The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


April 11/ NISAN 6, Friday, still 129 days - at Shoham

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire to make the most le-mazzot of the few hours if being al-one today,
and to be wholly accepting of whatever my two actors, Efrat & Mika, will bring to our stage.

image of the day

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to the some 100 billions of neurons in our brain,
which let me experience ME.
I give thanks for the hundreds of impulses,
which can be produced per second by each of these neurons.

I am grate-full for my consciousness,
of knowing who I am
and what I experience.


3 SAT , a series of 5 programs
in honor of the 150th birthday of Max Planck,
is relevant for my present "Quest":
to deeper grasp,
that one of the conditions
for "Heaven-on-Earth-in-Body",
is excitement.

Until Max Planck people thought,
that everything in the Universe was proceeding according to fixed laws
and therefore everything could be calculated.
I heard Max Planck saying:
"I would not wish to live in such a universe, where everything is to be predicted and expected."

I wished, I had the complete quote in writing.
But this is my problem
with all the fantastic things
which were said in these programs:
I can hardly grasp them,
leave alone put them in my own words here. Nor is it my preference
(see what I said about
"Gabriele Dietrich" and her thinking and doing)

to give more attention to this input
than I'm giving it already.
I do hope, that what I need to learn and know, will come to me again and again in a way
that it nourishes me "automatically",
like the rain makes the plants grow "automatically"
[I once read this Greek term in the Greek New Testament in the context of a parable by Jesus, in which he used exactly this metaphor: plants growing "automatically".]

Here are a few quotes from the 3SAT preview,
in order to leave a seed in my mind and feeling.

Wer ist Ich?
Selbst-Wahrnehmung und Bewusstsein

Wir erfahren die Welt nicht mit unseren Augen, Ohren oder unserer Haut, sondern wir erleben die Welt mit unserem Gehirn. Und die Frage ist: wie erschafft das Gehirn diese Welt, die der wirklichen Welt entsprechen soll? Um das zu verstehen, müssen wir in tief diesen Mechanismus eindringen und ihn analysieren....

Etwa 100 Milliarden Nervenzellen, sogenannte Neurone, haben wir in unserem Gehirn. Zwischen diesen Neuronen funkt es gewaltig: Elektronische Impulse werden weitergegeben - das Gehirn arbeitet. Pro Sekunde kann eine Nervenzelle Hunderte solcher Impulse erzeugen. Ihre Geschwindig-keit: 100 Meter pro Sekunde.

Bevor wir einen Gegenstand erkennen, muss unser Gehirn diesen aus vielen Daten zusammensetzen. Der Anblick einer roten Rose setzt voraus, dass wir eine rote Rose schon einmal gesehen haben. Dazu werden alle bisher gespeicherten Informationen aktiviert, die mit »rot« und mit »Rose« zu tun haben. Aus diesem Neuronenfeuer entsteht dann das »Modell« einer roten Rose. Doch wie wird dieses neuronale Orchester dirigiert? Woher weiß das Gehirn bei dem permanenten Feuerwerk, welche Informationen zum gleichen Objekt gehören? Diesem Geheimnis sind die Wissenschaftler in Lausanne auf der Spur. 15 Jahre lang hat das Team um Henry Markram Daten gesammelt, um den Schaltkreis des Gehirns zu simulieren.


Ein körniges Weltall lässt den Quantenschaum brodeln
"Max Planck hat die Physik und die Weltsicht maßgeblich beeinflusst
... Vor allem aber bedeuteten die von Planck ermittelten "Quantensprünge" eine wissenschaftliche Revolution, denn bisher hatte man immer angenommen, dass die Natur in einer Art gleichmäßigem Gleiten arbeite.

