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My PH.D.-Thesis, 1966-1982, delivered
in Hebrew to the Jerusalem University 1972
Original Theme,1966 : The Idea of VICARIOUS SUFFERING as an ANSWER to INNOCENT SUFFERING (i.e. my coping with the holocaust). Final Hebrew Title 1972: "The PERCEPTION of SUFFERING and SOLIDARITY with the SUFFERERS in the Thought of the Jewish Sages from the time of the second Commonwealth till the End of the Talmudic Era" (i.e. in Bible, Apocryphes, Qumran, New Testament, Talmud, Midrash)
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First sculpted probably in June 2003;
updated on July 26, 2011
Chagall: Moses splits the Sea - [my interpretation
of this version on July 27, 2011: people drown, so that people are saved]
{The ancient expression "as
the splitting of the Yam-Suf" is a metaphor for an extremely difficult
effort, as I describe on p.344 below]
p. 334 in the Hebrew edition
of "All Israel vouchsafe for
each other" A month later came my child's father from Israel.
We married ' legitimately' in the synagogue of Stuttgart (present
was also Eberhard,
my late brother, black-haired as well: "you are also a Jew,
right?" he was asked, and without waiting for the answer they
dragged him into the
Minyan!), and on the 15th of April 1964, we immigrated to Israel.
Israel! Finally I was in the beloved country! |
My heart is in the east, and I in the uttermost west-- How can I find savour in food? How shall it be sweet
to me? Zion lieth beneath the fetter of Edom, and I in Arab
chains? Seeing how precious in mine eyes to behold |
"Judah Ha-Levi, Yehudah Halevi, (Judah
Ha-Levi) In "Medieval
Hebrew Poetry" |
But Franz Rosenzweig called "Der Zwang" -"The Coercion" That day when my soul longed for the place of assembly, Yet a dread of departure seized hold of me, He, great in counsel, prepared for me
ways And I found His name in my heart a sustainment. Therefore I bow down to Him at every stage; And at every step I thank Him. |
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strikes the rock" so that "the people may drink". " Yahvé répondit à Moïse : " Porte-toi en tête du peuple, en compagnie de quelques anciens d'Israël ; prends en main le bâton dont tu frappas le Fleuve et va ! Moi, je me tiendrai devant toi, là, sur le rocher, en Horeb. Tu frapperas le rocher, l'eau en jaillira et le peuple aura de quoi boire". Ainsi fit Moïse, au vu des anciens d'Israël. " (Exodus 17: 5-6) |
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The translucent thread,
that guides me through the labyrinth of my experiences, is WATER, water which symbolizes the WILL, especially "WATER in the DESERT". Flowing with the Desert Water suits my desire to "follow Will's and Body's lead". ![]() |
"you shall draw water with joy from the springs of freedom" |
Chagall chose to dedicate two paintings to "my" theme: Water in the Wilderness.
Now they came, the Children of Israel,
the entire community, (to the) Wilderness of Tzyn, in the first New-Moon. The people stayed in Kadesh. Miryam died there, and she was buried there. Now there was no water for the community, so they assembled against Moshe and against Aharon; the people quarreled with Moshe, they said, saying; O would that we had expired when our brothers expired before the presence of YHWH! O why did you bring the assembly of YHWH into this wilderness, to die there, we and our cattle? [July 26, 2011, I cannot read this without seeing in front of my eyes, what happens in Somalia right now!] O why did you make us go up from Egypt to bring us to this evil place, not a place of seeds and figs, vines and pomegranates - and water (there is) none to drink Moshe and Aharon came away from the presence of the assembly to the entrance to the Tent of Appointment, and flung themselves upon their faces. The Glory of YHWH was seen by them, and YHWH spoke to Moshe, saying: Take the staff and assemble the community, you and Aharon your brother; you are to speak to the boulder before their eyes so that it gives forth its water, thus you are to bring out for them water from the boulder, that you may give-drink to the assembly and to their cattle. So Moshe took the staff from before the presence of YHWH, as he had commanded him. And Moshe and Aharon assembled the assembly facing the boulder. He said to them; Now hearken, (you) rebels, from this boulder must we bring you out water? And Moshe raised his hand and struck the boulder with his staff, twice, so that abundant water came out; and the community and their cattle drank. YHWH said to Moshe and to Aharon: Because you did not have-trust in me to treat-me-as-holy before the eyes of the Children of Israel, therefore: you (two) shall not bring this assembly into the land that I am giving them! Those were the Waters of Meriva/Quarrling, where the Children of Israel quarreled with YHWH, and he was hallowed through them. [Numeri 20, 1-13 ] |
p. 336 in the Hebrew edition of "All Israel vouchsafe for each other" It was the time when I already dedicated all my free
time to research. The university fixed that the second mentor that
would accompany me, would be Prof.
