Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart

Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk
among each other,
and he listens and he
yatakaalamuna allathina
yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri va-yasma'
Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht und er
Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent
l'un a l'autre
il entends,
il ecoute
k.i.s.s.-l o g + all
~ Library of
7 years ~ HOME
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( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
11/ Elul 11, Thursday, 27th
day of "having died to righteousness"-
between Arad
and Rishpon
and Bet
Wedding of Hagar, my step-granddaughter
Actions and Interactions: pool once, traveling +
completing Ra'ayah's pouch+purse , Wedding
Parting from my
obsession to complete this page--- on September 24
back to past ~~~~~
forward to future
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
7:35 [awake since
5:30, Figuring out, how to manage with Ra'ayah's pouch only,
with no backpack, dressing etc. before the long travel.
I also worked already on yesterday's sculpture of "Beauty
and the Geek" and even completed (!) yesterday's page!
I desire to dedicate this day
to the family members who play roles in the dramas of my children.
I desire to not only do this strenuous traveling to and fro
-having to stay over night at Bet-Nehemya
but to truly contribute my very being and to radiate - from
now on (8:18) my ardent wish,
that Hagar and Rafi may fulfill their dream with each other
and their dreams for the world.
"Dont' forget,
where you have been..."
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
My Body,
my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to your wondrous "condition",
which allows us to go through the strain and stress of this
I give thanks to your wondrous appearance ("at our age.."),
which makes it so much easier for me than it is for other
to love myself.
I am grate-full for that part of my
which included my husband's children Joel (60) and especially
Dita (56),
(When in Sept. 1963 Rafael gently conveyed
to his daughter,
that after the divorce he would marry another woman, she said:
"I know, who it is! Christa!",
though she hadn't seen me or heard of me for more than 2 years
and, of course, had no idea of Immanuel, her step-brother).
I am grate-full for Dita's incredibly professional and successful
during the separation process between me and her father in
I am grate-full that Dita
welcomed Efrat & Mika into her house and care,
after that
almost fatal accident of both, in summer 2006.
I am grate-full for the relationship between Dita's family
and my children.
am grate-full for Dita's paintings, which touch me so much
In the morning I inserted this sculpture from puzzle
piece 33, which - without Dita's painting - found its place also
on September 8!
At the wedding at night a woman approached me: I once met you at Dita's
exhibition together with my friends Ruthi and Shalom...
The link there is to Dita's painting to the Song "The
Pain" in "the Mother",
which was once the second home-page of Healing-K.i.s.s.
Backward into the Future" = "Closeups
to the Past" = Healing&Harvesting my Past
Dita and Joel in their father's
jeep: 3 photos with my simple box: 1960-61,
next to little Dita's hand-stand, big Dita, shot by
her step-brother Arie, 1969 |

From Immanuel's Bar-Mitzvah Album:
"July 1965, you are two and a half
years old:
finally also your big sister is permitted [by
her mother] to get to know
(with Rafael's friends at Sde Warburg)
with all his children
- ca. 1969 |
Dita, Ronnit,
and Joel with Ran,
Rafael's first grandchild |

Dita, the soldier, dances for the settlements!
but she also meets Azmiyeh at
and she joins a trip with Naftali Raz
see the photo with Ronnit
she is on a trip with us and Naftali
our co-worker in the party Ha-Olam
Ha-zae. |
Azmiyeh, Ibrahim and 2 of their
have the courage to travel from their refugee camp
near Nablus
and visit us at Ramat-Hadar |

How come, I possess 3 photos
of 3 different situations
with Dita working on the fields? |
The relationship
between Dita and her step-siblings has always been good
-if in our home at Ramat-Hadar, or at the sea, or on
our common trips. |

