Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution in
learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
to Overview of all sculptures in the fourfold library of "InteGRATion
into GRATeFULLness"
InteGRATion into
Nourishment from Others
re-edited and expanded in July-August 2013
It was on May 30, 2010, that I visited my friend
in order to let her assist me in understanding,
how I , and we all, need to cope with the "issue",
which has come to the forefront of human-social consciousness,
first through the "cases" of sexual child abuse in Catholic
and then more and more throughout the Western World, including Israel.
Since there is also a personal story involved,
to which I cannot bear witness on these pages,
I want to insert this poem - shown to me by Yanina -
as an introduction to what I studied already 3 years ago.
See my coping -
in 2010 - from the perspective of the Cosmic Identity.
Waking the Tiger - Healing Trauma 1995
The Innate Capacity to transform Overwhelming Experience
Peter Levine with
Ann Frederick
It was my
friend Yanina, who urged me - a year ago - to read this book together
with "Focusing".
We were talking about her and my experiencing of "freezing with panic"
in certain situations......

She quoted from p.104:
"The way out of immobility is to experience
it gradually, in relative safety, through the felt sense."
In contrast to the
pages of "Focusing",
on which I let my eyes and feelings enjoy two wonderful "water"-trips
with my family in October 2006,
the pages of "Healing Trauma" will be accompanied by images of my
own every day life in October 2007,
part of it in Arad, a desert town 20 km west of Dead Sea and Massada, where
I live in
a one-room rented flat,
and part of it on my regular journeys between Arad and Shoham, the little
town close to Ben-Gurion airport,
where I live with Efrat,
my daughter-in-love, and with Mika,
my youngest grandchild,
whenever my son Immanuel,
the pilot is on flight.
Since part
of my daily life is listening to music,
transferred from my computer to my cell-phone,
while walking to the pool in Arad,
or traveling by bus and train to Shoham,
I'm inserting a sound-button on both pages.
Each one will play a different kinds of music,
to which I have been listening during the month of October |
Prologue: The Body As Healer
puzzle piece 9 of "God has evolved":
Body is the Master Healer of Creation]
"The body is the shore on the ocean of being"
Sufi, anonymous
The vehicle through which we experience
ourselves as organisms
is the "felt sense".
The felt sense is a medium through which we experience
the fullness of sensation and knowledge about ourselves.
"Developmental trauma" … can result in symptoms
that are similar to and often intertwined with those of shock trauma.
If you keep a portion of your attention on your
reactions to the material
[in this book],
your organism will guide you along at the proper
Body sensation,
rather than intense emotion,
is the key to healing trauma.
.. In the healing of trauma, a transformation takes place –
one that can improve the quality of life.
.. When you understand how trauma occurs
and when you learn to identify the mechanisms
that prevent it from resolving,
you will also begin to recognize the ways
in which your organism attempts to heal itself.
By using a few simple ideas and techniques,
you can support rather than impede this innate capacity for healing….
While trauma can be hell on earth,
trauma resolved is a gift of the gods
– a heroic journey that belongs to each of us.
Chapter I: The Body as Healer
Nature has developed the immobility response
for two good reasons.
One, it serves as a last-ditch survival strategy. …
Secondly, in freezing,
the impala (and human) enters an altered state
in which no pain is experienced.
The key to healing traumatic symptoms in humans
is in our physiology
wild animals shake out
and pass through the immobility response
and become fully mobile and functional again.
… When confronted with a life-threatening situation,
our rational brains may become confused
and override our instinctive impulses. …
– the Medusa Complex
As in the Greek myth,
the human confusion that may ensue when we stare death in the face
can turn us to stone.
We may literally freeze in fear,
which will result in the creation of traumatic symptoms.
… because we are instinctual beings
with the ability to feel, respond, and reflect,
we possess the innate potential
to heal even the most debilitating traumatic injuries. …
as a global human community
we can begin to heal from the effects of large-scale social traumas
such as war and natural disaster.
It's about Energy:
Traumatic symptoms
are not caused by the "triggering" event itself.
They stem from the frozen residue of energy
that has not been resolved and discharged…
trauma –
when we cannot complete the process
of moving in, through and out of the "immobility"
or "freezing" state.
[Rachel: The immobility
reflex in a life-threatening situation
is only the severest degree of "not moving emotions" in
July 29,2013: Perhaps its the culmination of "Lost Will".
