The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart








My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]


















Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute


Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


September 18/ Elul 18, Thursday, 33th day of "having died to righteousness"- at Bet Nehemya
Actions and Interactions: ~~~ Efrat, Mika - Rihaam, the new Arab cleaning woman from Ramleh ~~~planting
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- not yet

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may
5:00 I woke up ca. 3:30 and since then breathed the pain about my son's judging & my shame of again "having made a fool of myself"
I desire to accept that part of my family judges my "thanksgiving-creation" as weird & ridiculous
I desire to accept that I again made a fool of myself, & not torture myself with 'why didn't I omit this...'
I desire to finally accept that I am a fool, weird, ridiculous, causing people to feel ashamed of me
I desire to keep breathing my shame, while letting go of all 2008 family celebration experiences!
I desire to focus on those feedbacks, in which I feel "received", and let them nourish me.

I desire to apply the "paradoxical intention" of Viktor Frankl: fear of sweating? 'I'll sweat one liter per day!' 'Fear of stammering?
I'll stammer at every word.' I heard Frankl 30 years ago, and now I find the p.i. in Wikipedia, "last modified on 2008_09_10!" -
and also Augustinus' "ama, et fac quod vis", and even Luther's "pecca fortiter"- sin bravely! = make a fool of yourself bravely.

Bradshaw's book
does not address
the shame of
being "different",
"weird" or "ridiculous!"

"bat-adam aduman ad-eimah" = "daughter-of-Man is red to threat"

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to your ability
- by breathing stronger and eyelid movements-
to vibrate whatever pain & shame arise in our soul

I'm grate-full, that it is me, who is considered "ridiculous", and not another!

I am grate-full for Immanuel's help with several computer problems.
I'm grateful for Efrat's indirect response [obviously proud, that I sent my letter to her job-address for all her team to see how I appreciate her,
and not insulted - as my son feared - that I replaced "monolog" with "story"]
I'm grate-full for Ronnit's words:
"Shalom, Imma - glad you enjoyed it",
[unlike Micha's: "Got it, thanks"] and especially for Yael's SMS:

I'm grate-full for remembering (applying?) Frankl's "Paradoxical Intention"
I'm grate-full that this time Mika longed for me and received me wholly.


How cute, that in the evening of this day I receive an e-mail from a group "Bridge to Venus, Center for Self-Empowerment",
with the title-image in the same posture as the one I used as an "anti-dote" background to the images of SHAME this morning!


Nourishment from Others

A Tribute to Viktor Frankl
by Chaplain Paul G. Durbin, Ph.D.
Director of Pastoral Care and Clinical Hypnotherapy
Methodist Hospital ,New Orleans, La., USA

I wish to pay tribute to one of my heroes.

During his time in the concentration camps,
Frankl developed his approach to psychotherapy known as logotherapy.
At the core of his theory is the belief

that humanity's primary motivational force is the search for meaning.

Even in the degradation and misery of the concentration camps,
Frankl was able to exercise the most important freedom of all:
the freedom to determine one's own attitude ...
One of the ways he found the strength to fight to stay alive and not lose hope
was to think of his wife.

"He who has a why for life can put up with any how." (Nietzsche)

Frankl's first book in English "Man's Search For Meaning"
was written while in a Nazi prison camp during World War II.
.(According to United States Library of Congress poll,

that book is one of the ten most influential books in America.)
In using the term, "man," Frankl is referring to the "Human Race"- male and female. Logotherapy forms a chain of interconnected links;
(1) freedom of will, (2) will to meaning, and (3) meaning of life.

Man has freedom of will which remains even when all other freedoms are gone because he can choose what attitude he will take to his limitations. ...
Freedom means freedom in the face of three things:
(1) the instincts, (2) inherited disposition, (3) environment.

The basic striving of human beings is to find and fulfill meaning and purpose.
People reach out to encounter meanings to fulfill. ...

Logotherapy leaves to the client the decision
as to how to understand his own meaning ...
The therapist can help an individual to discover his/her meaning,
but it is the individual's responsibility
to come to understand the meaning of his or her life...

... the creativity of man which is oriented toward values and meaning.
It is Frankl's contention that the pleasure principle is self-defeating.
The more one aims at pleasure, the more his aim is missed. ...

