The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



2004~~~Dedicated to my daughter-in-love Efrat-Rut ~~~2011


2004 Preface
blue links - mainly English
orange links - mainly Hebrew




June 6, 2004

The feelings have to be felt in the body,
so that body will know how to move them,
has been said in the very first book of God's info,
"Right Use of Will".

But I never understood what it means "to feel emotions in the Body".

p. 32-33
"This Creation is based on vibration.
Sound is vibration."

"you need to use sound and body movement
that will vibrate your physical being.
You need to do whatever the feelings suggest to you.

"If you have a lot of blockage,
you might need to start
by making any sound you can make
and doing anything you can do;
and if you do this enough in each situation,
you will loosen yourself up
and reach what is called ignition.

[This is true also for Body movement:
if there is a lot of blockage,
a "key" has to be employed,
like contracting all possible muscles
of my face, my hands, my legs and feet,
or like putting my palms on my eyes
and then listening and following the movements
Body wants to make

see overview of "Paula" in "My Life's Harvest"]

"Ignition is the point where the release takes you over temporarily
and directs you to do exactly what you need to do.
You need not control it in any way
except to make sure you do not really hurt anyone."

Emotional Release
also quoted in pp17 How I learnt Moving Emotion Techniques.
As to my reservations concerning the term "Release" see pp17e

"Now I want to explain what I mean by emotional release.
When you have an emotion such as grief or fear come up,
you need to feel it in your Body
until your Body urges you to express it in some way.

"Then express in the way your Body is urging you to do.
Express in this way until you feel no further need to do it.
Surrender to the expression
while it is happening
and let it take its course freely.

"Be in as much a state of openness and acceptance as possible.

"Let the emotional release show you what it has to teach.

"Pay attention to everything
that comes into your consciousness at this time.

"Let everything that happens
find acceptance with you
instead of denial.

"Release any judgments
that surface
and seem ready to go.

"When the release subsides,
rest and remain open.

If more emotion surfaces,
release it
as your Body directs.

"The feelings need unconditional acceptance
and since expression is part of the feelings,
expression must also be given unconditional acceptance.
Mentalizing feelings by talking about them is not the way ...

"The more you express from the Body
in Body's way of expressing
with movement and sound,
the more you will clear out of Body
before it must manifest illness
as an attempt to clear itself."

From the fifth book,"Heartsong"

quoted in pp.17 How I learnt Moving Emotion Techniques

"I do not mean becoming mindless
and letting unevolved emotions run your life,

I mean allowing your emotions
direct expression
as much as possible,
in a safe place,
until you know them and see how they fit into your life.
"By direct expression I mean
as free of words as possible
and as free of acting out as possible;
just moan
and wail
and sob
and scream
and tremble
and vibrate with the feelings
in the way
they want to express themselves in you.


From Godchannel: Magic and Miracles
Response to an e-mail poste, quoted in pp9


There seems to be no true home for me in the universe
(this is how it feels to me).
I can find home only in my body.
We relate, and I often tell him how helpless I feel,
…But I am determined to stay with him,
Do you?

"This is Spirit.
For a very long time,
I had no desire to even be near Body.
In fact, I had found many, many ways
to abandon him and deny him.
I have also undermined him and her extensively,
both intentionally and unintentionally…
[The link to reality3 > The Father should be here!]

"But there has recently been a big change in me regarding Body.
Now, like you and a growing number of healing-minded humans,
I am determined to stay with Body,
and give him all the help I can
in his effort to heal Creation.

I resent Spirit's "know-how".
Body's helplessness is much more
natural and understandable to me.

"It is now my helplessness.
…Body's apparent 'helplessness' is an example
of what has happened as a result of my wish
to undermine his power.
Body is naturally very, very powerful.
And his 'know-how' is much more far-reaching
than you have allowed yourself to imagine.

And the positive effects of the reversal
of my long held denials of Body
are now beginning to be felt in the healing work."