The energy in our young impala's nervous
as it flees from the pursuing cheetah
is charged at 70miles an hour.
The moment the cheetah takes its final lunge, the impala collapses.
From the outside, it looks motionless and appears to be dead,
but inside, its nervous system is still supercharged at 70 miles an
what is now taking place in the impala's body
is similar to what occurs in your car
if you floor the accelerator and stomp on the brake simultaneously.
The difference between
the inner racing of the nervous system (engine)
and the outer immobility (brake) of the body
creates a forceful turbulence inside the body similar to a tornado.
This tornado of energy is the focal point
out of which form the symptoms of traumatic stress.
This residual energy does not simply go away…
Like a moth drawn to a flame,
we may unknowingly and repeatedly create situations
in which the possibility
to release ourselves from the trauma trap
but without the proper tools and resources
most of us fail.
Many war veterans and victims of rape
may spend months or even years
talking about their experiences,
reliving them,
expressing their anger, fear, and sorrow,
but without passing through the primitive "immobility responses"
and releasing the residual energy,
they will often remain stuck in the traumatic maze
and continue to experience distress.
… I believe that we humans have the innate capacity
to heal not only ourselves, but our world,
from the debilitating effects of trauma.
Twice a day, between 8 AM and 2 PM, according
to the deal for senior citizens,
I go to the local swimming pool. This is the entry which I enjoy. |
II: The Mystery of Trauma
[story about a mother seeing her child
overrun by a car]
"A numbness began to creep over me ..
I was just going through the motions now.
I couldn't feel anymore."
(Chowchilla California kidnapping of
25 kids)
By bringing the other children to freedom,
Bob Barklay successfully met an extraordinary challenge.
He was a hero, but more significant...
he emerged without the same degree of traumatic aftereffects ..
He was able to stay in motion
and flow through the immobility response
that completely overwhelmed and incapacitated the others.
My first breakthrough… with Nancy
– panic attacks, unable to leave her house alone.
Relaxation was not the answer..
she went into a full-blown anxiety attack,
paralyzed, unable to breathe. …
Surrendering to my own fear,
I had a fleeting vision of a tiger jumping toward us.
I exclaimed :"You are being attacked
by a large tiger.
See the tiger as it comes at you.
Run toward that tree; climb it and escape"
To my surprise, her legs started trembling
in running movements.
She let out a bloodcurdling scream ..
she began to tremble, shake and sob in full-bodied convulsive waves.
Nancy continued to shake for almost an hour.
She left "like she had herself again",
some more sessions, where she gently trembled and shook.
.. it was not the dramatic emotional catharsis
and reliving of her childhood tonsillectomy
that was catalytic in her recovery,
but the discharge of energy she experienced
when she flowed out of her passive, frozen immobility response
into an active, successful escape.
The image of the tiger awoke her
instinctual, responsive self.
The other profound insight that I gleaned from Nancy's experience
that the resources
that enable a person to succeed in the face of a threat
can be used for healing, even years after the event.
I learned that it was unnecessary
[Yanina wrote a ? above
the word]
to dredge up old memories
and relive their emotional pain to heal trauma.
In fact, severe emotional pain can be re-traumatizing.
What we need to do to be freed from our symptoms and fears
is to arouse our deep physiological resources
and consciously utilize them [Yanina
wrote: "both"].
I learned that the healing process was
more effective
if it was less dramatic, occurring more gradually.
..When we are unable to flow through trauma
and complete instinctive responses,
these uncompleted actions often undermine our lives,
keep us cautious and inhibited,
lead us around in ever-tightening circles of
dangerous reenactment,
and unwise exposure to danger. ..
and distortion of sexual experiences
– not just sexual trauma

makes the entry to the pool so enchanting,
is again a cypress (see last images of "focusing")
but here it is garlanded by a high-climbing bougainvilia,
a flowery bush, to which I am quite "attached" ,
ever since it was pointed out to me on the island Rhodos by Michael,
a co-passenger on my first journey to Israel - in September 1960.
It was a
long journey from Germany to my scholarship year,
with several "opportunities" for "re-activation"
of sexual trauma...
The young Californian student and his bougainvilias soothed me...

