The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart

"AZ NIDBERU" - My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]

Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute
It seems that I chose 26 actors for my life's drama and those 26 actors chose me! One common trait of all roles is "mutual dependency" between them and me.
With 16 actors - my family - the mutual dependency is life-long! With my landlords at Arad & with my 6 starchildren,
born between 1986-88, it may be temporary.
My children: Immanuel, Ronnit, Micha; my children-in-love: Efrat, Uri, Ra'ayah; my 10 grandchildren [born 1987-2005): Elah-Alon-Tomer-Mika; Jonathan-Rotem-Yael-Itamar; Arnon-Ayelet
My landlords: Ofir & Meital+ Lior (2002) & Amit (2005). My starchildren: Lior Oren, Zipi Winkler , Dina Strat , Meshi Taib, Gal Mor, Boris Arons [26=YHWH=13+13=ahavah+ahavah =

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery



November 30

Kislev 3
birthday of Eberhard,
my dead brother


Kisslog: healing-creating
TV & Internet: learning
Often with sick Efrat,
also when she drove to Shoham to fetch Mika & then to Ben-Shemen to bring things T. "forgot"...
with Efrat -very sick,
but except for washing dishes & helping Mika to brush her teeth, and making her ice-coffee, she didn't let me do anything
and with Mika,
who was partly rebellious, but very communicative with me during dinner until sleep
Parting from
my obsession
to complete

this page---
on Dec. 5




Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may

I desire to radiate pure trust in her own power to heal herself -on my suffering daughter-in-love
I desire a breakthrough for Efrat's self-love: to heal her smoking addiction- I learnt: Laser-Therapy
I desire that Efrat will use the family's financial predicament for a leap into her true job-vocation
I desire to be a cheerful model for Efrat in what is a lesson for both of us
(see Nomi Heifetz on Jan. 1!)
"to learn to know the limits of our responsibility for those around us",
i.e., I desire to differentiate between identifying with her suffering and acting on any worrrying.
image of the day

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to you for balancing the renewed pains in our leg, groin & back
in a way that allows us to move around in the house and sit at the computer.
I'm grate-full, that last night, when the pains in my leg were waking me up whenever you needed to turn around in my bed ,
I was given the answer to the question which I've been asking for 5 days,
ever since my fall on the slope down to the Wadi of Compassion:
"Is there a reason, i.e.does the fall point out a denial? Or is there a purpose?"
"It is just one of those nano-pains which are meant to remind you,
that you are to vicariously feel what many humans still cannot feel.
Except that this time the nano-pain will stay with you for some time."

I'm grate-full that I also understood, that I should surrender to E's caring,
and see a doctor and probably physiotherapist
Immanuel told, how he - years ago - had injured his PCL the same way.
"I dragged myself along for 6 weeks, until Efrat found an Arab physiotherapist,
who worked with me - including via electricity - for 1 1/2 hours. I was healed!"

I am grate-full for the 27 years,
in which Eberhard agreed to be an actor in my drama...

Colored Internet image : Monastery Schoental, from 1810 till 1975 used as
a "Protestant Seminary", a boarding-school for future ministers or teachers.
The title of this scanned postcard in my folder is:
1956 "the place of Eberhard's two years of torture".

Though I think, that the boarding-school at Ben-Shemen
is the best option for my grandchild Tomer,
I can never forget my brother's suffering in the boarding-shool at Schoental,
though at that time our home with our mother seemed to be a worse place.....


My brother Eberhard Guth,
the youngest of us 3 children, was born in 1942
[my mother:
"people said; how irresponsible of that soldier father
to bring a child into the world during war!"

his animals helped him to survive...
I think it was me
who bought this bird for him

1962 see puzzle piece 43


1961 with bike to Venedig

perhaps 1962- with motor-bike

on our mother's veranda at Boeblingen, 1963

In our mother's garden, my last photo of him,
before I emigrated with Immanuel to Israel 1964

Last picture before is death 1970, in front of the school,
where he was the teacher of a 5th grade class
There is not a single photo, which documents our last togetherness - summer holidays 1969 in Israel -
But there is his gift, which I'm exhibiting on this website over and over again: "The State of Israel"....

(see a good reproduction for instance on July 8)

I want to repeat & update the message given to me on November 28

"You felt self-pity, because "Ranin erred once and already is eliminated,
while others are often outright vicious , but "the public" wants them to play on!"

But Ranin plays one role and Yossi or Shakhar play other roles,
would you like the pieces in the puzzle to be all the same, all "Ranin"?

"I want you to explore the "co-play"
of all, all, all actors in your drama
even if those actors have no idea about your existence and your watching.
Any virtual person who triggers or pleases you, is also an actor in your drama,
and you heal, learn, create through him-her,
and this in a much easier lighter way than with "Mutual Dependency Actors"!