Body's fears are my fears, and I stick to them.
I can't eliminate them, but at least I am here.
I feel him being my true brother.
I embrace my body dearly
and promise him to stay and never let go.
{Am I making a mistake?}
Am I crippling myself?
I want you to feel my pain here so you can understand me.

"Your pain is Body's pain from being denied so heavily.
But you are not crippling yourself by identifying with Body.
In fact, it's vital,
and ultimately the way the healing will happen.
Body needs both the consciousness of Spirit
and the power and sensitivity of Will to heal.

Although I won't speak for the Mother here,
I will speak for us both.
And I will tell you that she and I are in alignment on this.
We both understand the absolute importance
of supporting and empowering Body now,
and together we're taking steps
to correct the imbalances
we each created in seeing Body as separate from us.
And as we work on healing these gaps within ourselves,
some of the deepest gaps in Body are also beginning to heal."

It wasn't you who gave me a home.
It wasn't my mother and father here on earth
who made me feel I had one,
and it certainly isn't the country I live in.
It is my body that is my home!

"Yes, and as you find both the Mother and me in Body,
you bring us 'home' as well.
When I was keeping my distance from manifested existence,
I found my 'home' to be in Heaven.
But it was really much more like an ivory tower than a home.

…I know now that the Mother and I must find
our union
as New Heart
in Body ~
if we expect this Creation to survive.

…"You have found yourself in Body,
your right place,
and the right place and the true home
of Spirit and Will in union."

How do you explain this:
after just about everything is being done
to stop the free will on Earth from being free,
after body has been ridiculed,
pushed away,
beaten like a beast,
instincts being disciplined
to serve some "higher" purposes,
…you come and say "stand up and walk!"

….It only makes my body feel like shit again, believe me!

"I believe you.
As I said, it was I
who had tried so hard
to disable Body.

And I need to hear and feel
all of Body's rage
about what has been done to him
in the name of 'higher' purposes.

"You see,
Body is at the center of everything,
Body IS everything.
And of course it is only right
that Body be supported and empowered.
All of Spirit is to be available to Body's Spirit,
all of Will available to Body's Will.
This has never happened before,
in any Creation.
And the results will be both magical and miraculous."

Make my body proud,
make him the Master of the World he lives in,
not a slave to serve some higher purposes…
He is my highest purpose."

Although not long ago it wasn't this way,
you and I are now in agreement here.
Very soon Body will have the power you wish
to manifest what you truly desire.
It is my desire that magic return now to Earth,
and that humans be empowered
to embody the totality
of both Spirit and Will
in the union of wholeness.


"Miracles, however,
will also be part of the new era on Earth.
Neither the Mother nor I expect
that you will want us
to disappear completely
from the realities you inhabit.
We will remain here unembodied
at the level of pure essence as well,
when you rest and play
and are otherwise being non-parental.
In this way we'll support your free will
with the miracles of grace and synchronicity ~
so you may relate with peers in wholeness,
while preserving everyone's free will.

From "Identifying as Body"
Quoted in pp9

"Regardless of gender,
in order to understand Body,
it is necessary to experience
as Body experiences..."

" are BODY.
And you're human.
If you're reading this,
it is with human eyes...
you are human.
And therefore,
Body is human."

"You may not like this form, and you may wish
for another form,
but the fact remains.
Here you are BODY ~
and this is your form.
At least for now.

that your point of presence
goes far beyond
your physical body
and includes everything
in your venue,
your relationships
and your dreams.
Body does not end with its skin.

"All too often
the movement of spirits
has been away from the density,
and emotional trauma
of manifestation.
There have been serious judgments
against these things,
and great efforts have been made
to lift out of all this,
to leave it all behind ~
to leave behind
the terror,
and grief,
and the rest of what has been despised about 'reality'.. ."

"All of this movement
has been movement
away from the Mother
and away from me
and my manifestation
away from Body."

