The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Back to Overview of all sculptures in the fourfold library of "InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness"




InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Nourishment from Others
December 24-31, 2011: enriched by more nourishment-
last page on Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2011

Shabbat, 2007_10_27

Briefe einer Liebe
The Heart is Awake - Love Letters
written 1930, three years before the horror of the Nazis took over Germany

By Mervyn B. Kennicott, first published in R. Wunderlich Verlag, 338 pages
[repeated search in "Google" yields no info except the years of 8 publications between 1934 and 1967]



Updated on December 24, 2010 and - "by chance" - also on December 24, 2011 - and again on April 27, 2012

August 18, 1978
(see context of my diary)

At the end of a 3 1/2 hours one-way-session during the workshop with Harvey Jackins in Pontiland, near New-Castle, North-England, I forced Don Stokes to write something, so as to counter his fear of writing.

The result was not nearly as expressive as his talk, but his own handwriting in my diary was certainly a promising beginning.

The contract between us says:
"I, Don, shall not open a single book for 3 months (to counter his frozen need for information), instead I'll write at least one page a day, whatever."

"Today I experienced the joy of entering into a new relationship with myself and my World. With Rachel as my guide I went back through time and space to discover the source of my pain. This did not prove difficult for as we covered the course of my life (like a time machine running backward) huge areas of scar tissue stood out, raw and ugly, throbbing with their distress. Gently, and with infinite skill and patience my Rachel encouraged me to approach them. In the presence of such horror I felt overwhelmed and unable to defend myself from their menace, but my Rachel urged me on and her love proved sufficient for the task. With many false starts and stumbles we approached the danger zones, scraped out the parasitic growths which inhabited them and mopped up the mess with huge quantities of tears and joyful laughter. When we came back to present time, the world had undergone a transformation. The grass was so much greener, the sky was clear and the World was filled with a golden light which made it possible for the first time for me to see the reality of my being and that of others. Words cannot convey the love I feel in my heart for my Rachel, but they do not need to, for she knows already. Don."

Our vow: 19/8/78, 5.15 AM, "From this moment on we, Don and Rachel, solemnly promise to each other that - no matter what the cost in time, effort or pain, we will be the champions of human  D I G N I T Y  .This will be the rationale of our love, the confirmation of our love, the expression of our love. When we fall over, we get up, dust ourselves down and keep moving forward."
[On April 11, 1980, after a visit with Mona of Naftali and Liora in Jerusalem, I added to the word "DIGNITY" : "including my own ".
March 9, 2011: I think I never had a problem with being a champion for other people's dignity, but my own dignity... there I'm still attracting triggers, which point out holes in my wholeness that want to heal...]

Don's Farewell
: "There is nothing to be added to the words we have said, there are only things to be done! And maybe the things we'll do will unite us in the future."


October 27, 2007, Shabbat Morning

My eyes fell on the box with cuttings, many cuttings, at the side of my bed.
Two years ago, when I started to re-read the book for the umptiest time,
and to do with it, what I do with other books in order to minimize my material belongings,
- save only those passages which are still relevant for me, and discard the rest, -
I didn't know, that almost every single page of the book was still relevant for me,
and sometimes even more than ever.

The cut pages or passages are not ordered, and so the first page on top of the heap was:

p.357-358 [Ben to Monna]

aushalten ueber Dich zu sprechen - ich wollte nichts lieber! Denn es war so viel zu sagen, dass man es allein bei sich selber nicht mehr aushielt.

Oder war doch noch schoener, am allerschoensten das wunderbare Glueck des Erinnerns an den Morgen, ehe sie alle kamen und Dich mir fortnahmen - den Morgen an dem wir allein waren, wir Beide allein und einander so genug, die ganze Welt und das unergruendliche Herz einander fuellend, nur wir Beide! Weisst Du noch - - - mit dieser Frage hebt es alles immer wieder an.

Dein kleiner Ring, so spielerisch in meine Joppentasche gesteckt, damals am Gletscherbach, muss weiter darin bleiben, "Zum Aufheben" - nicht mehr und nicht weniger - Rueckgabe oder gar Austausch gegen einen von mir lehntest Du ab, Gebieterin! - mit lachenden Augen und ernsthaftem Mund. Wenn Du nicht so vollkommen bezauberned waerst und jeden Blutstropfen in mir selig machtest, wenn Du mich nur ansiehst, dann waere sehr viel daruber zu sagen - aber so ist nichts zu sagen. Du haeltst alles in Deinen Haenden.

Und Dein letzter Brief - das ist mein Brevier, aus dem ich Sammlung und Andacht schoepfe, es ist mir darin noch staerker bewusst geworden als vorher; Du beschaemst wie Morgenroete - Du waermespendendes, aufgehendes Licht!

Ich bin mit mir ins Gericht gegangen - ich muss dir krass egoistisch vorkommen, ich verdiene es nicht, dass Du mich Freund nennst! - - ich versage hier, wo ich ganz anders standhalten muesste in dem "Engpass" - ach Monna! Das ist es ja - ich kann ueberhaupt nicht mehr wandern, so richtig vernuenftig Schritt vor Schritt - mein Herz will das Wort Freund von Deinen Lippen hoeren, aber es durstet nach dem Wort "Geliebter" - es durstet, Monna! Es kann in seinem ungestuemen Glueck und seiner Not nicht mehr vernueftig seine Strasse ziehen, es moechte
auffahren mit Fluegeln wie Adler -


April 27, 2012 - This is a song now,
which should soon appear on


Aber es hat mir einen siedend heissen Schreck gegeben, dass ich zu viel an mich selber denke und nicht ausschliesslich genug nur an Dich, Geliebteste! Nur an das, was fuer Dich das Beste ist. Davon kann ich gar nicht los --- Gott behuete Dich --- Gute Nacht! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B.


1978 , North-England, during a Healing Workshop (Co-Counseling).
Not my first love, but the one that during the 3 days given to us,
came closest to the love between equal peers I so much desire.

"If I let you dominate me, you would not be able to respect me."

Don Stokes, for 20 years an oppressed taxi-driver,
at that time - in 1978 - a scholarship student in theology.
The feeling of having found my equal may have been an illusion.
It was the situation of working together in mutual support,
alternating between acting as supporter and as supportee.

Real equality I experienced only with a woman, 16 years my junior.
I'll show her images later in this - hopefully ongoing - re-creation of
Her name was "Mona", pronounced "Monna",
just like the name of the woman in these letters...