Shmuel Safrai, lecturer for the history of the Talmudic period.
He didn't really feel enthusiastic about the direction of my research.
But I found in him a scientist who applied the "objectivity"
which is claimed by science, in a rare way. "I'm not congruent
with your opinions, but I'll correct and add to the material on which
you based them!" He did this during 3 hours after I delivered
my thesis. Versus the emotional attitude which I had encountered so
many times during my studies, his comments were like drinking pure
water on a hot day.
"Jerusalem Perspectives" Professor David Flusser died and was buried in Jerusalem onSeptember 15, 2000, his 83rd birthday. A founding member of the Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research, Flusser was one of the world's leading Jewish authorities on Early Christianity. His pioneering research on Jesus and Christianity's relationship to Judaism won him international recognition. His collaboration with Robert Lindsey, beginning in 1961, inspired a new approach to the Synoptic Gospels....... Flusser could converse fluently in nine languages and read literature in an additional seventeen. He authored over 1,000 scholarly articles in Hebrew, German, English and other languages. Among the books he wrote are Jesus (3nd ed., 2001) and Judaism and the Origins of Christianity (1988). Paradoxically, his book Jesus has been translated into eleven languages, but not into Hebrew. |
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"Jerusalem Perspectives" Professor and Rabbi Shmuel Safrai died on July 16, 2003. He was buried ...in a section of Jerusalem's Har Ha-Menuhot Cemetery reserved for faculty of the Hebrew University. His grave is only a few feet from the grave of his close friend and research colleague, Professor David Flusser. Safrai was 84. Safrai was the last of a scholarly triumvirate that included David Flusser (1917-2000) and Robert Lindsey (1917-1995). Together, the three created a new school of thought, the Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research. A founding member of the Jerusalem School, Safrai was professor emeritus of Jewish History of the Mishnaic and Talmudic Period at the Hebrew University |
337 in the Hebrew edition of "All
Israel vouchsafe for each other"
In order to know how to prevent suffering,
I had to learn from the sources, what causes suffering. It was then
that I discovered the threefold law of which this book talks much,
and in the center of which is the law of "vouchsafing",
of guarantorship: the mutual dependency, the mutuality between person
and person and between the individual and the community, are such,
that all human beings have an influence on each other. You are vouchsafing/a
guarantor for what others do, and you make others vouchsafe/guarantors
for you.
p. 337 in the Hebrew edition of "All Israel vouchsafe for each other" |
See my struggle with finding correct terms in English for the Hebrew terms in my book: language is petrofied philosophy!
From "An
English Summary" of
THE PERCEPTION OF SUFFERING AND SOLIDARITY WITH THE SUFFERERS in the Thought of the Ancient Sages of Israel till the end of the Talmudic Era
the few thing I'll change in his translation But
so far I haven't discovered how to convey in English |
"Introductive Diary-
2002" February
2000: a raid by the masses against "Moros", This phenomenon
among human beings ......
