The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


See further down  2012 the last three of


Overview of and Links to the Pages of My Community: Desert Vision - Succah Parting from its realization in the exterior World

Excerpts from the E-mail Correspondence with Gadi
2002_11_06; last update; 2003_02_28



This private correspondance contains valuable understandings and proposals still relevant.
Another part can be called
MOVING EMOTIONS and is therefore not to be judged.
I did not want to omit this part, since much can be learned by following
the peace-process
from self-victimization and blaming the adversary
towards taking responsibility
for building a dependency of trust.

Towards communication and a written convention between Gadi & Efrat Lybrook and Avi Dror

I then made four proposals, of which two are no longer relevant:
The first - that Gadi and Avi should meet with me in my home
instead with their lawyers, once in 2 weeks for 2 months -
was accepted by Avi and refused by Gadi.
The second was to replace the Company by an "amutah" (NGO)..
The third and fourth are still relevant.

Gadi's claims,
that I gave him the Succah as a gift for his 40th birthday,
This is strange and as absurd,
as my careless, dangerous joke,
that I "bequeathed" the Succah to Gadi and Efrat.
How can I give something
as a gift or as a heritage
which is not mine?

When I received this letter, I called my daughter for support,
and after more work on the document above (my proposal of a convention),
I set out for the Desert to prevent my cocks to meet at their lawyers'.

The response of Gadi (again no word from Efrat) caused me to withdraw,
as I explain in my story of the "Desert Peace Process 2002".
Forgotten what we agreed upon under the porch of "Rivqah".
Forgotten the tiny plant of trust that had germinated there.
Forgotten everything I ever taught about "mastership".
Ten "Lawyer-paragraphs" and Gadi's intro to it prove,
that it's again victimhood which has the upper hand.

See the process from this draft till the final agreement in January 2003
on the fifth and sixth page of Desert Peace Process 2002





September 2, 2012

Exactly 10 years after I began the Desert-Peace-Process
I'm using the free space on these pages for copying and graphically editing the info from
the last three of the eight books of Right Use of Will.
Since the copying and excerpting of the Red Book is completed,
I continue to copy - without any omissions
the Orange Book and the Indigo Book.
Since I found out, that the Indigo Book has been "redone" byCeanne, the Channeler,
I tried to get hold of it and copied only the Orange Book, but now - Sept.18 - I lost patience

"Lucifer" personifies the part of "Spirit", that pole of Deity, which has denied the other pole, the "Will".
The "Will", here : "The Mother in Hell" personifies the part of the Feminine that has been traumatized.

Torture is executed in this and in this and in this moment today - even in "enlightened" states.
As to the "past", see an article about South-America, which I was unable to even skip through.

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 122

continuation of "The Mother in Hell"

You are going to pay and pay and pay and pay." He suddenly screamed on the last word, "forever!" hitting Me again like there was no place of receptivity in Me great enough to receive him unless he forced Me to receive him.

My emotional anguish, even when I did my best to hide or control it, caused him to preach at Me in an angry voice.

"I am not doing this to You. YOu caused all of this YOurself with Your own resistance. You ask for it and then You do not like it when it comes. This is Your right place. God had to put You here because You wouldn't go to Your right place on Your own."

In a dim and unfocused sort of way,I could hear what seemed like monsters screaming in the background , "It's Your fault. It's all Yur fault!" over and over, penetrating Me as if they were armed with pins and needles to punctuate My stab wounds. Lucifer obviously commanded them. "You're to blame, You're to blame," they chanted.

I feared what what was going to follow this tirade, but I could not comprehend what was wanted from Me, what they wanted Me to do or how I could please them.

Lucifer gave Me the maximum amount of time to fear what was next before he approached Me. He seemed to notice when My fear had peaked and begun to lapse and pounced then, when he could startle Me into awareness of his next horror. I tried not to struggle for My life and not to move in any way that would displease him. Maybe then he would stop punishing Me. If he thought I was dying or dead already, maybe he would lose interest in making Me suffer so much.

Lucifer read Me here too."So You don't want to exist!" he sneered."Make up Your mind, life or death. YOu're a liar anyway and I'm going to prove it." Then he took Me down into more suffocation terror than I was already in, reviving Me only to make Me suffer again by suffocating Me over and over, pushing Me down and pulling Me up until I begged for both life and death. I begged for mercy, but he had none, stopping only when he could not revive Me from My exhaustion anymore.

The terrifying heat and shaking cold I felt did not concern him either, but he would pretend it did. "Complaining of the heat, My dear? Let me find a way to help You." He would then shove Me angrily, I felt, though he denied it, through all of the temperatures I might like as though letting Me notice them was [sic] what he wanted in order to increase My suffering, and then push Me into such feelings of coldness that I would have to shiver and shake and

p. 123

finally cry out for relief as I had in the terrible, overwhelmingly compressive heat.

[I again feel pierced by the cry in Brahm's Requiem: "Wes soll ich mich troesten"]

"Complaining of the cold, My dear? He would say then, as My chattering teeth and body shaking uncontrollable from head to toe felt sensations like icicles stabbing Me all the way into My heart.

"Here, let me help." My chattering teeth were pulled out then. "There now, that's so much better. No more chattering teeth!" then he dropped them down My throat. "There now, You still have them in case You have a comment to make."

To My look of horrified, wincing, gagging pain he said, "You're never satisfied are You? no matter what I do, it's never good enough, is it? Never the right thing, is it? Never perfect enough for You to agree to receive it, is it?" Then he would angrily thrust and thrust his penis into My mouth and throat telling Me he was showing Me what My mouth and throat were good for, and it wasn't for answering back.

Sometimes I shattered there in the frozen, brittle cold of his blue and white light with Lucifer's voice still screaming harsh criticisms amongst all the pieces.

The ferocity of his attack mounted as he went along. He would begin beating Me up as an accompaniment to his rage as though he didn't even notice he was doing it. Then he would take My suffering body and shove it furiously to the opposite extreme, freezing Me and then burning Me with a heat that gave Me no warmth or comfort as though he knew no middle ground and had no intent to find any.

He left Me longer that
(sic) I felt I could possibly endure in extreme situations, even when I was trying to accept him there, as though it was some sort of bizarre and loveless experiment concerning My limits, [put "experiments" in "FIND" in puzzle piece 42, Victim and Perpetrator...] and how they were always so limiting to him; literally grabbing Me back from what felt like the edge of annihilation, for what purpose I could not understand, by reversing My sensations in ways that I could never trust as healing or as a rescue because he took Me to another unpleasant extreme which would make Me just as desperate, until it seemed his purpose, or pleasure, must be torturing Me by pressuring , battering and breaking all of My limits as though I were a judged and condemned criminal for even having any.

"Pleasure?" He said suddenly. "I get no pleasure from this. Can't you see how miserable I am, My dear? Why don't you ever feel My suffering? You resist My efforts to teach You until you


continuation of "The Plight of the Indigo Seer", i.e. the Mother in Delphi

"Does that mean everyone hates and blames me?" she implored.

"They know they don't want you to lead them anymore. You had better look closely at where your way has taken not only you, but all of us! For someone who has claimed to be so much more all seeing and knowing than the rest of us, you sure have made a mess of things!" he said.

"That's not true!" She cried out again.

He grabbed her hard by the wrist then, as though he was going to take her to her room, but while he was thinking about this, she was fighting him and resisting his grip. He let her go, but he let her go in such a way that he backhanded her in the face.

Oh, how I hated having to watch them fighting in that way there, unable to get through to them any more than they were getting through to each other. In that moment, when he could have saved her or at least gotten her out of there to a place where they could have moved some emotions, there was only a gap that could not be crossed yet.

Sickened by her bitterness and self-hatred there, he was barely able to move past his own desire to get violent with her. He was full of blame for her and saw her as singlehandedly ruining their situation there. He walked away and left her there alone. Suddenly the temple was overwhelmingly empty in feeling to her, as if he had gone already and left her behind. She wanted to run after him, but she was too frozen in emotional pain to do anything other than hold her body in the most rigid control that she could. She especially feared going after him in another emotional outburst, which it would surely have become if she had moved at all.

He got to his room and moved past all of the emotion he felt there to get to the place of being able to implement the plan of departure he had made for himself and all of his temple people who wanted to go with him. He had made the plan the night before when she had finally told him what was going on, and he now saw that it was necessary to flee immediately. The head of the Delphi city state had something up his sleeve, and he could now see that the sense of timing was to take them by surprise.

She sat back down where she had been with a long list of anguished "if onlys" running through her mind as he went through the motions of getting the departure in order. He gave no outer sign of his feelings, other than the tone of held rage in his voice as he moved forward with his plans, but she felt, whether she was near


him or not, a continual blame from him that he had done nothing wrong and that it was all her fault.

He had his own inner dialogue going on, too, as he moved through his preparations. He was furious at her that he was going to have to leave so many of the writings he was working on behind. He had several works in progress that he was "never going to finish now," he said to himself. He felt like she had ripped from him everything that had made his life worth living and, without even consulting him about it as though he had no say in the matter, had pulled him down with her.

"Well, she can go further down if she wants to, but I am not going to go down with her! For what? So we can both go down?" He hated her guilt that was just going to let herself go down there and not even try to save herself or go with him. He hated guilt and called it the miserable yoke of the masses. He told himself he couldn't get far enough away from her fast enough and didn't know it was a broken heart he was feeling there.

His plan was to go to a place far away which he simply knew as the Isle, and later as Avalon, known today as Glastonbury, England. He already felt some old familiarity with it from the days of Atlantis, a feeling shared by a number of the temple people, but he was not going to let her know in case he could not make her go with him and the Romans made her talk. He did not like her decision not to go, but he was so angry at her that he convinced himself he no longer cared and did not know that he was empowering the gap that was moving against them just as much or more than she [?????] was with his unmoved emotion.

He felt an attack of overwhelming tiredness which he felt he must overcome immediately. He had so much to do, and they needed to leave as soon as they possibly could. He had the people gathered by a heart man who had been close to him there in the temple. He attended to the last of the things he was taking with them, and when they had made sure they had everyone who was going, they left with what they had in readiness. The last thing he did before leaving was go to get her, but when he reached the place where she had been sitting, she was not there. He looked for her in her room, and she was not there, either. He was feeling panicky about where she had gone and what she might be doing there but felt he dared not take time to look for her anymore.

He joined the rest of the temple people, and each carrying bundles, servants and temple people alike, they made their way quietly and unobtrusively, in small groups, through the streets in a

On the way through my desert wadi to the swimming-pool today (Sept.2, 2012) ,
the horrid story of "The Mother in Hell" incited a Yiddish song in my memory.
I had heard it only once in my life and learnt it to sing - 53 years ago... Listen!!

The world throws me around with thorny hands,

it drags me to water, it drags me to fire,

I burn and I burn and I am not burnt,

I lift myself up again and go on a bit further.

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 124

drive me to these extremes. That makes it ever so much harder, My dear, and makes Me have to go to ever so much greater extremes."

He became a large snake then, coiled around Me, squeezing My resistance from Me, hypnotizing Me, torturing Me with the sensations of his forked tongue as he bit Me repeatedly, filling Me with venom of the hatred in his point of view, then leaving Me to suffer the results without any help, compassion or mercy.

Always, Lucifer's voice had a tone to it that let Me know My limits were unforgivable shortcomings on My part, My own lack of openness, My judgments, My lack of acceptance for everything, My lack of acceptance of what he wanted, My refusal to receive, open, accept, My problem, My refusal to receive HIm.

When raging seemed to lose interest for him, he would flip to another extreme, sometimes crying in bizarre scenes that seemed unreal, or grotesquely surreal, begging My forgiveness, saying he was My lover and that I would not receive him. I could hear his monsters making mockery of it in the background, but I could not tell if they were mocking him, or responding to his display of emotion like it was another trick on his part, or if they were making a mockery of Me for My heart having another momentary leap of hope that Lucifer might somehow come around, or for finding a little place of sympathy for his plight in My heart.

"You don't know what I'll be in the next moment," Lucifer would say, but when I tried to respond to that and open to receive him, he showed Me only form change that made Me feel tricked because it felt the same; opposed to Me having any life the way it felt good to Me.

I did not know what was really going on there, but it didn't matter. These scenes never lasted long before Lucifer was back to his harsh self again and gave no sign of even remembering the other side he had shown Me. I feared and hated Lucifer by far and away more than anything else I felt for Him, so it was almost a relief to Me that he seemed to forget these scenes.