December 21, 2010, It's a "love-ly" coincidence, that I came across the letter of Don,
who was, as I saw it then and see it now, the "advance payment" of a lover - for 4 days! 
We were not alone, we were not allowed "to do that", and we knew, we had no future.
But 3 months after our RC workshop at Pontiland/Newcastle in North England, in Nov. 1978
he wrote things
[in an airletter which I glued into my handwritten diary] that touch me on this sad day:

"... Arabs and Jews, and I am reminded
that people lean on strong ones so much -
yet seldom realizing just how much that powerful one also needs love and reassurance-

No doubt you have many friends who remind you of your powerful personality,
your strengths - your 'charismatic' charm and vibrant presence -
All these qualities I of course also know and remember so clearly from Ponteland,
but most of all I remember
the lover, the gentle most passionate whole woman
who loved me with a deep and satisfying completeness
- in a manner I had not known before or since.
Who holds you when you are hurt by the pain of your problems, Rachel?
Who reassures you when those whom you love appear to be indifferent,

who carasses you when your heart is breaking with the need to be loved in a gentle giving manner?
Why am I writing like this to you? am I trying to make you feel sad? No!
I want you to know this when you are feeling lost and vulnerable, unloved and misunderstood,
when people lean on you
[end of glued page]
[another part of the airletter]

fear to be weak because so much depends on your being strong
Remember then my Rachel why I love you and
that    I   understand   you.
(these 3 words are underlined)

I see the real Rachel,
the woman who has the in[finite?] capacity both to love and be loved
Hold fast to your commitment not to let me sink beneath my 'writing'chronic
(he means his pattern of believing that he was not capable of writing)
You are never without one who understands the real you - and loves you for (?) you - Don.

In copying this - and managing to decypher difficult words - I feel a new feeling!
Why is it, that this letter was shown to me now, during these difficult days?
And has it to do with the very, very strange fact,
that a week ago - when I suddenly missed my 2 passports
(it turned out that they were with my son)-
I discovered the lost chain with the heart and amethyst, lost since my return from Ireland?
I must have turned my handbag inside-out ever so many times.
So how come, it suddenly was there, in that one and only handbag?
Is it true, that I am allowed to now recede from grandmotherhood to a certain degree
and focus on the love of which I dream and which no longer seems to be out of reach?
Am I allowed not only to imagine it and desiring it and believing in it with all my heart,
and remembering ever more details from the last 26 years
which prove, that indeed, He is the chosen one,
but to actually "empty " my life of grandmotherhood for Him -
no, of freeing more space - not all of the space - but more space for the love I want to live?

Is Mika's Heaven-on-Earth no longer a show
in which I'm sometimes an actress and most of the time a watcher,
but can I now create my own Heaven-on-Earth, my personal, individual Heaven-on-Earth
as part of my contribution to evolution,
the contribution of : "in order to feel better, you have to learn to become better at feeling?"
Haven't I learnt to feel? Am I not truly experienced and "proficient" at feeling now?
Despite some situations, where I only manage to "survive" and wish "it all to be over?"
I must think of this now! thank you, Don Stokes!
you were for 20 years a humiliated taxi-driver, humiliated by women like me,
who only think about their own interest of saving money and blame you for needing to earn it.
These two issues in my scenario -
letting go of my money-sacrificing pattern and attracting deep mutual love,
in addition to using the triggers from my daughter-in-love
to heal even more my need "to do it right", to be considered "righteous",
this is what I have to focus on
on this day of winter-solstice and lunar eclipse,
3 days before Christmas, 10 days before the end of 2010,
one day after the fifth birthday of Mika!


Hôtel des Avants [Geneva],
Donnerstag Abend den 31. Juli 1930

Mein geliebter Ben, der Tag mit Dir - auch der ganze Nachmittag war doch Tag mit Dir, doppelt erlebt im Kreise der anderen - war zu schoen fuer Worte. Ich bin einfach schattenlos gluecklich. Es stimmte so gut zueinander, der Vormittag zu zweien - und der Nachmittag.

Ann ist oben geblieben und wir haben, auch meine men folk, mit ihr noch heftig und lustig diskutiert. Sie ist so gescheit und hat eine so frische Intelligenz. Das tut uns allen gut. Sie hat Lust , im Winter nach Berlin zu kommen, wenn ich da bin. Wir wollen die grosse Arbeit, fuer die wir hier Material gesammelt haben, vielleicht zusammen machen. Sie fuer Nord-Amerika. Das waere sehr nuetzlich.

Reading just half a page I was rightaway and deeply impressed
by the integration of ardent love and ardent care for "the World"
experienced and written by a German woman,
and an English man born from a German mother,
at the most crucial point in history:
2 years before the Tausendjaehrige Reich of the Fuehrer Hitler
in the country, into which I let myself be born - in August 1938,
3 months before the "Reichskristallnacht" on November 9, 1938
which was the opening of the holocaust mass-murder in history,
against the people into which I have grown since January 1959,
and to which now belong my 3 children + my 10 grand-children.

It only took 2 min. of reading, when my heart and mind jumped:
I want to dedicate this and every following free Shabbat,
to re-documenting this ardent love and this ardent care
And it suddenly dawns on me,
that the letters k.i.s.s. = "keep it simple, sweetheart!"
may be a secret code for the real meaning of K I S S :
The final healing will occur by a kiss of sensual love! 

It was
- out of all people - my mother who brought the book into my life:
When I was 12 or 13 she asked for it as ... a C h r i s t m a s - g i f t,
and I, indeed, discovered it at a second hand bookstore.
I don't recall, at what time the book began to touch me,
or when it came into my own possession,
but just as it took a long time,
till those two lovers felt that they and the time were ripe
to consummate their love in Body and in living together,
it took me 50 years to see 'a sign' in this two-fold love.
It was the love between two mature, "whole" humans,
who so much cared for the nations
which would soon be at war,
a sign, that my desire for
"immediate peers in healing"
(an expression from "A Letter from God to Those Doing the Healing Work")

will be fulfilled!
Ardent sensual love will not interfere with ardent care for the World,
but on the contrary:
the self-healing will be enhanced and - if at all possible - be completed,
and through it the care for the World will cause the healing of the World.




...Kreis ist immer so muehelos auf sich selbst eingespielt und - ganz unabsichtlich-geschlossen. Ihr bildet doch - Du natuerlich nicht, Ben, - eine Art von seelischer Autarkie, Ihr braucht die Anderen gar nicht, und vor allem mit uns [Deutschen] koennt Ihr eigentlich nicht viel anfangen. Mit uns kann jetzt keiner viel anfangen! Manchmal fuehlt man diese ganze amorphe Masse der ungenuetzten und irgendwie dumpf werdenen deutschen Kraefte wie eine schwere Last auf der Seele. Es ist schon etwas vom "Atem erstickter Titanen"



1996, temporary parking at the Alpacca-Farm near Mitzpe-Ramon,
between my time of creating "Succah in the Desert" and "Sinai".