338 in the Hebrew edition of "All
Israel vouchsafe for each other" Thus I succeeded in interpreting the reality in which
I found myself' in the light of tradition, and since then I never
again had problems of identity, at least not with the Jewish part
in it. I was for ever integrated in the people of Israel. Now I also saw, what was the purpose of "Zionism"
in our times is nothing but the same Jewish calling for freedom: "Till
when shall we make our selves dependent on the benevolence of the
nations of the world or the benevolence of the Messiah? Come and let
us be once again masters of our destiny!" this was the spirit
in which Leon
Pinsker wrote his "Autoemancipation"! A motto preceded
the book: the proverb of Hillel: "If I'm not for myself, who
will be for me, and if not now, when?" (Pirke Avot 1:13, listen
to the chorus of
the "Partnership-hymn" in 4 languages!) |
find my song about "yekhide'-sgulah" 4 times on "Healing-K.i.s.s.",
but never explained. After all the original verse in Exodus 19:5-6 talks of an "'am-sgulah", of a "special-treasure PEOPLE" not of "special-treasure individuals " ![]() "You shall be to me a special-treasure from among all peoples, Indeed all the earth is mine but you, you shall be to me a kingdom of priests, a holy nation" translation of Buber-Rosenzweig pupil Everett Fox |
what I came to understand in time, was, that Israel is "a people of treasure" only in a passive sense, a dire result of its denying its uniqueness, its attempt to escape it, yes fight it, i.e. the task of its uniqueness (ye'ud yikhudo) for the rest of humankind. What kept this uniqueness and this task of uniqueness alive, was the fact, that this concept and the examplary manifestation of this concept in Moses "zae talui bi" - "this depends on me", [a midrash put in the mouth of Moses]-Talmud, Berachot 32,2 and "o who would give that all the people of YHWH were prophets" Nu.11:26), "produced" "special-treasure-individuals" , who took care - often by endangering their lives, or at least by going through intense loneliness and frustration [see the song "My 3 Peers"]- to make their people aware of their responsibility for their destiny. |
339 in the Hebrew edition of "All
Israel vouchsafe for each other"
is possible to do it, if we take the center part seriously, the "and if I'm for myself - who am I?" The disappointment and feeling of powerlessness that
came with it were hard. I also watched my own behavior and saw, that
I still didn't fulfil the condition which Buber talked about: I had
not yet found the way which would integrate and balance between the
poles instead of polarizing them even more. I withdrew. I returned to my research and came to understand
that the manner in which I wrote the first one hundred pages would
not be acceptable to the faculty members and that I had to cling to
the theme of suffering to which they had agreed. I started from the
beginning. I left the phenomena in the history of the
people and searched for the roots in ancient Jewish
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The present "Housing-Protests" in Israel have only just began (since July 12, 2011) , - influenced obviously by "the Egyptian Spring" [see yesterdays article in a Turkish Weekly: "Israel's Tahrir Square"] and there is already an entry in "Wikipedia"... I've nothing to say to this kind of protest, except that - for the time being - it's beneficial, that at least a few people move their asses... |
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p. 340 in the Hebrew edition of "All Israel vouchsafe for each other" thought. And it was then that in the book of Genesis I began to discover a kind of immense and wondrous "midrash" which explained to me the deepest meaning of the two great central events which created the people of Israel - "the Outgoing from Slavery" and "the Giving of the Torah". I remembered how one day, while turning over the soil in my garden with a hoe, I detected the tip of a metal thread and when I followed it - there was an entire fence of which I didn't find the end - another thread and another piece of fabric and another square meter of fence. In this way the stories of "Genesis" and "Exodus" revealed themselves to me as an intricate artwork, a tissue, in which everything is connected to everything and all of it interprets it all. The veneration I felt expressed itself in the style of my writing - each Hebrew sentence was as if hewn in rock. "A very pretty style"' said Prof
Jacob Licht, to whom Prof. Safrai sent me in a kind of despair,
I loved this reaction despite my pain. There was
a human being who understood, even if he did not accept! He rejected
my way of integrating science with life exactly because of the reason
for which I was choosing this way! The absolutism which still was
one of my dangers was undermined once again, in the form which hurt
but was healthy. |
p. 341 in the Hebrew edition of "All Israel vouchsafe for each other" [July 21, 2011 I'll translate the "instructions for beginning scientiests on the basis of the Sages' advices" on the pages 321-343- if at all - then only after the completion of the entire 45 pages or this autobiography] |
p. 342 in the Hebrew edition of "All Israel vouchsafe for each other"
[July 21, 2011 I'll translate the "instructions for beginning scientiests on the basis of the Sages' advices" on the pages 321-343- if at all - then only after the completion of the entire 45 pages or this autobiography] |
