra enjoy a bath in their suite
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps,
if he begs...

Unlike the harmony between Shifra and Renin,
there is war between Na'ama and Einav

and perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, I'll let Tzabar in, perhaps! [Oct. 7, Renin & Tzabar are still very fond of each other, but Renin has an Arab boyfriend]




The scene in the "Confession Room" was very moving:
Renin and Jenny , both are longing terribly for their boyfriends, and they share it with the invisible "Big Brother".


It is Renin's birthday - her boyfriend Taisir has come to the moderator outside "the House".
He is allowed to deliver a letter and a gift, and REnin is allowed to receive the gift and to read the letter aloud.



I wasn't impressed by this Taisir, but the way, Renin is capable of expressing her feelings, be they high or be they low, is exemplary!
One more reason for my deep contentment with her being part of the Big Brother community!

Einav, like everybody else, hugs Renin
Asher is interested in the letter,
Miki and Jenny
the two blondes in the background,
are soon to be "eliminated"



Song of the Day

"If into the cedars fell a flame, what will say the mosses on the wall?"

In May 2000 , I turned the meaning around
wanting to give a message to "Erez" - cedar - a man with a low self-esteem:

If the cedars will rejoice in their hight,
the mosses on the wall will raise their heads.


Nourishment from Others - an e-mail from an unknown source.
Should I call this "nourishment" or "an arrow into my heart"?

17.Sept.1948 Count Bernadotte murdered


Please do everything possible to help distribute this text,
sending it as e-mail to persons on your mailing list
and to the media for broader publication.

The murder of Count Bernadotte
must become as generally well-known to the public
as the murder of Martin Luther King.

Thousands of deaths were the consequence of this fateful murder
– and a state which calls itself 'democratic'
while denying basic democratic rights to millions of inhabitants of the country,
a state economically prosperous
and at the same time
refusing to take responsibility for its own history.
Human rights groups around the world
- as well as in Israel/Paleastine -
demand that this must change.
Maria Hoeffling

UN mediator,
murdered on 17 September 1948.

On 20 May 1948,
the United Nations appointed as first official mediator in its history
Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg, of the noble Swedish family of Bernadotte.
He was assigned to Palestine.
Among his activities during the first Palestinian war of 1948
was to pave the way for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)
to assist Palestinian refugees in the Middle East.

In negotiations with the Israelis
he worked for recognition of the Palestinian refugees' right of return.
In particular, on 17 June 1948 he requested
that the Israelis enable the
return of 300,000 refugees.
On 17 September 1948,
together with UN observer Colonel André Serot,

he was shot by militant leaders of the Jewish terrorist group Lehi,
the so-called Stern Gang.

The reason for the murder was Bernadotte's public declaration
that the Palestinian refugees must be allowed to return to their homeland.

His proposals for the solution of the refugee problem
were the basis for Resolution 194,
passed on 11 December 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly,
in which the right of return of refugees on both sides was established.

A few months after the assassination,
despite the overwhelming evidence of their guilt,
the perpetrators were granted general amnesty by the Israeli government.
(from: Wikipedia)

In 1863, when Henri Dunant started the work of the Red Cross,
he used as organizational motto:

Inter arma caritas - amidst weapons (i.e. in war), mercy.
Later events, not least the experience of World War II, revised the motto to:
Post armis caritas – after weapons, mercy.
The time will come when mankind can say:
Pro armis caritas – instead of weapons, mercy.
(from: Folke Bernadotte, An Stelle von Waffen.
Verlagsanstalt Hermann Klemm, Freiburg i.Br., ca. 1950,
translation by Clarissa Hall)

Nourishment from Others

2012-08-24 - See now about "Aluna Joy's" pilgrimage
to Glastonbury and all the other places and icons mentioned here

Second part of Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn [See first part]
The New Beginning :
Infinite Love Embodied as Heaven on Earth

... know, that from this point onwards,
the Awakening will not be so much a matter
of "knowledge" and "information",
as of "feeling" and "love".

It is not what you do or teach that will count,
it is what You Are
and the Love that you transmit to others by your Loving Presence...

... Know, Beloved Ones,
that you cannot seek the changes in the Outer World
if you have not first made them within,
for all experience is an outer projection
of inner reality, thought and belief.

