Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
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Keep It Simple Sweetheart
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, SHABBAT, - at Arad
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Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
I desire to integrate the feelings
of much grief and tiny hopes concerning Israel, & humankind
which accumulated through 3 successive dramas, which I had to
see though I yearned to sleep.
I desire to deepen this integration assisted by my work on Nebo-Let-Go
which I'll continue today
I desire that my children's day at Acco
will flow into a loving welcome
for Tomer into the family.
I desire listen to my body and give it rest as often as it asks
I desire to feel excitement and full-fill-ment while continuing
my creation of my "Nebo-Let-Go"
of the day: The only time, I was photographed sleeping - at
the age of 16 during a week in which school was transferred
to a county-side home, Kirchberg.
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
My Body, my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to you
for having granted us such deep, undisturbed sleep!
I am grate-full for a whole Shabbat of whole al-one-ness
At 16:30 I imagined , that Immanuel,
Efrat and Mika were on their way back from Acco
and would arrive at Ruth's house to fetch Tomer.
I sent an SMS to each of them:
may "your
strength straighten" [a
Hebrew idiom] towards receiving your
son into your house".
Immanuel immediately called:
"We are indeed on our way, but I'll
fetch Tomer only tomorrow by noon,
since we needed every space in the car to take with us our oven
and cupboard from our friends at Kfar Wradim
[towards moving to their
new home at Bet Nehemya],
and since I'll meet with my therapist tomorrow morning."
An hour later I got a phone-call from
Dina, one of my six starchildren,
Lior, Zipi, Gal, Dina, Boris, Meshi,
to whom I'm open as if they were my adopted grandchildren
Gal had asked her to convey messages to several people, among
whom I was the first.
Since she needs to transcribe Hebrew words into English letters,
she obviously can't write to everyone.
Now I know, that she didn't fly to Germany, but hitchhiked with
a yacht to Turkey,
from where she wants to take the train to Europe.
I also heard from Dina, that a week before Gal, Boris flew to
also without much money, he wants to travel there at least 3
Dina now is in a dilemma what to do with her future - but Meshi
is with her this weekend to support her.
"I've only little dreams and I'll
fear I'll forever be a confused person."
It is strange - but somehow understandable
to me - that none of the six starchildren knows what to do with
their lives.
It is, as if they all need to somehow pass time
by going through all kinds of experiences, working or traveling
or volunteering,
until the time for them will come.
Or am I deluding myself? Is this only wishful thinking? Am I
worried about those six? |
Songs of the Day
sehr ich mich muehte
In Hingabe gluehte
Das Herz mir verbruehte
Auch jetzt noch oft wuete
Voll Schmerz im Gemuete
lebte doch nicht.
Schau her, ich erbruete
Als Frucht deiner Guete
Erst jetzt meine Bluete
Voll Liebe sie huete
leb ich im Licht.
he gives his friend sleep |
Four Nation Tent
from Dec. 6, 1997-Jan.1, 1998.
What a miracle,
that Albert and Mali
became my "partners" then,
- if not,
I wouldn't have these gorgeous photos
- now, ten years later... |
attempt with an Arab "partner"...... |

idea of the raft --- so wonderful, so right, technically
feasable - -- but nothing manifested
And this is how the projects and experiments and experiences
matured me:
On the Dead Sea - to where Tamir
Peleg, my young partner, lured me:
beyond the border, June 1998-February 1999,
near the border, February-October 1999,
Below it , on the beach my "Pond
of Blessing", March-June 2000,
And after two years with
seven of my
grandchildren in the town Modi'in,
"Noah's Shore" , between the borders,
150 days, since November 29, 2003.
An old composition .... scanned badly....
with the 2 photos which show my tent at Metzoqee-Dragot and
a prophecy:
Immanuel (not yet 5) turned the baby-pen, with which we had
immigrated, into a pyramid for himself and his siblings,
On my way from the Red
Sea to the Dead Sea, the bus was caught!
A trial in Eilat, a fine , and my house was towed
to a place above the Dead Sea.
I lived in my tent and my mobile home we converted
into a hosting encampment.
Metzoqe Dragot and the
Ein-Gedi Fieldschool I didn't leave out of choice.
