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Steps | God's Classes ~~~~~ Folks-Interview,
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part V
Interview with 'the Folks', Part Four
channeled on October 30, 2006 ; checked
for updates on February 11, 2009
For continuity and understanding~~~
if you haven't already, please first read part
one, part two, part
three of this interview
and especially the Channelers' note at the top of Part One.
In addition to what is stated in our note there,
we'd like to mention again that
while they are two essences speaking as one,
'the Folks' refer to themselves individually as 'Spirit' and 'the
Also, since the channeling on this page is an elaboration and continuation
of the material on the page:
A Letter from God to Those Doing the Healing
we suggest reading or re-reading that page before beginning this
Folks, what else can you tell us
about the role of humans in the healing work,
and what do you suggest we do
to stop denying our greatness
and become more fully awake?
"First, it is good to remember what Spirit has
already said
about humans and their role in the healing work in
his letter to you.
"The first step in the Four Steps to Wholeness
also speaks to your role as the healer of yourself, and therefore
of Creation.
The rest of that page describes the general process
of coming out of denial
and owning all of your own personal lost parts,
as well as the lost transpersonal parts of your deepest Self~~~
Our lost parts, the lost Will
of the Mother and the denials of Spirit.
"Moreover, it cannot be stated often enough or
strongly enough
how much of yourself is still missing from your own
"Humans are truly 'the crown of
You are part Spirit and part Will creature.
There are countless spirits, and many, many creatures in Our Creation.
there is only one kind of being who manifests all aspects of Deity~~~
Spirit and Will in union as New Heart in Body.
That is the human being.
"We are here in manifestation to the extent that
you choose to host us here.
We are deep inside of you, in the core of your essence,
and awaiting your invitation to be even more present with you~~~
at every level of your being.
When you are loving yourself, you become more present
with Us.
When you are judging yourself, you slip farther away.
"You can know our presence by that unmistakable
feeling of love and grace
that the universe sometimes shines upon you.
You can also know our presence in the words you hear from the voice
inside you.
Loving Spirit speaks on behalf of Us both,
and carries the message of Our union as New Heart in your Body.
Our words are always loving, and spoken in a friendly and respectful
If the voice in your mind sounds other than this,
it is not Our voice, and not Our presence you feel.
"You can hear Our voice in the simplest things
of life~~~
like in the way the wind rocks a tree,
or in the trajectory of a falling leaf,
anytime when serendipity and synchronicity
are alive around you,
when the traffic lights are all green
and your favorite song comes on the radio.
You can see our presence in the way things work out favorably in
the events of your life,
and of course in every miracle you realize.
"There have been other voices in your mind besides
and unfortunately for many humans Our voice has often been faint
and seldom heard.
Very often other, stronger voices have told you
that you are not good enough,
that you can't have what you desire,
and even that it's wrong for you to be desiring it.
"And these are only some examples
of the many, many undermining, destructive,
demeaning and degrading pronouncements
these voices have been demanding that you hear.
You have been told you are insignificant in the mind of God,
that you are not hitting the mark,
that you are sinning.
You have even been told that you are the source of evil on this
and that your presence as a species here will be ending soon.
"We want you to know that these voices are not
your voice,
and of course they're not speaking for Us either.
It is really one source that speaks with whatever voice works best
for its intentions.
It can use your own voice, and very often does.
It can also speak with the voice of your mother or father, or of
a teacher or cleric.
It can make itself sound like the 'voice of reason,' the 'voice
of authority'
and many, many people have even mistaken it as the 'voice of God.'
One of the wonders on this ancient
site was this yellow flower, my
cherished "King's Candle", which is supposed to blossom
in June, not in February
Sometimes it speaks in the first person and says,
"I ..."
and sometimes it's in the second person and says, "You ..."
"Healers in indigenous cultures have called this
the 'predator,' the 'parasite,' and 'the voice of knowledge.'
In your modern culture it's called 'conditioning.'
And some know it as the presence of 'reptilian' energy.
In terms of the healing work, it's the verbal expression of denial
It is the voice of Lucifer in the deepest
layers of the imprint that you are experiencing
when you hear the unloving statements and questions.
And at the original cause of the pain you feel in the imprint~~~
is a fragment of the Mother's lost essence being tortured by denial
"Spirit's denials are not the
only cause of the pain felt by the lost parts of the Mother in you.
"Original imprinting happened even before Spirit was fully
The Mother was first attacked by the demonic energy of the void,
the asuras.
And in many of those attacks
the asuric energy bonded as well with Spirit's original denial energy,
resulting in the most difficult issue you have encountered so far
in the healing work ~~~ embedded denial.
"The negative voice in your mind is one of the
sure signs in present time
that you are experiencing a reenactment of an original trauma in
the Mother essence.
The voice that tells you all about how unworthy and
damaged you are
is the voice of Lucifer deep inside of you,
still whispering in the Mother's ear.