3: Wounds that can heal
When a young tree is injured it grows around
that injury…
contributes to its individuality, character and beauty…
The image of the mature tree, full of character
and beauty,
will serve us better than denying
the experience
or identifying ourselves as victims and survivors.
.. The healing of trauma is a natural process
that can be accessed
through an inner awareness of the b o d y
it does not require years of psychological
or that memories be repeatedly expunged from the unconscious.
The endless search for and retrieval of so-called "traumatic
can often interfere with the organisms innate wisdom to heal.
Post-traumatic symptoms are,
… incomplete physiological responses suspended in fear…
Energy held in immobility can be transformed,
as we have seen in the cases of Bob Barklay and Nancy.
Both of these people succeeded
in a biological mobilization and discharge of survival energy
that allowed them to return to full vitality.
A bird that crashes into a window.. will appear
stunned or even dead.
A child … may pick the bird up…
the warmth of the child's hands
can facilitate the bird's return to normal functioning.
As the bird begins to tremble,
it will show signs that it is reorienting to its surroundings.
It may stagger slightly, try to regain its balance, and look around.
If the bird is not injured
and is allowed
to go through the trembling-reorienting
process without interruption,
it can move through its immobilisation
and fly away without being traumatized.
If the trembling is interrupted,
the animal may suffer serious consequences.
If the child tries to pet the animal when
it begins to show signs of life,
the reorienting process may be disrupted,
propelling the bird back into shock.
If the discharge process is repeatedly
each successive state of shock will last longer.
As a result, the bird may die of fright
overwhelmed by its own helplessness.
Although we rarely die, humans suffer
when we are unable to discharge the energy
that is locked in by the freezing response..
Rather than moving through the freezing response,
as animals do routinely,
humans often begin a downward spiral
characterized by an increasingly debilitating
constellation of symptoms.
Anxiety and despair can become a creative
when we allow ourselves to experience bodily sensations,
such as trembling, …
Held within the symptoms of trauma
are the very energies, potentials, and resources
necessary for their constructive transformation.
The creative healing process can be blocked
in a number of ways –
by using drugs to suppress symptoms,
by overemphasizing adjustment or control,
or by denial,
or invalidation of feelings and sensations.
to complete its biological and meaningful
course of action,
the organism requires
the spontaneous shaking and trembling
that we see throughout the animal world.
A polar bear, after a stressful chase,
is shot with a tranquilizer dart.
As it slowly wakens,
the bear goes through an extended period
of shaking and trembling
before returning to normal.
Whether the restorative response is
suppressed by drugs,
held in frozen fear
or controlled by sheer
acts of will,
the innate capacity for self-regulation becomes derailed.
Old trauma symptoms
are examples of bound-up energy and lost lessons.

On another occasion in the
pool I suddenly jumped out of the water
to take two shots with my mobile phone:
It was 2 o'clock, the time,
when "old
people are no longer wanted here".
[as I was told bluntly,
when - in the beginning, September 2006 -
I made sure to enter before 2 o'clock, but stayed on after 2 o'clock,
as was the usage in
the pool at Modi'in, where I was told:
"Just come before 3, then you can stay
as long as you want."
On the other hand,
in Modi'in old people were not allowed in on Friday &Shabbat...]
Why did I want to shoot the empty
To emphasize the pitiful situation of the life-guard on the opposite
Whenever I pass by him - on my way to the jacuzzi - I feel pain:
How bored you are, Valerie!
How un-full-filled!
Please, find yourself a more full-filling job, please!

reason for photographing on that day, October 15, 2007,
was the extraordinary sight of the jacuzzi!
The "old" woman, who just climbs out, later addressed me:
you shoot them, because they are probably soldiers on leave?"
Another, not daily, but almost
weekly "activity"
since the end of February 2007,
is my visit in the dental clinic
for the "rehabilitation of my mouth" (shiqum
ha-paeh in Hebrew).
Except for not foreseen treatments, my three
children pay for it.
The atmosphere in the clinic is like in the house of friends.
Nurit and Etti, Anna and Sarah and the three doctors, who treat me!
They all relate to me as if I were the most important person,
and they manage to relate like that to all the other people too,
even those, whose Russian or Arabic or Black-Hebrew-English
they can't understand.
And what did we find out after
more than half a year?
That Etti is the always praised ex-stepmother
of Gal Mor, one
of my "Star-children" .
