Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart

Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk
among each other,
and he listens and he
yatakaalamuna allathina
yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri va-yasma'
Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht und er
Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent
l'un a l'autre
il entends,
il ecoute
k.i.s.s.-l o g + all
~ Library of
7 years ~ HOME
~ contact ~
( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
To the pool
(1) climbing up and down
the Wadi of Compassion
Garden: watering
Kisslog: healing-creating
Internet: learning
Preparing for the visit
of Micha and his kids |
brought me
snail-mail from Anke
Dina; Micha (3)
With Micha, Arnon & Ayelet
in my house and in the Desert
celebrating around a bonfire |
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
8:39 [after having
sculptured "the Image of the Day"...]
I desire A&K to find effective
ways of "opening people's
eyes" concerning
the injustice of "Bir'am"!
I desire to better cope with "small" obstacles, -
in the realms of public transport, computer, TV
knowing that it's me who has staged these these technical impediments
and for what purpose,
I desire to become an example of how to breathe & sound
& turn these "curses into blessings"!
I desire that the evening in the desert with Micha, Arnon &
Ayelet will be exciting & full-filling.
I desire that Tomer- tonight with his mother's family - can
convey to her, what he understood...
dead friend Heide Fuessler's map of my "Bir'am" model
for turning a negative dependency into a positive Partnership
- 1976
and A., the journalist, born at Kibbutz Bar'am in 1970
who writes a book about "Bar'am-Bir'am", in order
" to open people's eyes",
But neither he nor his British wife K.,
"who doesn't know Hebrew, for she
first learnt Arabic", and yet: A. wanted me to talk
are ready "to appear on the Internet". Now, almost
a day after the 160 min. with A.& K.,
who are deeply suffering the pain of the Oppressed, I feel frustrated
both with them and with myself.
I had the chance to further discharge past pain, yes, and I
could give some encouraging advice to A & K,
but why did I stage this at all?
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
My Body,
my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to whatever hormons usually help my "soul"
to feel fine.
I don't mean "endorphin
rushes "!
I mean the "simple" (?) feeling of being alive and
wanting to be alive.
This is contrasted today by great tiredness and a slight depression,
which so often follow days, which were very intense, like
the last days.
I'll take the time and try to sleep now - at 10:45...
[13:55- though the sleep was
light and often interrupted,
I got up only now - too late for going to the pool a second
time, a pity!]
I am grate-full for the intensely happy
interactions with my family.
I'm grate-full also for the intense , though not really pleasant,
during the encounter with A&K,
a mix of pain about the past, of shame about my dramatic "sharing"????,
of sorrow about what I felt as their denials were oozing from
their bodies.
I am grate-full that the travel wasn't so terrible after all.
I am grate-full that this time I seem to be able to finally
pull myself together
and consistently heal my ugly re-action to sudden technical
This morning I found the cluster open!
See my "Arc de triomphe" on Oct.7!
The snail-mail from Anke
enclosed the sheet-music of 2 songs she likes especially (and probably
sings herself).
Luckily I found them as videos on the Internet, and didn't have to
try to play them in order to find out, that I do NOT like them.
first: "Ruhe
Meine Seele", "Rest my
Soul", by Richard Strauss.
by Jessye Norman singing New York Philharmonic, 1995.
or by Kiri
Te Kanawa (with piano) at The Royal Opera House, 1978
is too dark
in lyrics and music - for me!
Nicht ein Lueftchen regt sich leise,
sanft entschlummert
ruht der Hain;
durch der Blatter dunkle Huelle
stiehlt sich lichter Sonnenschein.
Ruhe, ruhe, meine Seele,
deine Sturme gingen wild
hast getobt und hast gezittert,
wie die Brandung,
wenn sie schwillt!
Diese Zeiten sind gewaltig,
bringen Herz und Hirn Not
Ruhe, ruhe meine Seele,
und vergiss, und vergiss,
was dich bedroht. |
Not a breath of
wind is stirring;
hill and dele are wrapt in sleep;
golden thro' the shelt'ring foliage
summer's midday sunbeams peep.
Rest thee, rest thee, troubled spirit
thou hast suffer'd, labour'd, toil'd;
thou hast fought
and thou hast trembled,
like the storm-beat ocean wild!
These times are momentous,
head and heart must struggle sore
Rest thee, rest thee, o my spirit
and forget!
all this suff'rings will soon be o'er. |

July 2008 with her daughter Ragnhild
& her grandchildren Emilie,
Catalina, Pico
Another enclosure in
Anke's letter was "my gift
for your 70th birthday",
a folded card with the "Losung"
["Daily Watchword"]
chosen - 70 years ago by the Herrnhuter
Brueder - for August 15, 1938.
Studying it I couldn't
find anything uplifting in the verse from the New Testament
[1. Petrus 1:25]
As to the verse from the Hebrew Bible
[chosen by lot]
"Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen,
Herr Zebaoth" Psalm
I can feel something with this only
if I read the context,
moreover reading it on this very day,
after I read it in the train in the Hebrew edition of Josef
Heller's "God Knows",
a cynical "autobiography"
of King David (1987)
A gift from Efrat
on January 17, "It's
about the
biblical David. I thought you would like it!"