Auf der tiefsten Ebene allen Seins ist das All nur Schaum

Das Problem der modernen Physik: Albert Einsteins Relativitätstheorien sind gut bestätigt, die Quantenmechanik auch. Beide machen hochpräzise bestätigte Vorhersagen. Aber beide können nicht richtig sein. Physiker sind darum auf der Suche nach einer Theorie, die beide vereinigt. Das ist nicht neu in der Physik: Die Theorien Newtons hatten auch ihr eigenes Versagen vorhergesagt und unsinnnige Werte geliefert. Dennoch nutzen wir sie noch heute, weil sie im Alltag noch stimmen.

Quantenmechanik: "Man kann es nicht verstehen"

Die Quantenmechanik ist der Bereich der modernen Physik, der sich der Anschauung komplett entzieht. Selbst Albert Einstein wollte sie nicht wahr haben und ersann manches Gedankenexperiment, um sie argumentativ zu widerlegen - doch seinen Nobelpreis bekam er genau für seine Beiträge zu diesem Zweig der Wissenschaft. Die Quantenmechanik befasst sich mit einzelnen Teilchen oder Wellen - je nach Interpretation - und deren individuellen Wahrscheinlichkeiten.



"again I've achieved the contrary of what I wanted to achieve",

This self-pitying sentence,
comes to my mind (mind?) not only in specific dramas
like the one I set up on Shabbat, March 29,
but also when I "drive backward" to entire periods of my life.

Driving Backward

My Marriage
My belief was that love would overcome everything.
And when this didn't work, I thought,
that if only my husband would find a dream
and realize at least some of his potential,
he would love himself more
and therefore be less triggered by his wife,
who did have a dream and who did work on realizing it.
But though he threw at me ever so often:

"you are failing all the time, you don't succeed in anything",
and though he could see, if he wanted to,
that my "walking my talk" came at a high price
of depression and constant tension and pressure,
he felt paralyzed by living in the presence of such fervor, zest and determination.

Once, right in the beginning of our life together in Israel

(after 3 years of having lived apart , in 2 countries)
I discovered a typed manuscript of an uncompleted novel,
which he must have written many years earlier.
I waited for what I hoped would be the right moment to tell him:

"Rafael, why don't you go back to writing
- I've read those 100 pages of your novel
and they are marvelous!"

I can't convey what happened then.
I didn't yet know about triggers then!
I didn't yet know about denials and the horrid eruptions they can cause...
His voice reached a terrible pitch
and his body-language indicated the threat of violence:

"If you mention this subject one more time,
I don't know what I'll do to you."

For how many years could I hold on to my deepest wish,
- that Rafael may become himself and love himself?
During the last years I once dared to say:

"If you would at least believe in living a life of "dolce vita",
it would be alright for me.
Not everyone needs to follow a vocation
and suffer the way I suffer by following it."
But he could not - and probably no highly talented person can -
enjoy life as he could have created it from moment to moment,
though on the exterior level billions of people dream about such a life:
a house and garden,
no financial worries (though he believed there were...),
three wonderful children (and also the two of his first marriage were wonderful)
a very "good wife" and housewife.
He was totally free, could do what he wanted
except for the easy, well-paid job - 5 days a week -
as the Israeli advisor of the US Agricultural Attaché .
But all these fortunate circumstances were a nothing but a golden cage...

In August 1980,
during my "JEWISH-PALESTINIAN INITIATIVE" of my "Partnership" work, Gene Hofmann from the USA wanted to visit me.
Since she was "important"

(a mother of seven, twice divorced, a counselor and very rich),
Rafael asked to be present during her visit.
After an hour or so Rafael went to the toilet and Gene hurried to say:

"But Rachel, this man is suffering terribly!
He feels invalidated by your very presence!"

Gene Hofmann in my garden at Ramat-Hadar (my daughter sits behind her), August 1980 - the angel who came down with a hammer on my head: "It's time to let go of your desire to make your husband love himself!" On Sept. 13, I ran away from home.
Below: I bring Gene to Neve-Shalom and to my "partners", Rushdi Fadila, who then lived there with his family, and Ibrahim Sam'aan, who came especially to meet Gene.