"When you feel the Mother's pain,
you are also experiencing the unloving light
she took in during the original trauma at the bottom of the imprint,
and the pain became ongoing
as the imprint deepened during countless reenactments.
When you feel the pain,
the reenactments that are still happening in the imprints in the
Mother's essence
are now happening in you as well.
from "coping with another explosion of "Embedded
2011-11-01- 2013_03_08 DELICIOUS
on fifth folksinterview
Taking it Personally
"It has been very easy to take this personally,
to believe the Mother's experiences are your own~~~
and therefore you've often identified with the pain and the unloving
light in the imprint~~~
as if the Will essence and its associated denial energy is who you
You've believed the judgments are about you the person,
and that the voices of denial you've been hearing are correct
because the pain seems to be yours alone.
"This is how the 'predator' or 'parasite' or
'voice of knowledge'
has taken control of your being and your body.
You became possessed by the imprint.
And when you became possessed,
you were no longer the magnificent being that is your true self.
Your identity left both your body and soul
and you were no longer the cosmic being manifesting in human form,
deeply connected with divine love and grace.
Under the spell of the imprint~~~
you instead identified yourself
as either the pain
or the unlovingness in the imprint, or both.
"Even those who have been successful
enough at coping
to have avoided feeling the pain directly
still often hear the voices
along with a vague sense of unease about themselves.
And in the denial of their coping
they have unconsciously given up their true identity to the unlovingness
in the imprint.

"As long as you believe that
you are part of a larger whole,
you are missing your deepest truth.
[italics in the original]
The truth of your being is complete wholeness, in
your own right.
Anything less is still an imprinted reality,
and not the whole truth.
Ultimately there is nothing 'personal,'
because ultimately there is only you,
the whole transpersonal being
that includes all of Creation.
"Our presence inside of you is only temporary.
As Spirit has said,
as you reach complete wholeness We will not be there
This is because you will have fully owned Us as your
own primal essences.
You will have become New Heart manifesting in Body~~~
Original Heart's desire realized.
And most importantly,
you will have done this work with others,
each of you becoming completely whole beings,
and each in your own right.
Loving Yourself Heals Yourself
"One of the greatest dangers in the healing
work is
to believe you are loving when you are not.
Denying unlovingness has felt necessary to keep a
positive sense of self,
but it hasn't worked out that way.
"It's okay that you have been unloving.
Owning your unlovingness, experiencing it in yourself can be a shock
at first~~~
and yet a necessary step in the healing process.
The discovery and full realization of your true greatness
is vital to your role as the healer of Creation.
"You can use the love We have
for you
as a model for loving yourself.
Love yourself as if you were Us loving you.
Release any judgments involved,
release any asuric energy in the imprint,
and move with loving acceptance toward the pain.
"Some of these channelers in collaboration with
Us have learned a practice [see below]
that makes easier the transition
from identification with the imprint
to identification with the healer you truly are.
The essence of the practice is to find
where the painful feeling is located in
your body,
release denial energy as necessary~~~
and without any pushing,
love this feeling part of yourself unconditionally
until it is ready to move into wholeness with the rest of you."

The rainwater, which has gathered
underneath these rocks, is enough to make these reeds grow,
and this though - until the rain a few days later, on Febr. 10,
2009, there hasn't been much rain in this winter.
True Human Greatness
"The greatness of your being is
not dependent upon you doing this work,
or upon anything else for that matter.
Right now, just as you are in the moment,
you are already greater than you can imagine.
And you don't have to do anything to earn your greatness;
it's just that right now you may not be fully in touch with all
of who you truly are.
"Even if the whole truth of your
being is obscured
because you are identified in an imprint
and feel yourself to be worthless or fatally flawed,
the real Self you are~~~ is still truly great.
The truth of your being is not dependent upon your awareness of
"Doing this work is very likely the quickest
and easiest way
to discover your true Self, and therefore your true greatness.
When you become aware of your own greatness,
you will find it in all other humans as well.
"And please don't worry about
your 'ego.'
True greatness is not about the personal, separate self,
it's about your true Self,
the whole being you are evolving to embody.
Discovering and manifesting true greatness is a very humbling experience.
"Among those who are committed
to becoming truly whole,
the denial of greatness
has been the most serious issue in the healing work.
You cannot heal the wounds in the deeper layers of your being
if you have not yet accepted
that you are great enough to have these wounds,
and that they are indeed yours to heal.
"Once you know the wounds are yours,
it's also crucial
that you have the resources of your true greatness
to successfully address and heal them.
"We have mentioned several times
the serious impact of denied greatness on the healing work,
and how this kind of denial can be a formidable roadblock in the
journey home to wholeness.
I've come a long way towards accepting my greatness,[see
and except in moments of what seems to me a great setback
in healing, like
on Febr. 6 and 7
I know and feel this greatness.
