The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Nourishment from Others

August 5 - 12 , 2011: enriched by more nourishment

Heaven to Earth - Page 3   continued from Heaven-to-Earth -2

I am Firing the Grid on 07-07-17 at 11:11 GMT
14:11 in my time zone, in Israel

Third Part of the Video

At the beginning of the third part
Shelley expresses even more poignantly
than in the website-text
(see right frame),
what it is
that will save her child
- which tells us -
what will save the planet:
in my words:

Click and listen for yourself:

"to share
your greatest human joys,
you will want to give this child
to wake up,
reason to stay"

The child woke up
and communicated by nodding yes or no,
still the doctors said,
he will never walk or talk,
he will always be brain-dead....

When the child completely recovered,
Shelley took him home,
to go on with her former life,
"which was welfare and prozac

[widely used anti-depressant drug] ! "

It seems, that "the Beings" let her rest,
until a situation was set up, in July 2003

(the accident had "happened" on Nov. 14, 2002),
where they contacted her again.

The Third Parcel for Rotem, on April 22, 2007

I continued to hear the voices and be directed with both visions and seeing auras.
Needless to say, I was more than a little freaked out.
As time passed I would ask "What do you want of me?"

They would speak of the love for the universe
that we have inside of us the power
to unite this planet as one race

with peace and prosperity for all.

This power lies inside us all,
and when combined
with the loving energy of other humans,
we can do for this planet
what we did for my son.

We can revive this Earth and catapult it into healing.

With this healing will come a new phase of humanity.
We will have a time of peace and harmony.
All it will take is our intention, as a united group, and one hour of our time.

So as the voices and visions unravelled
I was given the guidance of
how to make this all happen
However it will take many of us on this planet to see to the success of the project.
As they told me to rotate the humans through my son’s room,
they have told me to unite humanity
from every corner of the globe.
Not every human, just representatives from every corner.
We can do this.
We need to unite enough people
to fire the divine energy system of this planet
and jump start it like we did with my boy.

This global project of loving intention is completely possible.
Your intention to make it happen can change the outcome of this planet.
I will discuss the details of the plan in phase three of this website.
I will give you the directions to follow,
and you will see how little it will take for you
to become an ambassador of light to our home, planet Earth.
I beseech you to join me when we fire the Earth grid
on July 17, 2007 at 11:11 Greenwich Mean Time
— 14:11 (2:11 PM) in your time zone — ,

and add your energy to this project.
I promise you, just one hour of your time and you can help heal this planet,
and help create peace among all people.

On August 5, 2011,
Jean Hudon sent a link to a report of - and an extensive interview of a "Near-Death-Experience" with Anita M., a woman from Hongkong.
I only flipped through the passages, since there was nothing new for me. But I understood , that my reason for diving into Shelley's story in 2007,
was not the Near-Death-Experience itself, not even her application of the messages she got towards "Firing the Grid", but the resurrection of the child:
the friends she had to gather around him, so they could give the child their talents, so the child could discover a world and a life, that were worthy to live in.


to former source of nourishment from others in 2007 and 2011to next source of nourishment from others in 2007
If you wish, you can already continue to "Heaven-to-Earth-4" 2007 and 2011


Lovolution towards Union-Consciousness

Arad, Friday, August 5, 2011

In the pool I recalled a song ~
I sang it while swimming~~~
I sensed myself sobbing~~~
A most popular morning-song,
which we sang often till 1964,
i.e. till I left my home-country.
I now translated its praise of
U n i t y  and
Lyrics & Tune: Werner Gneist, 1888-1980

Es tagt der Sonne Morgenstrahl
Weckt alle Kreatur.
Der Vögel froher Frühchoral
Begrüßt des Lichtes Spur.
Es singt und jubelt überall,
Erwacht sind Wald und Flur.

Wem nicht geschenkt ein Stimmelein
Zu singen froh und frei,
Mischt doch darum sein Lob darein
Mit Gaben mancherlei
Und stimmt auf seine Art mit ein,

Wie schön der Morgen sei.

Zuletzt erschwingt sich flammengleich
Mit Stimmen laut und leis’
Aus Wald und Feld,
aus Bach und Teich,

Aus aller Schöpfung Kreis
Ein Morgenchor,
an Freude reich,

Zu Gottes Lob und Preis.

My translation , August 5, 2011

The morning sun beam arises
Wakes up every creature.
The early birds joyful hymn
Welcomes the Light trail.
There is singing and cheering
Woods and fields are waking up.

Whoever is not given a little voice
to sing gladly and freely
still mixes his praise into it
with talents of many kinds
And tunes into it in his own way

about how beautiful the morning is.

At last rises up like flames
With voices loud and soft '
From forest and field,
from stream and pond,
From all over creation's circle
A morning chorus,
rich in joy
for the praise and glory of God.