Pleasure is missed when it is the goal
and obtained when it is the side effect of attaining a goal.

Humans are ultimately self-determining.
What one becomes within limits of endowment and environment,
he has made for himself.
Frankl wrote,
"In the concentration camp, we witnessed
some of our comrades behaved like swine while others behaved like saints.

Man has both potentialities within himself:
which one is actualized depends on decisions but not on conditions.

Our generation is realistic, for we have come to know man as he really is.
After all, man is that being who invented the gas chambers
and he is also that being who entered the gas chambers upright,
with the Lord's Prayer or the Shema Yisrael on his lips."

[From my knowing and perspective in 2008,
this view of Wo/Man is still terribly limited, but I do honor Frankl for his view then!]

It was Frankl's contention that the pleasure principle of Freud is self-defeating. The more one aims for pleasure, the more his aim is missed.
The very "pursuit of happiness" is what thwarts it.
Pleasure is missed when it is the goal
and attained when it is the side effect of attaining a goal....

the Law of Reversed Effect:
"The harder you try...the more difficult it becomes."

The therapist's role consists
of widening and broadening the visual field of the client
so that the spectrums of meaning and values become conscious & visible to her. Meaning to life may change, but it never ceases to be.
Meaning can come through what we give to life
(creative values),
by what we take from the world:
Listening to music, reading, enjoying sports, etc.
(experience values),
and through the stand we take toward a situation we can no longer change
such as the death of a loved one
(attitudinal values).
there are no ... aspects which cannot be .. translated
into a positive accomplishment.

It is commonly observed that anxiety produces precisely what the client fears.
Frankl called this "anticipatory anxiety."
...the client reports that she has been having trouble going to sleep at night.
The fear of not going to sleep only adds to difficulty of trying to go to sleep.
Fear of test taking, sexual problems (impotence, failure to experience orgasm)
are intensified by anticipatory anxiety.
Frankl developed the technique of "paradoxical intention."
For instance, when a phobia client is afraid that something will happen to him,
the Logotherapist encourages him to intent or wish for, even if only for a short time, precisely what he fears...
There can also be a bit of humor involved with paradoxical intention.
I used this method with a lady who ate two bags of popcorn each night
and wanted to stop or cut down.
.. say to yourself, 'Well, I have been eating two bags of popcorn each night.
Tonight, I am going to eat four bags. I am sure that if I can eat two, I can eat four." She began to laugh and said, "That is ridiculous. I don't want four bags.
Two bags are too much also. I can be satisfied with one or less."

... there can be a touch of the ridiculous and humor in the approach.
Paradoxical Intention allows the client
to develop a sense of detachment toward her problem by laughing at it. ...
problems are caused as much by compulsion to avoid or fight them
as by the problem itself.
The avoiding and fighting the problem focuses on the problem
and strengthens the symptoms.
Another part of paradox intention is to exaggerate the problem.
By exaggerating the problem and then letting it go,
one may observe that the symptom diminishes
and the client is no longer haunted by them (circle therapy).

"Driving Backward into the Future" = "Closeups to the Past" = Healing&Harvesting my Past

While lying awake in my bed at night , breathing and healing my shame,
torturing myself with thoughts like:

'I shouldn't have added all these details',
or worse:
'Why can't I ever talk or write in a way,
which is acceptable to people in general and to my family in particular
suddenly the name of Viktor Frankl popped up in my mind.
It took me some time to remember the exact wording of his method of
"Paradoxical Intention".

And when I found it, got up from my bed, opened the computer,
sculpted my desires and then searched for Paradoxical Intention,
I came across a stub in Wikipedia, modified only 8 days ago,
and across an article with the first sentence:

"I wish to pay tribute to one of my heroes".
This is exactly what I would like to do too,
and not only because of his inspiration during the plight of this night.
"Apply the 'paradoxical intention':
Bat-Adam adumah ad eimah: the daughter of Man is red to threat!"