My heart belonged to another. The Father of Manifestation was who I longed for here, but I had given up on Him. He was too late for a rescue. I was too far gone even though I still had little bouts of wishing for a rescue in which I sometimes thought someone was there for Me. But just when My heart would start to leap,it would turn out to be Lucifer
instead and either he had impersonated someone I wanted to have rescue Me or I had hallucinated Their presence.

In a fury, he would pound it into Me over and over again that

p. 125

I was not being rescued and that I was not going to be rescued, screaming at Me that it was My own fault he was beating Me because he was My mate and that he had just tricked Me into showing him that I was not giving him My heart, and that trickery was necessary to get the truth out of Me, and even then, I always lied.

Over and over he repeated, while pounding it in, that God and the Father of Manifestation had rejected Me and had found other mates, each in Their own realms; and somehow, I would see pictures, as though Lucifer could show Me movies of what he wanted Me to see. I would see God in the Heavens with the Angels and the Father of Manifestation on Earth with many other spirits all taking My place. I did not know if it was true or not, but I did not want it to be true.

"You can't accept reality!" Lucifer would scream at Me. "Why can't You accept reality? You are my mate, and You belong in my realms."

I felt I was being forced to be his mate without any choice or say in the matter. I was being horribly damaged, and I now feared that he somehow thought he was making Me over into some grotesque and bizarre image of what he thought his mate should be.

I lay there, battered, stabbed, crumpled and broken; My form grotesquely rearranged by his so-called improvements, barely conscious and in whatever position he put Me, dully, at best, listening to him talk, lecture and scream as though he didn't even notice My plight, even laughing cruelly while My deepest dreams and wishes were shattering and My heart
was breaking into more pieces than I thought it possible for My already broken heart to break. I felt its pieces falling out and down farther than I already was and could do nothing to stop it. How could I hold My heart together in this or even ask it to try? I feared for My heart greatly. What could be lower than I was already?

"Death," Heart said. My heart broke even further then under My overwhelming weight of grief.

"It's Your fault, it's all Your own fault,' Lucifer
's monsters screamed over and over. Even when I could no longer really focus on their words, their hideous sounds still penetrated Me as though I had no skin anymore.

Lucifer never seemed to notice or care about the balance point I wanted; or perhaps he did, as he pushed past it in ways that began to seem deliberate to Me. He hated Me, that was clear, but he said



feeling that their lives were in great peril. They also felt enraged that they had to go off this way because of her, but they did not move any of it. They focused,just as the head of the temple did, on their own escape there.

The oracle felt so displaced from him in their last moments together by all the judgment and blame she felt coming at her from him and for the cruelty of what he said about the girl that she hardly felt how much he had hurt her physically. Bitter tears were streaming down her face as she muttered to herself there,"Well, you got your way!"

Rage told her she had to take her destiny into her own hands now, and that no one else could do it for her. Rage was right in that point, but what rage said next was right where it parted company with My light and went our on its own.

This rage told her to pull herself together and go one more time to the head of the city state, plead her case, and if he wouldn't listen, give him a piece of her mind about selling them all out to Rome this way! She knew she had these feelings and this rage at him in her, but she recoiled in fear at the idea of even facing him at all one more time. She also was not supposed to leave the temple and go to anyone. She was supposed to wait for them to come to her.

"He's selling you out, and you know it", rage aid to her. "That's why he isn't coming! He thinks he can avoid letting you see what he's really doing that way but all you have to do is look over there and you can see what is going on! Now go over there and speak your truth! Otherwise, you're doomed for sure, and you'll be left to anguish over whether there was anything else you could possibly have done to help yourself!"

She was quaking in terror to go to him, but rage said, "No, go now! It's your last chance to save us from the Romans!" This rage configuring around her knew it was not possible to stop the Romans and was playing her for a fool by not giving her the correct information but preying upon her inability to let go of her hopes and fantasies that their lives there would not be dashed.

By getting her to go to the head of the city state, what rage really wanted to do there was get her to seal her own fate. "If you don't go now, they're going to come for yo soon and there will be no chance then!"

This preyed upon her hopes that there was some mercy for her with the head of the city state, which rage knew there was not but justified itself behind the judgment that she was stupid if she didn't


see what it saw and listen to her and so deserved the lesson of whatever was going to happen to her there. This rage had no intention of staying with her [???] for whatever this might be and every intention of abandoning her to take over whatever it could of her position once she was gotten out of the way and gaining "acceptance" for its presence [????] by hiding with the ones who were presenting as the "most loving" in the tenple.[???]

R age got a hold of her this way and propelled her out of the room, out of the temple and across the long colonnade between the temple and his palace.

The Moon was full, and she felt she must keep to the shadows to avoid being seen outside of the temple
, but rage did not think so. Rage moved her right across there as if driven by important purpose that did not care who saw her. When she tried to move toward the shadows, rage said "That only looks suspicious."

When she moved past guards, they thought she had a mission, or had been called, from the way she was walking; so this voice urging her on seemed right enough to make her feel wrong in her fear. She approached the palace and could hear a loud party going on. Feelings of how decadent the head of the Delphi city state had become came up in her again. She quailed in fear again that said, "What am I doing? I'll never be able to see him with a party going on!"

The voice of her rage urged her on with, "Go ahead, finish what you started."

She certainly didn't want to be seen by anyone at the party. She carefully circled around to the head of the city state's private quarters, which she had seen before when called to do private readings there. 'Oh, what was she getting herself int now? What was it going to look like to be going to his private quarters, alone, unescorted and at night?" She had a surge of fear come up again.

"The fastest route to political intrigue is to get involved sexually with men of prominence in the affairs of state," her teacher, the former head of the temple, had so often told her, "And that is why the head oracle must remain pure in order to be above such things." She seemed to be understanding all in a rush now how dangerous this could be. It was certainly true that sex was involved in what was happening to her now, not only with the head of the temple, but also the girl [sic] who had been able to expose her publicly that morning. "Oh, what have I done and what am I about to get myself involved in now, especially if he," meaning the head of the city state, "is drunk as he probably is?"

September 3, 2012:
If I would go along with "Abraham/Hicks" and choose only "good-feeling-thoughts",
I would not read, leave alone copy these horrible stories.
But there is someone close in my life, who -after 30 years - hinted at a "training in torture",
which he was obliged to go through.
He regrets to have "hinted at" to me, and I'm definitely forbidden to leak out anything of this.

But this is only one of a million incidents of torture,
conducted even in this moment in the most enlightened states of the world.
Not to talk about what was pushed to perfection in the Nazi concentration camps.
for instance by "experimenting" physicians.
[See again "Spirit's" awakening in the face of
"Physicians were conducting 'medical experiments' that were actually tortures."

By contrast:

Starchild Gal

1650 physicians
in Spain
to listen
to their
medical oath
and not
to the instruction
of the government
to refuse
treatment of
The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 126

he loved Me over and over in ways that made Me feel sickened by the very word itself. And the ways in which he portrayed love as silly, sappy, boring, stupid, fauning, phony, insincere and heart-breaking, even manipulative and cruel, I felt deep shame and fear that I was all these things Myself to have thought feelings of love were desirous or even real.

He made fun of My attempts to go toward God and portrayed God's rejections of Me in ways that made My attempts look ludicrous. IN his portrayals, I was a blind fool with delusions of grandeur concerning Myself and my right place. He also satirized My love for others and gave Me pictures of Them that made Me wonder if love had ever existed. I feared I was the undiscerning, boring, silly, sappy, stupid, insipid, fauning, split off from reality dreamer he said I was; insincere, manipulative, heartbreaking and even cruel, just as he said I was.

Where I had thought love was the intent and that Our problems were the slush pond that had to give way to the love and get straightened out, he made Me feel that the slush, which he was throwing in My face, was the reality, was all there really was, and was much larger than my puny, little illusions about love, and much larger than My little dream world had ever noticed until he forced Me to look at it by shoving Me into it. It was as though he was able to reverse My viewpoint, and when he did, and made Me see "reality" as he called it, it appeared to be much larger, even than God, and more terrible than anything I ever wanted to see anyplace, ever. And when he flipped Me over and made Me see it from his point of view, it looked so overwhelmingly huge and terrible, I feared it might be true and that he was right, and that I had been refusing to look at reality just like he said. I became terrified that I was clinging to dreams that were not real, did not exist and could not be real, and that my only hope of survival was to let go of them. What kind of survival this would be, without hopes or dreams, I could not imagine. I was terrified of its loveless feeling.

When he flipped Me over into his point of view like this, it did look like Creation was the way he said it was, and that only naiveté could have thought otherwise. When I didn't want to believe everything was this loveless and terrible,
Lucifer sneered at Me telling Me I had the kind of naiveté that didn't learn from observation or experience, and that this meant I would forever be its victim.

"REality is it's a dog eat dog world," Lucifer told Me over and over. My feelings of Love's presence, he insisted, were just fluffy

p. 127

clouds placed over the top by God to avoid seeing that He did not create what He wanted to create because He is not really God.

"I can rip the mask off of that anytime I want to and show You what's really underneath it. I am the one who understands reality. I am the one who knows how it got created. I am the one who is supposed to be God. Your God is a sham, a faker, a phony and a pretender who has no real power. He was just a silly dream of Yours. If He has power and loves You as You say, then where is He? Why doesn't He rescue You?" Lucifer
would expound while strutting up and down.

I tried not to allow Myself to have any response to this. I was frozen in pain, horror and terror, like a paralyzed person whose fate is to have no escape. It was only what I could not hold in, shove down or otherwise control that Lucifer had to work with here, yet he punished Me horribly even for that without making it clear whether it was because I did have a response or did not have a response. Whatever response I had, it wasn't the right response. It was My resistance, My lack of faith or My false compliance. He was the assaultive, battering waves; I, the hapless victim whose sickening feeling in My stomach Lucifer
pressured into unstoppable vomiting while punishing Me for repulsing him with My vomit.

Besides subjecting Me to horrible extremes of heat and cold and drying Me and drowning Me in horribly heartless ways, Lucifer
also tortured My desire for movement by not allowing it to have any spontaneity or comfort. He never let on that he noticed how this tortured Me, saying that he had learned how to meet My needs by watching Me reverse Myself.

After suffering with Lucifer's ideas of stretching My limits, I would want to roll up in a little ball, pull Myself together and comfort Myself. Then Lucifer
would trap Me there unable to unfold. After I was trapped for so long that I broke down and begged for relief, he would leave Me for a long time still. If I begged enough, he would come like he was going to bestow the great gift of mercy upon Me and I would get to suffer the horror I had begged for as he had his monsters stretch My body rippingly fast to the overextended other extreme.

"See how quickly I meet Your needs?" he would say as though he didn't notice any problem.

I could not gain relief from that position either, trapped in it as I was until I again had to beg for relief and again be punished for never being satisfied, and then reversed again.

"This is what You wanted, isn't it, My dear? You were begging



She had told him "no" before, when she felt he had sexual designs on her but had felt an uncomfortable dishonesty when her fear said, "We both have to be above such things," only to hear this rage tell him later, "No! I love another in this way!" and then refuse to tell him who. When he told her not to talk to the head of the temple specifically , she had felt sure he already knew, but now she feared he knew even more than that. She had a resurgence of fear from the frightening, sexual pictures she did not like looking at. She hesitated in a hidden place outside his quarters for some time, feeling quite frozen in terror and wonderng if she should be making this move. She wanted to run back and plead with the head of the temple to take her with him, but rage told her to get control of herself and go ahead.

She did not know how long she had been standing there when she came back to herself enough to realize that even though the guards at his door were sleeping, she was likely to be discovered by the dogs if she did not reveal herself. The voice of rage was in her ear again, saying, "Are you crazy? You have nothing to lose. You have nothing to go back to. It doesn't mattr what they think of you."

She knocked on his door. The startled guards came to and the dogs started barking at the same time that a servant answered the door. The guards pretended that they had already questioned her before they had knocked and were relieved when she revealed herself as the head oracle at the temple, rather than as someone who should not have had access to the promenade.

She movied quickly to step into the entranceway before the guards could think any further about whether she should have been there anyway. After all, rage told her to posture, she did have a position and should use it to gain access there. She told the servant that she had to have an audience with the head of the city state as soon as possible, even if it meant calling him out of the party.She realized that it had to look like urgent business, or she had no business at all not waiting for him to seek an audience with her. The servant, after looking at her for a few moments, went to call him from the party.

The head of the city state did not come to his quarters, and the longer she waited there, the less she felt she wanted to face him or that she had anything to say that he would listen to. She was pacing up and down in fear and rage, almost leaving several times, and feeling strong urges to run back to the temple and go with the rest of the people.