This was Etti on Oct. 11 at the secretaries'
and this was Nurit Oct. 28, the administrator |
On that day Nurit was also ready to dare
and shoot during my treatment! scroll
down page 2! |
October 28, 2007
Once more in the clinic:
Since by the end of November
the work of 9 months should be completed,
and I should be able to laugh with an open mouth without shame,
as Dr. Oron promised me,
when he proposed the expensive "rehabilitation" ,
I wanted Nurit, the administrator, to take a photo of the situation.
Sarah, the assistant, agreed to be on the picture,
and my half-repaired mouth already laughs....
4: A strange new land
we have given up important parts of ourselves
people who are more in touch with their
natural selves
tend to fare better when it comes to trauma
Traumatic effects are not always apparent
immediately following the incidents that caused them.
Symptoms can remain dormant, accumulating over years
or even decades.
Then, during a stressful period,
or as the result of another incident,
they can show up without warning.
There may also be no indication of the original cause.
Thus, a seemingly minor event can give rise to a sudden breakdown,
similar to one that might be caused by a single catastrophic event.
Anxiety can crop up for a variety of reasons
including a deep pain that comes
when your spouse, friends, and relatives unite in the conviction
that its time for you to get on with your life
They want you to act normally
because they believe
you should have learned to live with your symptoms by now.
There are feelings of hopelessness, futility, and despair
that accompany being incorrectly advised
that the only way your symptoms can be alleviated
is through a lifelong regime of medication or therapy.
Estrangement and fear can arise
from the thought of talking to anyone about your symptoms,
because your symptoms are so bizarre
you are certain that no one else could be experiencing the same thing.
You also suspect that no one will believe
you if you do tell them,
and that you are probably going crazy.
… When interpreting trauma symptoms,
jumping to the wrong conclusions can also be devastating.
Harmful consequences can ensue
when inaccurate readings of symptoms lead people to believe
they were sexually, physically, or even ritually abused as children,
when they were not.
the dynamics of trauma are such
that they can produce frightening and bizarre "memories"
of past events
that seem extremely real, but never happened.
Denial can prevent us from healing.
Little time is allotted
for the working through of emotional events.
We are routinely pressured into adjusting too quickly
in the aftermath of an overwhelming situation.
If we train
to "work through " the daily, hourly, minutely "emotional
we'll be capable of working through "traumatic events"
or not "need" the latter at all!]
War and childhood abuse
are two of the most common examples
of traumatizing events
that often exceed an individual's survival resources.
Important is a person's age
or level of physiological development and resilience..
A resource (esp. for children) can come
in many forms –
an animal, a tree, a stuffed toy, or even an angel.
Internal resources.
hospitalizations and medical procedures
prolonged immobilization,
the casting and splinting of young children's legs or torsos)
routinely produce traumatic results

The next day, Oct. 12, I was scheduled for
an X-ray of my lungs,
[totally unnecessary, all I wanted
from the general clinic, were the pills,
which have proven to be helpful, when "my" cough "attacks"
the only pills I take at all, once or twice a year]
While waiting, I sat next to a Bedouin
mother with her two children.
"May I take a photograph?"
I asked. She smiled and permitted it.

when I took a second shot,
another woman and her child approached from behind her.
And what almost never happens in my
self-chosen retreat:
it was Tamar Shaqed, a friend, and her daughter.
While Ofri, now in the "Democratic School", practised the
Tamar told me the most exciting stories
about the different frameworks of her healing work in Arad
and of her and Eitan's, her husband's community work.
My heart jumps with joy, when I hear about such full-fill-ment!
Still, I hurt Tamar, when she said: "Come
around to see us",
and I - guarding my solitude - answered, as I
did already a year ago:
"No! - But if you want to visit me, I'll
gladly receive you!"

When I returned from the dental clinic on October
and passed through the main street of Arad,
which I usually do only once a month,
when I go to the post-office to get my National Security money,
my eyes were caught by a beautiful corner in an ugly house.
A pity the cat in the window turned her back on me.
On October 12, again on my way from the dental clinic,
I took a shot of the entire house, with a woman passing by.
As I watched her walking on, I discerned another house...