With her step-siblings at Chanukka
with her brother Joel at his wedding
1972 |
part of a picture taken at the
wedding of Micha and Ra'ayah, 1994
Hagar, Orit, Gid'on, Dita, Rafael,
Joel , Ran, in front of them
in front:
Uri, probably with
Grandma with Elah |
part of a picture taken at the
Bar-Mitzvah of Alon, Immanuel's son , 2004
Gid'on, Ronnit
Joel & Dita
Elah, Hadass, Tova, Amir
(Orit's husband), Ran
in front:
Yael, Rotem, Tomer, Immanuel Orit
with her first child |
Rafael Rosenzweig , 1922-2001,
was married to Ines Cohn from 1946-1963 and to Christa-Rachel
Guth from 1964-1981
Rafael Rosenzweig's descendants
I n e s
Dita &Gideon
(&Ofer, Udi, Itai)
Hagar (&Rafi)
n e s
Joel &Tova
Ran (&Shir)
C h r i s t a - R a c h e l
Immanuel& Ruth
Elah 1987
Alon 1991
Immanuel & Efrat
Mika -2005
h r i s t a - R a c h e l
Sister Ronnit&Uri
Jonathan 1991
Rotem 1993
Yael 1996
Itamar 1998
C h r i s t a - R a c
h e l
Arnon 1996
Ayelet 1998
Hagar and Orit with baby Elah,
while both families lived at the airforce
base Hatzerim
and then~~~ Hagar with Elah at Jonathan's birthday,
Ben-Shemen forest 2001 |

Hagar at Elah's & Alon's birthday,
Kfar-Wradim 2001 |
When I looked for the photos of my ancestors
on the 99th birthday of my dead mother,
I came - rightaway - across a page about little Hagar!
I don't have many pictures of her,
nor is there a single interaction with her which imprinted
itself in my memory,
and now this page and - next to it - a conversation
with my son Micha
which began with his shock,
that the little girl received from her parents a gigantic
on her third birthday:
a stereo-system!
my "kiss-log" of 1984,
then called "Rachel's Hologram"
Hagar at the
army air-base of Tel-Nof,
where Gid'on, her father, flew helicopters |
A glorious
perspective from above Ronnit's neck:
Today on a horse, tomorrow on a spacecraft...
Ronnit in a dress, which
her mother embroidered
at the age of 12, 1950
and the fighting
with spears
from horse-backs,
2700 years ago.
The relief shows
the king of Assur,
fighting lions
627-668 B.C. |
July 1984, Conversation with my son
Micha, then 17 years old:
"How was the birthday party of
Hagar and Hadass (Joel's daughter)?"
"guess, what Dita and Gid'on gave to Hagar as a gift!
The most perfect state-of-the-art stereo-system!"
"Yes, also Immanuel went crazy. He said:
"I beg people to give me mattresses, so we'll have something
to sleep on,
and this baby, 3 years old, gets a stereo-system!"
[In July 1983 my mother came into my care in Israel.
The 2 1/2 rooms we had in my rented flat made it hard for
to live his relationship with his girl-friend Ruth.
So they moved out and with my help rented their own small
flat ]
"The parents explained"
said Micha, "that her sister has
a system (6 years old),
and there has to be equality."
"And Hagar - does she actually
know what to do with this thing?"
"Yes, her father told, that she played all the time with
the "eject""
[as explanation for the yet unfamiliar technology I added:
'which flips out the casettes']
"So what will they give her at
the age of 10? a house? or at the age of 15? a spaceship?"
We laughted...
"So do you feel poor and pauper
compared to them?"
"No, not compared to them, for they are family, but as
to my friends, yes..."
And he describes the living-standard of the pupils in his
city highschool
(into which I transferred him, when he, too, joined me after
the divorce).
Then he comes back to the economic situation of his stepsister
and stepbrother.
[I must have told him then, that their mother's family in
Holland had bequeathed them a lot]
"The truth is, that I don't understand,
how Dita and Gid'on can afford such a living-standard.
Every time I take part in a family event, there are at least
10 guests and food of the first choice.
And Gid'on is nothing but an officer in the airforce and Dita
is a teacher.
Unlike Joel who.... and who really earns a fortune, and also
deserves it....."
"since the "Israel
Aerospace Industrie" , for which he works, is so
profitable and successful in the world."
As I wrote then in July 1984, and
now again on Sept. 9, 2008 ,
I wasn't pleased with Israel's focus on boosting the armies
in the world.
It is to this sadness , to which refers the postcard on Hagar's
page : "Flight from the Battle-field "
flight on horses, which associated to both: little Hagar's
riding on a wooden horse,
and to her uncle's (enormous!) contribution to Israel's capacity
to export military equipment.
Having translated this now (10:55)
and thus felt deeper into what could have divided Rafael's
two groups of children,
I'm even more grate-full, that even at a time, when my children
had to live not very high above the pauverty-line,
there was no envy, - or if there was - it did in no way effect
the relationship between them and their step-siblings.