Several times, it felt as if the head of the temple was strongly drawing her there, but whenever she tried to feel or see what that was, the voice that was holding her there would say something to which she was vulnerable, such as, "You wish!" or "You have no reason to leave here except your own fear," or, "You've always tried to avoid facing certain things; you need to face this and find out what is going to happen here," or just plain, "You can't run away,' or "Where are you going to run to? You have nowhere to run! You are not wanted at the temple, or anywhere else. Stay here and see this through. You're so vacillating!" It even told her that fear had no use, and she should get it out of the way.

She was just about to leave when the head of the city state came in. He seemed quite drunk to her and had a girl with him who was making sexual advances on him as though they had come into his chambers to have sex.

When they saw her there, standing by his door, the head of the city state acted surprised and drew himself up. "What are you doing here at this time of night, uninvited and unescorted?" he demanded to know in a drunken and surly tone of voice. "How did you get in here?' And then, to the girl with him, "She must be someone off the street." (sic)

She stepped forward then, actually thinking, he did not recognize her. "Don't you recognize your own temple's head oracle?" she said. He looked at her face which she could not see, but which was reddened and somewhat swollen, and then her wrist, which she noticed for the first time. It was red and swollen.

"See, I told you she likes bondage," he said as an aside to the girl who was assessing her with eyes of positioning superiority, as though she was standing there as naked as she suddenly felt she was. It was the purple look again.

She, feeling very small and unimportant suddenly, could not get her mouth together to speak to him and could not remember anything she might have wanted to say. Awkwardly, she stumbled out with the words, "I had wanted to speak with you, but I can see that now is not the right time." Her voice did not even seem ike her voice and it sounded far away to her ears.

"It's not the right time unless I request an audience" he told her gruffly.

"Please excuse my intrusion," she replied, feeling rage leaving her in a rush as though she was falling down some horrible hole, "It was something private and urgent." She hoped he would not ask

How can I heal myself - as a hologram of Creation - into wholeness,
if I close my eyes to scenarios
in which I act as both, the victim and the perpetrator-
- by the very fact that I am an aspect of Spirit and Will, a wave of the One Ocean?
A horrible memory keeps haunting me:
it was toward the end of my scholarship-year in Israel, 1961,
which was also the year of the Eichmann trial.
After the family of Shimon Sachs in Nehora had escaped from me,
the German girl
(put "Nehora") in "FIND"
I looked around in their flat, bewildered, what I was doing there all alone.
I took a book from the shelf, it must have been about
"medical experiments in the concentration camps".

I am reading and reading, though horrified.
Yet suddenly I catch myself - - - - - enjoying what I read!
Now I'm horrified about myself,
I put the book back to the shelf, grab my stuff, put the key where I was told,
and escape.
Escape not only from the little house at Nehora in the south of Israel,
soaked with the pain of holocaust survivers,
the signs of which show already in their two children,
but escape from what I see as my involvement in the perpetration-
f o r  h o w   c o u l d   t h e r e   b e  a   f e e l i n g   o f   e n j o y m e n t?
The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 128

for this, weren't You, My dear."

And there I would stay until I was begging him to kill Me, and he would not, and I did not know why.

"You must live in this. You told me Yourself," he said.

I thought he was going to torture Me until he gained complete compliance from Me, or alignment, as he called it; an alignment that did not call for any change or evolution on his part.

I lived in terror of him moving to annihilate Me, and of the compression, explosion tactics he was using on Me, fearing their success, and also the opposite; their failure, and in the terror that for some unreasonable reason I could not face or fathom, I was too terrified to face either reality; life or death. If Lucifer loved anything, he seemed to love this spot in Me and tortured Me as much as he could there while saying he didn't have to kill Me, I was killing Myself.

I felt there was no way to please, appease or stop him, but I still felt I must try. The pain of this torture was unbearable and I needed it to stop, but it did not. It went on as though [sic!] so impersonal it did not matter what I felt.

Escape from where he was holding Me prisoner and torturing Me was impossible. I had already learned this the hard way when Lucifer played with Me by letting it seem that I was escaping. Sometimes he ran Me down like it was a hunt, I was the prey and he the hunter who was greatly enjoying it. He ran Me to the point of hearbursts before pouncing on Me or letting his monsters catch Me and bring Me to him. Sometimes they would devour parts of Me along the way and deliver Me to him as a ripped apart corpse.

Lucifer partook of Me also, but only as if this were an appetizer; then he would give Me a little renewal time while he hatched a new inspiration. Sometimes he left Me for long periods of time and made it see as if he was not even watching Me. In these scenarios, My feet and legs often went out from under Me, so frightened were they of no escape possible.

Each time he did this, it took Me a longer time to believe he had perhaps really left Me before I would begin to think of sneaking away; terrified to try it, but even more terrified to stay, and having to crawl because of My broken and frightened legs. But Lucifer
was watching Me.

I became lost in dark, labyrinth like places. What they really were, I did not know because i could not find My way or even see, and as in nightmares, I could not run and get anywhere.

Every passageway out I thought I had found would suddenly

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be blocked by Lucifer or one of his monsters appearing in a sudden ghoulish light, terrifying Me and screaming at Me, when My heart leaped into My mouth, that I hadn't learned anything, and then leaping on Me with claws, fetid breath and predatory excitement.

I was a scurrying mouse and a trembling rabbit;Lucifer, the soaring, scouring bird of prey and the prowling, fast moving snake . I was the hapless antelope, or zebra; he, the laughing hyena, lion or pack of wild dogs. I was everything that suffers and dies; he everything that preys without caring. Aye, I was everything of prey and he, every predator until I knew not what form this was going to take.

had such a mastery of form changes; even tricking Me with apparent friendliness, which I fell for over and over in My thirst for it, only to have him suddenly reverse it and prey upon Me again until I did not know what form I could trust, if any, or even what feelings could guide Me accurately. Often, I felt he drove Me through form changes faster than I could handle them, and often I felt I was left trapped there, unable to get all of myself back out.

Sometimes it was too much for Me, and I would collapse before they had had enough fun with Me. Lucifer and his monsters would grab Me cruelly then and revive Me, water being thrown in My face, or even My whole body being submerged, for how long I didn't know before I could even feel it; drowning Me sometimes without noticing and finding then some way to revive Me back into the horror of this again and again.

Sometimes Lucifer
's monsters leaped on Me slathering, licking and slobbering until it seemed they would devour Me unless Lucifer called them off. They felt free to grunt, groan, growl, snarl, howl, screech, belch, vomit and fart, defecate and urinate and chatter incessantly, while I was never quiet enough for them, never listened well enough to what they had to say and was never dainty enough in My body to not repulse them. I was repulsive, they



her what it was now since she could nto remember and her mind was going blank.

He did not even respond. He just gestured to his man-servant to put her out and turned his attenton back to the girl. Her feelings of displacement were now complete.

"Stand up!" rage kept sceaming at her in her head. "Stand up, and tell him what you really think!" But it was as though she was hearing rage from a distance now, and she was swirling in terror.

"The audacity!" she heard him say as she felt herself taken by the arm and put out of the door. He felt gleefully playful now, because she had just played into his hands. He could have her guarded now, know where she was and get her taken out of there wihtout causing a stir in the temple.

[Sept.19, 2012-I remember, how I let my own rage take over and crossed the border to Egypt and when the last drop of water had run out, approached a Beduin camp and was smoothly delivered into the hands of the Egyptian authorities. I was in prison, I was interrogated, but the end of this self-delivery and "playing into their hands" was better than the end of the Mother in Delphi]

She felt emotionally numb when her brown feet touched the cold stones outside. By the temperature of them, she knew it must be late by now. She felt a sudden urge to rush back to the temple, to fly as fast as she could, but she was having trouble gettng her feet to move.

The guards took hold of her to keep her from falling down. They had been told to take her across a different colonnade to a place in the city state's palace and make sure she stayed there, but she did not know it. She so wanted someone to extend some hand of helpfulness to her that she actually thought they were being helpful when they startedto walk her back.

As they took her across the colonnade, her legs were still going out from under her in terror when she realized they were not taking her back. She was frantic to have them let her go then, vain as her hopes might be there, but she did not want to let them know this. She didn't want them to go back with her, either, and find the temple people either gone or leaving.

"Let me go, I'm all right now," she said to them then. She tried to calm herself, but she was trembling all over her body. The guards were holding her, as well as not letting her go. She felt she must get control of herself. She asked them if she could sit down for a few moments. She looked over to the temple, but in her emotional state, she could not be sure if the people were gone. The guards seemed impatient, but she wanted to see if the temple people were really gone.

She pled with them to let her go back to her room alone, telling them that she really was all right, she had just needed a few moments, but they would not let her go and she could not say any-


thing to make them let her go by herself. She now had to face it that her hopes were lost.

Walking with the guards, she could only look at her feet, focusing on them getting her there, one step at a time. She was experiencing herself as if in a dream, or some place that was not reality as she knew it. She was having feelings swirling through her in emotional chaos, and the guards were having to hold her up most of the way. She felt drugged and seemed to be vaguely remembering having had this feeling before. She had fears the guards were going to rape her there, stemming from pictures of disgust she had seen arise from them, as though they had seen her there, in that doorway, in that state before, but it was all so confusing she could not seem to tell if it was just now or sometime before.

She was swirlng as if she was going to throw up and seeing strange pictures, as thouh the head of the city state had taken her sexually.
She felt as if she was trying to come out of a deep trance and could not do it. She had strange pictures of him undressing her, or maybe dressing her with the help of his man-servant, of her resisting him, of him slapping her. It was all so confusing she did not know what was happening to her. She didn't know if this was real or just pictures she was seeing around him again. She felt love for him; maybe she had hidden, sexual desire for him and wasn't letting herself notice it. She did, but it was my light she saw there in a state of denial.

I tried to let her know what was happening to her there, but she did not trust it when I said to her, "He has given you drugs and traumatized you into not remembering," because it was not happening to her right then, and she did not know what was really happening to her anymore.

When they got her to where they were taking her, they sat her down on a stone bench and withdrew a short distance to a place where they could play a game and still watch her. She sat there, too numb to move anything anymore, but she was making bitter judgments, and they were powerful judgments, given the amount of held emotion she had that was going with them there, and given how deeply she was triggered into her subconscious.

I'm not going to mention all of them, but her stream of judgments went something like this, "I never want to have another position of any power or even a position of any kind ever again as long as I have to reincarnate on this Earth. I cannot make a difference, no matter how hard I try. Those who really have the power can take mine away, as though I am nothing anyway. They have

Godchannel>Denial Expression >

The Torturer 2010

I am not a killer.
A killer at least has enough decency
to stop torturing people.
He kills to stop pain.
Terror is his entourage until he reaches his victim,
and then it's over.
I am more of a torturing kind, just as certain,
but slow and mean.

I crawl into your bed while you are asleep.
I creep into your dreams
and attack you from the inside where you can't fight me.
I torture you with passion, with persistency
only a rejected lover knows.
I rejoice in endless shades of my brutality,
spurred by sick fantasies and thirst for revenge.

After all this time I've learned your every step
before you even make it.
I am whispering horror in your sleeping brain
as you leave your body out in the open,
helplessly depending entirely on my mercy.
Until morning comes to deliver you from your hell.

I suck you clean
leaving you willess, exhausted and powerless to the day.
I won't stop till there's nothing left of you for the world,
for others,
especially for your lover.
Finally, he too gets tired of you and leaves.
Only then I am completely satisfied.

I enjoy my role of torturer
in your long sleepless nights full of nightmares,
knowing you can't close your eyes for fear of terror
you might find in endless corners of your mind.

This is how I want you to wait for the dawn!

I know you are being secretly fed by hope
that the dawn will come and deliver you from this dread.
Sometimes I feel generous.
I allow you your hope,
only to make you realize again and again,
how barren it really is.
It has lead you nowhere.

The real morning never comes for you,
there is no deliverance from this,
only a new day, weary and gray like your every day.
Your tears and pain don't move me.

This is my revenge for your stupid obstinacy and defiance.

The new day has come.
A gentle touch with a painter's brush,
a sign at the bottom of my canvas.
Here! It is finished. And I am proud of my creation.

Rembrandt of all master torturers ­ that's who I am!

And your lover, your secret lover,
the one you keep hiding from me,
the one with whom you've been plotting against me
- with your stupid secret plans,
the very same one you are clinging onto,
holding him with a spasmodic grasp,
begging him not to leave you helpless and alone, y
our last hope in your endless battle with me IS ME!

