The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart








My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]


















Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute


Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


September 198/ Elul 19, Friday, 34th day of "having died to righteousness"- at Bet Nehemya
Actions and Interactions:Efrat and Mika ~~~ Micha, Arnon, Ayelet ~~~ Immanuel via phone ~~~ kitchen-work
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on October 8

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may

8:56 (I indulged in editing more images of the Hagar-Rafi-video, and also was with Efrat in her muscle+head pains and with Mika,
sweet, when I woke her up with our "Stork-Song" , rebellious, when I wanted her to follow Imma's instructions - I failed-"not righteous"
I desire to delight in what this day will bring me, & take my limping friend, i.e. my fears, with me.
I desire to radiate healing, strength, inspiration on Efrat, so that her physical pains will recede,
and her panic of "a weekend alone" (
it doesn't help much, that i'm here) will produce ideas of "doing",
which will give her excitement and full-fill-ment.

"But I shall always stay I!"

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to the 3 systems in you, which enable us to talk and to sing:
(see Sept.10 and Sept. 17) and this time I thank you for the "Resonating System"
for the Vocal Tract:
- the throat (pharynx), the oral cavity and the nasal passages-

which changes the "buzzy sound" into a person's recognizable voice.
I give thanks to my personal.voice and to all it expresses as being ME,
while I remember Mika - sitting on the wall and singing over and over:

"But I shall always stay I",
which is another of the ingenious songs by our dead genius Uzi Hitman.

[click my own singing of the chorus]

I'm grate-full for the ingenious idea of "My Higher Self"???????
who staged my life like the life of the Bedouin Abraham, our father,
moving between 2 homes - but with comfort and abundance in both!


Song of the Day by Uzi Hitman from the TV show for spre-schoolers : nice butterfly

I shall always stay I

[performance (1)
-on the background of fitting images of a baby]
- performance (2) - in memoriam of Uzi Hitmann

Later I discovered that I inserted part of a recording already on May 17.
The entire song- sung by me - appears on October 25.




Nourishment from Others

On Sept? I came across the theory of "Lost Souls" in Daan van Campenhoot's book "Tears of the Ancestors",
which strongly reminded me of the concept of "Fragmentation" in Godchannel.
I finally find the time to re-study the quotes in the left frame of puzzle-piece 21 "Fragments and Fragmentation".

Fragments and Fragmentation
Background: Tomer likes to take pictures from impossible angles. The result: a fragmented body

From "Judgment Release"

The snake was correct,
I had this 'knowledge',
but the story didn't go into
how knowing both
good and evil
was plaguing me
and making a mess of Creation.
Judgments I made
based on these values
have spawned most of

the unwanted fragmentation
in Creation.

"As I've mentioned,
I am evolving.
When I began
to be aware of stimuli,
both from inside myself
and from what seemed
to be outside of me,
I generally got
one of two feelings about it.
I either felt
that it was something
I liked to experience
or something I didn't like.
The things I liked,
I accepted
and the things I didn't,
I rejected.

"This whole process
seemed right to me
and I didn't question it
for a very long time.
Even when I became aware

that I was fragmenting myself
by doing this,
I didn't know how to quit."

Parental Mother
on Fragmentation

"I love myself in all my fragmentation.
It is who I am.
If I do not love myself and my fragments
and if I do not have acceptance for all of my fragmentation
I cannot heal into wholeness.
Where there is lack of acceptance
there is lack of healing.
It is my responsibility
to care for all of my fragmentation,
to love them,
nurture them,
cherish them

and honor their experiences.

From "Messengers Discussion"

"...My original desire
to understand myself,
pin myself down so to speak, caused the creation of
limitedness within myself.

"These limits eventually led to the
intentional fragmentation
that spawned
the individuals in Creation.

"Each individual has the freedom to fully explore
their own scope of awareness.
And in this we are partners,
you experience yourself
as an individual,
and I am informed
by your feelings,
and understandings.
This is the process
in which we evolve together.

"You struggle with this separation and attempt
to regain full consciousness, because our separation
has often felt like rejection,
and this can trigger deep levels
of loneliness and longing...

"and I now wish
to help us all find a place of cooperation in our separation.

"It was not my intent
to hurt you,
for when we were all ONE
you were originally
a part of myself
I sought to know
and understand.
I now would like
to ease the pain
this has caused
through better communication,
even though the possibilities of confusion are still great. "

in the Yellow Book of
Right Use of Will


"... large pieces of your essence
are not with you
or you would be more powerful
than you are....

"Most people have not allowed themselves to notice
that besides lost parts of themselves they did not like,
they also have lost parts of themselves
they wanted to have
but could not allow themselves to have. ....

"there is no lack of greatness
in My Creation,
but most of it has been lost
or denied into fragments
who can no longer manifest it...

"Not only do fragments
of denied greatness
meet the reflection of the judgments against them,
they also manifest the judgments against them,

" What if you find out
what your place really is
in the chain of fragmentation
and don't like it?
What if you are not really a Manifested Spirit, but only a denied piece of something else, ...

"It is frightening to allow movement ... where you fear...
you may be parental to more
than you think you are,
or less parental
than you thought you were

"...these problems will all be solved
before you ever get to the place of deciding
if you want to come back together with your fragmentation
as a greater presence
manifesting as one spirit.
The polarization of charge
makes it impossible
for certain fragments
to jump back together
and start manifesting
greater presence ,
and power
unless the issues which have kept them apart are resolved first.