The essence of the Great Shift is an Inner Shift,
from the old patterns of thought and belief
to new patterns of Love, Trust and Acceptance.

your birthright in the New Earth.
Karma is released,
there is no need to suffer in order to learn.
In this New Earth, you learn through Joy and Bliss
and the Expansion of your Being

into ever more Loving and Powerful states of Grace....
move into Gratitude and Appreciation.
Know that Now, more than ever before, your world reflects YOU!
What you see "out there"
is a direct reflection of what beliefs and thoughts live in your Heart.
With wisdom, use your experience
to refine your beliefs and choices,
until you manifest your Heart's desire in your life.
Know that it will become easier
as you become more skilled in making choices from the Heart
and aligning intention with Higher Will ..

... some suggestions that may help you
to align with the Miraculous Energies
and Unconditional Love of the New Earth.
In this past month, we visited Glastonbury in England

[I was in Glastonbury for the same reason - in 1997]

and we will be in Southern France with our channel in October.

[I was 3 times at Montsegur, in 1994, 1997,
and on a long, almost fatal pilgrimage,
of which Montsegur was only one station: in 2001]

This is to activate and connect with the Grail Code energies
[See the message from Archangel Michael on April 27] [partly quoted on October 7]
and the energies of Jesus and Mary Magdalene,
the Twin Flame role models,
and the energies of Arthur and Guinevere and Avalon,
the beloved Glass Island of Light. ...
. In these energy vortexes,
you will be raised in frequency and awareness
as you experience the Deep Passion of Heavenly Twin Flame Love manifest in Human Form

and the frequency "memories" of these archetypes
that will lift you into an energetic space where you are prepared
for the incoming frequencies of the New Earth.
You can make these connections by visiting these places,
or by energetically connecting with them in your meditations
and group work.
Equally, we say that in the New Earth,
the practice of Ceremony, Ritual and Invocation
will be important ways of honoring the Earth
and sharing Intention as a Group.
...It is such Gatherings of Light
that will become the focus
of continued Awakening to Higher Consciousness in the New Earth.

It was out of intution that I went to those place,
not within safely and conveniently organized group traveling
I did not believe then, nor do I believe today,
that "Ceremonies, Rituals and Invocations" can replace
the most personal, individual nitty-gritty work of
Healing into Wholeness, i.e. Self-Acceptance
[see my lesson in accepting SHAME for being "weird and ridiculous



We sat on the veranda and I was updated concerning Tomer and Bne-Arazim:
a horrid "doc" had been made by Channel 10, about which even Tomer said:
"It's all taken out of context",
He also said, that for him Bne-Arazim is very helpful,
yes, that all the pupils in his former "special" school "Ha-broshim" (
cypresses) should have the experience of Bne-Arazim.
Both , Immanuel and Efrat, were phoning around the TV channel to prevent them from broadcasting this blood-seeking "doc".
"We are not the only parents who finally found a solution for our child's problem, so why don't you..."
"We know, but we want to show another aspect".

It's the "media"'s ugly face, which they encountered.
I remembered that article in "Ha-aretz", which made me doubt the rightness of Bne-Arazim for Tomer,
but even then, and now again I said:
"Let's assume, that what they want to show on TV, is the one and only truth about Bne-Arazim!
So what do they suggest for our children?
It's no big deal to criticize other people's excruciating endeavors to improve impossible situations

(I remember the 2 "research" people who joined our course for Partnership facilitators at Nes-Amim in 1978:
they tore our superhuman efforts to pieces...)

Mika, who had played alone, suddenly came, took my hand and said: "Let's go out".
When she led me to the gate, I asked: "Does Imma allow you to go out to the street barefoot?"
Without a word she went back, put on her "crocks" and again took my hand.
We had just opened the gate, when a car arrived and in it her friend Adar and her highly pregnant mother Adi.
They , too, live at Bet Nehemya, and I was glad, as I found out later, that Efrat was happy with their visit,
though last night was "deadline" of Efrat's newspaper and she went to sleep at 3;30 in the morning.
I had not yet experienced Adar (born in the month Adar, i.e. 3-4 months younger than Mika) since she too knows to speak.
What a wonderful world opens up, once a child communicates with words.

"Mika", I say surprised, "who taught you to press the button so strongly?"
she answers, and I understand, that this is the name of Adar's father.
He hadn't taught her this, but she may have wanted to please her friend

Adar: "I'm going to Turkey"
[her parents had been there recently and promised her to take her there next year]
Mika: "And I'm going to Adar's house"
Rachel (as Mika calls me in Adar's presence)
cleans the dog-shit from the playground....

They did everything together - the ate, they went to make pipi, they showered, they brushed their teeth, and now they are reading books,
while Yoav, Adar's father, who has arrived too in the meanwhile, sits with his wife and Efrat on the veranda and eats Immanuel's fantastic pasta-dish.




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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8