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"Not so my servant Moshe: in all my house, trusted is he; mouth to mouth I speak with him, in-plain-sight, not in riddles, and the form of YHWH (is what) he beholds. Nu. 12, 5-8 |
and Miryam.. Pray hear my words; If their should be among-you-a-prophet of YHWH, in a vision to him I make-myself-known, in a dream I speak with him. " ![]() |
"And YHWH would speak to Moshe face to face, as a man speaks to his other. Ex. 33,11 |
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p. 343 in the Hebrew edition of
"All Israel vouchsafe for each
What a waste of precious energy! of power to think and power to create! And this at a time when the world and the problems of humans cry out for such energy. But if science is unable to discern between a research that is vital and a research which could be postpone, and if science ignores the need for creating balance and equilibrium in her inner ecology - who is capable? It's clear, that I myself wasn't then in a
situation of judging if my research was vital also to others or only
to myself. More important - for many years I had trained myself for
![]() Rafael Zwi Werblowski born in Frankfurt ! 1924 ! |
And furthermore,
my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. Ecclesiastes 12:12 ![]() And indeed, there is only one justification for me "to make a book" [now online...] that - if I wouldn't do it, I would die. Like Chaim Cohen, one of the judges in the TV-show "Masterchef" said on July 21, 2011: "A singer is a singer, not because he has a great voice, but because he m u s t sing. This is true also for us (master-cooks)" |
![]() Eliezer Schweid born 1929 |
344 in the Hebrew edition of "All
Israel vouchsafe for each other" I still deemed to be my task in my life. I still
wanted "to lessen suffering in the world", in general, and
to cope with the problem which in my eyes threatened and keeps threatening
Israel, in particular. I didn't want to waste additional time and
care for what would happen with my research. At that time I no longer needed a "nest".
Since four years I had been immersed totally in what I called "the
application of the message in the research", or with what the
Zionists called [and still call- July
27, 2011 -put "Zionists-hagshma in Google's search!:]
manifestation, realization. |
![]() "He gave to Moshe when he had finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai the two tablets of Testimony,, tablets of stone, written by the finger of God." [Exodus 31,18] |
![]() Shavu'ot celebrates also the Giving of the Torah. Torah does not mean "Law", but "enseignement" in French, "Weisung" in German, "Showing the Way". |
p. 345 in the Hebrew edition of "All Israel vouchsafe for each other" on earth and too few who are ready or skilled to cope with them, and the seccond - the lack of satisfaction and meaning which most people feel at their daily work. Sometimes I succeeded in encouraging this or that person to get out of the powerlessness of "there is no choice" and to change a job or a profession, and it was thus that I learnt that the direction was right: I have to combine the two problems together and then there will be found a solution for both. This means, that whoever works at a job or a task where he and his skills are truly needed, will find in his work satisfaction and then, anyway, by itself, he'll carry it out effectively. And on the other hand - the difficult problems in the world will be the challenge for the person who searches meaning and satisfaction. One of the documents in which I (in 1973) lined-out
a practical way of achieving this goal, is called: One day I came across an Institute for the
Training of Teachers which belonged to the Ministry of Education and
the name of which today is "College of Academics". Today
it is located in Givatayim and trains University graduates in all
subjects towards becoming educators in the different discliplines
of primary schools, high shools and informal education. The meeting
with the
director, Dr. Yitzchak Peri, which actually too place for the
sake of one of my clients, gave a new direction to my searches. Peri
pleaded with me to make the transition to teaching and to teach in
the institute which he directed. "I propose, you teach 'History
of Zionism in the modern time' , he said, a proposal which totally
amazed me. What do I have to do with teaching history? |
345 in the Hebrew edition of "All
Israel vouchsafe for each other" ![]() |
When I once more looked for Yitzchak Peri on the Internet, I did not find any picture except the one which appears among the 70 faces on my book, I had cropped it from the book's cover and inserted it in My peace work in the seventies: Shutafut/Mushaaraka/Partnership a page sculpted in May 2002 as continuation of Biographic background to my Thesis and Books ![]() |
28, 2011: one of my phrasings of this central belief of mine, can be found in Kisslog 2008_01_16, amidst a piece of my biography: "If human beings learn to do the work which makes them feel full-filled, the tasks of the world will find the people which will accomplish them." the other - connected - "theme of my life" - "Peace" , or: "what will make people desire more than quarrel & war" is symbolized in 2 docs about my son Immanuel and his pain concerning quarrels. See in "Heaven-to-Earth" 1>July 26-27, 2011 |