"... Fragmentation
has been reflected
in caste systems,
class systems,
and in fact, all social structuring,
and yet no one wants to believe he or she is a fragment.

..."The difference
between fragmentation
and Manifested Spirits
is really determined
by how it feels
and is reflected
by a social ordering that
feels good to everyone involved.
In other words,
you have all remained in essentially the same position
you were in orgininally
[when you decided to manifest] relative to the gap [???],
except that now it is possible
for some real movement
to take place,
and instead of a massive power struggle and attempt ... to grab a place near the seat of power, there will be love everywhere
and spirits will be able
to unfold into it
in the way I originally envisioned, ...

" Everyone is fragmented,
but there is so much emotional charge around this
that almost no one wants
to notice fragmentation
or what it means.

"Among other things, fragmentation means
being unable to have power over your own lives.
The emotional charge around this is so great, ...
that the "solution" has been
denial and avoidance,
and the denials involved here have manifested everything from dictatorial parents,
and social structures
to unloving dictators.

"Almost everyone prefers to say that they have given this power to another
without allowing themselves
to mention or notice
that they have no real way
to take this power back...

"You are all in fragmented situations that make it appear
that others
have power over you.

From "A Letter from God to the Father and Mother of Creation"

"...Many beings, however, do not wish to be parental [see pp 12] ,..
They wish to be one who is taken care of,
rather than be the one who takes care of the others.
This is what is right for them, at least in this stage of their evolution -
but it is also in their best interests to release judgments. [see also pp 6]
...that... they are wrong or bad to want to be taken care of,
to be as children,
to evolve in their own right way and right time -
or even to remain as a fragment of another being.

"Everyone in Creation is here for a specific reason and purpose,
and humans are no exception.
You each have your individual purpose or role to play,
and you have your collective purpose
as a species of evolutionary Will beings.
Bringing the Mother and Spirit together as New Heart in Body
is the common denominator in your true identity
as a species of parental, Creator beings.

"Each human is unique,
and yet all humans are equal in status.
There is no true moral or spiritual hierarchy
that would rank them by their physical characteristics,
the polarity of their essence,
their relative parentalness,
or their role in the healing.

And all humans are entitled to,
and will come to enjoy -
the benefits of wholeness
and Free Will
that will be secured for all -
by those of you who choose to be parental
to the fragmentation and gaps in the Mother,
- that were originally caused by my Light in denial.




Mika had overstepped boundaries too many times
and has to sit in "the corner of thinking"




After having finished "thinking", she enjoys swinging and eating


Though Micha and his kids had come in full daylight,
we went "out" only at the moment of sunset and photographing in twilight needs to be learnt.
Mika, who at first whined, that she wanted to go to Imma,
and had another of today's frequent attacks of "bad behavior" ,
began to like our walking and talking, despite her awful shoes,
which came off her feet at least 7 times during our 50 min. or so walk.

Since it would soon be dark, we could only walk along the double fence
- on the photo Micha and Arnon are waiting for us , standing there as if on guard...

Later Mika discerned a cloud formation, which she called:
"a big line" (kav gadol)
. "One says: a long line", corrected Ayelet,
I wanted to get both the long line and the two little girls on a picture,
but again - the result is only helping my memory to remember the scene.

When we descended the little slope to the village, Ayelet tells me:
"Hear, what Mika says: 'haya lanu keff!' we had fun"
This did appease me with both girls, who previously had chosen to ignore me at several occasions.
"If she says: we had fun, despite the inconvenient shoes and not so pretty trail, then there is hope", I said,
and Micha and Arnon understood me well: that she'll love hiking in the future just as we do.

Why did we go out so late?
Because my self-control concerning my ongoing pain with "not being received" by my family collapsed,
when Arnon - to my question, why he didn't tell me, that he received my thanksgiving letter - said:
"I saw the mail from you, but had no time to look into it, and therefore didn't confirm it!"
I must finetune into this tomorrow.

Arnon brought a disk with the Quartet's presentation to my birthday, which included two missing screens..
The first:

The second scene is the one, which was found missing during the presentation itself - to Arnon's deep regret then.
His perfectionism is even worse than mine
(see the letter he wrote me on Oct. 8 about the improved Alef-Bet-Song)

So... we have a grandma who is special , wonderful, and who loves us very much
you are 70 years young and we wish you till 120 years - from the Quartet
and despite many disagreements we succeeded to make a presentation for grandma
(and perhaps a little more...) since one and one equals three, doesn't it?
[I keep teaching them, that in the case of conflicting interests - giving in or compromising is not a good strategy,
but listening to each other,
until a solution is found,
which is greater
than the two opposing interests,
i.e. 1+1=3]








Image from "The Four Elements"






On the Good-Bye gathering for grandma, April 2001,
before my pilgrimage to the Pyrenees






Continuation and last part of my step-skipping-step slow motion movie for Hagar's and Rafi's wedding:




[The question was probably: Do you want children?]

"Ten! What do you think!"


Hagar praises
both her parents,
Dita and Gid'on,
"they are both special,
and as a couple
they are a model for me"









Postscript :
The edition of this step-skipping-step movie excites me:
It seems, that there is nothing missing,
though the camera is slow compared to the video
and also of those images which it did catch I had to delete many.
An accidental creation, or a creation left to chance, how should I call this?
I'm excited towards future applications of what I was led to discover here!









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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8