She entered my door. I hadn't seen her since March 2009.
I can not reveal her name, nor her ethnic background.
She has been in hiding for
8 years now. She has 3 children. They are much darker than her. According to Israeli law she is not married.
Her husband does not "find" the 600 NIS to get his citi-zenship.
Yet SHE is "allowing" it,
a victim.
She got hold of a car,
 no license
"I don't want my children to starve! I found myself a job in a hotel. But to reach it from our place (shacks in a hen-house somewhere...) I need to drive."
"You came to me, because you know that my task is to act as your sounding-board. I now do not only sound what you know, but scream, yes screech:

Two Reality-Shows - so despised by people
whose hole of hiding themselves is triggered by all this "exhibitionism",
a hole that needs to heal now
and so cherished by me,
if ! I can discern the trend of lovolution in them, like in "A Star is born"
with its heaven-to-earth completion of "A Million beats from One Heart",
and like "Masterchef", where the judge Eyal Shani said about the Risotto,
spontaneously cooked by my son after returning from a flight to London:
"Immanuel, Risotto is actually like a musical creation,
when every grain of rice is a tone,
but between two tones there is a free space , which probably is all the music,
the relations of cream which combine and separate between grain and grain-
that is the perfect Risotto"
On July 21, during an audition for the 10000 candidates for "Masterchef", I heard Haim Cohen, another amazing judge, say:

"A singer is not a singer, because he has a great voice, but because he MUST sing. This is, it seems to me, also true for us [cooks]."
See more about Immanuel's drama in "Masterchef" in Mika's Pages.

I want to savor the song of "Kulanana", the song of "All of us", the song of "A million beats from one heart"
See "a promo" on "Heaven-to-Earth-1">July 24, 2011, and another one on "Heaven-to-Earth-2">August 3, and my own singing in SongGame200_09_27

Follow the images and words from right to left!

Look at how we all talk
about the heat
We honk at the traffic light
here now

And among thousand hopes
it's always the same prayer
And the same news
on the hour

Look at how we all stand in traffic jams


~~we all~~

~~We all talk~~

traffic jams

the news

a thousand hopes

In all the mess
we're all waiting
for a moment
of sanity,

but everything here
is upside down,
at the edge
of every tear
there is waiting
a smile

a smile





this night
And there are
a thousand dreamers awake here tonight

they want to fulfill
the same dreams

and a million beats
of joy and pain

a million pulses
of the same heart

16 year-old Lidor Sultan sings "from one Heart" and forms a heart.



from joy to joy (Malli)

Our "Simon & Garfunkel": Nadav and Asaf


Love demonstrated
Look at how all of us
from joy to joy
"mabrouk" [Arabic blessing]
"klasna" [Russian blessing]
"badasta"[Amharic blessing]
"be-karov etzlecha"[Hebrew]
One goes a bit far away
and in the end one returns
to those smells
and sounds
and songs


16 year old Noi Danan from Eilat



Look at
how we all
march together
As in a journey
of hopes
and beliefs
and fears

We all compose
the same picture
One perfect picture of kullanana





We all


the same picture

One perfect picture
of kulanana


what is she trying to show?
k u l a n a n a
an old loving couple~~~~~~Malli singing live in the team- together with Ron Weinreich [from his wheelchair] on the screen~~~~~~ one unique person within our Unity


Arad, Shabbat, August 6, 2011

In my bed in the morning: 4 memories about what may have "produced" my two "Not-Okay-sins"! But of course, it's me who has "staged" these scenes and attracted these "actors".

On the other hand: At Night I came across 2 cards, which documented a period of wholeness in the lives of two women, which we thought would "last forever".
Bimbie van der Donck from Holland had visited my family, I think, in 1972 . It was from her that I learnt about Thomas Harris' book:
I'm okay you're okay.
[Coincidence: when I mentioned the book to Na'ama Ya'ari in yesterday's phone-talk, she said, that also for her it was one of the first books, that opened her eyes].
The situation, in which Bimbie informed me of the book, was quite "sensual": we were - with my husband and my children - at the Sachne-ponds in Lower Galilee
and Bimbie drew a drawing into the sand in order to illustrate, how this
"I'm okay-you're okay" does not work or does work.
Bimbie to Rachel, February 2, 1983, after her partner's death. See the link to a Near-Death-Experience above.