For small as its reasons may seem to people with "real" problems,
for me the feeling of shame has been overwhelming all my life:

Fear of SHAME,
Fear of causing others SHAME,
Fear of causing others
to feel SHAME for my sake,

Frankl was my hero also concerning two other messages:
His theory of therapy concerns what I, too, believe
to be human's deepest predicament:
He called it "lack of meaning", I call it "lack of excitement and full-fill-ment."
His little book
: "Man in search meaning"
was written with his experience of Auschwitz in the background.
Who else could , can claim to have found the true "crux" [=cross=suffering]!?
I remember him quoting Nietzsche,
that Man can bear almost anything , if he has a purpose.

This is "Logo"-therapy: to find the purpose!
I think of so many people, especially young and youngest people,
who either settle for a life-style, which at least grants them
the recognition of other conformist contemporaries,
or they invent actions and life-styles, which provoke every conformist.
I ask again and again:
Where are the thinkers and psychologists and artists and scientiest,
who make it their life's "meaning", or "excitement and full-fill-ment"
to discover and propagate the conditions for "excitement and full-fill-ment"?

Last year I started to do some systematic research:
* FULL-FILL-ment in WORK

* 2007_07_11 Conditions for Heaven-on-Earth (1)

* 2007_08_04-Conditions for Heaven-on-Earth (2)

*2007_08_14 - Conditions for Heaven-on-Earth (3)

* 2007_08_16-FULL-FILL-ing-Fountainhead

* 2007_08_17 Conditions for Heaven-on-Earth (4)

* 2007_08_31-FULLmoon-FULL-FILL-ment

* 2007_09_17-Mika's_FULL-FILL-ments (1)
* 2007_09_18-Mika's_FULL-FILL-ments (2)
* 2007_09_19-Mika's_FULL-FILL-ments (3)
* 2007_10_02-Mika's_FULL-FILL-ments with Abba
* 2007_10_03-Mika's_FULL-FILL-ments with Imma
* 2007_10_05-Mika's Small Creations with Nature
* 2007_10_08-Mika's FULL-FILL-ments with Playing
* 2007_10_09-Mika's FULL-FILLments_with Parents
* 2007_10_10-Mika's_ FuLLFillments_with_Siblings
*_2007_10_11-Mika's_ FULL-FILLments_with Family
* 2007_10_12-Mika's FULL-FILLments with Yael

* 2007_10_13-Exploring&Creating_begets_Fullfillment

Another great gift I received from Viktor Frankl,
either from his book "Man in search for Meaning",
or from his lecture in Tel-Aviv some 30 years ago,
was the way he related to aging.
Instead of being sorry for each year that has passed,

I am joyous, he said,
I relate to each day as to a page in a calender:
each day another page is filled
and I can add it to the harvest of all former pages.

This image of the "Kalenderblatt" is so imprinted in my mind,
that it caused me to start my 365 day calender in 1979,
with reports in text and images, and thoughts and feelings,
and it's this image which is behind "K.i.s.s.-Log" up to this day

See a video with Viktor Frankl
"despair is suffering without meaning"


See Viktor Fraenkl's "Reversed or paradoxical Intention" also in Succah Diary VI


Finetuning to my Present [14:30]

Efrat discharged about another terrible clash with "your daughter".
It began with something "simple":
Ronnit asked, if Efrat was finished with this month's newspaper,
and free to help her with her process of marketing her counseling business.
I only mentioned, that - after R's attack on I. and E. on that wedding

("you make a movie for Dita & Gid'on concerning Hagar's wedding,
but for me and my business you don't have enough time")
they saw each other and straightened things out.

So today R. asked:

"Are you alone on this weekend? Then I invite you to visit us on Shabbat".
Of course, when she heard, that in this case I would be coming too,
my daughter cancelled the invitation:
"I cannot cope with my mother."
This was the old tune, - "I usually don't tell you , when she says that",
and we wouldn't have taken it to heart,
if not a much more severe "thing" had happened when R. came "to the point"
concerning the professional help she now wants from her brother.
I cannot report this, except for the following: I said to Efrat:

"I still think, you should accept R's offer & go there with Mika - without ME."
Efrat screamed: "Do you want to send me like a lamb to the slaughter?
And only to serve your interest, which is that I should talk to your daughter?"