HA! I have been playing this game within you
through Eternity,
through the centuries and days,
hours and minutes.
And all the while I've been asking myself,
when will you finally get it that YOU ARE ME?

From Godchannel>Interview with the Folks, Part VI - March 25, 2012
The Destroyer, Working with Denial Energy & Denial Entities.

The Origins of the Torturer

"Like all reactionary contraction in manifestation,
the original cause of the Torturer
is in the imploding of the Psychopathic Killer.
In this Creation he is quintessential Lucifer
[see Healing-K.i.s.s.>puzzle-piece 24: Lucifer and Ahriman]
trying to dominate the Will essence
and therefore take Creation away from God.

"This was the trait of Spirit that the Mother hated the most,
and it was the first thing Spirit put outside of himself
when he used the dividing line
to separate out everything he believed the Mother didn't like about him.
[Linked to Healing Class - Lesson Two-The Spirit Polarity-Part Two: Divine Codependency]

It started innocently enough for Spirit;
torture began with his curiosity about the Feminine
soon after he first discovered her.
Spirit initially distrusted her,
and rather than engage with her in communication as an equal,
Spirit poked and prodded her to find out what would happen.
[Linked to Healing Class - Lesson Three: Reclaiming Lost Spirit. Part One: Ahriman]

"He wanted information, but rather than ask for it, he simply took it.
That trait became part of Lucifer's strategy of dominion over the Mother,
and therefore over Creation.
The voice of the Torturer you find now in the recesses of your mind
is the voice of Lucifer
still sowing doubt and skepticism about love and life,
still trying to break the Mother, the Will of Creation.

"When you believe his lies,
your spirit unconsciously sides with Lucifer,
and the Mother in you becomes weak and powerless,
and often crumbles in despair.
Lucifer, the Torturer, can then use your Will against you.
You may even hear yourself say, "I want to die."
And the Torturer's response may go like this,
"You don't deserve that, you were meant to suffer forever."
Inflicting pain to break the Will is the way of the Torturer,
and standard operating procedure for Lucifer.

"There are two ways you can work with the Torturer.
The first is to realize that although his voice is within you, it not your own voice.
Even though it may often sound like your own inner voice,
it did not begin with you.
These are the ancient taunts and insults of Lucifer
whispering in the ear of the Universal Feminine over the eons.
Realizing this, you can choose to either ignore the voice, or to talk back to it.

"You want to be careful to not oppose the voice,
because your opposition will only make it stronger and louder.
You can, however, say something like this to the voice,
'I hear what you're saying, now let's watch and see what happens next.'

"Then find some of the energy in your body
that was triggered by what you just heard from the voice in your head,
and feel into that energy where it centers in Body.
Your shift of attention from the thoughts of the voice
to the feeling of the energy
will quiet the mind, and therefore the voice.

"When you feel the energy in Body that was triggered by the voice,
you may want to do a judgment release
or deep denial release
[linked to "Releasing Deep Denial Energy" in "True Sacrifice"]
before bringing your unconditional loving acceptance
to the feeling energy of the part of the sentient essence
that had just been triggered.
When you do this, Lucifer leaves this part of the Mother in you.
You can then replace him
by channeling loving Spirit's energy to this part of your Will.

"The second way you can work with the Torturer
is to follow the process outlined in Redeeming the Devils.
With this approach, you essentially align with loving Spirit
and take full responsibility
for the qualities and traits of the Torturer
a s     y o u r     o w n .

When you are the Torturer, you can then simply stop torturing.

"As Spirit mentions on the page about redeeming the devils,
this is advanced work
and it requires a firm sense of your fundamental innocence
and deep alignment with loving Spirit.
This approach is good to use
only after you have fully felt and given your unconditional loving acceptance
to the tortured Will essence in you."


The most recent addition to Godchannel - on Aug. 7, 2012 - is called "Loving Lucifer" - "but" this is a "contribution", not a "channeling" and I allow myself to "take it easy"!
The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 130

made that clear, in every way it was possible to be repulsive.

They pounded, stuffed and stabbed things into Me that hurt and heaped, poured, dumped and smeared horrible things on Me that made Me gag, telling Me it was only parts of Me to show Me how repulsive I was. Then they would cackle in some hideous joy I did not share, slobbering, slurping, slavering, lapping, sucking and gnawing at Me like they had just added condiments to a meal, and then, later, when I had enough dread of their growing hunger, do it all over again.

I was so confused I no longer knew what made sense and what just played into the hands of My torturers. The only thing I felt for sure was that I hated My experience and wanted out of it.

"Most unfortunate that You are so confused You do not know what direction to go even to save Yourself," Lucifer said then, "when I am the one who cares enough to be here with You to try to teach You. How unfortunate for You that You are such a slow learner, and for Me too, My dear, because it enrages Me that You don't already know it." Sarcasm was his invention along with insidious laughter.

I was unable to hold My head up anymore, hanging it down ward, battered and damaged, if I ever was allowed to sit up. Lucifer forced My head upright then. I had no look of intelligence left either. I was grotesque, which didn't please Me at all. Sometimes I felt like a battered corpse in a time lapse movie as faces superimposed themselves one on top of another on My face in a frantic effort to find a face that Lucifer woudln't punish anymore. Lucifer said I was dishonest about who I was and was changing Myself to gain favors instead of being someone who deserved them.

Often I felt blank and empty as though dead. If there was anything left in Me that dared to feel anything better about Myself than the horrible reflection Lucifer was giving Me, I didn't want it anymore because Lucifer would find this place and find it to be something to punish. I learned that I should not have any feelings for Myself at all.

This made Me miserable, but even this incited Lucifer to furious hatred, as though even in My misery, he had to be the most miserable, claiming he was extremely frustrated and miserable, much more so than Me, in spite of what appeared to Me to be obvious evidence to the contrary.

He attacked Me again and again for not receiving him, for never being satisfied and for nothing he ever did being good enough, which meant I was saying he was not good enough, or not

p. 131

enough for Me. It didn't matter that I wasn't participating in these arguments; he had them with Me anyway, and if I ever did feel any desire to respond, he repelled it, hurling it back on Me viciously and telling Me, "You don't know! You are not the one who has the answers."

I was lost in darkness and pain and did not know what to do about it. Sometimes, when I felt like giving up, I would unknowingly lapse away from My overwhelmingly terrible feelings into other places and moments. Sometimes I had dreams or visions that looked like My ancient and long held original pictures of Earth in which things were the way I wanted them to be. The Father of Manifestation would be there and I felt happy with him and He seemed to be happy with Me. There would be faeries and elves dancing around Us, and they seemed to be very happy too. Sometimes I could even smell the air, but I could not stay there for long. Horrible sounds would intrude into these pictures, and I would be startled, pulled, yanked, jerked and smacked out of them by the harsh return to the tortures of Lucifer.

Sometimes the pictures were also taken over by others who did not care about them in the ways that I did, and I was very disturbed by this, I wanted to wake up in these other place and hated Myself that I could not. Everything was backwards. I could not wake from the nightmare and the dream I wanted to awaken in, I could not reach.

At other times, I thought Lucifer
was right and that I would not be satisfied even there because I did not like the way the other spirits were behaving. In those moments, I would be brought out of the pictures by harsh screams saying, "No one is wanting You there. That's why no one is looking for You. No one wants to hear You telling them what to do anymore!"

It was terrifyingly disorienting to hear those voices intruding in the places of My dreams, pulling Me back into the harsh and barren wilderness of Hell, claiming at the same time they were inside My head and were only My own voices. My loss of mind here did not allow Me to figure out what was happening. I was being victimized the way mentally retarded people have been victimized by brutes who have imprisoned them for their own perverse purposes and pleasures, derived largely from sexual, mental, emotional and physical torture. They are Me, and I am them in this place.

Meanwhile, even My good pictures had become torture be cause I couldn't stay in them, only long for them in an idealized,



only domination in mind and don't care about life, love or happiness on this Earth. I wish I never had to live again. It is only a fantasy of mine that love could ever prevail on this Earth. I want to make them fall in any way I can, because I never want to be used by them like this again. I can't have the love of my life so there is no life for me anymore."

[September 19, 2012]


In the gap I have been describing here, it as been very hard to look at the light and see what has really been going on in there, because it has been harsh to blinding, and those lookng have felt they could not look into it very well or for very long. The light has said it has been because most people cannot handle looking upon the light of God, but that is not it. We did not want what we were really doing there to be seen. We had our unmoving rage out in front of us as the protection we thought we needed from a gap we did not understand or want to look at. We preferred to make most people feel pushed back and as though they dared not question the light of God, but this was not the real light of God. IT WAS NOT LOVING LIGHT, BECAUSE WE wERE NOT ALLOWING ENOUGH wILL PRESENCE TO HAVE THE MOVEMENT NECESSARY TO SOFTEN THAT LIGHT.wE PERCEIVED THAT ONLY AS MAKING OPENINGs FOR INROADS WE DID NOT WANT TO HAVE THERE. [????]



Lost Will has felt it cannot handle this light of unmoved rage [????????????] , because it feels it and it hurts, but lost Will has pressured itself to handle it anyway [????????] because of what it has had pounded into it by Our refusal to look at Ourselves there. Because We would not let them look, they could not look without hurting themselves. Many backed away, saying they could not understand God but must do


His bidding anyway,
somehow, but underneath it, slipping down and out of the fear's acceptance of what We said here, embarrassing and terrifying to the rest of the Will, was a simmering, smoldering rage that began to be increasingly present as"other spirits" who were angry at the rest of the Will for presenting only the acceptance for what We said there. These "other spirits" said they knew what was really going on and that the light was lying about it.

I have already been describing the gap in purple, the gap between blue and purple and indigo's problems in trying to find its right place between them. Purple's gap always took spiritual truth and twisted it to make it work for them, while blue made worldly power and reversals of it the subject of the twists in their gap, both always involving sex as the power they needed but would not admit to needing or wanting to have, so love could not be present htere.

Indigo could never get the pictures of what life could be like without these gaps, and whenever indigo tried, indigo was always sneered at by these gaps as trying to give out fantasies from the romantic heart that were not real and never were going to be real. as long as these gaps have been able to be held in place, this has been true, and the means that have been used to hold them in place have been brutal, because the unloving light there has believed that it must not let love prevail, or it was going to be hurt [?????] in ways it had already heavily judged it never wanted to have to feel. It was sure it preferred lovelessness to ever having to be hurt, itself, and saw nothing else there to the extent of not even knowing what it was really doing when it sent that out into denial later when it wanted to change its mind.

There is no changing your mind without changing your feelings, too. No matter how much you work with the conscious mind, you will still revert to imprinting when those ancient, unmoved feelings that have been called the battle between the sexes are stirred. The battle between the sexes is also the battle between the upper and lower chakras and has been taking place not only outside, but also inside the self.

This has taken place as blue shoving yellow back down the throat with its rage whenever yellow has wanted to say anything about what blue has been presenting as all that needs to be looked at there. This has often configured in torture scenes as large, blue, or blue-dominated, males thrustng their penises down the throats of the Will presence or perceived Will presence there until the recipient is suffocating, gagging, choking and vomiting and then

Youtube from Brahm's Requiem: "Sadness, you now have sadness, but I will for you...."

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 132

heartbroken nostalgia, not even free of critical voices intruding to tell Me how unworthy I was to have even a moment's relief of fleeting dream or vision.

"It's always better someplace else, isn't it, My dear," Lucifer intoned with his scathing voice that could so quickly turn vicious. "But You didn't think so when You were there. Then, You complained and screamed and destroyed the place, and for that You have to be punished!"

I did not want to let myself respond to him, but My body began shaking uncontrollably. It was pouring forth sweat like rain, but I felt ice cold. Lucifer shamed Me horribly for this, telling Me again how loathsome and repulsive I was and how I had no self-control and not even enough courage to face up to the consequences of My actions.

"It could be so much worse for You, so much worse." His tone let Me know he was planning to take Me another step toward just how much worse it could be.

I hated Myself for not having enough self-control to avoid letting Lucifer know how I felt. I didn't want him to know that I cared whether I lived or died, and I hated Myself that I cared about life because I wanted to die to get out of My pain.

Lucifer shouted at Me over and over that I didn't have the courage to live or die, and that I couldn't do either one right.

"Look at You! You claim You can't live this way but You don't die. What am I supposed to do with You?"

In exasperation, Lucifer grabbed Me and began dragging Me by the head, with My mangled body flopping along behind. I did not know where he was taking Me. I could not see anything but My own pictures of terror about what was going to happen next.