"Ich habe die LIebe und den Tod kennengelernt und letzterer beschaeftigt mich tagtaeglich immer noch...Wir passten zusammen ganz einfach... und zwar als zwei Erwachsene, die beide voellig selbstaendig waren. Der Andere war keine Bedrohung des eigenen Ichs, weil wir inzwischen wussten, was wir selber waren, jeder fuer sich. Ich habe nie gewusst und auch nie geglaubt, dass Liebe so einfach sein kann, so selbstverstaendlich, so ruhevoll. Ich habe immer schon sehr intensiv gelebt. Mit Jacques wurde das noch staerker. Wir lebten im Augenblick. Reisten viel, sahen uns haeufig, sprachen uns taeglich, teilten alles. Und dann, ploetzlich, starb Jacques. Er ist im Stehen gestorben, hat nichts mehr tun koennen, so rasch ging es, und unsere Zeit zusammen kam zu einem Ende. Das dachte ich. Faktisch stimmt das ja auch, aber ich entdeckte, dass durch seinen Tod etwas wie eine dritte Dimension im Fuehlen und Erleben in mir geboren wurde. Du weisst, dass ich nicht weiter glaeubig bin, aber wenn es etwas wie ein Weiterleben gibt, dann habe ich das in mir gefuehlt und fuehle das noch immer. Ich merkte auch, dass Kummer nicht etwas ist, dem man eine schlechte Note gibt und Freude eine gute, sondern dass beide nicht zu trennen sind. Ich haette sogar Jacques' Tod niemals nicht erleben wollen, so gern ich ihn noch bei mir gehabt haette. Er brachte mich zum Wesentlichen, ich wusste was ich tun wollte, ich konnte mich ganz auf meinen Instinkt, mein Gefuehl verlassen. Es gab kein richtig oder falsch, es war immer gut. Ich wollte unbedingt reden bei der Beerdigung ... und tat das auch, und es war herrlich, sich so sicher zu fuehlen. Ich wollte etwas und das war richtig so. So verrueckt es klingt, ich bin immer noch gluecklich. Es war eine Periode in meinem Leben, zu der ich "Ja" sagen kann. nichts was noch gesagt werden musste, nichts was besser ungesagt geblieben waere. Und das habe ich also geschafft. Trotzdem bin ich noch sehr haeufig in Aufruhr. Bin ruhelos, lustlos, die ganze Skala von Gefuehlen. Aber eben immer nur voruebergehend, der Grundton ist einfach Glueck um das was ich erlebt. ...In deinem Leben hat sich aber auch das Noetige zugetragen... Such Dir aus was Dir wirklich wichtig ist. Auch bei den menschlichen Beziehungen, es ist so schade um die Zeit, sich mit Ueberfluessigem zu beschaeftigen. "
28 years later : recommended by Jean Hudon in a weekly mail:
Owen Waters, The Dawn of Self-Empowerment
July 31, 2011

In recent decades, the consciousness of humankind has progressed rapidly. Indeed, today, we are in the throes of the greatest transformation in the history of humankind, a shift to a New Reality of heart-centered consciousness. We stand at the gateway of an unprecedented turning point in human consciousness, a social and spiritual transformation called The Shift.

One of the hallmarks of the New Reality is that people are becoming spiritually self-empowered. In the Old Reality, it was necessary for people to follow a rule book of moral behavior in order to stay upon a path which avoided temptation and its undesirable side-effects. [But see, how the ancient Jewish sages tried to avoid this: Biotestimony5 p.356]

With New Reality consciousness, order comes to society automatically because people are heart-centered. They simply don't engage in actions that would be harmful to themselves or others because they unconditionally love all people, and would therefore do no harm to anyone. New Reality consciousness is one of responsible freedom. With it, people are self-empowered and fully consider the effects of all of their actions from a place within their hearts.

Heart-centered consciousness develops the flow of unconditional love. Once this flow is started, nothing in physical reality can affect it in a negative way. It is not altered or rationed by likes and dislikes, nor by emotions of any kind. It is something that just is, regardless of the circumstances. It is an expression of the love of God, which exists in every part of the universe and flows through each one of us, if we but allow it.

Unconditional love is something that readily flows through your heart when you reach upwards above regular, day-to-day consciousness, open your heart and just allow the flow to come through. Unconditional love is, by its very nature, allowing, accepting and supporting. As a state of allowance, it is not something that you have to try to do; it just flows when you allow it to enter your heart. It will raise your consciousness above the cares of daily reality and open up an expanded vista of awareness.

Each time you allow unconditional love [to yourself] to flow, you upgrade the entire human experience, taking humanity yet one more step into the unfolding New Reality.

Since then I never heard from or about Bimbie v.d. Donck. How many times, did she, too, have to face the falling back into old habits of feeling "not-okay"?
If she is still with me on this planet, I wish for you, my helpful friend, that you, too, can wander from wave to wave and be whole with descent and ascent

"Abraham" (2000) e-mail quote on August 5, 2011

What is it all about? To get things done? No!
Because you do them, and you undo them,
and you do them, and you undo them,
and you do them, and you undo them...
What is the point in all of it?
It is the thrill of the process along the way.
Physical human minds keeps thinking,
"We have to be going towards some end."
And you kill each other by the millions trying to decide
what is the appropriate end that you are all going toward.
And we say: well, there's your flawed premise.
Because there is no end that you're going toward.
We are all on a perpetual cycle of joyous becoming.
We will never get it done, ever, ever, ever, ever.

This is what I heard from Na'ama Ya'ari, on the phone,
[she had written me while she saw Immanuel on "Masterchef"],
after she had succeeded in extracting from me my present "gist":
"I always wonder how you, Rachel,
- who seem to be so healed into wholeness-
again and again have to fall into that abyss
of not accepting something in yourself
(see my two "sins" on Aug. 3-4 ,and also in bio-testimony 5 between p. 358-359.]
but then, of course, I know, that we'll never reach perfection."

