Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution in
learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
originally the last part of the file
called .reality. 97/4/2-4; Discussion
added on . : 97/05/25
Truth and Reality Class
Lesson One Questions
and Comments
Checked for updates: 2005_01_25
Except for two minor updates, there is only one change:
I, the creator, am you.
[old version: that I, the creator, am
working from inside of you.]
On 2005_03_21 the Channelers
answered my question concerning this difference:
>I assumed, that those files, which I discovered as having
>under a different name before
>are newer than the versions in those former files or parts
of files.
>But when I came across .realitycom,
>which is separating the "discussion" part from the
>file called .reality
>and hit upon one crucial change, i doubted my assumption.
>.reality says: "that I, the creator, am working from
inside of you."
>.realitycom says: "that I, the creator, am you."
>So which one is the original and which one the updated file?
Thank you for finding this!
Your assumption is correct, except for these two pages.
We've kept them both because of links from other pages.
And now both pages have identical text...
I, the creator, am you
What do
I do with my perception of this reality I experience as pain
and how do I change my perceptions to include what I want?
have asked three very powerful questions.
I will rephrase and answer each of them.
First, 'Is my pain real or only a perception?'
Yes it is real, and will be healed more quickly
when it is honored as real.
Yes, it is your perception
and therefore you are responsible for it
no matter what person or situation
may seem to be 'causing' it on the 'outside'.
The pain is a guest in your venue.
The first thing you can do is make it feel welcome.
Next, if you want it to heal,
take whatever time is necessary
to find acceptance
for it as you might for a child
who is unhappy and crying.
Then if you like, go inside
and ask me to help you understand
and heal the pain, and I will.
The Four Steps to Wholeness is a complete
formula for healing pain of all kinds.
The second
question is, How do I change my perceptions?
change perceptions through the Sacred Act of Choice.
The most important, valuable
and probably the least understood gift I have given you
is Free Will.
You and only you can choose
what you will perceive
and what you will make of your perceptions.
It is important to understand that it is
not the feeling
or the perception of the feeling of pain that hurts.
It is the meaning or interpretation
that you give to the perception,
your resistance to it.
The same perception on one day
may feel pleasurable
and on another day feel painful.
This is not a feature of the perception,
but rather the result of your interpretation
or judgment of the perception.
The truth is you are perceiving a sensation,
in this case an emotional feeling.
You can choose to interpret the feeling as 'pain'
or as something else.
There is much more to this,
and it will be covered
as we discuss the 'nuts and bolts' of the healing process
in the healing class, The Quest for the Mother.
God, I "understand"
to a degree that we all create our own reality,
and that we're invited to drive the bus.
isn't it true that some things are real,
and they are not a matter of perception,
but just the "real" thing?
I want to be creating harmony and love
and bliss,
but I can't let go of the Newtonian model of what's real.
This is a stopping point for me.
is a 'baseline' consentual reality
that is created through you
and in concert with the others in your world.
This happens at a deeply unconscious transpersonal level.
The seemingly densest parts of your world
like trees, the sky, ocean and other physical 'realities'
are created by me, from within you.
The reason it seems
like you are not creating certain parts of your world
is because you are not aware that you are doing it,
just as you have been unaware
that I, the creator, am you.
[old version: that I, the creator, am working from inside
of you.]
"You are
right to question what I have said here
because it comes from a source outside of yourself.
the things you first learned at home and in school
did not come through a 'dubious' filter,
and yet they form the standard
against which you now compare new information.
The Newtonian model can seem more real
than your own perceptions and logic,
not because it is the correct model,
but because it explains things in a way
that seems to be true,
and more importantly
it's the hallmark of your paradigm,
it's 'what everyone knows'.
"I would like to point
out that 'what everyone knows'
once included the 'fact' that the Earth is flat
and there is danger of falling off the edge
if you sail too far out into the ocean.
'What everyone knows',
has always proven to be untrue eventually,
even though it seemed certain
until it was questioned and disproved.
For instance, it was quite difficult for your ancestors
to let go of the idea that the Sun, Moon and stars revolve around
the Earth.
Once they did, however,
they could get a much deeper understanding of physics.
This new understanding was the foundation
upon which Newton formulated his model of reality.
Newton's model is threatened.
Einstein has muddied Newton's water
and now that 'everyone knows'