But I knew every time, that it was right and "in
its right time", what "happened".
With the last lekh-lekhâ
I ceased to hope that I would find a place to park.
The bus passed on to Tamir until it was - in 2003
- towed away and confiscated.
At Ein-Gedi Fieldschool we were asked
not to live in bus , caravan or tents.
Tamir was given a room
and I begged to be given 2 "rooms" next to
but unfinished - without doors, windows, floor etc.
[After we had to leave,
they were completed as guest-rooms.
see my visit there on January
2, 2008]
I covered the "Concrete Succah",
as I came to call it,
with palm-fronds
and a parachute,
found by somebody in the desert.
My own "room" and the "guest-room"
were truly beautiful.
And we had electricity for fans!


Tamir's family
from Dimona
sit in front of Tamir's room
to the left - a
corner of the Concrete Succah
We had moved to the Fieldschool
on Febr. 24, 1999.
Only towards the end of August we got permission,
to "build" the David-Succah
as a place for full-filling another specific dream.
A few weeks later I got the ultimatum
for Oct. 31, 1999...
It is too complex, too painful to describe this "project",
may it suffice to see these pretty photos
with Tamir sitting under the fantastic dome,
which he had only recently created
between bus, caravan and a pyramidal tent,
and with me playing on my organ for the last time
since I had already bequeathed my bus to Tamir,
who did not want the organ.
Bach in the Desert
above the Dead Sea.... |
After my lekh-lekhâ Tamir and other "partners"
were supposed to begin a mobile twin business with a Palestinian
village - Ujja...
While I already lived at Shoham,
where since Oct. 31, 1999 , I had found refuge in the flat
rented by my recently divorced son,
I helped Tamir with the paper-work: the description of the
twin project, the budget etc., but it was delivered in his,
not in my name.
The question needs to be asked:
For what purpose was there a
new beginning in November 2003?
a project upon the water at the estuary of the Jordan
into the Dead Sea,
on a peninsula below a
cave which I carved out and lived in it,
among 17 Bedouin families in the Zealots' Valley.
in the Zealots' Valley
between Masada above the Dead Sea and the town Arad:
the deep connection with the family of Yahia and Samira?
And what's the aim of the new message
I received towards July 4, 2005:
"Don't initiate! Don't
dig a cave and be available!"
Haven't I already at the end of 2004 completed the
hardships of my journey?
Haven't I put up with a life of "permanence"
in a room, a veranda, a garden?
see the renewed question!]
And he went on his journeys
from Negev and until Bethel,
unto the place where his tent had been at the beginning,
between Bethel and Ha-Ai.
(i.e. in the Judaean
Desert close to the Dead Sea]
The answer is in what happened on the second day of
For the sake of digging the
cave and the pathes to the road Arad- Masada
as well as to the members of the family which were
pointed out to me as
pioneers of the Desert-Vision
I fixed a strict time-frame: 6 hours 5 times a week'
3 hours for digging and communicating with whoever
would come
and 3 hours for walking and, if possible, hitchhiking.
The shape which left my first digging inspired me
with the name:
"Cave of the Womb"
the second day : who passed by the cave - on a white
donkey? - Yusuf!
Yusuf the shepherd, 13, the firstborn of Samira from
took an initiative the like of which I never heard from
a declared partner:
"Is it possible to bring tourists to the cave and
offer them tea??"
I was stunned, I wanted to say: but that's not the purpose
of the cave,
but my mouth uttered an utterly different sentence:
"If you, Yusuf, want this,
then perhaps this is, what will be!"
And when a soldier accompanied me, with whom I had once
and suggested to help me with pathes, I had started
to dig out,
Yusuf also arrived with his flock and commanded:
"Today you'll not work, Maryam! Stay in the cave!"
Again I was stunned, "but
until I got him:
"You want this soldier to
be your first guest?"
"Yes!" |
There is no special page on my angel Hathra,
because I was not allowed to publish her photos
Yusuf and Hathra (12) trained to host friends who came
with me.
But without me nobody ever came, despite the marked
The initiative of Yusuf and
Hathra is extraordinary in the Zealots' Valley,
but something vital is missing,
in all the world and particularly in the Valley:
2008_07_12 |
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Keep It
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