"Again, your re-action to the doc "Blue Card" was "a bit out-dated"
You know, that your task in the exterior world,
your "Peace-through-Desert-Hosting-Economy"
is finished.
What you did, is not lost, though the fruits are not visible.
[See below, what I learnt from "Seth" in the train yesterday]
Remember the sentence from a channeled phone-talk with Nomi Heifetz 2003
[mentioned on August 21!]
"What you want to manifest,
has already manifested in another dimension.
There is a "tribe" of ten-thousands or more.
All you have to do is le-hit'aneg, to delight in it."

Do no longer focus on all the strife, all the oppression , which pains you .
Do not take sides!
Both , Jews and Bedouin, have chosen their roles in the common drama.
Trust, that both need these circumstances in order to heal and grow.
Focus on your present assignment:
to embrace and womb all your aspects , all YOUR colors,
in New Heart,
and live this as you know that you must live it:
finding what makes you zest-full and full-filled

and radiate this like a Laser ray to all these people,
be they nations in the Negev, or players in the Big Brother community. "

Thank you sooooo much!


This morning you added another sentence, reminding me of our communication on Oct. 28]

"... and feel and breathe all your nano-problems in body and soul
v i c a r i o u s ly for those humans who still have such a hard time to feel.."


October 28
I desire to train in FEELING VICARIOUSLY for humankind,
if and when the "ridiculous, unjustified " feelings come up.
My mission is
to expand feelings about nano-pains&problems into 'World-balloons',
i.e. to feel in and through them vicariously what humans still avoid feeling.

2013: "to be a pioneer of Evolution in knowing how to feel"

November 2

What is the purpose of this night's bothering experience,
that I can neither manifest such a small desire as making a dog shut up,
nor integrate the feeling of torture in a way that I enjoy the very feeling,
i.e. apply what I came to call "zest-full-ness"?

that you are to use "the barking-dog-stinging-insects bothers"
in order to "feel vicariously"

2013: "to be a pioneer of Evolution in knowing how to feel"
whatever your fellow humans are afraid to feel.
If the issues of your sensing and feeling would be "bigger",
you would still be preoccupied with your own separate being.
solving problems in the exterior world, releasing judgments and beliefs,
healing your own small self into wholeness.

"But you are now a manifestation of New Heart in Body on Earth,
and without constant reminders of your task of feeling vicariously
and thus healing into wholeness all of Creation,
you would falter in the realization of your task.

" We suggest, that you trust !
Trust that the barking-dogs-stinging-insects issues in your life
are not there to be "solved" by "thought creates your environment"
nor integrated into breathing "zest-full-ness',
but have this purpose of reminding you
to feel vicariously for all humans!"

2013: "to be a pioneer of Evolution in knowing how to feel"


Nourishment from Others

Chapter: "Probable Systems...
." in the German translation
(I don't know from what book
, Jane Roberts-Seth)

p. 261-2 "Die anderen wahrscheinlichen Handlungen bleiben jedoch ebenso gueltig, obgleich ihr vorgezogen habt, sie physisch nicht zu verwirklichen.
Sie werden effektiv ebenso in die Tat umgesetzt wie die von euch akzeptierte Handlung. War eine der abgewiesenen wahrscheinlichen Handlungen emotional stark aufgeladen, so kann derselben sogar eine groessere Gueltigkeit zukommen als der von euch gewaehlten.

....Wenn ihr eigentlich Arzt werden wolltet und habt einen anderen Beruf ergriffen, dann seid ihr in einer anderen wahrscheinlichen Realitaet Arzt. Wenn ihr Gaben besitzt, von denen ihr keinen Gebrauch macht, dann werden sie anderswo ausgeschoepft.
Die Seele laesst sich ... als eine multidimensionale, unendliche Handlung beschreiben, wo auch die winzigste Wahrscheinlichkeit irgendwo wirklich und existent wird, als ein unendlicher Schoepfungsakt, der sich unendliche Dimensionen erschafft, in denen Erfuellung moeglich wird.

Der Kanvas eurer Existenz ist einfach so beschaffen, dass er fuer den dreidimensionalen Intellekt unsichtbar bleibt. Diese wahrscheinlichen Selbst sind jedoch ein Teil eurer Identitaet oder Seele; und wenn ihr nicht in Kontakt mit ihnen steht, dann nur deswegen, weil ihr a
uf physische Ereignisse eingestellt seid und dieselben zum Wirklichkeitskriterium erhebt.
"Jede geistige Tag schliesst eine neue Wirklichkeitsdimension auf. In ge-wissem Sinne gebiert der geringste Gedanke von euch Welten. Das ist keine trockene metaphysische Feststellung.
Sie sollte in euch staerkeste Empfindungen der Kreativitaet and der Spekulation ausloesen. Es ist keinem Wesen moeglich, steril zu bleiben, keiner Idee moeglich zu sterben, keiner Faehigkeit moeglich, sich nicht zu erfuellen.