"The Israel Aerospace Industry,
for which he travels abroad every moment,
in order to check an installation against rockets in civil
is one of the most profitable Israeli companies."
"Well, this is understandable! the Israeli Aerospace
Indusstry has a name in the world,
because our inventions "were tried out on the battle-field".
The French, for instance, developed some rocket, almost nobody
bought it.
But after it was employed in the Falkland
war and some ship was drowned successfully,
the rocked gets sold in the entire world.
So if one rocket had such a success, how much more is this
a fact for the Israeli product."
they shall beat their swords into plowshares,
and their spears into pruninghooks;
nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall
they learn war any more...
"But the Israel Aerospace Industry
does not only produce installations for offense,
but also installations for defense and also equipment, computers
[at that time?] etc
for the civil air-flight.."
"Alright, alright"...
I didn't want to push him into defensiveness.
After all, I, too, know in some corner in my brain,
that it can't be helped:
this is a re-action to the humiliation and annihilation of
the Jews,
and it has to be extracted to the end.
So instead of being "a light to the
nations", Isaiah

Israel exports arms to the nations.
But when will finally come the "action", the deed,
which is ours,
and not just a re-action to the deeds of others???
Dita: Dance

of the Day - for Hagar and Rafi - based on the
old song of David
I came early, when almost no other guests had arrived,
in order to find bride and bridegroom free to listen -
to listen to my blessing and to listen to my song,
which each received on a piece of the precious paper,
on which Hagar's great-grand-father Franz Rosenzweig's Jehuda
was printed.
The song should be attached to each one's identity card!
After they had stored the clippings in a safe place,
they were ready to let me document their beauty!
After I had read sung my song to them, they
were ready to pose for me under the tree I chose
The two mothers, Dita
and Efrat, read a beautiful blessing,
referring to the names Rafael and Hagar.
Though the angel, who called to Hagar and met her in the desert
my page about Hagar and Ismael]
has no name in the Bible,
the mothers claim, that it was the angel Rafael [Raphael],
[who appears only in the apocryphical
story of Tobit
What is important is the name of this angel: God heals,
which was also the reason,
why Franz Rosenzweig called
his son "Rafael".
For his only son was born 8 months
after his terrible disease-towards-death had taken hold of him.
Dita, in her invitation had written to me:
"Hagar brought us Rafi (Rafael).
Obviously we are in need of "Tikkun"
- and there it comes."
Towards the end of the wedding
I asked Dita to introduce me to Rafi's
mother, Efrat, and when she did,
I said: "though I never address
somebody by my own initiative,
I felt that I had to talk to you,
after I heard your interpretation of your son's name,
and also after I saw you dance with your second son,
that was so touching!
At the beginning of the wedding
I had asked Rafi:
don't you call yourself with your full name: Rafael,
doesn't it have any meaning to you?"
He claimed, that you called him
after the
army company "R-a-f-a-e-l",
in which you had worked for many years.
I said, that you must have had a deeper reason - and there,
2 hours later -
you confirmed my guess publicly!"
"He is also called Menachem, after a grandfather -
the entire family of my mother was wiped out in the holocaust..."
"Yes he told me about 'Menachem',
what a name: God heals and comforts!"
Rafis' Mother Efrat talks to us, the
guests of the wedding
see more tomorrow
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eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
never perfect&complete
Keep It
Simple Sweetheart
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