And I sang to her the slogan, which I learnt from "Abraham":
"You'll never get it down, nor will you ever get it wrong".

"About Doves and Revolutions"

I want to strengthen the people
who try to take responsibility for things
that have not been "okay"
in this State of Israel
since a long time,
though I am afraid
of exterior manifestations
that are not birthed in wholeness
(and if one blames others, one is NOT whole).

I'll do so by quoting
Rabbi Ohad Ezrachi's [s. an interview with him]
fascinating information,
that already 1950 years ago
there was such a social revolution:
He quotes the main leader,
Rabbi Shim'on ben Gamliel,
who also appears in my research.
The title of this research- in the Hebrew edition-
quotes the phrase,
which now can be heard again quite often
"All Israel are Guarantors for Each Other",
[see synopsis of names and issues]

This Rabbi Shim'on ben Gamliel
even dared to modify
a commandment in the Bible, [i.g. Leviticus 12]
in order to bring down prices for doves.

Arad, Sunday, August 7, 2011
[the 24th birthday of Elah, my eldest grandchild]

'arevut hadadit' - "mutual guarantorship" -
was written on many posters among the 300 000 people
who demonstrated in the streets all over Israel on August 6, 2011.
And in the TV program "osim seder khadash" today, someone said:
"'Solidarity' returned to the dictionary!" and the interviewer agreed gladly.
"By chance" I'm still working on editing the translation of biotestimony (5) ,
and because of a certain passage, opened a certain page in my 'AREVUT' book
[s. right frame]

there is simply no word in English
that matches the Hebrew term which is the very theme of my book,
  and I, therefore, invented the word "guarantorship" -in both senses:
the passive sense: I am made a guarantor for what others fail to do,
the active sense: I am dependent on my community and its leaders!
If I want to be the master of my life, I must be the guarantor for all.

It is only natural, that the ancient proverb, the title of my book
"All Israel are vouchsafing or guarantors for each other"
is not used by the demonstrators
though in the old sources "Israel" is just a metaphor for all nations,
an example of the experience of being made "guarantors" for others
and a model of what conclusions need to be drawn from this,
nothing but a model and a demonstration of what is true for everyone.
But in this practical case of 7,7 million Israelis (s. the kulanana-song)
it is important to omit the exemplification and concretisation : "Israel"

bundle 25, p. 225 in the Hebrew edition:
The blue color indicates what is on that page
, the grey titles indicate the broader context

THIRD     P A R T :

First Chapter: The Guarantorship of the Emissaries

Second Chapter: The Identification with the Sinner

1. The identification of the emissary with the sinning community

  a) Moses' solidarity with the sinners
     b) HIS Servant

  c) Refusing solidarity with the sinners
     d) God's identification with the sinners

Third Chapter: The Qumran Sect and Christianity

Fourth Chapter : The Expression of Responsibility
Solidarity with the sinners as a function of the Law of Guarantorship

"By chance" I now saw a doc about Woodstock 1969 [actually at "Bethel"!]: the similarities with what took place on August 6, 2011, are striking: Left: Around 300 000 Israelis took to the streets calling for social justice and the introduction of a welfare state. No violence, only solidarity and music!

Arad, Monday, August 8, 2011
[the 19th birthday of Alon, my third grandchild]

Continuation of yesterday's sculpture ~~~~~~~~. Somewhere, one of the Right-Use-of-Will books
gives a rare example of the consequences of denial  o n    E a r t h ,
I'm quoting by heart:
Martin Luther King preached non-violence, but attracted his murderer,
because he denied his own FEELings of violence against those who humiliated his people.
And the second generation of the Woodstock Love-and-Music people were as bourgois, even racist, as their grandparents,
because their parents, with their "Free Sex" etc., were not listening to those voices, which warned them and judged them .
They should have healed, what these inner - and outer - voices said and not drowned them in their elation of fun and freedom.

 That was 42 years ago~~~ in 1969 ~~~ a first sign of "Heaven-on-Earth".
I hope and desire and pray and radiate with all my heart and wholeness,
that among the 300000 of 2011 there may be "a critical mass" of people
who will make this awakening of Israel ["ha-'am qam", they say in the media] r e a l ...

And what about my own process of healing-into-wholeness,
my own accomplishment of total self-acceptance?
The "two-sins-concept" of my last days is, of course, ridiculous.
First of all, the "two sins" are really two sides of the same coin:
Since my mother ~~people do expect from me more than from other people.
It doesn't matter, that this is partly a fact and partly a projection of my fear.
But if I am truly me and could give people what they expect from me,
they are overwhelmed and triggered in their holes of feeling unworthy.
This is my "tragic", "pathetic" self-victimization:
I am to empower them, but I cause them to feel even more invalidated.