...Die Beschaeftigung mit der Wahrscheinlichkeit von Krankheit und Katastrophe ist strategisch ...unklug, denn ihr errichtet ...ein Netzwerk von Wahrscheinlichkeiten, das ... vermeidbar ware. Theoretisch koenntet ihr eure Vergangenheit , wie ihr sie gekannt habt, veraendern, denn die Zeit ist ebensowenig abgesondert von euch, wie die Wahrscheinlichkeiten es sind. Die Vergangenheit ist auf viele verschiedene Weisen dagewesen. Davon habt ihr nur eine wahrscheinliche Vergangenheit erfahren. Wenn ihr diese Vergangenheit jetzt, gegenwaertig, in eurer Vorstellung veraendert, dann modifiziert ihr nicht allein ihre Natur, sondern auch ihre Wirkung, und zwar nicht bloss fuer euch selbst, sondern auch fuer die andern.
[See Godchannel about "POST-DETERMINATION"!!!!]

Nehmen wir an, ein bestimmtes Ereignis habe euch zutiefst verstoert. Dann solltet ihr es euch nicht einfach als ungeschehen denken, sondern es in eurer Vorstellung durch ein Ereignis positiver Art ersetzen. Dies muss jedoch mit grosser Lebhaftigkeit und gefuehlsmaessiger Beteiligung und viele Male geschehen. Es ist kein Selbstbetrug. Das von euch gewaehlte Ereignis wird naemlich automatisch zum wahrscheinlichen Ereignis, das tatsaechlich eintrat, obgleich es nicht dasjenige ist, das ihr in eurer damaligen Vergangenheit habt wahrnehmen wollten.

Wird diese Technik richtig angewandt, dann wird sich eure Vorstellung auf telepathischem Wege auch den Menschen mit-teilen, die mit dem urspruenglichen Ereignis zu tun hatten. Es steht ihnen allerdings frei, ob sie eure Version annehmen oder zurueck-weisen wollen.

[the page-number is not identifiable:)
...eine Metamorphose... bei der die inneren Faehigkeiten des Menschen akzeptiert und entwickelt werden. Das Ergebnis wird eine neue Existenzweise sein... Kein Mensch wird auf einen Angehoerigen einer anderen Rasse herab-blicken, wenn er erkannt hat, dass seine eigene Existenz diese Rasse auch in sich schliesst. Kein Geschlecht wird sich dem anderen ueberlegen fuehlen und keine gesellschaftliche Stellung als besser als die andre gelten, wenn jeder einzelne um seine persoenlichen Erfahrung mit vielen Gesellschaftsschichten und in vielen Rollen weiss. ...

Das Kind wird sich an viele seiner frueheren geistigen Existenzen erinnern koennen und wird imstande sein, sich mit dem alten Mann oder der alten Frau zu identifizieren, die es euren Begriffen nach einmal sein wird.
Viele der Einsichten, die "mit dem Alter kommen", werden dann schon der Jugend zugaenglich sein, aber die Alten werden die geistige Elastizitaet ihrer Jugend nicht verlieren. Dies ist an sich schon wichtig.
Doch das Wissen um kuenftige Inkarnationen wird euch aus praktischen Gruenden noch eine Weile unzugaenglich bleiben... Waehrend diese Wand-lungen vor sich gehen, werden im Gehirn neue Zonen aktiviert werden, um die neue Entwicklung physisch zu unterstuetzen. Infolgedessen werden sich auf physischer Ebene Gehirndiagramme aufzeichnen lassen, mit deren Hilfe man die Erinnerungen an fruehere Leben wachrufen kann. ... Dann werden psychische Strukturen anstelle von physischen die Grundlage der Zivilisation bilden. [Pause, mit geschlossenen Augen.]
Euer Erfahrungsbereich wird sich dermassen ausweiten, dass in euren Augen das Menschengeschlecht ein anderes sein wird. Das bedeutet nicht, dass es keine Probleme mehr haben wird. Es bedeutet jedoch, dass dem Menschen weit groessere Hilfsquellen zu Gebote stehen werden.




An hour after Immanuel and Tomer had fetched me from Lod train-station,
and half an hour before Immanuel went on flight to Los Angeles,
Efrat agreed to drive Tomer back to Ben-Shemen - after his first weekend at home -
so that Abba would have enough time for the ritual of putting Mika to sleep


The next morning Efrat is again very sick, but she insists to do all the little tasks with Mika herself,
before she - insists - to bring Mika to kindergarden and go to her office at least for a few hours...