there are four dimensions of space-time
and everything is relative,
it doesn't matter which way you look at it.
It makes no difference
if the Sun revolves around the Earth,
or the Earth revolves around the Sun.
It's all relative, depending on your point of view.
Which brings us back to perception.
is a subjective experience
in order for something to be 'real'
it must be perceived by someone,
it must be 'realized'.
If there is no perceiver,
there is no 'venue' or place in which reality can exist.
This raises the issue of my perception.
In a way you are asking,
'Isn't your perception as God sufficient to make anything,
including the whole universe,
real without needing me or someone else to perceive it.?'
However the question is phrased,
the answer is not in how perception works,
but rather in how Creation works.
am creating the universe in every moment,
're-creating' it you may say.
But where am I as I create it?
The answer is I am inside of you.
Most often you have been unaware of my presence at all,
let alone as the creative force inside of you.
This other level of reality
of which you have very seldom been aware
has had various terms such as
'God Consciousness', 'Cosmic Consciousness',
'Self Realization' and 'Enlightenment'.
key to understanding how all of this works
is in the realization of a level of awareness
other than the one to which you're accustomed,
other than what you were taught in school.
This is my whole point in opening this channel of communication.
I want to reach that part inside of you
that is aware of creating the universe you perceive.
I want to reach the part of you that is me.
In doing this I will need the help of the other part of you
that experiences 'individual consciousness',
the part that feels disconnected from your source,
that feels like just one object among billions of other objects.
this part of you, the dubious Newtonian physicist,
I say there is much more to you than meets the eye.
For instance, you may remember times
when you have felt connected,
and at one with all that is,
while at peace
and secure in the certain knowledge
that all is well and will be so forever.
This is where God Consciousness begins.
This is where you can find me.
Experiences like this, however, do not play well in a venue of
individual consciousness.
Consciousness is the kind of experience
that is easy to forget
because it is not validated by your culture,
Newtonian physics or the education system.
In fact, your culture and customs discourage it.
They tell you
that experiences of eternal oneness, peace and power
are flights of fancy that are dangerous to believe in.
saddest part of this has been
that although these experiences
have the unmistakable ring of Truth
and provide the answers to all questions,
they have been denied and forgotten
because they were not in agreement
with the relative 'truths'
you were taught in the first lessons you learned.
good news is
that you can decide on
who and how you want to be.
You can choose again, and I will help if you ask me."
I have tried visualizing what I want,
but it doesn't work very well.
How can I get it to work?
may not be the easiest way to get something.
If what you want, however, is to get visualization to work
the short answer is to not only visualize it,
but desire it into existence.
The desire that something exist
coupled with the belief that it can and does exist
creates the space for it, and holds it in existence.
Desire is the most generative force in the universe
and is the only absolutely essential factor in the existence of
I will be talking a lot about True Desire in the healing
[old version:There is much more about True Desire in
the Quest for the Mother class.]
In this class, however,
we will focus more on thoughts and beliefs.
idea that using the mind can make things happen
is heading in the right direction.
Visualizing or imaging what you want is generative.
In the presence of desire,
images, thoughts and beliefs are creative,
they guide creation and help form your reality.
Every being and object in existence,
every situation, movement and particle of matter
had its beginning as a thought that filled a desire.
The image or thought is the Light,
the Spirit that communes with Desire
to manifest and give form to the thing.
less well known and even more powerful approach
to manifesting at the mental level is mentioned above.
Perform the Sacred Act of Choice.
Choose the reality you want.
Choose to be what you want to be,
to do what you want to do
and to have what you want to have.
To choose is to decide,
and to decide is to cut off other possibilities
and focus only on the one chosen.
Once you've chosen,
expect the results of what you have chosen.
will be more on this in a later lesson,
so we'll leave this topic open for now."
Truth and Reality
Class, Lesson Two: Projection and Perception
I follow my
understanding and new lekh-lekhâ on January 1, 2009,
that - after 7 years
- I should no longer create new pages on my 2 websites,
but intermingle the evidence of new experiences with that on existing
Since March 2009 I've been "synchronizing" the chronological
process of the files
with the chronological process of my photos and -
if there should be time - observations of the
"Walk About Love"
of May 2, 2009 ; latest
update of this page: July 30, 2009