Finetuning to my Present

The total failure of my approach - repeated so often
with former and later "partners" in the work on my visions
- became blatantly visible,
I drew the consequence and left the man I loved.
But even then I had not learnt my lesson.
Yearning for and chasing constantly after "partners'"
who would work with me on what I thought was "our" vision,
but which was in the end only my own,
let me fall prey to my belief over and over again:
the belief, that if I only let my "partners" see their greatness
and provide a practical context in which they could apply it,
they would in time become who they really were,
and love themselves as they were.
Even after I had sculpted the humerous-sad pages about this pattern,
which I called "partnering",
I fell into the trap again, even twice,
on "Noah's Shore" and on "Mount Ararat"...

But this was not the only failure of my "goodness".


Driving Backward

My son's Marriage

Another huge and crucial failure was my endeavor
to help my son Immanuel and his ex-wife preserve their marriage.
From the beginning - these kids were both 16, when they "met" -
nobody in the family was pleased with this relationship,
not even my son himself.
He was denying himself like hell, rationalizing like hell,
when he did marry her after 7 years.
The wedding was showered with 'signs from heaven', that this was wrong,
and he saw these signs.
Four times during the following years
- in July 1987, in October 1988, in November 1994, in February 1998 -
I "succeeded" in "saving" the marriage.

B u t    t h i s    w a s     w r o n g !
All my fantastic skills of teaching people in general and couples in particular
to "support each other" in healing emotions and releasing judgments
were put to use for a wrong goal!
The bitter-bitter fruits of the behavior of my "loving heart" and my "wise mind" have to be eaten and digested still, day after day.

Finetuning to my Present

Of course, there is another level to these 'failures'.
For all these actors have invited me into their dramas
as I have invited them to mine.

This means - there is no guilt and no blame.
But it also means,
that there is an enormous lesson for me, and by extension for humankind:

Release any judgment of what you believe to be loving!
There are no values, no advices, no guide-lines, no recipes
for what it means to be loving!

My "wave-lesson" is one example of this.
But 2 days ago there was a situation in this house,
where I had to ask my son:
"Have you considered, if all my help is wrong,
like it was wrong with concern to your relationship with R.?"
"We do not give you the position of supporting our relationship,
as we did then."
"I'm not talking about direct support of creating/healing the relationship. I'm talking about my very being here..."
"You come here mainly for Mika!"
"Yes, this is what I'm telling myself too:
I feel, that Mika has chosen to grow up with grandma around.
And I have chosen Mika to be part of raising a child wholeheartedly,
not suffering from the constant dilemma: "I should follow my vocation."

Diary 2006_08_17
Am I , by becoming whole, by becoming New Heart
causing others to feel even less whole,
to hate themselves even more?
Is "wholeness" after all like "goodness", which polarizes???

On that day , I put "whole" in "Search" of the GodChannel Navigator
When I now searched again, the Search came up with more passages.
Listing all these hints to messages about wholeness,
also provides a good overview, of what "Godchannel" is about!

GodChannel - Healing Class: Body
"Before there was any kind of duality... there was only one whole being. ... Original Heart was its own whole being with no unmet needs, no desire not ...

"Original Heart was its own whole being with no unmet needs, no desire not ... Then, while still one whole being, Heart configured almost all of its Will ..."

Mother Pages - Original Mother
"To prepare for our separation, he and I, we twisted at the center of ourselves to create two parts of one whole, with a tether in between. ..."

GodChannel - Healing Class Discussion: Body
"And of course this time Original Heart will be with peers, fully whole, yet in more than one body. So in the largest sense, Earth is the venue of our ..."

GodChannel - Four Steps Revisited
"Who you truly are is a whole being, although you may have not yet fully ... As the healer of your whole self, you also become the healer of Creation. ..."