[in my "search" I find many times "Alpacca-Farm" but also "Alpaca Farm"]
Spring 1994 in Bruxelles: "You must accept that we are not equal!"
David Troim, Ph.D. in philosophy, computer-expert at a big bank.
5 years and 7 months were given to us to grow and heal and love.

[See now,  on March 13, 2012,  about our beginnings - within   "My SaltSea Springs"]
The reason for needing to part - a process which took us 20 months,
was not that the truth which we established between us and his wife,
became more and more "selective" and I knew, that this was wrong,

but that love between people who are not equal cannot last.
It is impossible to   "b e c o m e"    equal in time,
like a lower tree cannot grow in the shade of a higher tree.

This is the summary of my repeated painful life-experience .
See more about this great, but not full-filled love


p. 244 [date? who to whom?]

...Du, wie die letzten Worte in dem Antennen-Gedicht -

"Selbst wenn sich der Bauer sorgt und handelt,
wo die Saat in Sommer sich verwandelt,
reicht er niemals hin. Die Erde schenkt."


Aber ob man Erde sein und schenken kann, das ist Schicksal oder christlich gesagt; Gnade, nicht wahr? Vielleicht haben es die Frauen leichter, die ohne viel Ahnung von den grossen Geschehnissen nur einfach "ange du foyer" [angel of the home] sein koennen - nur das "ganz andere', die selige Insel "in Reinkultur".

p. 295
...aber auch nicht nur deshalb, - ein Buch mitschicken, das ich hier zufaellig entdeckte: Flauberts "Education Sentimentale". Diese Madame Arnoux, die "in einer Umgebung verwelkenden Geniessertums ein Leben bluehender Entsagung vollbringt" - so hiess es in der Besprechung, die mich wieder auf das alte Buch aufmerksam machte - ist eine ganz unsterbliche Gestalt. Sie hat wirklich, trotzdem sie, weiss Gott, keine Heilige ist, etwas von dem Laecheln der heiligen Anna um sich.
St.Anna, Leonardo da Vinci, see pp28, 2002_01_06
See the painting together with the quote about it, which I most cherish, in Integration 2001-2003

Ach Ben, dies ist alles Drumherumreden. Ich will ganz einfach bei Dir sein, im Kaminsessel --- ach nein, lieber am See bei dem Maeuerchen, es schlaeft ja laengst alles! Man wuerde die Wellen leise anschlagen hoeren und vielleicht wuerden runde weisse Baelle schlafender Schwaene sich auf ihnen schaukeln. Und auf einmal wuerde eine Moewe, von irgendeiner ploetzlichen geheimen Angst gepackt, mit ihrem merkwuerdig aufzuckenden Schrei mitten unter sie einfallen, und sie wuerden ploetzlich alle mit den Fluegeln schlagen, wie um etwas abzuschuetteln.

Aber es wuerde wieder still werden, und ich wuerde Deinen Arm um meine Schulter fuehlen und Deine Lippen auf meinen Augen - ueber dem uferlosen See - unter dem grenzenlosen Himmel ---- Monna ~~~ Ruf gleich an, und sage, wann Du kommst.

Monna's imagination
of swans and sea-gulls
while sitting at Lake Geneva

Telefongespraech - Le Pré auz Mélèzes-Grand Hôtel des Avants - Mittwoch 9. Juli 1930

Ben: Monna - ich moechte gleich kommen. Aber wenn ich komme, muss ich Dich etwas fragen duerfen.

Monna: Kommen musst Du, Ben. Aber fragen - ? Jetzt fragen?

Ben: Die Frage der Fragen.

Monna: Ben - - Du hast mir im Sonntagsbrief geschrieben - von den Lebensforderungen "als Schranke" - - das hast Du gesagt von einem Menschen, der noch ganz am Anfang steht, ganz nur sich selbst verpflichtet ist. Waere das so bei mir - Du haettest keine Fragen. Aber gilt es - ach Ben ! das verdammte Telefon - - gilt es nicht fuer einen der mitten im Leben - nicht mehr allein - sein Teil der anderen mittragen muss? Und nicht nur das - man gehoert doch hin - - - - wenn es am schwersten wird, Ben ! - - Musst Du fragen?

Ben: Monna - - - -

Monna: Du bist doch ein Baum, gepflanzet an den Wasserbaechen, Ben. Das habe ich Dir doch immer gesagt. Es ist doch niemals "nur noch Forderndes" in Dir? - - Das steht alles in Deinem Sonntagsbrief. Ich lese ihn oft - - Aber Du kommst, Liebster, nicht wahr/ Bestimmt!

Ben: Ich komme, Monna.


April 27, 2012 - This is a song now,
which should soon appear on


Le Pré auz Mélèzes-Grand Hôtel des Avants, Donnerstag Abend 10. Juli 30

Lieb - - ich habe mich gezwungen, nicht zu schreiben bis heute, aber ein Brief muss in Deinem Zimmer liegen, wenn Du jetzt - in einer Stunde - herunterkommst zu Constance. Dann sehe ich den Lichtschein in Deinen Fenstern und weiss, dass er Dir sagt, was ich nicht kann! -
Den Maedeln war es einfach nicht abzuschlagen, dass sie Dich herunterholten, ich liess sie also ziehen - der Kleinwagen ist ja leicht zu steuern. Ich mag nicht, wenn andere Leute Dich fahren - ein Zeichen fortschreitender Aufloesung, nicht wahr!

Aber nein - ich loese mich nicht auf, ich halte mich ganz eisern zusammen, so, wie Du es haben willst! Wenn Du es mir so sagst - so vor mir stehst auf den Fuss-spitzen, was ich so schrecklich gern mag - dann kannst Du alles haben wollen was Du willst. Auf den Fuss-spitzen, das bedeutet - Du reichst mir ja bis an die Schulter, das habe ich nun ganz genau festgestellt, - aber auf den Fuss-spitzen, das bedeutet Deine Arme um meinen Hals und den Kuss, nach dem es wieder tagelang weitergeht - tagelang, mit Pferdekraeften! - - -

Ich habe seit der Rueckkehr von Dir gestern Abend mich nur gastlich betaetigt. Semmele und Guy [two child-guests, about 12 years old] sind nur fuer mich zu sprechen in der Garage, zum Glueck gibt es zwei, sonst waeren Kollisionen mit dem Schoffoer. Sie bemalen die Waende mit Ranken und exotischem Getier, d.h. Semmele malt und Guy mischt Farben in Stalleimern. Es geht aus dem Vollen. Auf dem Boden steht das Grammophon, Semmele hoch oben auf der Leiter, sie braucht Musik um zur vollen Inspiration zu kommen. Ist die Platte abgelaufen, so laeuft sie eilends die Leiter herab, zieht auf, rennt wieder hinauf und pinselt ekstatisch. Dort ist alles in Ordnung.