5 Healing and Community
"… I can never be what I ought to be
until you are what you ought to be,
and you can never be what you ought to be
until I am what I ought to be,
This is the inter-related structure of reality"
(Martin Luther King)
Shamanistic cultures view illness and trauma
as a problem for the entire community,
not just for the individual or individuals
who manifest the symptoms.
people in these societies seek healing
as much for the good of the whole as for themselves.
When people are overwhelmed,
their "souls" may become separated from their bodies.
[See Puzzle Piece 21b Fragments
and Fragmentation]
According to Mircea Eliade
– an important scholar of shamanistic practice, 1974,
"rape of the soul" is
by far the most widespread cause of illness
cited by shamanic healers.
Missing important parts of their souls,
people become lost in states of spiritual suspension.
Illness is a result of being stuck in "spiritual limbo".
Healers encourage the "lost soul" to return to its rightful
place in the body.
Through colorful rituals,
they catalyze powerful innate healing forces in their patients.
Community support - drumming, chanting, dancing, trancing..
While the ceremonies vary,
the beneficiary of the healing almost always shakes
and trembles
as the event nears its conclusion.
This is the same phenomenon
that occurs in all animals when they
release bound-up energy.
"My father stole my soul
when he had sex with me"
is a typical description of the devastating
experienced by the individual
who was sexually abused as a child.
When people share how they feel after medical procedures and operations,
they also convey this sense of loss and disconnection.
I have heard many women say,
"The pelvic exam felt like a rape of my
body and spirit."
People often feel disembodied for months or
following surgery employing general anesthesia.
Some two or three houses further
on, I was again touched
by what small beauty people are eager to apply
to their flats and houses in the El'azar ben Ya'ir Street
probably the first one of Arad, when created in 1964.

Shamanism recognizes
that deep interconnection, support, and social cohesion
are necessary requirements in the healing of trauma.
Each of us must take the responsibility
for healing our own traumatic injuries.
We must do this for ourselves, for our families,
and for the society at large.
In acknowledging our need for connection with one another,
we must enlist the support of our communities
in this recovery process.
(today not "retrieving souls"
but) restoring wholeness to an organism
that has been fragmented by trauma.
Shamanistic concepts and procedures treat trauma
by uniting lost soul and body in the presence of community.
Somatic Experiencing
Each of us has a greater capacity to heal
than the shamanic approach would suggest.
We can do much to retrieve our own souls.
Even without professional assistance..
In Somatic Experiencing,
you initiate your own healing
by re-integrating lost or fragmented portions of your essential self.
You need a strong desire to become
whole again.
This desire will serve as an anchor
through which your soul can reconnect to your body.
Healing will take place
as formerly frozen elements of your experience
(in the form of symptoms)
are released from their trauma-serving tasks,
enabling you to gradually thaw.
Acknowledging the Need to Heal:
... the traumatic effects will grow steadily
more severe, firmly entrenched, and chronic.
The incomplete responses now frozen in our nervous systems
are like indestructible time bombs,
primed to go off when aroused by force,
Until human beings can find
the appropriate tools and the support
necessary to dismantle this force,
we will continue to have unexplained blowups.
Real heroism comes from having the courage
to openly acknowledge one's experiences,
not from suppressing or denying them.
Let Us Begin – Calling the Spirit
Back to the Body.
Exercise [Jacuzzi] or slapping
different parts of body briskly.
This will help re-establish
a sense of a body with skin sensation
when done regularly over time.
This will begin to welcome the soul
back to the body.
It's an important first step
toward bridging the split between body, mind, and spirit
that often occurs in the wake of trauma [and
in general]
home - I allocate a little time every day
for doing, what causes me enormous pressure,
learning new technical things!
in this case - my new camera.
"Self-timer", different ways of using "Flash"
etc. etc.

I had hoped, that the camera of
my new mobile phone,
partly a gift from my sons for my birthday in Auguast,
would fulfil this function well.
But the flash options don't produce satisfying results.
And anyway - the possibility to work with movies in the future
has been luring me for many years.
Now with this surprisingly inexpensive "Casio" camera
and the option of preparing photos for the video site "Youtube"
I may be able to fulfil that old dream.
But the way to grasping .... is very long for me, Christa-Rachel......
July 2013
- It didn't take long, till I gave up learning yet another skill,
which only sidetracks me from my vocation,
which I now phrase as "redeeming Lost Will and dissolving the
and on the way towards this
to be a pioneer of Evolution in feeling>moving>understanding.