They take a picture of Christa-Rachel dismantling
her tent for the last time,
with view to the south and with Zwi and Uriyah walking by in the

"Shouldn't you smile
a bit?"
asked my anonymous photographer.
I smiled, though I didn't feel like it.
How can an aching heart smile?
be so dramatic",
said El'ad when I parted from
him. |
I was going around to find the people, with
whom I wanted to share this:
"I strongly
feel, that I should leave The Walk.
I'm going to my family assignment at Bet Nehemya for 4 days.
If I won't be back by Wednesday, May 6,
it will mean, that I've left The Walk.
But I shall come at least one more time,
in order to explain my reasons to those who interested ."
I see Erez!
I hesitate , but then I give myself a push:
"Perhaps this relationship can be healed finally, before
I leave."
a day later, already at my children's and
very tired,
I created a composition about Erez and The Walk and a little bit
about me.
I feel, that it should be part of the
last page of The Walk about Love.
Suddenly Ronni and Sivan arrive and hug me warmly.
I catch a picture that demonstrates their ardent love.
I take another picture - while Hila jumps into the scene-
the outcome is weird, to say the least.
Even Ronni, more professional in photography than I am,
couldn't explain it...

My saddest
experience happened 15 minutes before I left.
It hadn't anything to do with me.
I was only "forced" to watch it,
since I was "sitting" there.
I shall not tell it.............
There is a discussion with "God" about
"Addiction to
which I came across again on 2009_05_07:
About a week ago I asked Gil Sason,
the organizer of "The Walk about Love":
just said to me:
is a group in the cloak [ma'atefet] of drugs and
How many people among us
smoke - according to your assessment?
"At least 50%".
Until then I could tolerate this fact,
though I know, that people smoke,
because they don't want to feel.
Now - after I left "The Walk",
I feel different - disgusted and hopeless...
Especially since Gil himself
- in the morning circle
at Neve-Shalom
on April 21-
expressed his grief about
"people leaving their smoking utensils on
the table
without even hiding them,-
...people who came to visit us last night, left
with disgust."
But Gil does not see, how the trend of "drugs
and sex"
is partly the result of the confusion between
walking and sitting,
especially sitting in "Festivals" ,
and the erroneous notion of "Openness"
"let's expose The Walk about Love to the
and let the world invade us en masse!"
Hebrew I would call this "pritzut"!]
The last people I see, before leaving the camp
, are lounching in Eran's van:
Tom, Yosi, Inbal, Parastu, Or, Eran and outside of it: Avigal
"What an idyll!" I say.
Someone answers: "Yes, but each one
is alone!"
I interpreted this as: "We are not
able to create a real Body of the Walk about Love!"
I ask Avigal to take my picture:
the balance between empowering people and triggering people
is disturbed,
I have to leave.
Though any person attracts a trigger - from me or anyone
else, -
"to point out a hole in his/her
wholeness that now wants to be healed" ,
as I've told people over and
over again,
I do not want to be in this role of triggering people.
And when I experience, that I'm becoming forced into this
I leave --- always!
Or - in cases, in which I cannot leave - I refrain from
hoping, that my very presence - without words or actions
- will heal.
at the moment of arriving with my children at Bet Nehemya,
was I suddenly absolutely certain, that I would not return to
The Walk.
On Sunday, May 3, I focused on healing my
Body first and slept a lot.
Then, when Mika came back from kindergarden,
we walk over to the playground.
I let myself be comforted by the sun in the greyness
and by the joy in my granddaughter's movements.

On Wednesday, May 6, my son returned from his flight at 16:30.
Soon after I hitchhiked to Arad - there were no railways from
Lod to Beersheva on that day.
I was "lucky":
right away a car stopped - from Ben-Shemen junction to Kiryat
"Do you work there?"
"What work?"
"Do you like that job?"
And from there the work started, which I've done with people all
my life since the age of 16,
and very often while hitchhiking with drivers, who indicated that
they desired to talk.
Then right away a car from Kiryat Gat to Bet-Qama,
and again - right away a car from there to Lehavim,
and again - right away a woman stopped - her car was full with
She insisted to repack it in a way, that the place next to her
became free.
She was a beautiful woman, a gentle woman,
and I forgave her for living in a settlement "Eshkolot"
("It's now inside Israel, because
of the fence... this feels safer..").
She didn't let me out at the turn to "Eshkolot", but
drove me to Tel Shoqet,
so it would be easier for me...
[At Tel Shoqet junction there
is a bus-station, in case I am not picked up by a car "rightaway"...]
By the way - 9 days later, when hitchhiking
again - I was again picked up by a resident of this settlement,
about which I had never heard before, at least not awarely...
Within 2 hours - counted from Ben-Shemen
junction (instead of 3 hours as usual),
I climbed down and up my
"Wadi of Compassion".
The sun was just setting over the dreary-looking desert,
with all the garbage, that the storms had blown into the wadi,
and which had not been picked up by me ever since The Walk began
on Febr. 27, 2009.
I reached my garden - in full spring:
the pomegranate tree, the geranium,
and my one-room flat: with a big sign at my door to welcome me,
("the children have put it there
again and again, after it was blown away by a storm",
said my landlords later)
I was home...