Wir segelten den ganzen Morgen, Tom und Dick Spender leben ganz auf dem Wasser. Ich goenne ihnen allen dies Ferienparadies - es ist ja wirklich einzig schoen. Ich habe aber Schneehunger - ach ja, mit Dir dort hinauf!- Nur die grosse Beteiligung finde ich schlimm - oder ist das auch "gegen die Verabredung?" -

Etwas sehr Gutes: Duncan Macalister kommt als Guys Hauslehrer zu uns. Er kann das leicht neben seinem Studium an der Universitaet mitmachen und versteht es ausgezeichnet mit dem Jungen. Damit bin ich sehr beruhingt ueber den Winter fur Guy. -

Ach Meine - ! Sehe ich Dich wieder in Deinem weissen Kleid heute Abend unter den Rosen auf dem Altan, mit all den frohen Mensch, Du strahlende, Du Warme! ~~~~~~~ Dein B.


(I put an old casette on play , while preparing my breakfast porridge,
and was taken by this song (John Denver),
especially the first line,
which then is exemplified by all the nature scenes.

You fill up my senses
Like a night in the forest
Like the mountains in springtime
Like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in the desert
Like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses
Come fill me again

Come let me love you
Let me give my life to you
Let me drown in your laughter
Let me die in your arms
Let me lay down beside you
Let me always be with you
Come let me love you
Come love me again

Let me give my life to you
Come let me love you
Come love me again

[see several youtube videos - like this one]:

How extraordinary this "You fill up my senses~~come fill me again" is,
can be seen by contrast in the German translation
(see the beautiful images of the video - below)
"Du erfuellst meine Gefuehle".
Though there is the word "Sinne" for "senses",
it isn't exactly the same,
and the translator chose the word "Gefuehle", which means "feelings".
The physical, sensual "being full-filled" gets lost !

You fill up my senses

Like a night in a forest

Like a mountain in springtime


Châlet des Cygnes [swan-castle], Donnerstag nachts 10.Juli 30.

Dieses Zimmer, mein einzig Geliebter, ist ganz unmoeglich. Was hat sich nur Constance gedacht, dass sie mir ein Zimmer gab, von dem aus ich den Lichtschein von Deinem Turm sehen kann? Dem Turm, in ich in Dresden wirklich Naechte hindurch gewesen bin, Ben, bei Dir! Ich werde Dir nie sagen koennen wie sehr!! Und jetzt soll ich hier sitzen in dem Schein zwischen den Rossenranken und Deinem Brief vor mir, in Du mir gehorchst und - siehst Du, jetzt fallen wirklich meine Traenen auf das Papier - noch nie in meinem Leben hast so ein sentimentales Dokument wo anders als im Papierkorb oder im Kamin geendet. Aber Du sollst dies wissen, Geliebet! es ist viel schlimmer fuer mich von uns bedien.

Ich kann diesen Schein einfach nicht sehen, in den dieSchattenbilder der Rosen hineinfallen. Vielleicht bist Du nur so lange noch oben, wie es hier bei mir hell ist. Ich will Dich nicht quaelen - ach Du - ich Dich quaelen!! Ich weiss jeden Ausdruck, Ben, der heute Abend ueber Deine geliebten Zuege gegangen ist - alles kommt wieder zu mir .-----

Jetzt habe ich eine Stunde hier im Dunkeln gewartet, dass es bei Dir auch dunkel wuerde. Wir reiten doch morgen bei Sonnenaufgang - geh doch schlafen, Ben, Gott behuete Dich - Liebster, Liebster! Aber es ist hell geblieben. Es ist immer noch hell! Ich kann nichts weiter sehen as den Schein. Ich weiss nicht, was Du tust, ich weiss nur, dass Du wach bist. Jeden Abend, jede Nacht seit Wochen bin ich zum Gutenachtsagen in Deinen Turm gekommen. Ich hatte das Gefuehl: leibhaftiger als der Mensch, der auf dem Balkon ueber den Akazienbueschen zurueck blieb. Alles war bei Dir, was ich war! Und jetzt soll ich hier sitzen und zu dem Lichtschein hinuebersehen nach dem ABend von ferne unter einem Dutzend Menschen - das ist doch unmoeglich. Aber darf ich kommen, zu einem Gutenachtkuss, ohne den kein Tag endete - darf ich kommen, nachdem ich dies verlangt habe? Ich glaube ich kann nicht anders ! Einmal traeumte mir: vielleicht ist die Tuer zur Terrasse noch offen! - - Vielleicht ist die Tuer zur Terrasse noch offen!......

p. 300
Le Pré auz Mélèzes-Grand Hôtel des Avants, Donnerstag nachts 10. Juli 30

.....Monna - die verhallenden Stimmen klingen noch aus dem Garten herauf, es verteilt sich alles auf seine Zimmer hueben und drueben. Von mir hat keiner mehr etwas gewollt, gottlob, ich muss hier oben noch ein wenig sitzen und nachdenken. Nachdenken und Briefeschreiben an Dich ist eins und dasselbe geworden - ich habe die Ergebnisse bisher auch immer noch vor Deine Augen gebracht - Du Suesse! Denn was nicht unmittelbar mit Dir geteilt werden konnte, das war eigentlich ueberhaupt nicht! So bin ich verwoehnt - so unenthaltsam bin ich geworden. Aber jetzt muss doch vielleicht wirklich die alte Lade noch in Gebrauch genommen werden - in die ich meine lebendigen Briefe einsargen kann bis einmal wieder - - ach ich will ganz still und vernuenftig sein! Du bist da - und jeder Tag ist Geschenk und Gnade. Wenn Du wieder fort bist - denn ich muss mir das ja nun vorstellen - dann wird Zeit sein, sich auszudenken, was mit den unzaehligen Briefen, die geschrieben werden wollen und vielleicht nicht duerfen - geschehen soll. Soll ich einen unerhoerten Versuch...