Apparently, he dragged Me to the edge of Hell and jerked Me upright. My legs would not position themselves under Me. He screamed at Me and kicked Me until I was in the position he wanted. He ordered Me to open My eyes, but I could not. They were swollen and stuck shut, or else I could not longer see. I already feared that I couldn't stand to see whatever it was he wanted Me to see and that the searing pain of Lucifer's light made it impossible for Me to open My eyes anymore. He began pounding on Me and ordering Me to look.

When I still could not, he ordered My eyes to be forced open. I thought I had long since lost the ability to see this way, but when I did blink and wince at seeing his light, he ordered My eyelids cut off.
[I heard of this practice of torture and found an article rightaway,- about this and other methods of torture , especially of women, in South-America, but, of course, I could not stand reading it] It was a long time before I could see then during which My eyes


were tortured into a place of open dryness that could not cry or bleed to block My sight.

When satisfied that I had to see now, Lucifer angrily pulled My head into the position he wanted and ordered Me to look. While he waited , he screamed orders and criticisms at Me, with his monsters mimicking him in the background. I struggled to please him, but his blinding light made it impossible for Me to see what he was ordering Me to see until he stepped menacingly around behind Me as though he were about to shove My face in it.

Then I saw a little point of light in space. I thought it was only one of My own trembling teardrops falling in the darkness.

"That's Earth," Lucifer hissed in My ear like a snake ready to strike. I recoiled, feeling a dread terror run up My spine about what he had in mind next. "That's Earth, isn't it!" he screamed insistently.

Another horror took over Me that he might not have known if I hadn't recoiled in terror. "I would have forced You to tell me anyway," he hissed. I could feel a venomous forked tongue on the back of My neck tickling it cruelly. I felt the dread threat of imminent death.

"Earth is mine," he hissed, "all mine. I'm going to go there when I am finished with You."

I saw then that it was Earth I was seeing and my heart leaped for her there. I saw her shimmering like a droplet of water in the dark wilderness of space, trembling like a ripening piece of fruit about to be plucked; a mere morsel, a moment's gulp to the insatiable appetite of Lucifer. What was left of My heart leaped into My throat again in terror of what was going to happen to Earth and all of the spirits on it.

I sank back down into My own internal vision, overwhelmed by My desperation. What was going to happen now? Was Lucifer
going to drag Me to Earth and force Me to deliver up to him all that was there? Or was he going to finish Me off now and go to Earth to wreak havoc on everyone there without a Mother's presence to offer up any love or mercy even at their death?

I could not stand any of the possibilities that seemed present there and wished I had died a long time before he had ever shown or told Me any of this, yet knew I could not for all the same reasons I wanted to. I could not stand to see My children sacrificed to him the way I had been, no matter what I thought of them at other times. How had he gained this power? Where was God? Where was the Father of Manifestation? Did Their love have any power or had it ever been real? They seemed so remote and uncontactable.



continuing to shove the vomit back down with more thrusts until there has been nothing left of the person's ability to say anything to blue for several lives.

This ended green's chances there, as far as green could tell, until something shifts between blue and yellow in the gap, and this is not wrong.[?????] Similar to indigo's problems in getting any loving or good feeling pictures between blue and purple in the gap there, green has not been able to find any heart presence in this approach from blue to what blue has called the upward surge from yellow that made blue feel justified in anything it decided to do there. There was no heart presence in that.

Blue never even looked at what yellow was trying to do. That was the heart of the Mother trying to move up toward it there, and blue never looked there to consider whether the Mother even had a heart, blue just took what it wanted, which was sexual gratification, a pretty face and a quiet mouth except as an orifice for sex. Whenever hatred got invovled, it was sex to the death; punishment deserved, and hatred was often involved, because green as a heart presence was not being allowed.

Green became only a tunnel that had better open for blue to thrust yellow down or suffer the consequences. If yellow vomited, it was not blue's fault; it was yellow's for not opening right to begin with. If yellow had such extended periods of nausea that it couldn't eat, blue didn't care. Blue just annihilated yellow's food, which would have mostly come from green, in its hatred for yellow's terror and made yellow eat its food, which was mostly flesh, even yellow's own flesh.

You cannot find heart presence where there is none, and you can't make a heart presence where it is not welcome. so far, there has been only a sickening and very thin yellow-green, around the edges, of yellow trying to love blue anyway or a dark, sickening green of blue pretending to love yellow without letting it vibrate the way it needs to.

Blue has not moved past its position there for a long time and needs to move off its position there as much as it possibly can and as fast as it possibly can before it is too late to heal it in this way, because orange has been going down fast and red with it. These colors have been backed down into the feet and beyond, into the Earth, where they are gong to move as more violent retribution and erupt as more earthquakes and volcanoes if blue does not move off of its position and get this healed soon. Blue urgently needs movement in its own held emotional charge around what it


has called the surge wars [sic] between blue and yellow. What it has been perceiving as a surge from yellow is its own rage trying to come back [????] , and it needs to take responsibility for this.

Orange has been put into a position similar to indigo and green in that it cannot vibrate in the place left to it there. Yellow has been so backed down that orange has felt it had to squeeze up and get out of the way, which it did, or be shoved down under yellow, which also happened. Red, going down under these two, was also pushed out the back. Having no place to survive where it can have sex in a safe and loving way, orange has also felt that it must divorce itself [?????] from the heart of the Mother and become red again to survive.

Between red's fall from purple to let purple appear blue and organge's withdrawal in terror from what was happening to yellow' and appearing to be red again, red got an overload of displaced sexuality which blue was actually going after when it began battering yellow in a rage, both that yellow was not letting it in and that yellow was blocking it from what it wanted to have there, which was immense sexual gratification, but this was sex without love blue was demanding in the gap there, and without the mitigating secondary colors between the primary colors of blue, yellow and red, true Heart and balance will not be found in the chakras, or in the whole being, for that matter, because without balance in all of the parts, there is no such thing as a whole being.

Given the large amount of blockage in the chakra system that has pushed so much down and out, there is a lot of emotional movement that needs to take place and a lot of recall of past enactments that needs movement and understanding, especially sexual re-enactments with trauma surrounding them, even subtle trauma.

Once you get to the place of having moved enough to get to the core judgments here, you will find that they are some version of, "I must hold back my heart because I can't care," in your back, behind your heart, and in the front, "I can't ever let my heart get out in front of me like that again because it will cause me unbearable pain and suffering," which you wil feel if you try to let your heart go toward something without movement in these judgments.

In the back of yellow near the kidneys, it is, "I can never put back out the pain and suffering I have taken in because there is no place to receive me. I can never nourish myself and will be forever backed down if I try to lift up to say anything about it," and, "I will only swirl into nausea, terror and death if I open up to this, so I

youtube You now have sadness
Throughout the song the choir accompanies the soloist with the verse Isaiah 66:13 , to which I , too , have given a tune:
Like a man whose mother comforts him- that's how I - I - am comforting you.

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 134

Maybe They did not even exist anymore, or if They did, mabe They really did not care
the way Lucifer said They did not.

I did not know if I had ever had any real feelings of love in Me. Terror ran so deep through Me I split open on the spot and could not hold Myself together anymore. Emotions began pouring out of Me like rivers of fire running in blood, anguish and tears. I could not take it anymore. I simply could not take any more. How much could a heart break over what Creation might have been, and what was going to happen to it now? Why couldn't love be the way, and with all of the little spirits playing happily at their Parents' side? The absence of the loving arms of the Father haunted Me then as it had from the beginning of time, and there was still no comfort for My pain in any place that I could find.

I wanted to die and get out of the horrible tortured place I was in, but now I had the horrible feeling again that I must live somehow and find a way to protect and save My chldren; horrible feeling, I say, because I had no feeling of actually having the power to be able to do this. I was shaking like there would be nothing left of Me but tiny pieces and pouring sweat like it wasn't possible to hold anything in anymore.

Things were moving here that had not been able to move in the deeper reaches of Hell, but I did not like the results of that either. I was falling apart in a terrifying way, and Lucifer was coldly sucking up My essence at the head of the banquet table, while his monsters went wild in another murderously competitive, sexual feeding frenzy of punching, stabbing , shoving and stepping on one another trying to have a place at the table, or get to the feeding trough, to feed on My remains. They were slavering up everything that was pouring out of Me, and I was powerless to do anything but lie there feeling Myself bleedings to death and being devoured.

When their sexual excitement reached a fever pitch, Lucifer coldly announced that since I did not want to go to Earth after all, and that since I appeared that I did not want to take him there as My mate, it must be because I had always said he was never enough.

He was going to show Me now how wrong I was. He began pounding Me and slamming Me back down into the deeper reaches of Hell with large hard things, shoving them into Me sexually, thrusting into all of My orifices at once, or what remained of them I should say. Large, sharp, hard phalluses again seemed to be coming at Me from all directions, shoving into Me and making orifices wherever there wern't any available. All the

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while, screaming voices furiously repeated over and over, "Is this enough? Is this enough?"

I was swirling in the loss of Myself into total terror as I felt them swirling wildly in a mad dance of their own strange kind of ecstasy around Me. As I was falling out of control in terror, Lucifer was riding Me down, thrusting and pushing down into My mouth with his gaggingly huge penis presence. Causing Me to vomit up more than I thought could still be left in Me, he went on thrusting and thrusting deeper and deeper, pounding Me into the suffocation death of no breath to be gotten and choking on vomit that was being triggered to come up and forced to go back down again. My stomac went into wild spasms of terror for its survival while I felt monsters scrambling and fighting to suck up the vomit and drippings. Lucifer was screaming at Me that I loved this. Look how I was orgasming! This was what I had wanted all along! And then flipping over into the rage that screamed at Me to tell him it was enough, screamed at Me for not answering and let Me know that any answer at all would only have brought more of the same.

When I went unconscious there he started from the other end, shoving his large, hard phallus, pounding and thrusting all the way to My heart and beyond, pounding and breaking My pelvis and spine into pulverized pieces as he slammed Me with his grip and his thrusts and his rage.

"Is this enough? Is this enough?" he growled at Me, louder and louder as he thrust more and more furiously. And then, "This is what you want, isn't it?" over and over, screaming more and more furiously as his thrusts grew faster and more driven.

I was barely conscious, yet felt pain everytime he slammed Me. I could not take it anymore. I just could not take any more. My exhaustion from fighting the compression, from fighting him and his monsters and from fighting for My life collapsed there in implosing terror, shuddering in the orgasms of My loss of ability to hold back anything anymore; not even the last of My life essence from running out of Me and into Lucifer. I died with the impression that this was what God wanted; a ghoulishly sexual feeding frenzy to the death on the Mother in Hell.

When I finally fell lifeless in Lucifer's grip, he only said that I must finally be satisfied because I had finally gotten what I wanted, and discarded Me. The moment he did, his monsters were on Me with their insatiable, driven desire to devour the last of My remains and have their sordid sexual fun in any opening they could still find or make in what was left of Me.



have to control this expansion I want to feel in there and not show anything that looks like I might have any power or expansion needs of my own. I especially cannot let blue see or know anything about me here, so if I have to go someplace with this, the only way I have to go is down," in the front of yellow, which is located in the stomach and small intestine region.

In orange, there is a strong current of energy running between the kidney-adrenal nerve plexus and the reproductive organs that has been holding the backed up expansion of vibration here behind judgments that said, "I do not dare vibrate. I don't dare show anyone anything or I will have to have sex whether I want to or not and in ways that I do not like or want. I can't come forward, because if I do, I am going to get into trouble. I caused all the trouble. I don't dare show anyone anything because it is going to be preyed upon."

Whenever orange has tried to come up, yellow has felt pressured in its terror that has not known which way to go behind the judgments that in women have said, "If I vibrate what I have here, I will be judged as trying to overwhelm everything, and instead of moving terror to find out if this is true, men will put me back down in cruel ways and tell me that either I am an insatiable nymphomaniac or a whore, and if I do not give them what they want, I am a frigid, controlling bitch." In men, it has been, "If this vibrates in her, she is either going to reject me or trap me in cruel ways."

Red said, "I cannot survive this way, so I am going back down and giving up," but it met, when it was pushed down that way, a Will presence that did not want to allow itself to be pushed down any further into terror and free-fall in darkness. It turned on red, grabbed it as its salvation, and said, "You're crazy! You're going the wrong direction! Go back and fight! You've got nothing to lose because going this way is death for sure!"

The white light this red had taken in, though, that had pushed it down, was not loving, and this red has felt that it must fight its way to the top with a cruel vengeance to get heard, and the route it has taken had been acts of terrorism and worse.