[see what I wrote - not for the first time - about Jesus and the consequences of his denial]

At night I came across an old card, where I put it in a nutshell:
 my kind of "sin" = self-denial, which is passed on to my sons,
as is said clearly in the frame of the "Ten Commandments":

"visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children
unto the third and fourth

Exodus 20:4

Together with that card came this one... see more about it,
and listen to the 1 min. passage from Haendel's Messiah:

"He was despised and rejected ... a man of sorrows"

Maerkhav ve-Gvulot: Space and Boundaries
April 17, 1981

"Meine Liebe schafft dem andern Raum, worin er wachsen kann.
Mein Zorn und meine Schwachheiten setzen ihm Grenzen,
an denen er wachsen kann.

Setze ich die Grenzen zu eng, dann ersticke ich ihn.
Schaffe ich den Raum zu weit, dann geht er verloren und findet sich nicht.

Damit ich die Balance finde, brauche auch ich die andern,
die mir Grenzen setzen und Raum schaffen.

"My love creates space for my-other, in which he can grow.
My fury and my weaknesses put boundaries to my-other, against which he can grow.

If I put the boundaries too tight, I'm suffocating him.
If I create a space-too-wide, then he gets lost and doesn't find himself.

In order to find the balance, I, too, need others, who put boundaries to me and create space for me.

[The rest is in Hebrew and I'll translate it:

These were the thoughts, when I walked - from my Bethel-Street- down Le'an-Street
and 2 boys on bikes - who rode on the side-way - almost ran over me.
I felt a torrent of fury rise up in me
and couldn't understand, how it was possible to feel such fury,
when coming from my peace and my serenity?
[And then, without a pause, I wrote:] Immanuel begged for a car:
"Your problem is, Imma, that you cannot say "No":
The worst that can happen is that I 'll be angry.
so what?"
It was a few weeks after my divorce and the reception of 60 000 $...
By then all my children had joined me in my rented flat at Ramat-Gan.
Immanuel - towards his last months in highschool at Hod-Hasharon -
had begged me to buy a car, so that he and Micha could reach school

[My daughter, who was the first one to join me after my separation,
had already in December moved to a near, good Tel-Aviv highschool]

We did buy the car, but naive as both I and my son were,
we attracted such a fraud that after 3 months we had to sell it at a huge loss.
From the present perspective it looks like the "consequence of my denials"...

The horrid weakness of not being able to say "No",
isn't this one of my worst "sins"?
I cannot even tell here, what all I "let" people do to me AND to others!
because I could not say "No!"

And worse than that - yes I AM judging myself now -
I bequeathed this weakness to my two sons.

2 years ago, during a walk around Bet-Nehemya, Tomer said to me:
"You know, what Abba's problem is? He can't say "No" to me!"

And all my thundering down on this Abba, my son, 3 weeks ago,
concerning this weakness, and the present dire consequences....
should have been turned against myself,
for what was it, that spoiled that togetherness with Tomer a year ago, ,
if not my failure to say "No" at the right time, of being a "boundary" for him.

The togetherness at the Kinneret had been suggested by Tomer
also "as a healing", as he said, a healing of what was a previous weakness of mine
The gist of what I noted on April 17, 1981, is what I learnt from a poster,
I had seen in the USA during our Partnership-voyage in February 1980,
and which since then I keep "teaching" as one of the "Definitions of Love"
"Love means being a space for the beloved in which s/he can grow.
Love means being a boundary against which the beloved can grow".

See, how often I quoted this on "Healing-K.i.s.s.",
but it seems, that I'm neither capable of being a boundary by conscious decision,
nor am I whole with the fact, that "my very presence" is a boundary for people,
i.e. "a trigger which they attract in order to heal a big hole in their wholeness",
the biggest hole that says: 'I'm not worthy, I am not great, how can I love myself?'

I feel at a loss right now - as if I had learnt nothing in my long life.
And all I can do is to accept this feeling of my own unworthiness...

2 hours later I read the sentence of Talli, my pupil in 1983: [p. 360]
"Through all the year you educated us towards responsibility!
But the only result is, that now we have feelings of guilt,
since we still don't do anything!"

I would like to console myself with the naive song,[modified by me]
May be what may be ~~ I shall yet change ~~ I shall realize my dream
Error and failure ~~ shame and nullity ~~ will not change my essence.



Arad, Tuesday, August 9, 2011
[the 18th birthday of Ya'acov's twin-daughters]

Once more: "kulanana - a million heart-beats"

hear my solo-singing as one of the 3 songs about the message of the Succot-Festival

A great lesson for two Israeli women, one almost 73, one almost 23.
"My birthday wish from you, Lior, is, that we sing together Kulanana!"
"I'll learn it, but I don't sing well." "Aged 12 you played the violin??

"This song is garbage, low, it insults my intelligence!"
"What about "The Four Species atoning for each other?"
"There are no willows
[=people who neither know nor do]
Those people lounge in front of TV to escape themselves
and avoid developing their potential & their greatness!"