In Hebrew , and with her dramatic tone and with my associations to Isaiah 53:7

it sounded ~~~~ well, the best thing I could do, was to laugh.
But, of course, to compare the situation with R. with "slaughter" is not amusing.
And to defame my "interest" in communication between R. and E.. is not funny.

I understand, that my birthday wish cannot be full-filled for the time being,

and I decide to retreat from my very wish - for the time being.
Perhaps until next June (Arnon's Bar-Mitzvah),
there won't be a technical reason for any contact or communication.
I'll go on singing in the pool every day: "Taggidi, my beloved child, tell me",
but I'll not initiate the most superficial interaction.
I womb my child without judgment, trusting that she knows how to stage her drama.
But I - being responsible for myself - do not want to play any role in it at present.
["Shalom" with my daughter manifested finally in May 2014]
As to Immanuel and Efrat it will be different..........

Nourishment from Others

From last year's quote:
"Don't force yourself to change"

"When you try to change,
you manipulate and torture yourself…
it is much more useful
to simply become deeply aware of yourself
as you are now.
Rather than try to change, stop or avoid something
that you don't like in yourself,
it is much more effective to stay with it
and become more deeply aware of it…

[how much more is this true,
when I look at something I do like in myself,
but which makes others judge me as weird and ridiculous!]

"When you really get in touch with your own experiencing,
you will find that change takes place by itself,
without your effort or planning.
With full awareness you can let happen,
whatever wants to happen,
with confidence that it will work out well.
You can learn to let go and live and flow
with your experiencing and happening
instead of frustrating yourself with demands to be different.

All the energy that is locked up in the battle
between trying to change and resisting change
can become available for participation
in the happening of your life
that is both passive and active.

"This approach will not provide you with answers
to the problems of your life.
It does provide you with tools
that you can use to explore your life,
simplify and clarify your problems and confusions,
and help you discover your answers – what you want to do"


Problems with staring at the computer screen,
an article in "Clalit"

continuation on Sept.22




Song of the Day

Ama et fac quod vis [Augustinus: love and do what you want]

Ich lieb und lach mit dir, mit euch
ama et fac quod vis
I love and laugh with you, with you
ama et fac quod vis

Light I am, a lightning rod,
ama et fac quod vis
Leicht bin ich, ableite Blitz
ama et fac quod vis

Ich lieb und leb allein - all-eins
ama et fac quod vis
I love and live - alone, all-one
ama et fac quod vis

Leicht bin ich, mit Wunsch und Licht
ama et fac quod vis
Light I am, with Will and Light
ama et fac quod vis


None of the tiny leaves is left of the geranium-shrub, of which I took care of so painstakingly last time.
And this, though Immanuel had watered it carefully!
Fortunately - for my tendency to take the symbolism I attached to this plant too seriously-
also the huge geranium shrub, which I had to transplant, when Ofir bought his tractoron
[see the drama on April 2 and 3]
is in a pitiable state and may not survive either.
So now I'm planting shootings of other plants, which I brought from my garden at Arad, in between the dry stalks,
and Mika enjoys sitting on the wall and watering.,
all the time singing:
"I shall always stay I "....[see video]


Synchronicity or Coincidence
I was just wondering about Immanuel's careless reading of the story about Micha,
which I sent him in order to get his opinion , if I could send it to Hagar.

On the one hand the "envy" implied in Micha's words (he was 18 then),
is amusing,
on the other hand there is a slight possibility,
that my step-daughter Dita and her daughter Hagar might be triggered by the fact,
that her step-brothers felt envious then and - who knows - also today?
My son's only - belated - response to the letter I wrote on Sept. 9,
i.e. before Hagar's wedding, was:

"The talk with Micha is amusing,
the more so as nowadays Micha truly is in no need of "begging for mattresses".

The point was,
that it wasn't Micha - then in 1984 - who said:

"I beg people to give me mattresses, so we'll have something to sleep on
and this baby, 3 years old, gets a stereo-system!"

but Immanuel himself.

My faint feelings - amused about this "misunderstanding",
but triggered because of the belated and careless reading
of what I had sculpted carefully -
would have disappeared rightaway,
if not half a minute later I had opened the program of 3 SAT tonight
and discovered that the theme of the weekly, very thorough science-program today
- would be "ENVY"!