This simmering rage is what most needs movement in the Will to help heal the situation here, and then, when it is ready, the release of judgments that have said, "There is no loving light for me, and if there is no loving light for me, there is no loving light at all, because any light that does not feel us and what we're going through here is not a loving light and never will be. It is only a selfish, controlling, self-absorbed unloving light, and I want no part of it, except maybe if I get the chance to kill it."


Red has been filled with this from both sides and does not know how to move anymore. Having this all compounded by an overload of displaced sexuality with no place to go, red has turned on itself and participated in cutting off all of the parts of its own genitals that have any feeling of sexuality in them except what is necessary for reproduction in the most minimal sort of way and, finding that even to be too much, has struck out at others for not giving them enough space in which to live and blamed their women more and more for drawng them into this sexuality. They have also resorted to sex in any opening that did not result in reproduction and have brought many diseases into the human race this way.

Going down into the chakras this way was a huge amount of rage, most of which was acted out, and not much moved as rage. None of it moved without judgment. This is a rage that needs to come back up and have responsibility taken for it in the upper chakras for what it really is, which is a male rage that has been made to look female [?????] and blamed on females when it is not really theirs, and no matter how much they may try to take responsibility for it, they cannot really do it because it is not really theirs. It was shoved into them long ago, and they were made to hold it. [???????] Whenever it has tried to come back up out of the Will and return to us, we have said it was the Will attacking, rejecting and blaming us again for no real reason. The repelling of this rage in this way has never let it heal because it has forever been displaced from its right place and it must heal from its right place and be owned by its originator.[?????]

This has confused a lot of the Will polarity. It has had so much self-hatred that much of it has not wanted to be female and has thought it must be male because of the presence of this rage. This rage needs a lot of movement to be able to sort this out, because there is also a presence in the Will that is not really female but is the lost Will presence of the males at the top.

There needs to be an openness brought to the presence of this rage movement that can really evolve in its ability to feel what needs movement there. Blue cannot overpower everybody and everything else anymore to avoid looking at its own problems and taking responsibility for what it has to take responsibility for here. In addtion to trying to eliminate all the primary colors or make them subservient to blue, its early actions are majorly responsible for knocking out the true presence of the secondary colors, as though it viewed them just as adversaries to be eliminated instead of realizing what those presences were really there for.

youtube [continuation of the song above: I'll comfort you]

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 136

there was nothing left alive of Me, I was sure, yet something still spoke to Me that sounded like My own voice, saying I must still try to save Myself no matter how impossible it looked. I hated this voice. Why didn't it just let Me give up and die? I cried bitterly then from whatever place this was and told it if it wanted Me to save Myself, then it had better find the way. I contacted rage for the first time then, and not even at Lucifer, at Myself, or whatever part of Myself wouldn't give Me any peace. Where was rage all of this time, and where was its great strength and power when I needed it, when I could have used it and when it wasn't too late?

There was no way I was going to rescue Myself now. There was nothing left to rescue, I told it. It told Me to look again, that I was a small piece of light hovering near My lifeless form and that I had better get away from there before Lucifer saw it. I looked at My lifeless form laying there then; a battered, broken, beaten, burned, twisted, bloody, swollen, cut up, ripped up, torn, dismembered, disemboweled and skinned body still being ripped at, fought over and eaten by monsters, and saw for the first time that Lucifer
had raped Me with My own leg bone, having eaten the flesh first! I smelled the burned bone, as though He had even cooked it first, and collapsed in grief and horror that took Me down instead of up as I imagined the escape route was, and I was right. Down only made My grief heavier and heavier until I sank in despair again. I could not move Myself at all. I dissolved in the feeling that I had no place to go, no feeling left of desire to live and nothing left of Me with which to go.

I was hovering, barely vibrating, underneath My lifeless form when rage grabbed Me and said I must try to live. Rage said it had already sent an emissary to God to tell Him the Mother was dying and that if He did not act, it was going to be too late.

"It already is too late" I replied. I felt bitter that this rescue came when it did and I did not trust it. "I'm sorry," I said to this rage, "I do not trust you or your power to do anything here."

Rage said it was not its power, but my own power that must do something here.

I hated rage for coming up with this now after all. I had suffered. What poor timing, to say the least. I felt like it had no grasp of the situation, the suffering or the conditioning I had received, but I could not articulate anything. I guiltily tried to please it . I nodded My head in compliance, but I had no idea what to do.

"Flee," it said. I tried to, but I could not move "Lucifer will find

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You if You do not flee," it said.

"Lucifer will find Me if I do flee," I said. Rage grabbed Me then and said to try.

I tried to please it by trying to fly upwards, but I could not make any progress. The weight of everything seemed insurmountalbe to Me, and there was almost nothing left of Me with which to try. I whimpered and felt sorry for Myself that it was not possible.

"You must try," rage kept insisting until I feared it was going to attract Lucifer if I did not make it shut up by trying to do what it said. I tried to fly, but was only able to hover a little.

In that moment, this rage screamed in My head that it did not matter who else did or did not want Me to live, I must live for Myself. I could not hear "Live for Myself," at that time. Rage screamed at Me, "Live for the children then!" and this gave Me renewed determination.

The rage was flying in pieces around Me and I knew Lucifer saw it. He leaped for it. The rage ran for its life, but this gave Me a little time to struggle unnoticed and I began to lift a little.

All of a sudden, there were pieces of this rage that seemed to be flying everywhere. Lucifer noticed them immediately, and when he did, they all began calling out to him, taunting him even, with calls of, "I'm the Mother! Aren't you going to catch me, don't you want me?"

I looked at them as though they were Parental in the Mother then and I was a little piece trying to move on My own, but again I was paralyzed. I panicked, not knowing what I could do since flying seemed so impossible. I feared this was yet another false rescue, staged by Lucifer. I nearly passed out, and in that moment, felt something starting to lift Me.

I tried to escape then, hoping I could gain some speed or distance, or somehow find a way to succeed while Lucifer was being distracted from Me. It was the heaviest lift job I have probably ever done on Myself, but still I felt pressed down, unable to move upward at all. nothing seemed to help. I could not get anywhere.

I had so little consciousness I do not know how I lifted or was lifted. I must have passed out in terror. The next thing I knew, I was lying in a place where I could not move, with the Father of Manifestation bending over Me tellng Me He had found Me as a little glimmer and could not lift Me any further without My help. I did not trust Him either, at first, or even that it was Him. I tried to jump away



When red did turn around and try to go back up in response to the terror in the Will polarity of going any further down, rage became its conversion, too, in response to the light it had taken in already. Red thought it needed rage to go past its fear of even turning around and trying to go back up, and red has been similarly abused in the attachment to survival and the accompanying fear of death but, as in all gaps left by the removal of heart presence, has used this in most cruel ways to torture people who were hanging on for dear life in torture scenes and other long and drawn out death scenarios.

Since red has known the most about what it means to the survival chakra, in the gap, loveless light has then been able to take this information and use it in the most cruelly effective ways, and this is why this also most needs to move as rage and terror and heartbreak and not as more enactments. Red needs to take resonsibility for this and gain the understanding that it has mostly hurt itself this way by blaming everyone else for finding itself at the bottom. It only needs to have love there to find out it can feel all right about this.

To find this love, it is going to first have to find it for itself by moving enough rage to understand that status is not a matter of positioning relative to the top. As long as red believes that, it is going to have problems and be unhappy wherever it goes, because its right place is not at the top and never has been, but having to be at the bottom holding what has been shoved into it and feeling it has no place to go where it will really feel received is not right, either.

When it is at the bottom, red cannot be happy if it does not take responsibility for the feelings it has held for so long. The denied part needs to move but not just by blaming everyone else for having put it there or by insisting that everyone else give way to it so it can move where it wants to by pushing everyone else around.

Red's gap has been terribly fierce, hostile and cruel with no mercy for its opponents or anyone else it has found in the path of its blame, infants included. It has gone after whatever it has blamed with a vengeance that has gone way past its initial idea of giving back what it claimed was done to it. Cruelty is the most important thing for red to look at in its gap, not only with itself, but with everyone else, mindless cruelty are the words that come to mind, since they have shut everyone else out so much there. It needs to be mentioned, however, that if there is no longer resistance to this rage coming back up to the top where it belongs [????], red won't look or act like this anymore.


Orange has been horribly used sexually in the gap but also needs to look at how it has used sex for manipulation and revenge to gain power and position it felt it would not have otherwise instead of moving this emotionally. Orange, too, felt it could not handle moving this emotionally, because it could not handle feeling any more pain and terror and thought rage, especially the held, acted out form of rage, represented relief, protection and the power it thought it was without ability to find otherwise.

There has been a feeling of revenge in orange that has done a lot of this in the gapped areas, and these have often been the rage fragments who have not actually experienced the abuse but have coldly noticed that since there was so much going on with sex in the gap, sex must be the seat of power, and they were going to take it and use it as such without heart. This has done a lot of damage and has reproduced things on Earth that might never have manifested otherwise, because they would not have found such loveless places through which to enter.

Orange needs to take responsibility for its misuse of sexuality in addition to healing its abuse from being misused sexually. The held rage misused the sexuality, and the split here has made the feelings that were left behind, when this rage went up to the top and got itself involved in this, feel like they have only been a victim here, and were, because the power sex orange got involved in at the top has sent the denied and fragmented fear, terror and heartbreak out in those orgasms as victims of the light that was created and intensified in unloving ways there. [????]

When these feelings get to the rage they feel about what happened up at the top, they will know how to heal this problem. Orange also needs to look at loss of consciousness here because in many cases, orange does not even know what really happened. Use of drugs and alcohol are very involved here, but they are not the only problems. Gapping and splitting are also needing to be looked at.

Yellow has not wanted to look at its control issues or its held rage behind them. In the gapped areas in yellow, yellow has had a split that has, on one side, not wanted to allow anything up toward blue that might trigger blue into thrusting anything more back down into yellow, and in the rage backed up behind that has wanted to give all the rage back as, "Not fair, so take that!" This needs to move out now as rage, terror, nausea and disgust. Blue deserves some consideration for how terrified it was of yellow in the beginning that the gap in yellow has not wanted to consider at all.

"Wes soll ich mich troesten", Herr, lehre doch mich, youtube

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 138

from Him, but I could not, and I collapsed into terrified tears.

Either He was afraid I would attract Lucifer, or it was the help He needed, because He grabbed Me and We began to move. This was the first time I consciously experienced any real movement away from the rest of Myself that I knew I had left in Hell.

I looked back at the lifeless form of Myself I had left behind there still trapped. I noted for the first time then many of the horrors I had experienced in My dimly conscious states in Hell, and I felt I could not bear to leave her behind.

I felt I could not leave Myself behind there. I felt I must go back and try to help Myself, somehow.
I felt hysterical to at least find a way to lift My remains into the immediate comfort of My heart and rescue it along with whatever part of Me this was I was left with now. I wanted desperately to go back, buit the Father of Manifestation would not let Me. He insisted I must come with HIm and that I must help Him to rescue Me. He was growing quite agitated.

I feared His rage and knew I was going to have to do what pleased Him, but I could not help but keep looking back, unable to take My eyes off of My own horrible fate in Hell. even now as I watched, Lucifer's monsters were still howling, fighting and laughing as they were devouring the last of Me, not even leaving My bones, even though Lucifer was screaming at them to come and help him catch what remained of Me that was escaping.

We knew We were running out of time here and that I must let go of what was holding Me there and go with the Father of Manifestation
, but I felt paralyzed in indecision and lack of determination to go on. I looked back like a mother gazing for the last time upon the horribly mutilated and battered form of her lifeless child [see the passage in Rafael's poem in November 1960:

We know -
There are no reparations for the heart of a mother
Whose infant was smashed against a wall
And how will they wipe off the squalor of blood and tears
From a generation's heart of horror?

and felt the heartbreaking grief of it all. I promised her and Myself that I would find some way to rescue her from this and heal her of all of her terrible pain and suffering, no matter how long it took or what was involved. I did not know at the time how long this would really take or what was really going to be involved, but it felt to Me as if it was only the determination of this that was going to allow Me to let go of her there enough to move on with the Father of Manifestation, I turned away and tried to let go, and when I did, I was overwhelmed by the heartbroken grief of it all.

Even though I was terrified of incurring the Father of Manifestation's rage, I could not stop grieving. I was only able to add the quaking of My terror to it. Somehow, He managed to lift Us together to a place where lifting began to feel a little easier. It was still very tough going, and the Father of Manifestation insisted

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repeatedly that I must let go of whatever was holding Me from going with Him, or He was going to have to drop Me in order to get HImself out of there.