"Bringing Heaven to Earth"

quoted in pp9

"Original Heart foresaw
a world of dense forms
and incredible beauty,
of trees and water,
sky and sun,
all types of plants and creatures
in which it would someday dwell with peers.
... The very world
that most spirits have despised because of its present
and limitations ~
is the world
where Original Heart wishes
to express its greatness
as one whole being ~
in Body,
in manifestation
with others just like itself.

"... the everyday world
of pain and suffering,
of dullness and drudgery,
this is the world
that needs healing. ..

"...The focus now is ...
from your solid grounding here ~
to draw down the Light.
The old focus of leaving here
to go to the Light
has not worked,
and can never truly succeed.
Every agony, pain and drudgery...
needs and deserves to have Loving Light drawn to it.
This is our work. "




I breathe, I move, I sound ~~~ Heaven to Earth





Abraham, e-mail quote , Dec.30, 2010

Take 15 minutes daily,
thinking of pleasant scenarios regarding your body,
with the sole intent of enjoying your body
and appreciating its strength and stamina
and flexibility and beauty.
When you visualize for the joy of visualizing
rather than with the intention of correcting some deficiency,
your thoughts are more pure
and, therefore, more powerful.

When you visualize to overcome something that is wrong,
your thoughts are diluted with the "lackful" side of the equation.
In time, your physical condition
will acquiesce to your dominant thoughts.




Abraham, e-mail quote , February 19, 2012

While it is obvious
that a good-feeling body
makes for a more pleasant physical experience,
we want you to understand
that finding pleasant things to focus upon
also makes for a good-feeling body.

However, most humans are approaching the subject of their physical well-being
in a backward manner.
Most people who are experiencing physical ailments
let their physical condition dictate their mental attitude.
In other words, their emotions are responsive to their physical condition.
When they are in pain, they offer emotions of frustration, worry, anger, or fear.
They want the condition to improve so that their emotional state can improve.

Any illness, or departure from physical well-being,
begins at a cellular level—
but the overwhelming propensity of your cells is that of thriving.
All day, every day,
your cells are reclaiming balance at such refined and subtle levels
that most people are completely unaware
of the power and intelligence of their cellular bodies.

Focusing upon good-feeling objects of attention
is the most effective way of providing the optimum environment
for allowing unhindered cellular communication
and the ultimate thriving of your physical body.


2003_06-11 to Gabriele in India : Be a partner to your Body!
thanks for finding a way to communicate with me despite all this adversity.
I am so very sorry. I imagine it as something unbearable. Incapacitating, yes.
I associate to it the terrible thing you had in your leg or foot last year.
Since you wrote it so much time after it had happened,
I didn't relate to it in writing.
I wanted to tell you, that I had something similar in 1995,
similar not in the appearance of the wound or whatever on the foot,
but similar in the oddity.
I had done my spinning dance in Ronnit's living-room in Boulder, Colorado,
and hit my foot at a chair.
It was so insignificant that I even didn't tell Ronnit about it.
Back in Israel, in my bus in the desert, the wound worsened.
In the end it got so bad, that I had to be taken to Beersheva,
and the doctor said, that I had come in the nick of time before amputation...
I had enough time then to think about the meaning.
It was quite mystical, but I've left only feelings in my memory, like of a dream.
Now if you ask the same question about the meaning , and answer it yourself,
I must tell you, that your answer is much too general
and doesn't explain anything.
So please tune into the message of your body and soul,
and don't blame your body as if it is kind of sabotaging you.
It's you who is sabotaging Body. And soul, for that matter.

" I am quite helpless even with simple things like loo and bath."
Why "even"?
That's where the feeling of helplessness is the most stringent.
When I had that wound on the back of my left foot,

I needed people from the Succah to come around the hill to my bus
(I was no longer a hostess by then) and carry my shit out into the desert.
These are the situations when one becomes really humble.
Please be a partner to your body, even more - be a mother to him.
Then he'll tell you, what it is that he cannot bear any longer.
And then you will start to  heal this.