"Yes they are sunk in the swamp of the vale of Babel,
but they are YOU, too, and the way to rescue them,
is to womb them and encourage their "small steps".

"I know now, why our singing MUST be so incompatible:
Your voice too high, mine too low, and yours out of tune.
I imagined a "harmonious co-creation" for my birthday.
But "
kulanana" is about "composing  one perfect picture".
L:"I now judge my reaction and the way I cope with it!"
"You see, it always comes down to wombing ourselves!"

O flowering branch from one of the two passifloras which I planted,
climbs up one of the 4 "acacias salignae", which invaded my garden
Who will suffocate whom, or will they find a way to stay in embrace?

"Abraham" [1999], e-mail quote on August 9, 2011

This passage confuses me. I don't understand it,
yet I feel it is important for me to understand it:

What "moving thought forward" is,
is about being a nucleus that attracts different components of thought
so that when they actualize around you —
it is different than it has ever been before!
"As I stand in my focused, human, leading-edge experience,
and I choose this combination of thoughts and feelings,
I am offering a signal that has never been offered before.
And so, the Universe must uniquely yield to me,
which causes me to offer a vibration
that maybe someone somewhere else is matching.
If they are, they will certainly come into my experience
for the time that we are matching it."
That is the way you affect the world.

Most think in terms of thought affecting the world:
You think about transmitting outward:
"I'm going to affect the world from my outgoing signal."
That isn't the way it works.
You affect the world by achieving the vibration that brings the signals to you. You create a nucleus that Universe has to respond around.
That is how you are the creator.



Arad, Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I'm trying to deeper understand the blessing of "Destruction"
(see Stacey's e-mail on August 1, and see Jeremiah in the right frame, and see now on August 18-19, 2011)

the destruction of Jerusalem first in the year 70 and finally in the year 133,
even the name of Jerusalem was exchanged by the Romans to "Aelia Capitolina"
On the exterior level, the cause of the destruction was "sin'at hinam", "hatred without reason",
as the Sages said,
and the horrid internal terror of the terrorists of that time,
together with Rabbi Akiba's "error" - as someone called it in an interview about Tish'a be-Av,
since he misinterpreted Bar Kochba ["son of star"] as "the Messiah"
[The Sages called him "Bar-Koziba" "son of lie" ...].
[see in Center for online Judaic Studies: Jerusalem Talmud Ta’anit 4:6 (68d-69a): Rabbi Akiva and Bar Kokhba
and see my ominous sculpture in English about what I see as the HOlOCAUST of BETAR, in the year 133 A.D.!!!
If I consider the blooming of Jewish thought after those fatal, final catastrophes,
when Israel suddenly "could do without" the "security" of the temple and Jerusalem,
then I must say, that the destruction was only the last "staging" to pull Israel from the swamp of the biq'ah
[See puzzle piece 11 and my interpretation [which follows Ibn Ezra] of the "Babel-Scattering" in Genesis 11]
(in that TV-interview I also heard , that R. Akiba said something like this::
why are you crying for Mikwas, the strength for purification lies in yourselves).

Only after the destruction could Israel reconnect to their source.

Can it be, that Akiba was - on a metaphysical level -
staging himself as accelerating the destruction for this reason?
He, the wisest of men, who amazes me time and again by knowing "reality" as only now we start to see it,
like the sentence in Pirke Avot, which I came across today (see bio-testimony 6, p. 361) ???
And the same then must be true for King Josia, "the best of kings", as Kings II, 23:25 sees him?

"And like unto him was there no king before him,
that turned to the LORD with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his might,
according to all the law of Moses; neither after him arose there any like him. "

[See my discussion about King Josia and Rabbi Akiba - with Boris on July 10, 2011 in 2008_08_07]
For at that time, too, - i.e. 700 years earlier - the people were drowning in their security-obsession,
which even included slaughtering their firstborns!
Their emotional aims were:
- while inside society and inside their hearts - no man was "self-determined"! Leave alone a woman!...

Of course, these are only examples of all the unfathomable destructions in humankind's history.
The question remains - can it be, that the wisest of people must be the ones who stage the ......?
And are they doing so as a result of their personal denials or "by agreement" on a cosmic level?

See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, and to destroy and to overthrow; to build, and to plant.
Jeremiah 1:10

At one instant I may speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up and to break down and to destroy it;
but if that nation turn from their evil, because of which I have spoken against it, I repent of the evil that I thought to do unto it
And at one instant I may speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it;

Jeremiah 18:7-9

And it shall come to pass, that like as I have watched over them to pluck up and to break down, and to overthrow and to destroy, and to afflict; so will I watch over them to build and to plant,
Jeremiah 31:27

As a contrast to these my troublesome ponderings about destruction,
information reached me about wondrous professional - construction!