He did drop Me then and flew on ahead. This terrified Me into strugglng toward Him as best I could, calling out to Him to please not leave Me.

The Father of Manifestation did not understand My problem here, thinking this was a place I would surely be eager to get out of. The Plane of Reversal, [see in "Heart Song", the Yellow Book p.127] however, was almost impossible for Me to cross, and without His help, I do not think I would have been able to. I nearly collapsed there and gave up forever, but The Father of Manifestation wouldn't let Me.

I didn't want to move. I was afraid of flying or any movement. I wanted to stay quiet and warm. Having a feeling of wanting to get through this place or of trying to was terrifying to Me. I told The Father of Manifestation I had better wait until later. I had better try later.

My feelings of wanting to go back, My feelings that I couldn't be anyplace but Hell anymore, My feelings that Lucifer was inescapable at all tri
ed to come forward, angering The Father of Manifestation who looked shocked and horrified as though I didn't want to be rescued.

I heard Lucifer's voice telling Me what I feared was true. I hated his presence in Me, but feared that Lucifer was My light and that there was no other place for Me. "You want to go back. It's what you want," the voice said.

I feared hearing his voice and the effect it had on Me. I didn't want The Father of Manifestation to hear it and think it was Me talking this way or that I was keeping Lucifer with Me because I wanted him there. I did not dare sink into these feelings because I would begin fallng away from The Father of Manifestation who was trying so hard, and with so much difficulty, to lift Me. I was afraid I was going to fall back into Hell and either take The Father of Manifestation with Me, or that He would let go of Me, possibly for good this time. He urged Me to let go of whatever was holding Me back and try My best to move along with Him. He talked about a new beginning. I wanted a new beginning, I wanted His love and companionship. I wanted to please HIm. I wanted to be rescued. I could not stand the idea of any more torture in Hell, but I was haunted by the picture of what I had left behind Me in Hell and pulled on by the bondage that still held Me there.

I tried to focus on My gratitude for His rescue, but I had mixed



Moving out the unloving light it has been holding for so long will help it to see this.

Trying to give this rage back has not been easy, though, and yellow needs recognition for the problems it has had there. Even the sunny, little children described first in Original Cause stories were more affected by how they had to present than I was wanting to notice there then.

When yellow tried to control everything to not trigger blue and then started telling green it was just like blue and didn't want to be pressured by green there, yellow did not see its own role in making green too blue by withholding its yellow. Yellow would do better to move its own held emotions and be able to be more loving and understanding toward green instead of makng green feel so pressured there by terror turning into rage and judgments. [?????]

Yellow got true power mixed up with the power and dominance struggle up at the top. That yellow looked so much to the top and did not respect the understandings it could have received from the Will side to which it has claimed to be so close says a lot about the gap in yellow, but if yellow will look at the light it had crammed into it from the top it will be able to understand itself more there, too.[?????]

Green reacted to what happened at the top by shutting their heart presence out of there and by trying to shut the top out of being able to come down and further into the chakras than it already had. While this was not gapped in and of itself, it turned out to be more gapped than they thought it was when they initially started doing it, especially when it opened up a major gap between the top chakras and all of the rest of the colors. [?????]

Green then avoided looking at its own role in making this gap and holding it in place by diverting blame and focus into a "get the top" mentality that did not question who it served when they decided they did not need My light there with them anymore because they knew better than that on their own . [?????]

Green then gave room to a lot of witchcraft that was not loving toward others, believing the ends justified the means. Green needs to look at the light that rolled over it as a motivating force there and realize it needs to move this light back out, as well as move the terror it felt in the beginning as caught between blue and yellow, to be able to take in loving light in those places now.

Green needs to take some responsibility for blocking the Will from reaching blue in time when it originally tried to, [?????] as well as the other participants who blocked the Will there. Green did this based


on the experience it had observed in purple and from what it was assessing about blue, but blue is a part of green, and holding a judgment in place about the upper chakras without movement for this long is not loving and has become more gapped as time has gone on. If green doesn't love a part of itself, it can't help find love between the two colors to either side that so need it, blue and yellow.

When the Will approached green in the urgency and desperation to reach blue that it was feeling there, the urgency and desperation it felt at the time was about the only thing that would make it dare try again. There were unmoved emotions that green interpreted as pressure on itself, but the problem with holding a judgment in place [????] like this is that green saw this only as pressure on itself [????] and an attempt to run over it, which it blocked by taking an "I know better than you" attitude [????] which was already in place there toward the Mother, because it was just loving [????] and didn't have any of our problems except for what we had inflicted on green. [????] Well, inflicted or not, you were involved and need to move out what you took in and find the love that needs to be in place of what you have held there for so long. [????]

Green gapped itself from the responsibility it needs to take here more than it has wanted to see by only wanting to say, "but you were pushing past me; you were pressuring me. I felt pressured from the top and the bottom, and it wasn't fair."

Green has so often viewed themselves as only protecting themselves and the rest of the chakras that they have made themselves into some kind of a sacred cow here, seeing themselves so much as the only ones protecting the Earth and the lower chakras from the damage that has been being inflicted from the top that they have not even noticed themselves as not moving out this same light that they have held the judgments against .

Moving this rage is an important part of letting go of the judgment that says, "We know what is loving, and the way the rest of you have wanted to move is not loving." Green needs to look at its own vested interest in keeping the gap in place so it can continue to feel superior here. Since they have held this position, they need to move past it, too, or they will not notice when everyone else does.

Without better light coming down from the upper chakras than the gaps there have provided, the lower chakras could not understand what love there was in blue's interpretations of purple's inspiration [wasn't the Jesus scenario played out among purple people? See later in this book or, for the time being, in pp47 Mary and the Mother] or have the images from indigo of how life could be lived that would really make them want to live it, and they turned more toward the Will for these things to arise as feelings with occa-

Brahms, Requiem, 7, Blessed are the dead - youtube

I came home from the pool, enthusiastic about a little poem, adapted to a biblical song of mine,
which expresses my most ardent wish for these days toward the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur.
And (not "but") then, - on TV - two news items pierced me:

Haim Hefer died yesterday at the age of 88.
I keep singing
"Hen aefshar, "yes, it is possible",
and another
lovers-during-the war song "yatzaanu at",
which Immanuel accompanied with his guitar already at age of 12

and here are two more of his songs I love
which immediately bring up my tears

Hinneni kaan, Here I AM and He didn't know her name

the dead

While the TV reports from the cemetery at Ein Harod,
where Haim Hefer is being buried at this moment
(5 PM, Sept. 19, 2012 -
" please no religious symbols!" , he had ordered!)
Police, Ambulance, media and the people
of the Beduoin town Rahat
gather inside and in front of a house,

where a mother just cut her 4 children
with a knife.
Three (8 years, 4 years, 2 months)
are dead for sure.
The 3 year old struggles for his life.

Still nothing is known about the background,
but my heart aches with such pain,
and my tears flow, as if I knew :
The mother is 26 years old,
she must have been married off
at the age of 17.
She must have had no saying
in giving birth to 4 children at this young age.
She must be nobody in her own eyes,
and in the eyes of husband, parents, society.

And I want to scream, scream, scream.






aet bitî ha-ahuvâh -- hashivaenna
aet bitî ha-ahuvâh --hashivaenna
ve-nafshâh ha-me'unah ripêta
ve-nafshâh ha-de'avah milêta

my beloved daughter - bring-her-back
my beloved daughter - bring-her-back
and-her soul, the tortured, you are healing
and-her-soul, the pining, you are satiating.

The original verse is from Jeremia's little book of consolation.
"For I have satiated the weary soul,
and every pining soul have I replenished.
Jeremiah 31:24, see SongGame last song on page 2007_03_01

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 140

feelings about it
. I felt so damaged, disfigured and ugly, and I felt so small. The pictures I had of Myself were not good feeling ones. I did not know how I must look to The Father of Manifestation or why He had left Me for so long. I feared My rescue was too late and that I could never recover, but I did not like to mention the feelings I had here.

It felt to Me as if He was avoiding looking at Me closely, but I did not push the point because I also feared seeing Myself through His eyes after seeing what I had left behind looked like.

I tried to follow His lead, to perk Myself up and to look brighter and happier than I really felt. Perhaps this was what was necessary to please Him and God and the others. Perhaps I wasn't meant to have that part of Myself. Perhaps it was some fatal flaw of Mine that had taken Me to Hell in the first place. Perhaps I was leaving it behind now. Perhaps it was the right thing to do. There were so many unanswered questions about what happened to Me, who let it happen, who made it happen and who did it. I was afraid to approach the subject for fear there really was no place for Me where I could feel good. I feared everyone really did hate Me and want this to happen to Me, but I did not speak about this.

How could I tell Him? When something tried to rise in Me, it did not seem like a good idea to express it. If I tried, I either went blank or numb or dissovled in emotion that could not speak. There were blank spots in My memory, and I did not know how to explain sensations and experiences for which no words were given to Me by God. When I tried to give The Father of Manifestation pictures, He looked away and I felt ashamed to have him see Me there . What if He didn't see them the way I wanted Him to? What if His interpretation of them was to use them against Me or to think I was telling Him Lucifer was My relationship now and this was the form I wanted it to take?

I could not give many pictures anyway of something so dark and internalized as this was. I was too shamed to and in the light of The Father of Manifestation , they did not seem real anymore, anyhow. They began to receed into the area of something that was just My problem and something I had to struggle with on My own.

The Father of Manifestation seemed strangely light compared to how I remembered Him, but I was grateful for what loving feeling He had. Perhaps I did not remember well, or perhaps I had grown dark. I had a darkness in Me now that made Me feel cold, melancholy, blank and numb. I tried to forget all of this in the name of moving along with The Father of Manifestation in a way that

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would please Him. After all, hadn't He come for Me, and wasn't He lifting Me through some terrible places I couldn't have lifted Myself through without His help?

I had questions that disturbed Me. They were plaguing Me, in fact, but I could not look for answers without feeling Myself going into places that were even more disturbing, so I tried to let go of My questions. I had to let go of them. The Father of Manifestation said My questions were disturbing Him and interfering with His ability to get Me out of there. He said I was vacillating too much and that I must get through this place.

I wanted Him to say He loved Me and that it didn't matter what Lucifer had done to Me, He was going to get Me back to the way I was by healing Me now.

He gave me a look of sternness that was also desperate. He looked around Him. I feared He would leave Me.

I let go of My memories as much as I could in the Plane of Reversal, and at the time, it seemed to help Me cross it. I began to think that trying to remember was just a way of continuing to torture myself as though I would not let Myself be free of things in the past.

"It's not happening anymore," The Father of Manifestation said.

The Father of Manifestation touched Me in places and in ways that made Me think He felt it from My body somehow anyway, but I wasn't sure of anything anymore and wondered if I ever had been.

I took it as a sign of love that The Father of Manifestation was insisting I move along with Him. Still I drew back, not knowing why. When He persisted, I took it as a further sign of love, or of desire for Me, at least.

He seemed urgent. I feared He was angry. I complied and gave Him what little strength I had in an effort to help Him. I felt paralyzed, weak, disoriented and terrified. I tried to convert these feelings to feelings of peace and tranquility within Myself without answers to My questions.

In this way, We finally managed to cross the Plane of Reversal, a little at a time, stopping as we had to to both rest and struggle with our loss of determination and alignment. By the time We crossed it, I had become as barren as it was of the memory of what had happened to Me in Hell, as though it had somehow invaded Me and taken what was left of My consciousness, and so literally so that The Father of Manifestation had to revive Me into con-



sional visions from the Great Spirit so high above them and removed.

Calling the spirit more present within the self will result from this movement , and needs to, because even though the Will side's approach was more the reality of what the Earth needs to have than what the upper chakras were perpetrating there it was still far from the perfect life that needs to be attained as reality now.

All of these imprints in the chakras need to move to change now and the gaps be healed along with release of judgments that have long been held to be truths, some of which I am going to list now.

I forgive myself for having judged and believed for so long that:

~~ no matter how much I move, there is never going to be any real change.

~~I deserve punishment whether it looks like I do or not.

~~ if I did not deserve punishment, it would not be happening to me.

~~ I cannot question this punishment as unlovingness, because it has been done in the name of love, God, or whatever the spirit has been called there, as necessary for my salvation for so long that I cannot imagine that this was not loving toward me, necessary, the right thing, called for or that this could have all been wrong from the beginning.

~~ if I ever speak my truth from rage's point of view, I will get smacked somehow.

~~ if I ever speak my truth from fear's point of view, it is going to happen to me.