But what about other persons in my drama, for instance my
who is ever so often creating hell not only for herself but
for her loved-ones,
because she does not accept her greatness and therefore was
ferociously triggered,
when I said: "You seem to have no idea, how important
your presence is,
and that when you leave our singing togetherness - uncaring,
unaware -
everything is destroyed and everybody feels deserted, especially
your little daughter."
She saw nothing in my words but a manipulative twist of blaming

"And beyond all of what has already been said
on this web site,
there are the Right Use of Will books mentioned
Material especially pertinent to the issue of denied
can be found in the last chapter of Heart Song, the fifth book in
the series.
[partly quoted in puzzle
piece 21b Fragmentation]
That chapter also has some triggers
to help stimulate the emotional movement necessary
to reclaim the greatness and grandeur of you, the
whole being.
"The kind of greatness most humans
have been aware of
has resulted from comparing
their talents, strengths, skills, cleverness or appearance with
other humans.
Sometimes they have seen themselves as superior
to others in this way,
and sometimes they have projected this false kind of greatness onto
and found themselves to be inferior.
The phenomenon of 'celebrity' is a very good example of this.
"Comparing yourself with others
is a good way to be mistaken.
Whether you are seeing the other as inferior or superior to you,
you mistake the small slice of them that you can see, their outsides~~~
with yourself who you know on the inside.
And besides,
whatever you see as 'another'
is only a reflection of a part of yourself
that you have projected outside of yourself.
"When you own the outer reflection,
either 'positive' or 'negative,'
large or small,
you bring another part of yourself from the shadow into the light.
Whenever you take ownership of something
that has been outside of yourself,
you take back the outer reflection,
bringing that part into yourself, where it belongs.
"Complete wholeness of being means
complete responsibility.
You, the whole being
are not only fully responsible
for all of your behaviors, thoughts and feelings~~~
you are also responsible for all that you experience,
even when it seems that 'others' have caused the experience.
And please distinguish between the original meaning
of 'responsibility'
and the more recent usage that means 'blame.'
I scream! because you do not address my own plight:
that another person suffers, be it because triggered by me
or by someone else.
It is true, this, too, is "an experience" and it
definitely seems to be caused by "others".
but , I say it again:
the experience is not my personal suffering, - this I can
handle easily -
but the suffering of my daughter-in-love
who suffers and makes suffer because she does not love herself.
Please relate to this!!!!
"Your greatness as a human being is greater than
you have imagined so far.
When you are completely whole
you are the one responsible
for all experience in Creation.
In your complete wholeness you will realize yourself
as both the cause and the effect of every phenomenon in manifestation.
And best of all,
it will be you, the whole being
who fully realizes
that the Mother's dream
of complete freedom of Will for all beings in Creation
is indeed your own greatest dream."

I waited, until I would get
that huge semitrailer on the picture- as a contrast to the foundation
of this house, the only one I found on that ancient site
Okay Folks, thank you very much.
Channelers' note:
This interview continues...
Interview with
the Folks, Part Five
To my surprise
- on February 14, 2009 - I no longer find the former addition
- "A Practice" - on this page.
I must admit, that I feel satisfaction!
It had been the very first time, that a Godchannel
document had not only been linked to an exterior site,
but that this site was expressively recommended by the source
of the channeling in Godchannel.
and to what site? To
the one which once had triggered me ... the site of John
Pateros, one of the channelers.
Still, since I put much
endeavor in quoting "A Practice" here, I won't erase
it now,
though it has not been helpful to me personally so far.
"A Practice"
Christa-Rachel: This was the context
in Godchannel in which the linked site was recommended
"Some of these channelers in collaboration
with Us have learned a practice
that makes easier the transition
from identification with the imprint
to identification with the healer you truly are.
The essence of the practice is to find
where the painful feeling is located
in your body,
release denial energy as necessary~~~
and without any pushing,
love this feeling part of yourself unconditionally
until it is ready to move into wholeness with the rest of you."
Rachel: I am therefore quoting
"Deep Practice for Healing to Wholeness" here.
I am editing the document the way I do with Godchannel.
But the links inside the document can be opened only in the original:
Healing to Wholeness
New Tools for Self Healing & Personal Transformation
A Deep Practice for Healing to Wholeness
Once learned, the frames and tools of Process Coaching
[link] and wholeness work
can be condensed into a few quick and easy steps that can be practiced
any time.
As when learning any new practice [link]
you'll probably find this shortened version of the work easier to
when in a resourceful state.
However, once the steps are practiced and learned,
this process makes it much easier
to work in present time with triggered emotions and physical
This practice uses consciousness, the
essence of mind
to do something radically different
than it has been conditioned to do with 'bad' feelings.