See below: 2013
Talking so much about a town, a street, houses, my home,
I need to contrast it by images of my traveling with bus and train, like these
on Oct. 17, 2007

Within 3 minutes I shoot 3 similar and still different
views through the dirty windows of the train Beersheva-Naharia,
which will - after about 90 minutes (when it's not late, but it's usually
late...) - stop at Ben-Gurion Airport,
from which Immanuel, when he is still "on ground", will fetch me
with his car and reach Shoham within 20 minutes.

from SongGame
"Inhale God! Exhale Love! - Toward what
You Feel NOW!"
I might not be able to really "f e
e l" this.
"Thinking" that command - might soon become
mechanic and automatic.
Therefore, what I have to do, and this is ALL I have to do,
is - together with my mind's intention - ask my Body
to P~R~O~L~O~N~G and extend and expand the inhale,
UNTIL ~ I~ FEEL ~ that ~ I ~ AM ~ ONE ~ WITH ~ "GOD"
and then ~~ prolong and extend ~~and expand the exhale,
whenever I feel
a kicking, a dis-agreeable feeling,
i.e. a feeling to which I do not naturally agree with,
a feeling, which I would prefer to dis-own,
a feeling which has to be brought home,
home into my womb,
home into my own,
home into my love.
This in truth is 'Unconditional Love', and everything else,
which will anchor Heaven on Earth, will follow from this.
My Deeper Self or whoever has been staging "challenging" situations
and interactions,
in which I could apply what I learnt: "I inhale
God and I exhale Love to whatever I feel."
There is now this 4th stanza to this song of December 2007 ---- about the
same quest:
to find full-fill-ment in feeling, Er-fuellung im Fuehlen,
by breathing the
Love of my Oneness into whatever I feel. See
The LOVE of my ONE-ness needs to be breathed-
not only into feelings with which I tend to dis-agree,
and which have to be brought home into agreement,
home into my "womb",
where there is total acceptance and no judgment.
The LOVE of my ONE-ness needs to be breathed
just as much into each and every feeling of grate-full-ness!
Whatever or whoever arouses my grate-full-ness in this moment,
will bloom and flourish further - because of the breath of my love.
This will multiply "the stars and the flowers" of Heaven-on-Earth!
"fuehlen fuellt mich", "feeling fills
me", - what a mystical pun in both languages!
completed by the pun in Hebrew: "rig'ee be-rigshee - my feeling in my
I resist the temptation to take pictures and insert
them as in previous years.
I want this page to contain as much of my on-going understanding
Tonight I re-discovered, that the "Inhale God-Exhale
love to whatever I feel - [or sense in my pressured bladder]
naturally extends to the actors in my drama and their issues,
as to people on this planet, terrified by Child Pornography.
The feelings in each Inhale~~Exhale are perhaps not as many,
as the one septillion activities going on in Body simultaneously,
but - if embraced- they let me become aware of what I LIVE.
And in becoming aware of what I feel, I become ~ full-filled!
From this day, July 11, 2013 onward
- - - - till August 27
- before and after my 75th birthday on August 15, 2013
I was being jolted into re-understanding my vocation:
All my former goals since the ages of 7, 13, 27, 50, 67,
were meant to create training-grounds for becoming:
a pioneer of Evolution
in learning-how-to-feel.
It is fitting, that I could squirm
myself towards this understanding not in a linear way.
And so now - on Yom-Kippur 2013 - on
the 17th FELT day of the next 15 FELT years,
I want to collect, harvest and savor the fruits as they ripened
- as - insights-in-stages,
just like the fruits of my pomegranate-tree have been ripening since
July 11 till now!
This spring-flower
cress) photographed by me in 2003, decided to blossom
(in a planter) now, in Arad, in August-Sept. 2013!!!
July 29, 2013
The pretext for inserting a correspondence, most
of which will not be relevant or even interesting later, are my teeth.
But the fact that in 2007, I documented that mikro-issue (though it took 9
months) on the page of "Healing Trauma",
gave me the inspiration to see these present days as a chance to juxtapose
mikro-feelings and makro-feelings
in my endeavor to become a pioneer of Evolution in feeling~vibrating~wombing~understanding...(see
in the
Intro to my Book)
There are again problems around "teeth" and financing their rehabilitation,
which trigger feelings of worry and anger,
feelings, that I still tend to judge,------ feelings, that still cause me
to "re-act" in ways, as if I hadn't learnt anything ,
and there is the makro issue of sexual abuse, especially of children, which
goes far beyond the individual experience.