GodChannel - Discussion of the Four Steps
"I don't want you to give up anything of yourself, and in fact my wish is that you get back all of yourself and become whole. You are right to not do things ..."

GodChannel - Talk with God
"My plan for you is that you become whole, that you be Who You Truly Are, and that you do it your way. There's more to being human than you learned in school ..."

GodChannel - Fundamentals of Manifestation
"What now seems to be rock-solid reality in the first attention is only a part of the whole picture of reality. This is why the first attention has often ..."

GodChannel - Grandfather Pages
"But we were not complete, we were not whole. There was still much of the Original Will, the Mother of Everything... that was left holding space for the Void ..."

GodChannel - Grandfather Pages
" But Heart was not whole, everything we ourselves had left behind in the Void ... But we were not complete, we were not whole. There was still much of the ..."

GodChannel - Healing Class: Grandfather's Role in the Healing
" And it's a whole lot better than the plan I had developed for a peaceful, ... In this way you become whole, and therefore parental to all of Creation." ...

GodChannel - Channeling Class Discussion
"Yes, being whole means embodying both of us in Heart. And although the way of channeling the Mother ... My Whole Truth includes everyone's relative truth. ..."

GodChannel - Fundamentals of Manifestation
" It is now time for a healing of Magic on Earth, and the movement to a deeper form of Magic, worked in wholeness, and practiced by whole beings for the good ... "

GodChannel Discussion - Right Use of Will
"Speaking for Deity, it is our desire to have companionship, not as fragments of a whole relating with each other as we have, but as a whole relating with ..."

God's Messengers
"Just as each relative truth is a unique and important part of the Whole Truth, each of my messengers is delivering their part of my message in a unique way ..."

GodChannel - Discussion of the Urantia Book
" ... most importantly, prior to your own Creation your Spirit and Mother essence will be united and whole, already present in you as Heart in manifestation. ... "

GodChannel - Healing Class: Redeeming the Devils
"The first and most difficult step is to recognize that you are not whole as spirit, that part of your spirit is not with you. You may find it projected out ... "

GodChannel - Letter to Those Doing the Healing Work
"And as you look backward, you will see your life in terms of a path that has been leading inexorably to your own greatness as a whole being. ..."

"And as you look backward, you will see your life in terms of a path that has been leading inexorably to your own greatness as a whole being. ... "

GodChannel - Letter to the Father & Mother of Creation
"Your human forms are now readying themselves for their union with you, and for their full participation in the manifestation of a healed and whole Creation ... "

GodChannel - Healing Class, Lesson Three Discussion
"And as a whole human being you will not merely be in manifestation, you will be manifesting, both yourself and the world." ...

GodChannel - Identity
"Your true identity is as a whole being, all the parts are you... no one of these ... Just as the parts of Deity are fragments of a single whole identity, ..."

GodChannel - Awareness
" These qualities are what will enable you as Body to bring together the two opposite poles of Creation in their completely whole, loving union... manifesting ... "

GodChannel - Releasing Judgments Discussion
I am amazed at the certain simplicity of my healing, realizing the grace of accepting my whole self. Gradually I am experiencing my new creation as ...

Interview with 'the Folks,' Part Two
" When the Mother's essence is whole in you, parentalness is no longer needed. All the nonparental desires can then find their loving fulfillment. ..."

The entries in GodChannel Forum, which is no longer active,
I can only quote from my Diary 2006, not retrieve them,
though they still exist on the Forum site.


By Anonymous on Monday, July 30, 2001 :
Up until now, when one has spoken of perfect love,
one has been referring to the One in perfect balance.
The undifferentiated One.
A form of stasis.
Dynamic would not be a word to describe this One.

Form is present in the One,
but it is undifferentiated form which makes it unrecognizable as form.
Much the same can be said of Will and Spirit in the One.
The One is the One and that is All.