Like a walk in the rain

Monna often wrote from Dresden, Weisser Hirsch, [photo: end of 19th century]

Montreux (22000 inhabitants today) at the Lake of Geneva,
the opposite end of Geneva

Earth from Space: Montreux, Switzerland (see article of April, 2007!!!)

p. 276-277

Weisser Hirsch (Dresden?), Mittwoch den 25. Juni 1930

Geliebter, eben ist der Arzt fort und er hat unsrem Vorschlag mit Les Avants zugestimmt. Es geht Juergen [her brother] ueberhaupt relativ gut. Man merkt jetzt doch ein wenig die Veraenderung. Wir machen Saziergaenge und sind heute frueh in die Heide geritten. Um so mehr aber fuehlen wir nun doch das etwas Erschlaffende des Klimas in dieser Jahreszeit, von dem natuerlich keine Erfrischung ausgehen kann. Wr werden am Montag fahren, denke ich, und erst einmal oben ins Grand Hotel gehen. Wirst Du nach Montreux kommen, Ben? Das waere so schoen. Ich gehe natuerlich zunaechst mit hinauf. constance habe ich geschrieben; vielleicht kann ich mich dann in der zweiten Haelfte der Woche einmal unten in GEnf umsehen. Holst Du mich dann oben ab? Du koenntest doch schon ein wenig eher heraufkommen - ach Ben, Du koenntest doch gleich mit oben bleiben, wenn Du uns in Montreux abholst, und wir koennten nach zwei oder dei Tagen zusammen hinunterfahren. Ist es schlimm, dass ich so im Voraus ueber Dich verfuegen will? Aber ich kann die Vorstellung nicht gut aushalten, wenn ich Dich jetzt wieder habe - ich schreibe ganz bewusst und im denkbar vollsten Sinne des Wortes: habe, Liebster! - nach ein paar Stunden schon wieder Abschied nehmen zu sollen. Dazu waren diese Wochen zu lang! Und Juergen freut sich auf Dich. Du wirst ihn gleich viel besser aus allem losreissen, was hier noch viel zu nahe ist fuer jemanden, der zur Zeit doch nichts tun kann. Und im uebrigen verlasse ich mich auch ganz zuversichtlich auf die Landschaft und male mir aus, wie es sein wird, wenn die eine Waagschale der Sorge immer leichter werden wird und die andere des Liebesglueckes sich immer schwerer fuellt, in langen Tagen und Naechten, Geliebter!

Guy hat mir seine snapshots gescickt. Ich danke ihm heute noch. Eine ganze Kollektion, die ich in der Reihenfolge, wie ich sie gern habe, aufeinandergelegt habe, das liebste kommt zuletzt, und in Abstaenden, ich ich nicht gestehe (denn es gibt doch keine Grenzen fuer das Mass von Primitivitaet, das man dabei fertig bekommt), immer wieder von vorn aufblaettere. Das letzte, das liebste, ist ein Verrat de3s gescheiten Jungen an seinem governor, denn Du hast es selbst nicht gesehen, weil Guy fuerchtete, Du wuerdest ihm sonst nicht erlauben es zu schicken. Es ist beim "pottering", mit einer Schubkarre, dick voll Sachen, die zum Komposthaufen gehen, und mit der Pfeife im Mund. Aber da sind Deine Haende gerade so, wie ich sie so liebe, die Handgelenke gestrafft an den Griffen der Schubkarre und die Haende dadurch so schmal und arisstokratisch gerade in der kraeftigen Umklammerung des groben Holzes. Du musst ihm fuer seine divinatorische Eigenmaechtigkeit Absolution erteilen, Ben. Von mir hat er sie hundertmal.

Ich freue mich so darauf, Dir in Deinem grossen Kreise als dem Hausvater, Vertrauten und Beschuetzer von allen zuzusehen. Es ist eine schoene und sinnvolle Rolle fuer einen Mann, finde ich. Es war diese Rolle - des Hausherrn von Le Pré auz Mélèzes - lieber unvergesslicher Mr. B.F. Tarland, in die ich mich zuerst und unrettbar verliebte. Es war ein ungewohnter Eindruck, beinahe eine Offenbarung, wie selbstverstaendlich so etwas geht. Du musst mir einmal erzaehlen, wie das hinter den Kulissen gemacht wird. Ich bin doch auch so ein wenig Hausfrau. Aber dieser Huebsche Zauber, Ben, der von Dir als Wirt ausging - wie fuellte er sich mit seinem eigentlichen Geheimnis, als Du mir von Guy erzaehltest. Das war fuer mich die Bruecke zum ernsthaften Liebhaben.

Aber davon, "wie alles kam", koennen wir uns noch viel erzaehlen - ich betrachte auf dem Prospekt von Les Avants die wege und die Plaetze, auf denen das sein wird - in wenigen Tagen! und suche mir zu dem Ort und dem Geliebten die Stunden aus, aus den vierundzwanzig, die mir gehoeren werden.
Auf Wiedersehen! "O brich nicht, Steg!" ~~~~Deine M.

You fill up my senses,
Let me always be with you!
Let me lay down beside you,

Let me drown in your laughter (the German translation is bad)

Let me die in your arms

Let me give my life to you

Come, let me love you

Come let me love you - Come love me too

Come fill me again

Of course, it's not my lover, who can fill me in every moment and forever.
But the experience of my senses being filled up by loving and being loved
helps me know what it is I truly desire and then to strive to full-fill this desire.




 to former source of "Nourishment from Others", 2007 and 2011   to next source of "Nourishment from Others"







Arad, Shabbat, December 24, 2011, Fifth Candle of Chanuka:God is Light and Shade

These are a few samples of compositions in the library of "My Enjoying and Growing with Mika"
from SongGame 2007_12_09 (by chance a Chanuka-song) and from Closeups: War & Accident, Summer 2006.
It is an example of experiencing Mika's 6th birthday [Dec.20] not in a linear, but in a spherical way:

The composition above and the composition below (see original) I sent to Mika's parents





Also on December 24, 2011

I so much like it, when I discern
how the reflection of a light is deflected elsewhere - like on a wall, on a ceiling - be it ever so faint.
In this case it is the sun> through the windows>through the red curtain
and then either through the mirrors in the cupboard or from the copper-lamp>
to the ceiling above cupboard and fridge.
I once told, how such a deflected reflection stayed on my screen after I had edited the photo
and it is still there - on my screen - after every opening of the computer, ever since Chanuka 2009
(in this case it was the sun on the roof of my neighbor's car and from there up to the ceiling of my veranda)

8:24 I opened my e-mail, hoping I would find a response from Shoham to the letter and 5 images which I sent,
with the intention to get us back to a "normal" flow of communication, at least via email and perhaps phone.
Yesterday night, while I sat with Micha and his kids on my bed around the candles of Shabbat and Chanuka,
Micha received a call from his brother, who asked, if Micha and Arnon would join him on his bike-ride.