David, the future king,
at the time, when he was persecuted to death by king Saul,
and had only odd places and caves to hide in,
felt like The Son of Man,
who - unlike foxes which
have holes, and
birds of the air which
have nests; hath not where to lay his head.
[Search on Healingkiss
["foxes"] brings
up 4 different contexts in which I quoted this verse:Luke
The Losungen or Daily
Watchwords of the Herrnhuter
Church) "were started on 3 May
1728 and are now published in 50 languages
- 1,75 million copies -
making it the oldest and most widely read daily devotional
work in the world:
"Old Testament texts, the "Watchwords",
are chosen by lot annually in Herrnhut from a collection of
1200 verses.
New Testament texts,
the "Doctrinal Texts", are then selected to comment
on the Watchwords"
I found out, that nowadays
not only the daily Losung
appears on the Internet,
but a Losung for a date in previous years and decades can
be ordered .
which nowadays obviously can be bought in a shop, or ordered
from the Internet:
For instance, the Losung of today, October 13, 2008, Eve of
6:22 Noah tat alles, was ihm Gott gebot.1.Mose 6,22
While my Altzheimer sick mother
was in my care
from July 1983 till her death on Febr. 20, 1985
-studying the Losungsbuechlein endlessly
was almost her only occupation .
And I, myself, took to heart the "Losung" on her
death-day, feeling, knowing,
that it was her, who wanted to console me during the difficult
and dangerous life
which I would choose for the next 21 years, 1985-2006.
See this Losung as part of my song: "al
tira" , Psalm 91
For He will give His angels
charge over thee,
to keep thee in all thy ways.
They shall bear thee upon their hands,
lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
my mother after my birth, 1938 |
my mother before her death 1985 |
"Wie lieblich sind
deine Wohnungen, Herr Zebaoth" Psalm
"Dwellings of God" then
has always been for me what my mother wished for me:
being carried upon the hands of the angels
lest I dash my foot against a stone
freundlich sind deine Wohnungen,
du Umscharter! -
Gebangt hat, ja sich verzehrt meine
nach SEINEN Hoefen,
mein Herz und mein Fleisch,
sie gellen der lebendigen Gottheit zu. -
Auch der Vogel findet ein Haus,
die Schwalbe ein Nest sich,
drein ihre unflueggen Jungen sie legt, -
so deine Opferstaetten,
DU, Umscharter,
mein Koenig und mein Gott!
O Glueck derer, die in deinem Haus sitzen.
Even the Buber translation
is not correct , I think it must be understood:
that even the swallow found a home
for its young ones
attached to the altars of God.
Even Buber seemed to
have been influenced by the
famous word of Jesus:
The foxes have holes,
and the birds of the air have nests;
but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.
lovely are Thy tabernacles,
O LORD of hosts!
My soul yearneth, yea,
even pineth for the courts of the LORD.
my heart and my flesh sing for joy
unto the living God.
Yea, the sparrow hath found a house,
and the swallow a nest for herself,
where she may lay her young;
Thine altars, O LORD of hosts,
my King, and my God
Happy are they that dwell in Thy house,
they are ever praising Thee. Selah |
Though I now live in a sheltered and comfortable
home in a relatively save and secure town,
Succot, the festival of "booths", which will soon begin,
is meant to remind us every year
(what I, who based an entire Desert Economy Vision on
the concept of the "Succah", don't need...)
that yearning for "the dwellings of God" means readiness
to wander in the desert.
I remember for thee the affection of thy youth,
the love of thine espousals;
how thou wentest after Me in the wilderness,
in a land that was not sown.
Jeremia 2:2 |
When searching for the date of my tune to
this verse, I discovered to my surprise,
I chose it for my 69th birthday,
yes that I was inspired with an extensive, intensive interpretation....

The sun sets between the houses across my
gate - a few minutes before my family arrives
The Succot Festival will begin...
to my Present
17:18 I'll stop now my unplanned sculpting
of those Losungen
[I completed it only on November
They'll arrive in a few minutes.
I'm a bit scared as always when I'm expecting guests,
and since this hasn't happened for many months,
and since we want to use the last light to at least see the
where later we want to set up our festive bonfire,
I now ask for help - to be totally open and able to enjoy
each moment of our togetherness.

The moon has already risen, when we reach
the desert to look for a place for our later bonfire

In my home we pack this bag (photo
the next day).
Arnon: "Of what does this bag remind
"Of course of Makhanae-ha-Mal'akhim
The Camp of Angels at the Sea of Salts "
While the "men" go to work,
Ayelet still feels miserable.
But soon she, too, will enjoy the wonderful situation |
My son feeds the fire with leftover logs
from his new fence at home
It's also Micha, who fries the latkes and the fish on gas |
I'm frustrated with
my attempts
to catch the atmosphere,
with flash and without flash..
"Well some situations just cannot
be photographed!" |
Since the desert can not really be seen on these nightly pictures,
I'll insert some photos , which were taken during my
visit on Rakhaf on November 4
and for which until now (Nov. 17), I haven't
yet found a page with free space.
The view is towards the estern outskirts of Arad, where I live,
taken from the "field of sculptures", east of Rakhaf
(see some sculptures for instance on
the page:
"It is only through your creations
that you will know yourself ")

songs of the day:
the Eve of Succot
To the pool
(1) climbing up and down
the Wadi of Compassion
Garden: watering
Kisslog: healing-creating
Internet: learning
Preparing for the visit
of Micha and his kids |
brought me
snail-mail from Anke
Dina; Micha (3)
With Micha, Arnon & Ayelet
in my house and in the Desert
celebrating around a bonfire |
k.i.s.s.-l o g + all
~ Library of
7 years ~ HOME
~ contact ~
( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
never perfect&complete
Keep It
Simple Sweetheart
- L O G 2
0 0 8