In my mail box I found a letter from an unknown address, but just while clicking "spam", I discerned another name: Peter Senge.
This name sounded familiar. I put it into my own "search", and see what I came up with: "Noah's Ark, my project in summer 2003"!
And ~~~~~~~
"My vision of Palestine becoming the planet's first "NSOL","
i.e. "National Society of Organizational Learning".

How on earth did they reach me? Perhaps they "googled" for
"Peter Senge" on all kinds of websites?

I like their logo as well as the capital letters of the name of their organization: SoL, which means "Sun"

Though I no longer participate in "exterior manifestations", I want to strengthen "SoL",
at least by editing and inserting their invitation for developing
"strategies and practices"
in three realms of present humanity on present earth: Health, Sustainability and Leadership

Arad-Shoham, Thursday, August 11, 2011

Today's response to a letter from Martin Kasper, the widower of my sister, in Germany - about Immanuel's "Outing" on Israel's TV.
"Wieso muss es Gluehlampe und nicht Gluehbirne heissen?
Im Hebraeischen hat unser Spracherneuerer, Eliezer ben Yehuda,
das Wort "Nurah" erfunden, abgeleitet von dem aramaeischen Wort "Nur" fuer Licht (Licht im Hebraeischen ist "Or" - gleich am Anfang der Schoepfungsgeschichte).

Ist es gut gegangen in Polen mit Wolfgang's Segelflugwettkamp (deutsche Sprache - 4 Worte in einem....)?

Wir sind in einen langwaehrenden Wettkampf verwickelt:
die show "Masterchef", die es sicher bei Euch auch gibt.
Immanuel ist von einem El-Al Kollegen vorgeschlagen worden, da die Produktion an einem Piloten interessiert war.
Sie muessen ja nicht nur die Qualitaet des Kochens beurteilen,
sondern vor allem ein Drama inszenieren, das durch "interessante" Schauspieler zustandekommt.
Immanuel, der Schuechterne, outet (dies Wort habt Ihr wohl aus dem Englischen eingefuehrt) sich also.
Nach 5 "auditions" im Fernsehn, gab es nun schon zwei, in denen er "auftrat".
10000 Kandidaten begannen, und gestern (im Fernsehn, in der REalitaet geschah das schon vor Wochen)
wurden aus den 28 Allerausgewaehltesten (ich erlaube mir auch was mit der Deutschen Sprache..)
die Vierzehn des eigentlichen teams bestimmt, und Immanuel ist dabei.
Waehrend der Zubereitung der besonderen Tomatensuppe,
die er als 12-jaehriger von seiner Mutter gelernt zu haben behauptet,
erzaehlte er vor aller Welt (was Gott-sei-Dank zwischen uns vorher abgesprochen war),
dass er der Enkel sei von einerseits einem der groessten juedischen Denker der Moderne, Franz Rosenzweig,
und andererseits eines deutschen Nazi-Soldaten, der eine Stadt judenrein machen wollte.
Das letztere kam aus einem Missverstaendnis:
Es gibt ein Photo, das mein Vater gemacht hat, "Riga nach einem Bombenangriff: Juden muessen aufraeumen".
Ich klebte es vor vielen Jahren neben ein Gedicht, das ich 1983 machte angesichts eines "Herkules" Flugzeugs,
das - entlang des Strandes von Tel-Aviv - ueber mir in der Luft flog.
Immanuel war kurz vor dem Abschluss seiner Armee-Ausbildung
(auch dort begann es - sehe ich jetzt - mit Tausenden von Anwaertern,
aus denen etwa 350 Kandaten fuer geeignet gehalten wurden.
Nur 20 wurden Piloten bei der Israelischen Luftwaffe,
und Immanuel - gluecklicherweise (das sah er erst spaeter so) -
hielt man ihn nicht geeignet als Kampfpilot, und auch den Herkules durfte er nicht fliegen,
sondern nur kleinere Flugzeuge, die fuer Transport und fuer Erkundungfluege benutzt werden.
Spaeter war er auch lange Ausbilder auf solchen Flugzeugen,
und heute fliegt er sie immer noch - im Reservedienst - mindestens einmal in der Woche.

Nochmals zum gestrigen Programm - Efrat rief waehrend einer Werbepause an - sie wuerden viele SMSs bekommen, u.a. ein zynisch-humoristisches von Ronnit, sie wuerde Mika, wenn sie in die erste Klasse kaeme (das ist schon im September), "behandeln" [sie ist ja u.a. Gruppen-Psychologin und arbeitet u.a. mit Kindern].
Wohl in Erinnerung an ihr eigenes Trauma; die Kinder haben sie mit "Nazi" gehaenselt, nachdem ich zum ersten Mal - 1975 - im Fernsehn erschienen bin.

Vielleicht hast Du Lust, Immanuel wenigstens zu sehen, wenn auch nicht zu verstehen, das folgende link fuehrt Dich zu einem Ausschnitt direkt mit ihm .