My TEETH once again - July 26-29, 2013
a correspondence with my daughter-in-love,
right now with husband and daughter in Thailand on the Kosmoi Island
The next day, Shabbat, July 27, 2013, came
Micha and Arnon to visit me in Arad,
Micha was very concerned about "my teeth" and the problem with the
But they also participated in taking care of my "Grave
of Compassion",
digging out good soil from the passiflora plant that has died recently in my
filling and carrying 5 bottles with water for irrigation and some 20 cuttings
to plant .
I wasn't present, when they recently made a trip to Ein-Aqev in the Southern
but they showed me pictures on their phones.
July 28, 2013
Though I had pleaded with Efrat, to enjoy her holiday
and forget about me, till they would return on July 30,
she remembered the teeth"assignment" I had promised
to "take upon myself" today, and asked in the evening:
Parallel to the letter on which I worked for
several hours, Efrat sent a letter, which I only discovered much later.
What is important is the parallelism of what my two daughters-in-love, Ra'ayah
and Efrat, tell me,
to get me out of my discomfort with "troubling my family"
while I wrote and sent this letter
to Efrat, another one arrived from her
In the meanwhiles Meital went out of her way to help me
till midnight and again from 7 the next morning
with medicine, soft food,
more offers to help and advices, how to take care of myself
and, for instance, not to go to the pool in the morning,
while in the afternoon she would bring me.
In one of my phone-responses I wrote:
"Now, please rest from me, I have no pains.
I'm afraid, you'll get tired of me
and then when there will be a more severe case like with my hip-joint,
you won't have the strength."
When she came in person just before setting out for work,
she herself said laughingly: "We [I and Efrat]
are both Moroccans"!
She had sent a message to Efrat already at 7:00, probably waking her
4, 2013 - to Efrat and Micha
I had just come back from the extraction of 4 teeth-roots, when Efrat
called me.
I could not yet move my lips and my voice sounded so weak,
that Efrat said, she would call Meital, my landlady.
In the meanwhile I gave her and
Micha a report:

On Facebook August 9, 2013, I find someone's entry
"I'm crazy about this couple" with this picture.
The way , they both cared for me
during the first days of my teeth-plight ,
was indeed wondrous!
16,2013 - after a consultation of "Yehoyada",
if I should decide in favor of a hip replacement:
August 2-5, 2013
On the background of the contrast on this page,
between "trauma of sexual abuse" on the one hand
[on Aug.4-5 I was led to yet another doc
about the abuse of a daughter by her father,
and was shocked, that the mother did not really grasp the hell of her daughter]
See in puzzle piece 42, what I learnt about the Saint "Otmar" today.....]
and nano-"problems" with teeth and insurances on the other hand,
I need to go deeper into the questions:
Feelings - what are they really?
During sleepless hours tonight I came across a passage ,
which I had recorded about half a year ago
from "Learn&Live":
That which you have popularly defined and focused upon as "emotions"
are often mere simulations of emotion.
True, you are feeling something, but what?
Sadness? Happiness? Anxiety? Confidence? Pity?
And, when you feel it,
isn't it normally attached to something happening (or not happening) in the
outer world?
Isn't it usually an effect rather than a cause?
Let us suggest to you a new definition for emotion.
Stated simply,
e-motion is
One of the usual results of old paradigm emotionality
is an intensive focus upon a physical cirumstance
and one's bodily reactions to it.
Intensive focus tends to SLOW DOWN your flow of energy
so that what is happening can be examined (and fixed, if need be).
Or, in the case of emotions denied,
the intensity (or rather, the potensity) of the energy
is flash frozen and tucked away in some dark closet,
to be dealt with another day (if ever).
I "feel" shocked!
"attached to something happening (or not happening)
in the outer world"???
"usually an affect rather than a cause"???
Though I know, that I am aware of many feelings with no "exterior"
I never made this distinction between "cause and effect" concerning
What then does it mean, that I see my vocation as
being a pioneer of "feeling~vibrating~wombing~finding goldmines in it",
as I have been saying over and over on the Intro-page
of my book?