Yet because of the holidays they had "done" their bike-ride already today, Friday,
while tomorrow, Shabbat, he, Micha, would go on a motorbike ride with his friends.

"I'm sitting here opposite our mother!", said Micha.
I understood, that Immanuel didn't relate to that or to me.
But I hoped, it would push him towards a letter-response.

I'm mentioning this feeling of hope and disappointment as "pars pro toto",
= a piece that stands for the totality, in this case a tidal wave of feelings,
which all have to do with the togetherness with Micha, Arnon, Ayelet.
And also with an endless dream, in which I got lost on the way.
When I met a man, happy that at least he spoke my language,
I asked:
"I am lost, but I don't even know how you can help me,
since I lost all orientation concerning where I came from!"

What a dream! For ages I haven't been lost in real life,
except in that same physical sense in the Pyrennees.

Without voice I sang my song:
"When I wake up from a confusing dream,
is my first re-member-ing: I'm in Your space"

and the other song:
"Enwrap me in your feeling ...., free me from all judgment....
for all my joy is in my very feeling

And while twisting, breathing in my bed, I was and am aware of my goal:
to learn to rejoice in all feelings, not only in those for which I'm grate-full.

I opened "Abraham's" daily quote, to see if there was a message for me.

"Abraham" , e-mail quote on December 24,2011

My Attention to Unwanted Can't Defy the Law of Attraction...
If your life has caused you to ask for an   improved   SITUATION —no matter what it is—
and you are no longer offering chronic thought-Vibrations that are opposite of your desire,
your desire must come to you.
But you cannot continue to keep alive within you Vibrational patterns of what you do not want, and receive what you do want. That defies the Law of Attraction.

[from The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

I stopped angrily and while returning to wriggling in my bed,
I felt like defying "Abraham" and asked:
"But what if it's not a "situation" which I want to "improve"!
All my situations, all my circumstances are just as I want them!
This includes the possibility that I won't receive the wished-for response from my son and his wife.
What if my desire is that my very vibrations become accepted by me?"

I shall focus on this one desire throughout this Shabbat,
which is -by chance- also the Eve of the Christian Christmas.
And I want to display a facebook entry of Ibrahim Simaan,
30 years ago  one of my closest partners in "Partnership",
since it shows how to move the eyes from the undesirable
to what can be rejoiced in


I'm thinking of Yehuda Halevi's line and my tune to it

"and I on the back of a ship    am hanging between water and sky     I circle and move"

and this reminds me of a line in the song "You'd be better off I know with another kind of man"
"i'll learn to bend - like a ship without a sail, like a sea without a trail"

And while looking for the "ship between water and sky" on the previous page,
I once more come across
Aluna Joy's sentence:
"We are moving
from manifesting in linear time to manifesting in spherical time.
This affects the way we live and the way we create.
We are learning to create spherically, from multiple directions...
This is the beginning stage of us
manifesting spherically and multi-dimensionally.
This takes multitasking to an entirely new and higher frequency

I ponder again about what I understood some days ago:
The phenomenon
that the memory of what was "uncomfortable" is so much stronger
than the memory of the proportionally much more frequent "good feelings",
is no longer something I am judging as "absurd".
The very fact of the "uncomfortable" feelings -
how ever minimal they are
compared to the objective quantity and quality of the feelings last night -
helps me to think of my children and grandchildren
and radiate my love and caring and desire
for the full-fill-ment of their desires,
If I would feel "whole" and "at peace"
I would not think of my children as much as I do.
This is that new insight of the "goodness" of "war"
which helps us to know ourselves....
I desire to phrase this clearly one day!

I am grateful for the wondrous balance
between being "forced" into interaction which begets intense feelings,
and the al-one-ness in my sanctuary, which allows me

"to take the time to just be with my feelings",
since this is
"the time I spend in the eternal love of source".
Neither too many overwhelming feelings,
nor too few feelings = "peacefulness",
would enable me to full-fill my mission!



So groß war eure Liebe, dass Ihr euch in ein gemeinsames Boot setztet.
Dass ihr bereit wart,
den Schmerz der anderen durch diese Nähe zu spüren.
Ihn mit zu transformieren, Ihn zu eurem zu machen.

On April 26, 2012 Aluna wrote:
EARTH GRID UPDATE, The Star Elders with Aluna Joy, Sedona, AZ, 4-20-2012
....We are finding that we are becoming increasingly unable to cope with the illusions of this world; like injustices, dishonesties, integrity issues, dramas in family and other relationships, and the 3D world not working as expected. [I, Rachel, have been feeling like this since the awakening of my consciousness at the age of 5 1/2. And I am not calling these things "illusions"!] All this is feeling like an endless retrograde situation to us. Again this is a temporary situation. We are feeling these things more prominently now, because we are already IN the new world where these illusions do not exist. Our DNA is learning to balance and reorganize this contradiction of frequencies. The only thing in our way now is our own mind.

After having come to peace with my tidal wave of feelings,
including my acceptance of the lack of response from my son,
I received his response , though mainly to the second gift for Mika, an artful kaleidoscope,
which I wanted her to open only in my absence and after the return of Abba from his flight.

Immanuel Dec. 24, 2011

"Mother, I haven't yet heard Mika's blessings together with her uniting the two flames,
but I must point out that she all the time relates to all , even if not via rituals. As usual, with sensitivity and attention and most of all a sensing which is even scary.
We opened the gift of the kaleidoscop. Amazing by every criterion. I'm not sure that Mika is capable of understanding how special this is. But I can tell, that she likes it very much. She placed it at a save place next to the globe which you gave her
(last year),
(she says,
"this reminds me of a telescope and therefore it fits to be next to the globe").
Tonight we fly to Thailand and return in the coming year (January 1). In between I fly to Israel and right away back to Bangkok, while the girls will be awaiting me in the East. "

Rachel, Dec. 23, 2011


It was the third time, that I followed my Shabbat-routine of walking into the desert,
and again into a new direction -sometimes on a path, sometimes on pathless soil -
towards a new place, from which I could see the SaltSea through the windy haze.
I was listening to the old casette of the songs of "I AM" and "Joy-Spring", 1987,
and felt so moved, so touched, so elated, "out of my mind" and inside my feeling.
For instance, the song, which I - by chance - had rehearsed just the day before:
"You'd be better off I know with another kind of man ... what I feel is what I am "
And Barbra Streisand's "Memory", - I think - at that workshop it was chosen for me.
Since I'm not projecting the memory of "happiness" on my past, but am whole now,
I'm replacing:
"Touch me, it's so easy to leave me", by "it's so easy to love me!"
and then sing with my heart:
"Another day is dawning....a new day has begun!"