The nature of manifestation is one of polarities.
Not necessarily duality, but polarity.
The understanding of the difference between polarization and duality
has been a long time in coming.
Polarization does not negate the One,
is not in contradiction to the One,
while duality is.

To insist that 'A' is EITHER this OR
that sets one up to limit 'A' to an isolated (separated) aspect of the One
which by definition negates the existence of the One.
It does not allow the One to be One.

While God does not disallow duality,
God is not duality.
God, however, has needed to experience duality
to find that duality is not God.
For God this has been an experience of discovering
how to polarize OneSelf into aspects which,
while containing the One and manifesting the One within balance,
nevertheless display mixes of differing strengths of the myriad aspects of God.

Original cause for the desire to keep everything very simple and contained:
distrust of manifestation.
Instinctive knowing that it was somewhere in the process
of attempting to allow the myriad of aspects individual expression
that we lost ourselves.

By Judith on Friday, October 20, 2000: Dear Julie,

What I was trying to do was to draw a distinction
between the rush of confidence
that shows up when balance is achieved for a moment
and the real nitty gritty work of New Heart
which is constantly running and rolling
with every swing back and forth between the two polarities
until all the essence that is lost has been retrieved and healed.

Think of the ship as missing a few oars and short on crewmen/women,
with a ripped sail and a hurricane blowing around it
and New Heart at the helm trying to find port.
He/She is scared, and tired and stressed and overwhelmed
and yet, someone has got to do it, and guess who's job it is?

New Heart, in my experience, is not unaware of the mother's [Efrat's] suffering.
On the contrary, New Heart, is SO aware of the mother's [Efrat's] suffering
that even though He/She is terrified of this job and all this responsibility,
and would like to run like hell to a place of shelter, and no responsibility,
New Heart cannot, and will NOT leave the mother [Efrat] to suffer,
and will find a way to port, no matter what,
no matter how difficult the journey,
and despite the pain involved.
If this precarious situation suddenly gives way for a moment to calm seas,
and a happy crew, before the next storm hits,
don't confuse New Heart's song of jubilation for this small reprieve
as the song of completion that will finally sound from their lips.
It's just an expression of the moment,
and the moment deserves to be celebrated.

Same day: the Channelers
Another way we understand New Heart is
as the healing of the Plane of Reversals~~~
so far love based in New Heart doesn't seem to reverse on us
like the other stuff too often did.
But with Efrat it does.
The point of New Heart, as we understand it... is
that it is Heart (or love) without denials.
Very special stuff, and as mentioned, quite easy to hate...
especially when someone else says they have it, and we don't feel like we do.

No! my problem is, that New Heart is very easily being hated,
it easily draws out hatred in others,
especially towards themselves,
and again I've achieved the contrary of what I wanted to achieve.

From head to feet
this is me, this is me
look into my eyes,
this is me, this is me,
with a smile till the ears,
swinging with both hands
in front of me and from my back,
what do you say to that?

This is me, this is me - I with all my body,
this is me, this is me - I in my entirety.

You can turn around
and sometimes you fall,
You lift your knees,
and jump to the sky.

song of the day

An excellent piece from a CD with songs for small kids,
chosen one by one by the couple
who conducts Mika's kindergarden
The names of the authors were not noted.



Continuation of the sculpture of the togetherness with my eldest granddaughter and my youngest granddaughter and their father, my son



Three images
two sisters dancing


























When E. suddenly appeared,
and did not leave despite a difficult talk
between father & daughter (born in 1987)
in which he, for the first time ever,
shared his pain about her
in the "context" of her mother,
I asked myself:
'How can I apply the "wave" lesson
to my eldest granddaughter,
who has been shunning me,
to say the least, for ten years?'