Gabriela, Gabriela,
It's strange how you are with me, though physically apart.
I'll share with you three signs:
First sign:
Since Tomer left (April 12), I continue to go to the pool,
since we had to pay in advance for a whole year.
(Deal with old folks: Sunday-Thursday, from 6 to 3 o'clock)
I even go twice (5-8 minutes), and after the first time in the morning,
I've made it a habit to rehearse what I want to rehearse.
So I say my favorite Qur'an sura, and then I sing our two songs.
This "l'amour embrace notre race -- l'amour enserre enfin la terre"
has quite an impact on me and counters my indulgence in black apocalyptic prophesying.

Lately I found the following post in my e-mail From: vuli khiangte To:
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 12:21 PM
Subject: partnership/donations

Dear friends in Christ,
I am from India(Asia). I have a great interest in how to become a 'partnership' of God Channel and also I would like to 'donate' a small sum of money as I can afford to your channel and regularly. I am soryy I could not make the right link or contacts and search out these from your website.
Please help me in how to become a PARTNER and how to DONATE (from the lowest amount in pound or dollar). Please send information at
God bless your channel.
In His service........C.ROPIANGA,
Aizawl, Mizoram. India(Asia).

I answered:
Since I don't understand , if your name is Vuli Khiangte or C. Ropianga,
nor if you are a man or a woman or a community,
I'll address you with the blessing of my country (Israel):

which in Hebrew means "wholeness" and from there "peace".

I am thrilled to be contacted by someone from Mizoram.
I visited my German-Indian friend Gabriela in Madurai in 1998
and lived and traveled with her for 3 months.
She has a very close friend in Mizoram,
and together with this friend and some other colleagues she visited me in Israel in 1999.
So there is a connection.
And now , of course, I  informed myself through the Internet about Mizoram in general.

I'm thrilled twice as much because of the reason, for which you seem to have found me:
your interest in
What I do not understand at all, is your quest.
You can become and in fact ARE a partner of "God",
but there is no "partnership" with GodChannel,
to which you could donate.
The people who channeled this material until February 2002,
did it in their free time.
There is no organization behind it.
How strange:
Everyone wants donations, certainly in YOUR country,
and there comes someone from YOUR country,
wants to donate and there is no one to take...

Write  soon, so we can understand the misunderstanding
and find out together what it is
that you, I, we, should really understand.
Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam

The next day there was another post from that source:
[but the misunderstanding continued , so I wrote again, - no answer came]:]

Third and most important sign:
I've a strong feeling, that something different lurks around the corner,
and I'm utilizing this (last?) month of relative aloneness, all-one-ness,
in order to delight in all the luxury of my present life:
the beautiful flat and flowering verandas, 
"my" hill (ancient Maccabean Modi'in across my house),
the pool,
and my HeArt-Work on "Driving Backward into the Future" on my website.
 I haven't known such intense creating before!
And that's how I "came across" the second homepage,
which starts with your picture,
and at the very same time a little sheet of paper fell out of my bible,
with 3 poems of yours, 1998.
Each poem in itself and certainly as a triptych
seem to exemplify "my" message.
So I reorganized and  modified the whole page,
and if I had done nothing else ever on my site,
I would be content....
Be loved and hugged tightly







ite of ancient Modi'in, thtown of the Mbeean rebels,hhhh [187 B.C.],
nd also the town of

the spiritua leader RSSi El'aza of Modi'in, to who feel close.

s slain by that time's terrorist leader Bar-Kok[132 A.D.]re Ikkk daily wa anSod work, create paths and prune figtrees, tended since the last inhThhdjjtjllabitt fled or were evicted in 1948.
ere I ponder in pain about "

rtnership" nd my failure toprevent wt I foresaw.
is part of my website is still a chaos and doesn't gve more th some hints of wh I d then and mean now.