And again, with this singing, with this desert, with this walking-climbing
I endeavor to truly get it into my head - this recent as present great insight,
that the "unwelcome" feelings do not only have the purpose to guide me,
i.e. to tell me, what circumstances and situations and interactions I desire!

"Abraham" (1999), e-mail quote on April 18, 2012

You will always, almost always, most of you,
choose negative emotion over no emotion.
Because emotion indicates desire.
It's exciting!

They also have the aim to make me know myself and become who "I AM".
And as to the feelings of shame, pain, and guilt with regard to other people:
I have a great opportunity to think of them in the way of empowering them,
Maureen Moss: "I bless other peoples plights and tribulation and courage..."



Arad, Sunday, December 25, 2011
Today Mika's greatgrandfather, Franz Rosenzweig, would have become 125 years old

This is like the crown on top of a triptych - photos taken by Mika's noon-school teacher - on Mika's birthday.

Another greatgranddaughter of Franz Rosenzweig was - unlike Mika - with me in Arad, in Israel,
on this day of his 125th birthday:       Rotem !
       (on Nov. 10 , 2011 I told, that I visited her in Jerusalem)
Here is Rotem among the 7 "Giloh" girls , who for a few free hours jumped to the Dead Sea, while the 4 boys were "home-pressured".
"Giloh" is one of four communes in Jerusalem, where these young people live while serving their social pre-army "Service-Year"


Arad, Wednesday, December 28, 2011
[4 more days for reaching a completion towards 2012]

Did I - after years - let a new person into my life?
Yesterday, Daniel G. and I began our "trade-in":
"For the time being" - until December 31, 2011
we meet daily from 13:30 till 14:30,
which is the last moment for me to go to and enjoy "my" pool unti 15:15,
Half an hour Daniel teaches me Free (or "copyleft") Software,
and I teach him whatever wisdom and healing-skills he wants from me.

Since we talk German - unusual even for him, since he spent 5 years in England,
and here in Arad he definitely has to speak at least English, if not Hebrew - -

the morning-inspiration today came to me in German:
Es geht nicht darum, die Welt zu verbessern,
sondern "Gott" zu evolutionieren.
It's not a matter of improving the World, but of evolving "God".

Arad, Thursday, December 29, 2011
[3 more days for reaching a completion towards 2012]

Once more a night,
during which I tried
- with all my might -
to transform the plight
of insomnia
into the light
of rejoicing in feeling
Later I read in the group-email from Clalit (the General Clinic of Israel)
about insomnia,

None of the reasons mentioned in that article pertain to me.
But I gladly learn, that already 5000 years ago
the doctor of the Yellow Emperor said, that

"the task of a doctor is to assist a person in full-filling himself"
I try to  en-joy the experience of whatever comes to my awareness:
body's discomfort, but also its ability to twist and wriggle and move,
thoughts and memories, memories of people, situations, feelings.
And while awakening from a dream in which I hid and escaped,
but with the intention to soon come back to bring great joy,
I again thought of the reason and need for "painful" memories.
Mika - in a passage recorded when she did unite the light -

"that all the candles will unite
and that I'll still have the bath of this Sea,
so that there will remain with me a memory of this,
so that I'll remember this day t~~i~~l~~l~~~~~~~ 300 years

... ah, a moment, now it's you who will unite in this way,
it's your turn and then I'll record you

(with great impatience, while we swap candles and recorder,
but then she changes her mind:)

Nu ~~~~~ just a moment ~~~~~ I want to hear that first
(what she had said about the bath of the 'wax' and the 300 years)

What is neither recorded nor photographed was what followed:
she had to go up to the bathroom and then to her bed to sleep,
and I accompanied her up the stairs with the united 7 candles,
which still burnt - within the niche of a fat burnt-down candle.
As we entered the bathroom towards the sink for cleaning her teeth,
the wall of the candle "nest" broke and the 'wax' started to spill over,
and to spread across both, the sink and the floor.
Mika gave a shriek and her mother came running.
Both Mika and I were scared of Imma's reaction,
and, indeed, it didn't hesitate to pour down on us.
I at least convinced Imma to let me do the cleaning,
"since I'm so familiar with the spilling of 'wax'!"
I rushed down to bring water in the heater to a boil,
Mika followed, grasped the roll with kitchen -paper
and up we rushed to melt the wax and clean the mess.

Meanwhile her mother had let go of her anger
and when Mika - now in bed - expressed her guilt:

"This is all my fault, it was me who wanted those candles!"
she comforted her: "You are not guilty, everything is alright".

Now, after having heard Mika's wish
to not forget our uniting-candles for 300 years,
I 'm grateful for that "mishap" in the bathroom,
for if Mika might forget the beauty of the united candles,
she'll never forget the fear and guilt of the spilling of the 'wax'.

Is it not the same with many of the painful experiences,
and this from the beginning of manifestation and Creation?
if all were light and love, we would not remember anything.
What is unnecessary and must change now in Creation, is
that for most people there's no balance between joy & pain.
And this can stop, when people learn to take responsibility
for no longer staging their lives by denials and judgments.
Once people will become free of needing the big dramas
(and also of the addiction of seeing big dramas on TV and in art),
and can finetune to every day and moment of their life,

only shades of different colors will be necessary
to help us become aware and able to remember.

Arad, Friday, December 30, 2011

I was granted 7 hours of deep sleep, despite 4 intense TV hours:
the pre-finale of "School-of-Music" with those wondrous kids,
[during the commercials: the 4th program about The Kibbutz],
then a pre-program about "Big Brother" towards 2012_01_01,
[in which different social scientists confirmed my high esteem]
and finally the 2nd part of a good survey of the events of 2011.