Every morning Imma combs Mika's hair into 'kukiot'

Every morning Imma asks: "Do you want a 'vitamin-tchik'?
Mika, the compassionate little girl,
feels her mother's plight and tries
to counter it
with sweetness, merriness, gladness, cheerfulness.

Later that day ,
in the evening, she will say, while trying to stroke the spots
on Imma's body, which hurt most:

"zae meod koew,
"It is great pain, when mothers have pain!"

While Imma gets ready, Mika watches TV with great delight



Big Brother Drama

In "Little Sister" in the "Laughter Channel" Ranin was interviewed.
One important info was,
that in the "Confession Room" she actually was allowed to speak Arabic.
"But since nobody there [in the BigBrother organizational team] speaks Arabic,
I was asked to translate myself - after speaking -
or to be translated by someone, whom they would provide."

There also was a pretty joke:
When showing the scene, in which Yossi and Ranin failed to multiply 6 X 8,
"Little Sister" asked:
" perhaps the reason was that Arabs have a problem with the number 48?"
Ranin laughed, and so did I.
The number refers, of course, to 1948, Israel's "Independence Day",
called by Arabs "Nakba Day ", the Day of the Catastrophe...

"Why did you cry so much, Ranin?"

"Because in The House
feelings are pushed to the extremes!"

And present Ranin has to watch past Ranin.



"Like it never pained me all my life"

"I can not "



"Ranin, we learnt,
that in the past you were an actor!
and even then you cried! "
"Yes, but there it was justified by the roles I played"

"And you what is with you?

Ranin as a child actor

"With the help of God,
your fate will be better than mine"

"Do not give up like I did"

"I already missed the train,
but you - life is still before you"

"I'll come back in a short while,
to take you to the border"

I don't understand, why it was made public only now ,
that Ranin worked as an actress since she was small.
Though some website mocks her "unsuccsessfulness",
I owe this site info about Ranin in "The Syrian Bride",
though she is not mentioned among the names of the cast.

Kobi Shim'oni -
the original "Subliminal"


Among the shows
there was one I liked very much,
with the Arab rapper "Sa'ad".
[I couldn't find him on the Internet,
though there is a rapper Baba Sa'ad,
but he is German of Lebanese origin]

Ever since Tomer - then 9 years old -
introduced me to the rapper band

I am a great fan of "Rap"
in all countries and all languages,
and I liked the joke of the moderator,
when the show was over:
"I believe,
that you are actually "Subliminal"
who became a Muslim!
The similarity between you is striking!"

Tomer, rapping "Subliminal's" lyrics,
Oct. 2003, Kfar Wradim , see more on Dec. 1

Sa'ad, the Israeli Arab rapper:

"From the small desk in class
I reached the biggest stages"


"At first I was scared and afraid"

In the background:
"We can do it".


"We stayed
and we wo

Ranin and the moderator join him:

"We did it despite the pressure"

"I was so excited,
that I didn't know what to do

All three on stage, entertaining all Israel:
the Jewish female moderator, the Arab male rapper and Ranin, who bridges all splits

Big Brother Drama Channel 2, 21:00-22:30

After I did my work concerning my lesson with Ranin's "elimination",
I could return to exploring the Big Brother experiment.
The show today was depressing - though fascinating - for yet another reason.
Three people - Shifra, Einav and Yoni - were given a secret assignment,
as the Lords of the House,
while the others would not know that they were the Servants.
This was already bad enough.
But it became much worse, when two other people - Leon and Shakhar
were secretly told about the assignment of those three
and demanded to counteract.

Through the scenes of the bad game I constantly had the feeling,
that "Earth" so often seems to be "staged" like this:
Wicked roles and wicked anti-roles.

I don't know what to make of this.


Song of the Day: May favorite Sura

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

By the morning hours,

And by the night when it is stillest.

Thy Lord hath not forsaken thee nor doth He hate thee,

And verily the latter portion will be better for thee than the former,

And verily thy Lord will give unto thee so that thou wilt be content.

Did He not find thee an orphan and protect (thee)?

Did He not find thee wandering and direct (thee)?

Did He not find thee destitute and enrich (thee)?

Therefore the orphan oppress not,

Therefore the beggar drive not away,

Therefore of the bounty of thy Lord be thy discourse.






November 30

Kislev 3
birthday of Eberhard,
my dead brother


Kisslog: healing-creating
TV & Internet: learning
Often with sick Efrat,
also when she drove to Shoham to fetch Mika & then to Ben-Shemen to bring things T. "forgot"...
with Efrat -very sick,
but except for washing dishes & helping Mika to brush her teeth, and making her ice-coffee, she didn't let me do anything
and with Mika,
who was partly rebellious, but very communicative with me during dinner until sleep
Parting from
my obsession
to complete

this page---
on Dec. 5

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8