After the easy flowing in nature,
Immanuel cooked, and somehow,
I came to listen to her feelings
about her "incarnation in the thirties".
Since she frequently mentioned
"youtube" videos about Judy Garland,
her mother and her daughters,
especially E's most beloved Liza Minnelli
"talents which no longer exist",
I asked her, if she wanted to show me.
Then we had dinner, Mika included.
I feared, that that was "it".
But when I had finished the dishes,
she invited me to watch more videos,
about "Vaudeville"
the predecissor of "Broadway"
and much much about about "Deco-Art",

The Empire State Building in New York,
According to E. "the ultimative Deco-Art"

The The Art Deco spire of the Chrysler Building in New York, built 1928–1930
She has always hated it, when I looked at her.
Watching the videos allowed me to listen to her,
without looking at her.
And when she paused with a video,
I had the good idea of doodling on a piece of paper,
on which my son had noted some phone-numbers.
Thus I avoided pressuring E. in any way.
As she went on informing me
about the world she loves,
contrasting it sharply with the world she lives in,
and "into which I don't fit",
I slowly, almost secretly, threw in some questions,
which concerned her longing for the nineteen-thirtees.
I mentioned, that I too, when I was young,
yearned for having been born in a past century,
in this case: the middle of the 19th century,
which I identified with the nature paintings of that time.

"You still are there!" she said , i.e. in that "Nature".
"Now I am in contact with real Nature,
for those paintings were an illusion, not reality."

Finally I dared to suggest,
that her vocation was to bring the thirties into this time,
and to enrich it by her talent (which is from the thirties)
"I never doodle! So what have I done here?"
E.: "This is a kind of Deco-Art!"
I added curved spikes all around.
and she transformed those into a "fan".
To bring my point across I interpreted it this way:.
"It could be a medusa in water or a creature flying..,
or it could be your dream,
started in the nineteen-thirtees,
as it becomes true  in the  future"

This was the scene I saw on the morning of that day, on which we parted close to midnight, after hours of an easy togetherness
- a miracle after ten years!
But be careful:

" Ride the wave, retreat with the wave, ... don't stick to peaks nor get stuck in pits" says my wave-song,
or as Judith said to July on the Forum of Godchannel, in Oct. 2000 [see above]
"What I was trying to do was to draw a distinction
between the rush of confidence
that shows up when balance is achieved for a moment
and the real nitty gritty work of New Heart
which is constantly running and rolling
with every swing back and forth between the two polarities
until all the essence that is lost has been retrieved and healed.
"don't confuse New Heart's song of jubilation for this small reprieve
as the song of completion that will finally sound from their lips.
It's just an expression of the moment,
and the moment deserves to be celebrated."


April 11, 2008 , 22:23 A "forward" from Immanuel of a link to a videa,
which his daughter had asked him to open,
since "the song of Liza about her father, reminds me a little bit of us."
Immanuel added: "The song and this sentence connect some of the experiences E. had on the day she stayed with us."

And while I now searched for the lyrics of Liza Minnelli's "Seeing Things",
I discovered an article, which appeared on this very day in the New York Times!

"I got my drive from my mom, and I got my dreams from my father," declares Liza Minnelli in the first act of her one-woman extravaganza, "Stepping Out at Radio City." Proudly nostalgic, the singer goes on to pay tribute to Vincente Minnelli, who worked as a production designer at Radio City Music Hall in the 1930's before he became a Hollywood director and married Judy Garland. While she sings "Seeing Things," a dreamy ballad with music John Kander and lyrics by Fred Ebb, who is also her director, photos of her father are projected onto a giant screen. "Seeing Things" is the most touching moment..."


An e-mail from the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel
inviting us to celebrate the success of the public struggle for the Lake of Tiberias


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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8

April 11, 2012

copied from "Documents":
on which we practiced our planned website

10 Hebrew lines daily between Ya-Ra towards the doomed-to fail
2012_04_11- 2013_03_24DELICIOUS      DELETION

10 Hebrew lines daily between Ya-Ra towards the doomed-to fail
2012_04_11- 2013_03_24DELICIOUS      DELETION



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