Five minutes later Lior Oren arrived.
She was the one, who had helped me to plan this meeting:
"I feel, you
need support",
which was more than true...
She had not yet returned to The Walk after she had left on
Friday, May 1.
But she intented to do so on Sunday, May 10.
Now she had come to Arad - from Jerusalem - even before me,
in order to see Maya, her friend, who had
come with her to the Walk,
when we were in the big Makhtesh.
Maya left the next morning and preferred to "do" the
Shvil Israel with 3 "private" companions, a girl and
two boys.
The boys deserted the girls soon, but later 3 other people joined
them on the way.
Now - after 3 weeks - they had reached Arad.
The comparison between this "Walk" and our Walk about
Love was fruitful for both of us,
and we understood again, how wonderful and wondrous the concept
of "our" Walk was and is.
(I would have liked to report
on how Lior supported me in my turmoil and plight concerning The
Walk about Love
- but I didn't "have the time" then, and now - on July
30 - memories are too faint to be put into written words!
Loss of memory always means one of two things: either I have truly
integrated what I experienced and learnt,
or I have denied something which was connected to the lesson and
shall have to re-experience the same thing! )

Two Walkers (see my sandals ...) sitting
in the center of Arad and try to understand, what the Walk is
meant to be
On Friday, May 8, I accompany Lior to the "Trampiada"
outside Arad,
she returns to her settlement Alon (yes! settlement!) east of
to dedicate the weekend to her family and to then return to the
I myself return, pass by the swimming-pool,
for which I have an annual subscription,
which I hadn't taken advantage of since the beginning of The Walk
on Febr. 27,
except once during the Walk's weekend
in Arad.
I begin to work on "The Walk on my website"...
On Shabbat my family arrives,
bringing me all my walking and camping equipment,
which during my nine weeks had become more and more efficient.
Immanuel also brings back my Arad computer,
which 4 hours, after Gal Mor had informed me of the Walk about
Love on Febr. 22,
got attacked by a virus and ruined totally,
as if to tell me:
"You will be at the Walk now and have no need for a computer
at Arad."
Two days later I dragged myself with public transportation to
my children,
with the equipment for The Walk on my back,
and the heavy computer in my hand.
The computer had to be re-formatted,
but I won't tell the problems which were caused by this,
and which even now - May 25 - are not all solved.
Mika ( 3,5) at my desk:
drawing-painting pictures
Next to Mika dressed in red:,
her brother hooded in grey -
Tomer (14,6) at my computer
searching for pictures

The image behind Immanuel
shows him 21 years ago,
when his arms threw
his daughter Elah into the air,
when she was 8 months old.
I framed the photo,
called it "Trust",
and hang it
above the steering-wheel
in my mobile home. |
It's cold on that Shabbat, May 9,
and while playing on my veranda in Arad,
Mika finds a solution...
So does her mother,
snuggling in my blanket,
and Tomer with his doublehead cover:
a hat and a hood... |
Zipi (21), who lives 6 houses
and is like Lior Oren and Gal Mor
one of my
is home for the weekend,
to be with her sick mother,
but finds time to spend with Tomer.
Zipi did not walk with us,
but came to the Festival at Shittim,
just after I had left - prematurely...
Zipi leaves, my family leaves,
and I must listen on the inside,
if and when I am supposed to keep my promise to the Walkers,
that I would join them one other time,
in order to share with them,
why I left the Walk about Love.
The first thing, that becomes clear, is,
that my parting has to happen during walking.
So I have to find a day, when I can reach the camp,
before the Walkers leave.
How could this be done, since they were already in the north?
Then I understand it's not by chance,
that on May 11 a wedding will take place in the north of Israel.
I do not go to weddings, not even to weddings of friends.
But The Walk seemed to hint that I should take part in this one,
and this wedding seemed to tell me, WHEN to part from The Walk.
And the fact, that Zipi not only knew the bride from "Shomrei-Hagan",
an organization which teaches Holistic
but worked in the same town as the bridegroom
who had constructed a bamboo-dome for her to live in,
made it even more poignant that I had to give my blessing.
It wasn't a simple event for me.
I was involved when a previous relationship disintegrated...
When studying the Walk's schedule and calling someone to inquire,
if the schedule of the next days fitted the written plan,
I reached the conclusion, that things had been perfectly "staged".