Der Ausschnitt erscheint fuer die Leute, die das Rezept, das er hier improvisiert hat, vorfuehrt, sowohl im video, als unter dem video in einer ausfuehrlichen Tabelle. Wenn Du auf den Pfeil des videos drueckst, kommt erst eine Werbung, und dann sieht man, wie einer der vier Richter Immanuel nach seinem Flug aus London ueberrascht und ihn sofort in die Stadt Rishon-le-Zion faehrt, zur audition inmitten der Stadt .
Vielleicht sind auch Regina und ihre Familie an dieser Geschichte interessiert.
Uebrigens Euch darf ich es ja verraten: Immanuel ist - hinter den Kulissen - inzwischen unter den 5 Besten, aber die TV shows , wo dann - live - ueber den eigentlichen "Masterchef" entschieden wird, beginnen erst am 24. September."

Immanuel during cooking in yesterday's "Masterchef" show:
"I, Immanuel Rosenzweig, 48, father of four, El-Al pilot,
am the grandson of Franz Rosenzweig and Siegfried Guth.
Franz Rosenzweig is an influential German-Jewish thinkers of the 20th century.
Siegfried Guth was a German Nazi soldier, who wanted to clean a town from Jews.
I wonder what the two of them are thinking of their grandson,
while they - somewhere - watch him flying and cooking in Israel."

During a commercial Efrat called me and told, that among many SMSs
there was one - sad/humorous - from Immanuel's sister:
"When Mika will be in first grade (next september) , I'll take care of treating her!"
(She is a group-psychologist and works also with children).
She talked from her trauma as a 10 year old pupil, called "Nazi" by her mates,
after her mother had appeared on TV for the first time (concerning "Partnership")/
Coincidence: right after "Masterchef", a new "Jewish-Israeli Comedy" was shown.
Just when I decided that I wasn't interested, just in that moment! it turned out,
that the pretty girl, brought by a family member to the traditional Shabbat-dinner, was not "Dutch", but "Deutsch".
Though not seriously but humorously -
part of the family from then on referred to her as "the Nazi girl"....

My father, my pilot-son's grandfather, as a soldier in Riga/Russia
wrote on the back of a photo, he made on July 4, 1941:
"Juden muessen aufraeumen" - "Jews must clean up".
Immanuel understood this as: The town must be cleaned from Jews.

"Abraham" [1998], e-mail quote on August 11, 2011

Whether it is a castle or a button,

if you are using it as your object of attention,

it is summoning Life Force.

It is the feel of the Life Force

that life is about.

The reason that you are summoning it

is inconsequential
See my family 3 years ago - on the SongGame page , on which I intended to insert tonight's new song,
inspired by a passage from "A new pattern of manifestations", which I read aloud on my digital recorder:
"The time you take to just "be" with your creations,
is the time you spend in the eternal love of Source.

Only after you express and manifest Gratitude and Joy for the perfection of your Creation,
you are ready to create again.

Remember how the Creator said "it is good"
[Genesis 1] after every "day" of creation,
and then moved on to the next day?"
[Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn]
And these are the 2 stanzas which attached themselves to the tune of "It's not up to you to complete the work": Listen to the triple song!
"The time you take to just be with your creations,
is the time you spend
in the eternal love of source, in the eternal love."

14:00 I want to complete this page (maximum weight: 1300 kb!) with a passage from Godchannel,
which I came across now and desire to internalize more and - hopefully - apply more!

It is not my denials of the Mother or her essence that is the problem.
The problem is my denials of myself
and the resulting self-hatred that has been projected onto the Mother.
"The distinctions between Deity and humans are very slight,
and amount to matters of level and degree, rather than essence.
We both have four major elements of essence, Spirit, Will, Heart and Body.
We each are fragmented,
and we each tend to identify with only one fragment or element at a time.
As Deity comes more fully into the balance of wholeness and self-acceptance,
humans can as well.
Speaking for Deity,
it is our desire to have companionship,
not as fragments of a whole relating with each other as we have,
but as a whole relating with peers.
Deity and humans, we're on a journey together.
Let us remain open to each other and respect our present limitations.
They are temporary."



Shoham, Friday, August 12, 2011

Your car is German.
Your vodka is Russian.
Your pizza is Italian.
Your kebab is Turkish.
Your democracy is Greek.
Your coffee is Brazilian.
Your movies are American.
Your tea is Tamil.
Your shirt is Indian.
Your oil is Saudi Arabian.
Your electronics are Chinese.
Your numbers Arabic,
your letters Latin.

And you complain
that your neighbor is an immigrant?
I'm thinking and re-thinking about that "Archangel singsong"!
What does it mean: "your creations"?
Even if I understand "creations" in an expanded sense, i.e. -
all the situations and scenes which I live through and master,
- there are many moments, minutes, even hours during a day,
which cannot be called "situations", leave alone "creations"

I, therefore, complement the second stanza
by [with?] an alternative focus:

"The time you take to just be with your FEELINGS,
is the time you spend
in the eternal love of source, in the eternal love."


Continue to "Heaven-to-Earth-4"