For not all feelings need to be vibrated and wombed.
The more I've healed old pains and shames,
the more I've released jugdments and beliefs,
the less I'm triggered in "holes
in my wholeness",
and the less I attract painful exterior situations.
But healing into wholeness does not mean "not-feeling".
On the contrary,
it means feeling "Heaven on Earth" in every moment.
my intense work on "Conditions for Heaven to Earth"]
On this morning (8:35) it seems to me,
that I can or must simplify the definition of my vocation:
I am a pioneer of Evolution in learning
to feel!
If I only could grasp this "once and for all"
"And what I feel is what I AM" , says
famous song.
It's also clear, why I not only was not meant to realize
my exterior vision,
though the form and my implementation of it seemed to be the ultimate vision
for Adam and Adamah
and why not only motherhood but grandmotherhood have come to a practical (not
theoretical) end,
but why "Healing-K.i.s.s." seems to be not visited by anyone.
All my driving backward and healing and creating and learning in these 12 years
was nothing but the preparation for the real vocation.
It's like with the question:
Why are my eyes filled with tears now? (Aug.2, 2013, 9:08)
To reach a "higher resolution of feelings"
See a world in a grain of sand a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in your hand eternity in an hour
(See the song "At
Peace with all the universe")
I was given the gift of "Ya'aqov's hip-joint"
and even - at present - the impossibility to chew food,
being forced to eat slowly - things that a baby can eat.
I learnt "la-khug", i.e. not "to go out" any longer,
when I learnt to leave linear time and circle in eternity
it was not a circling- o u t , but a circling - i n -
to the mikro of the mikro of feeling, of being, of All that is.
"Und wieder beginn ich von Anfang an..."
song in Hebrew & German]
Still on August 2-5, 2013. After having read
half of the following
Is "sensory awareness" the same as what I tried
to come up with - here and in MyBook>Intro?
In any case, my purpose is -
to be a pioneer in feeling awarely,
in "da'e-hu bekhol drakhaekha/rigshotaekha"
[read the quote p.188 on the following page: "In the theater of the Body"
…the internal world of dreams, feelings, images, and
[why not thoughts also?]
- most of us are only peripherally aware of its existence.
We have little or no experience 
of finding our way around in this internal landscape.
Consequently, when our experience
we are unprepared. ..
so that we access the infinite feeling tones
and behavioral responses
that we are capable of executing.
Once we understand how trauma begins and develops,etc.
p. 189 In the theater of the Body , trauma, can be transformed.
The fragmented elements that perpetuate traumatic emotion and behavior
can be completed, integrated and made whole again.
Along with this wholeness comes a sense of mastery and resolution.
again: my purpose is no longer healing myself personally
my purpose is being a pioneer in "la'da'at otkha",
in being aware of every nuance of feelings,
and if they are "kicking" [especially
what I came to call now - Aug. 16, 2013, the
"lo-ba-li" feelings]
- to vibrate, womb and understand them.
"lo-ba-li", "I
don't feel like it"
occurs ever so often during the day,
even amidst things that I desire or decide to do,
like going to the pool, before, during, after,
it's like ascending and descending moderate waves of
"I want to" and "I don't feel like"
Instead of "feeling that I am one with God",
I want la-da'at otkha through every feeling
and do this as a pioneer of evolution
And I'm no longer concerned with bringing dis-agreeable feelings home.
I want much more now, I want to be aware of whatever I feel and sense!
From this day, July 11, 2013 onward
- - - - till August 27
- before and after my 75th birthday on August 15, 2013
I was being jolted into re-understanding my vocation:
All my former goals since the ages of 7, 13, 27, 50, 67,
were meant to create training-grounds for becoming:
a pioneer of Evolution
in learning-how-to-feel.
It is fitting, that I could squirm
myself towards this understanding not in a linear way.
And so now - on Yom-Kippur 2013 - on
the 17th FELT day of the next 15 FELT years,
I want to collect, harvest and savor the fruits as they ripened
- as - insights-in-stages,
just like the fruits of my pomegranate-tree have been ripening since
July 11 till now!
This spring-flower
cress) photographed by me in 2003, decided to blossom
(in a planter) now, in Arad, in August-Sept. 2013!!!
former source of "Nourishment from Others"
to next
source of "Nourishment from Others"