Because of this coincidence I'm definitely going to watch this program,
which otherwise would not have caught my interest.

Envy is not something I have to cope with in myself.
Maybe - this occurs to me now, after half an hour of sculpting the lines above -
it IS my problem!
Exactly because I am free of it,
-which means I may be too much oriented towards the plus-pole,-
it may have become an issue in my children's life,
though except for this document of 1984 I know of no situation,
where we talked about it.

But yes, today, in that painful talk about my daughter,
Efrat repeated, that Ronnit's focus is now "money".
Nothing could be farer away from me than interest in "money".
Am I responsible for the strengthening of the minus-pole?
And am I so certain, that "money" is the minus-pole
and my own attitude is the plus-pole?

I am bewildered, and I want to open myself and examine what I never examined:
my fantastic skill of not-needing-money for myself.
I believed, I needed it for the realization of my Desert Economy Vision.
But then I either got what I needed in the moment I needed it,
or when I didn't get what I thought was needed, I understood,
that I didn't need it to realize what I believed needed realizing.
I must become parental to what is paining me in my childrens' attitudes.
It does not mean, that I have to blame myself or to change myself.
I only have to know, that ...

Verena Kast connected the degree of envy
with the degree of "Selbstwertgefuehl", self-esteem.


"Im Alter von zwei Jahren entwickelt sich das Ich-Bewusstsein

Entwicklungspsychologen stellten in Versuchen fest, dass sich
Neidgefühle bei Kindern erst ab dem zweiten Lebensjahr einstellen. Dann entwickelt sich das Ich-Bewusstsein und damit der Vergleich mit anderen und die Fähigkeit, Ungerechtigkeiten zu erkennen. Sie werden meist noch lautstark eingeklagt. Später beginnen kulturelle Verhaltensregeln, das zur Schau stellen von Neid zu unterbinden. Neid ist ein Gefühl, das verborgen wird. Bisher existieren keine aussagefähigen Untersuchungen darüber, welche auslösenden Faktoren für die spätere Neidfähigkeit in der frühkindlichen Entwicklung eine Rolle spielen.

Allerdings lernen wir in der Kindheit mit dem Neid auch gleich Bewältigungsstrategien. Der einfachste Weg besteht darin, das Gut des anderen zu diskreditieren. "
Dabei gibt es Formulierungen, die man sich auch selbst vorsagen kann. Der andere hat zwar ein großes Haus und einen wunderschönen Garten, aber er hat Schwierigkeiten, mit seinen Kindern und die habe ich nicht. Das heißt also zu den Bewältigungsstrategien gehören solche internen Rechnungen, wo Güter die ich selbst besitze, gegen die Güter gerechnet werden, die die anderen haben und die ich beneide. Auch bei dem Beneideten kann sich ein negatives Gefühl entwickeln, denn diese fühlen sich durch den Neider bedroht. Da hilft wohl dann nur, was Wilhelm Busch bereits schrieb: "Der Neid ist die aufrichtigste Form der Anerkennung“. "



The movie, to which Immanuel and Hagar's father Gid'on dedicated much, much time,
[Immanuel: the concept and the editing, Gid'on: the photos, both: the filming, Efrat: the cupidons],
was shown on a huge screen in the garden,
in which the wedding of my step-granddaughter took place.
It moved much much too fast for me ......
So now after Immanuel gave me the movie on a DVD, I converted it into a series of images.

Over the last months I developed a method of documenting a relevant program on TV.
I let the camera take one shot after the other as fast as it is capable of "absorbing".
Since many pictures and subtitles are skipped that way, and what is "caught" is "accidental",
- a new composition, a new creation gets born.

This method proved to be the fastest and best way for a slow motion edition of
"Rafi and Hagar, the neverending story"
[in Hebrew this is a rhyme, and the "Neverending Story" by Michael Ende is very cherished by me, especially because of two things in it.
It is mentioned in puzzle piece 53, and mainly - with an entry from November 2007 - in puzzle piece 1b, concerning Arnon's creation!]







"There wasn't much color, until I met Rafi!"




"I think we are at the same point exactly"





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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8