Instead of following the ancient imprinted programming
to get away from unwanted feelings by escaping into the mind
(and its torturous thoughts about the unwanted feeling),
we're now asking mind to help us
stay present with
and feel into uncomfortable, previously unwanted feelings.
Rather than trying to confront the conditioned mind directly,
in this practice we 'go under' the old programming.
We take conscious control of our own attention
to focus on the feeling
and feel into it, where it is in the body.
This is a practical application of
consciousness in the service of sentience [link]

The perspective of the ancient
house is almost the same, but the background on the 2009 highway
has changed...
Traumas have a residual shock component
that often presents as numbness, 'spaciness,' wanting to sleep,
Depression is another example of a present-time experience
of the shock associated with past emotional trauma.
The shock that came to protect us
from having to feel too much pain during the original trauma
has become part of the imprint [link]
and has usually prevented us
from fully feeling the feeling
before escaping into the mind.
The solution here is
to simply feel under the shock, feel under the numbness.
Say to yourself,
"Now I want to feel the feeling
that the shock has been protecting me from."
Feel under the blankness of the shock and experience the feeling.
This practice is a good way
to find and release otherwise hidden deep denial energy [link]
(asuras [link]
The technique addresses all of the layers of
the original trauma and its reenactments,
including the roots at the deepest transpersonal
Experience has shown
that the original transpersonal traumas in the feminine essence
were caused by highly concentrated denial energy attacking the Mother,
and therefore the release of this denial energy [link]
is important in this practice.
The Mother's original imprinting came not from denials of her by
but rather from attacks by asuras before Spirit had awakened into
This kind of primordial denial energy
can often feel more intense and mean,
and more snarly than the average asuric energy.
In dislodging these deep denials,
it can help to vocalize the intensity of that
mean and snarly energy as it leaves.

Continuation of the pictures of my "Tomer-less" hike as
background to the "Learning Experience with 'Embedded (Self-)Denial'
", Febr.7, 2009
in the fifth Interview with
the Folks
The Practice
1. Feel a 'bad' feeling (either
emotional or physical).
2. Locate this feeling in your body.
3. Observe the feeling with curiosity,
and begin to feel into the feeling.
(As the loving, parental healer self [link]
who is observing the feeling,
you are separate from it.
You're not becoming the feeling or identifying as it.)
4. Avoid 'seeing' the feeling,
thinking about the feeling
or otherwise reacting to it.
Notice how the energy of the feeling feels.
Focus on the feeling sense of it,
the texture of the feeling.
Is it moving or still?
Is it warm or cool,
hard or soft,
sharp or dull?
Is it sticky or slick,
rough or smooth?
Is there pressure?
What does the energy of it feel like in your body?
5. Your attitude is that you want to know more about
how this feeling feels.
In this way you are like Loving Spirit
wanting to know the Mother by feeling all of her pain.
And instead of being the pain by identifying as the part of the
Mother in pain,
like loving Spirit you are remaining in the position
of the loving and resourceful healer,
and you are feeling into the pain.
6. If mind comes into action here,
if there are any thoughts or judgments,
simply re-focus on the feeling,
and feel under the thoughts and judgments.
Continue feeling into the energy of the feeling with interest and
7. Ask yourself,
"Am I comfortable feeling this feeling just as it is,
without the feeling having to change in any way?"
If so, skip step 8 and continue with step 9.
If another feeling (such as fear) is preventing you from being comfortable,
do this practice from the beginning with that feeling first,
and then come back to the original feeling.
8. Release denial energy [link]
If you are not comfortable feeling into the feeling just as it is
ask yourself,
"What kind of denial release would help me be more
comfortable being with this feeling?"
Do either a judgment release [link]
or deep denial release [link]
9. After any judgments or deep denial in the feeling is released,
feel back into the feeling and notice any changes.
Now while feeling the feeling,
imagine a small child you once were is feeling this feeling.
It's okay to just make it up, the child is only a metaphor for the
10. When something comes to mind, ask yourself:
Is the child indoors or outdoors? Is the child standing? Sitting?
How old is the child?
11. Now, in your present adult body,
go on the scene and be there with the child.
Get down to their eye level, and say "Hello."
Open your arms and heart to the child
and let them know you love them,
just as they are.
12. If the child would like,
pick them up and hold them.
Allow the child to feel your love and acceptance for them,
just the way they are.
It's okay to take time here and enjoy the experience.
13. When the child is feeling your love,
take an observer position [link]
so you can see there are two of you there, the child and the grown-up.
Now go into the position of the child.
You are in the child's body.
14. You are little, and your grown-up self is loving you.
Now feel what it's like to loved~~~ just the way you are.
15. To finish, as the grown-up~~~
look into the eyes of the child and see their beauty, innocence
and greatness.
And when your are ready,
the adult holds the child so close
you absorb them into yourself, one whole being.
Rest in the love as long as you like.