Now I have just this one day and then Shabbat -for reaching a completion towards 2012.
Before falling asleep and after waking up, I ardently "prayed" to be helped with my wish,
to complete all my creations around my lekhi-lakh from Shoham since October 30, 2011,
'the time you take to just be with your creations , is the time you spend in the eternal love of Source'
yes to complete the stage of my life - 73 years -
of linear time and three-dimensional experience,
so as to live and to be
"das ganze Himmelszelt"!
"Vollbracht ist nun meine Lebenszeit,
gab hin mich an Mensch und Welt,
was ich jetzt bin auf Erden,
ist das ganze Himmelszelt"
[translation - see
my song]

I'll re-read and correct all the 7 "Nourishment" pages, in which I inserted a kind of "blog",
as well as the 7 pages towards the end of SongGame 2007, which lent me free spaces for:

En-JOY-ing and growing with Mika and my Family
following the documentation "Mika's Heaven on Earth", inserted since Song Game 2007_01_01

I succeeded in creating this "overview" on the background of
Mika's uniting of candle-flames while blessing her loved-ones

lekhi-lakh - 'go<<<      >>>to yourself'

These six pages of SongGame 2007, together with one page from "Closeup to the Past", provided free space
for documenting-sculpting one day - Mika's 6th birthday - which was given to us for completing our five years
[As to this lekhi-lakh
see many entries in 7 Nourishment-Pages between Oct.30 and Dec. 30, 2011, e.g. on Dec.15]

They are followed by 2 pages, on which I summarize and symbolize this lekhi-lakh for myself towards 1-1-12.

There are only 5 pages left [Dec. 17;18;19;21;30] which grant free space - I wonder for what future with Mika?

Only now I understood, that there was and is another lekhi-lakh at stake:
the lekhi-lakh from my technical expert for computer and Healing-K.i.s.s.!
The fact that and whatever I have created on my website since June 2001,
I owe to Immanuel my son, Mika's father, who taught, corrected, repaired.
[see .index-July 2003 and
my dedication at the end of .index-2004"wholeness"]
During the last 5 years most of the repairs were done by remote control,
but sometimes I also dragged my computer to him, e.g. for re-formatting.
Now, exactly now, when he for the first time ever ignored a quest of mine,
a software engineer came into my life, - encouraged by the starchildren -
With Daniel G. the mutual dependency will be equal and straightforward,
a veritable trading of skills, and --- right here in my home, in Arad!
"one hour per day! half of it you give and I take and half of it vice versa!"
We've tried it already 3 times and despite our insecurities are happy!
I'll take this
lekhi lakh from Immanuel towards local Daniel as a sign,
that the year 2012, prophecied 1996 in Sinai by my twin-brother Moshe,
will make me encounter a new period in my Creating of Heaven-on-Earth.



Arad, Shabbat, December 31, 2011

I was granted nine hours of sleep,
not even stopped by my pipi-break.
At the end of my waking-up dream-
I was forced into an execution-cell.
A man had to shoot into my head.
Yet I did not fall down dead.
He left, closing the door.
I sat on the floor, waited.
A woman of ample proportions entered.
When she saw me alive, she twitched.

"How hot it is in here!" and she escaped.
She left the door open.
I went on waiting...

While awakening I embraced this last day.
"Despite my wish to complete my lekhi-lakh,
I'll take it easy:
What I won't complete, will stay incompleted."

I opened the computer - it refused to upload.
You laughed: now what will you do with your time?
During 2 days Daniel had "upgraded" my computer to "Linux".
He, too, "needs" to complete some important job till tonight...
After 2 hours of work in house & garden I could wake him up..
He instructed me via phone, and I could create this sculpture.

Later, at 1:30, we roamed through the Desert.
Disciplined we returned after 2 hours for half an hour "coffee".
Afterwards, as a consequence of our nidberu,
I understood, what would - in 2012 - be NEW!

This is not only the last page of 2011,
at least "for the TIME BEing"
but also a kind of completion of
10 years of HEALING-K.I.S.S.

Let me, therefore, end with the humor,
with which I started on PP-Preface:

"pp" stands for "puzzle piece".
But to me "pp" sounds funny,
because of three associations:
which, in some languages I know,
are children's simplifications for
"urinating or peeing",
"buttocks or ass",
"father or dad".

Photos tell me, that I had a Dad.
"Mutti" referred to him as "Papa".


My   new   "Magnetic  Field"
of healing-learning-creating
will be a website in Hebrew,

Its sole purpose will be
"to  make  the  train  come"!
(see>"A Letter from God to Those Doing the Healing-Work" Channeled on 2000/08/16

After the red quote appeared on this page, I realized the prophecy in my train-journey on Dec. 21, 2011.

I re-edited and now copy, what I wrote above - in 2007 - about my re-encounter with the love-letters:

Das Herz ist wach  -  The Heart is Awake

Reading just half a page I was rightaway and deeply impressed
by the integration of ardent love and ardent care for "the World"
experienced and written by a German woman,
and an English man born from a German mother,
at the most crucial point in history:
2 years before the Tausendjaehrige Reich of the Fuehrer Hitler
in the country, into which I let myself be born - in August 1938,
3 months before the "Reichskristallnacht" on November 9, 1938
which was the opening of the holocaust mass-murder in history,
against the people into which I have grown since January 1959,
and to which now belong my 3 children + my 10 grand-children.

It only took 2 min. of reading, when my heart and mind jumped:
I want to dedicate this and every following free Shabbat,
to re-documenting this ardent love and this ardent care
And it suddenly dawns on me,
that the letters k.i.s.s. = "keep it simple, sweetheart!"
may be a secret code for the real meaning of K I S S :
The final healing will occur by a kiss of sensual love! 

It was
- out of all people - my mother who brought the book into my life:
When I was 12 or 13 she asked for it as ... a C h r i s t m a s - g i f t,
and I, indeed, discovered it at a second hand bookstore.
I don't recall, at what time the book began to touch me,
or when it came into my own possession,
but just as it took a long time,
till those two lovers felt that they and the time were ripe
to consummate their love in Body and in living together,
it took me 50 years to see 'a sign' in this two-fold love.
It was the love between two mature, "whole" humans,
who so much cared for the nations
which would soon be at war,
a sign, that my desire for
"immediate peers in healing"
(an expression from "A Letter from God to Those Doing the Healing Work")

will be fulfilled!
Ardent sensual love will not interfere with ardent care for the World,
but on the contrary:
the self-healing will be enhanced and - if at all possible - be completed,
and through it the care for the World will cause the healing of the World.




"pas de mendicité, pas de vampiriser l'autre
Il m’a déjà tout donne, il a reveillé en moi l’amour
Comment y aurait-il une autre raison à l’amour que d’aimer?
Moi, je suis responsable de l’amour et de la qualité d’amour sur ce terre."