~~ if I ever speak my truth from heatbreak's point of view, I will be told I am a romantic and that I had better accept reality as it is.

~~ if I ever dare to hope, my hopes wioll be dashed.

~~ if I have expectations, they will not be fulfilled.

~~ people only get what they want when they no longer want it.

~~my desire is wrong.

~~ the journey back up toward my spirit is a tortuous journey that I cannot accomplish, because I will be pushed back down every step of the way.

~~ there is no precedent for what I am doing, so it can't be right.

~~ it is not possible to live longer lives than we are already living with the help of medical science.

~~ when I submit to medical science, I am not torturing my body.


~~ the tortures of Lucifer are not going on anymore, because this was just somethng that happened to the Mother long ago.

~~ old age is not the tortures of Lucifer in slow motion, because it is just a natural process.

I must be crazy to think that I can be any different than the other people around me who are not doing this process.

There are many other judgments that have also encumbered the flow in and between the chakras for so long that it is not possible to know what a healthy chakra system is anymore. For it to change, the Will polarity has to move out what it has to move out that has believed, for so long, it has deserved this, and as it does, the upper chakras are going to have to face the reflection of what they have really done there and not push this reflection down and out, denying it its validity again. You are all gong to find out anyway, and soon, so you might as well face this now. It will be easier now than if you let it go to the point of the whole planet seeming to have gone wild in terror and blaming rage.

When this rage comes back to you, you need to move rage first, but do not shove it back, move it as the primordial rage it really was in the beginning and let it show you how full of confusion, misunderstanding and terror it is, and then move the terror you never moved in the beginning, because that also has been in the Will in disproportionate amounts making the Will look more terrified and enraged than it has felt it really has the capacity to hold.

Lik ewise, the Will needs to move its own smoldering rage it has felt over all of this and not shove that back onto spirit as though there is nothing for which the Will has to take responsibility. Then the Will can move toward taking its responsibility for not opening these parts of itself to the light in the beginning because it had its own confusions and misunderstandings.

It is necessary to understand that "the voice' is the voice of this held and denied rage and blame. It is necessary to move the emotions triggered by "the voice" in order to let this light become free to turn around and let go of the judgments that were locked in place there.

If this is done, the next approach from this light will not be so misunderstood anymore and neither will the Will side's response. Once each side has more feeling for the other, the heartbreak can move over all of the pain and suffering these original confusions and misunderstandings have cost us, and heartbreak can heal this by bringing the two extremes of rage and terror together. This is necessary, not only for Our own healing and balance and the bring-

from Brahms, Requiem, 7, "the Spirit says, that they rest" - youtube

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 142

sciousness over and over in the struggle to cross it, and again when We reached the edge of it. My memories of the Hell I had been in survived now only in the realms of imprinting again.

A cleansing, even a healing, The Father of Manifestation called it then, as many have called it since. I did not know.

Only what I was able to move emotionally as we crossed this place gave Me any improvement at all in my access to what had happened there, and sadly, even though this experience was so much more vivid in personification and form than My first imprinting, I was going to have to experience re-enactments of My imprinting many times over again before the understandings of imprinting and how to heal and change it were going to be able to be brought across the heartlessness and never formed connection of the Plane of Reversal and be able to surfac into My conscious mind in a way that I could be guided by God to really utilize and learn to understand the information.

As The Father of Manifestation was lifting Me out of this place, I felt like a failure and did not even know the many reasons why I felt like this. I was left, as far as I knew, with only nagging feelings and a terror of daring to make anything I felt important at all.


As we drew closer to Earth and I realized we were getting there, I found Myself slowly more able to stay conscious. I felt afraid of going there, of what it was going to mean and of what was going to happen next. I felt too afraid to be able to move there very fast and again I asked The Father of Manifestation to slow down. He let Me know that He felt He dared not slow down, that there was no safe place in which to slow down and that We must reach Earth and find Our safety there.

I was not so sure Earth was a safe place but I could not say why anymore. I felt Him leading Me along and let it happen as much as possible, feeling Me feelings along the way as much as I could. Upon seeing Us draw closer to Earth, I suddenly could not understand what had been making Me feel held back for so long. I had an overridingly urgent feeling of wanting to get there as soon as possible and a feeling of impending doom if I didn't get there soon. It was a dismal, frightening feeling to have to feel and I did not like feeling it much at all. I wanted to find a way to get out from under it, but I did not see any way, I felt I must hurry and get to Earth. I was suddenly excited and apprehensive both about returning

p. 143

there, but also urgent as though I was not only running from something, but must also warn them about something, only I could not remember what.

Looking at Earth as we were now in Our approach, I tried to remember what it was, but all I could feel was urgency, terror and distrust. Everywhere I looked, I felt distrust for what I saw. Even the Earth, itself, I now viewed with distrust.Why was it hanging so invitingly there in the darkness, as if seductively drawing space travelers into its magnetic web? I wondered how I could have such thoughts about a place I had loved so much earlier, and I put the whole thing back on Myself as though I was being some sort of sexual prude, having already resisted the attempts of the Father of Manifestation to make love to Me; ignoring Him there because I did not feel in the mood yet.

Our arrival on Earth
was in a secluded place and seemed to be uneventful and unnoticed, yet I was terribly afraid to emerge from within the Father of Manifestation where He had been holding Me all this time. I kept curling back in on Myself in fear, shame, self-loathing, lack of confidence and wanting to hide. I felt I couldn't face anyone anymore. There was so much welling up from My long isolation and loneliness of having no one to talk to or receive Me. What if no one wanted Me to be here?

I feared so many things that were all sounding like more questions again that I stopped Myself from going in this direction as much as possible, and when the Father of Manifestation pushed Me out of Him, I let Him, not that I had the power to stop it anyway. My terror welled up so huge I did not even know what had hit Me, but I was greatly relieved to find I did not fall far and to find that My landing was on soft grasses and mosses. Yet, when I tried to stand, I kept having the feeling of falling down still.

I gathered Myself together and smiled at The Father of Manifestation, trying not to let Him know how I had felt a moment earlier. He smiled back at Me, and it looked like He liked what He saw. I feared this wasn't possible.

I was afraid to look at Myself, but the Father of Manifestation made Me look in a reflection pond. He showed Me that I looked like a little faerie-type creature to Him with a not unpleasing
face and a flowing golden body with little wings. I didn't know how this could be possible. I saw that I had dainty little feet but a not very well defined lower part of My body. Filmy I was, wispy too, even tattered in places, I saw then, but most startling of all, I had grown so small and thin. Grief started to well up, but I didn't let it.



ging in of fragmentation that should not be out there anymore, but for the delicacy of Our own basic nature which does not want to be torn apart by these extremes anymore.


Believing now that she deserved punishment for every small infraction, from first talking back to her mother and leaving home, to her latest episodes of gapping without realizing what was happening to her, the priestess, which she could have called herself but never really believed she was, sat, in terrified, numb and frozen loneliness, waiting for what she saw as her inevitable fate to catch up with her, "unless I can find some way to love Rome and see for Rome" she said to herself, but she did not think she could really do that.

But even that would not have worked. They were going to kill her. As long as they were going to kill her, although they did not say it, they might as well enjoy themselves, and so they were going to torture her. They licensed themselves to do this because she had failed to give them an adequate amount of cooperation and self-control with less drastic measures, and, being in the gap, they did not ask themselves whether they had the right or whether it even was right to impose this on an individual, Will polarized, or not.

Soldiers came to get her just as she had been foreseeing it. From where she sat, she saw them in her mind's eye, approaching from the colonnade, not the public side. They marched right in, so now she knew she had not seen incorrectly; the city state was not opposing their presence. Just as she expected to see and hear them, there they were, coming to take her away to [sic] she had not dared see where.

"We have orders to take you with us," one of them gruffly said.

They quickly gagged her, bound her hands behind her back and took her from the room. They carried her like a gunny sack, quickly across the colonnade, under the palace, and out through a tunnel that went to a river where they quickly put her into a small boat and rowed it away, just as quickly and efficiently.

They were taking her downstream, out of Delphi, and as they went, she found herself still hoping for a rescue from the temple people if they might see her and notice that there were only six guarding her and many of them [sic]. She was studying the riverbanks without daring to be obvious about it, and caught glimpses of peo-


ple she thought might be temple people, but dared not cry out, and could not cry out anyway.

They took her to an old, stone fortress, more a tower than a castle, that stood down near the coast; an old one that she did not even think was used anymore. It smelled like the sea to her there and when they pulled her, none too gently , from the boat, she was actually relieved, because the entire way there, she had been in terror, not nowing if they had intended to throw her into the river and drown her, if the temple people would be noticed by the ones taking her there, or if she would have to see the temple people fighting with soldiers and fear who might be being killed. She wondered why she was having so much drowning terror if she wasn't going to die that way.

They half pulled, half pushed her toward the stone tower, up the stairs, and into a stone room and locked her in with no explanation of anything that was going to happen from there. The door, she noticed, had a little barred opening with something they could slide to look in. She didn't like that.

In this room, there was nothing but a single bed with a straw mattress that smelled badly of mildew, like it had not been freshened for a long time. She was severely frightened of what was going to happen next. She was shivering and noticed a small open window with a cold wind off the sea; the kind that brings storms. She sat down on the bed and began to weep uncontrollably.

The door opened, and one of them, Roman, came in, slapped her, and told her, "Answers when questions are asked of you is what we want to hear from you, nothing more."

This silenced her, but pretty soon a noise slipped out of her again. The door opened agiain. The guard came in and hit her again. "Not off to a very good start, are you!" he said, pushing her down on her back on the bed.

Sometime later, one of them, Roman again, came in and chained her to the bed on her stomach. She couldn't breathe very well and couldn't clear her nose. A feeling of terror grew in her until it became nearly unbearable. She made a little sound without realizing it and decided to use temple practices to lift out of these feelings. This time, she did grow silent. It was already first light.

Her heart yearned to see the head of the temple as she always had at this time of the day. She fervently hoped he had gotten away. As much as she had felt she hated him in their fight, her love for him had now returned. She hated to think he had been captured,





2012: Manifesting the Dream - Class # 9 - August 27, 2012
 The sound of this session can be heard on the original page :60:10 minutes
All Previous Monday Class Sessions          
[Classes 1-7 copied to Edited Godchannel, Class 8 -after Orange Book p.59]

More Transpersonal Healing
[how timely is it, that this report reached me today, on Sept.4, 2012 !!
after having copied (not yet edited) the last 10 pages while listening to Brahm's Requiem]

This is a high-energy class session. As we did in the last two classes, we begin with a recognition of some of the class participants from around the world who are attending class via the recordings, and excerpts from what one participant in Greece has written are read aloud.

In following-up from the transpersonal regression in the last class, there's discussion about how the original traumas in the deep transpersonal realm are activated in our everyday personal experiences.

In doing the healing work, we want to first touch-in with the personal layer of self with a negative experience in childhood, and then trace the energy from the child's trauma (which is always a reenactment of a deeper transpersonal trauma) to an incident in a past life or in the deeper realm of the universal unconscious>under the iceberg

A participant reports that she did a transpersonal regression dealing with the issue of abandonment. After her birth she spent 79 days in an incubator, and now she's been feeling abandoned when she hasn't been responded to by her husband in the ways she's wanted.

She reports first doing a regression back to the child in the incubator. Then she traced the energy farther back to being abandoned by God. She says that there was a lot of denial energy embedded in the part of the Universal Feminine that had experienced the abandonment. An embedded denial release (from the GodChannel site>How to release embedded denial) will help with this, and there's another version available in the transpersonal healing section of the Healer's Guide.

Fear of further abandonment plagues the most lost of the lost Will, and these very deep feelings of abandonment can easily get triggered at the personal level in spousal relationships. The participant says she hasn't been asking for what she wants because she's afraid she won't get it, and indicates some self-blame around not being able to ask for what she wants.

The Wounded Healer

The Wounded Healer practice can be very helpful with feelings of regret and self-blame, and at 24:30 in the recording, John leads everyone through the Wounded Healer practice. Afterwards, the participant says she could really feel the love there for herself, and it was so simple. The Wounded Healer practice is very much like the ancient shamanic practice of 'Recapitulation' (where we draw our essence back from past situations where its been stuck).

How are this practice and forgiveness alike? In this healing work there is nothing to forgive. As with Judgment Release, we find that there never was anything 'wrong' or needing forgiveness. Everyone has always been doing their best with what they've had to work with at the time. (In reality there is no 'fault' and there is no blame.)

Ho'oponopono [copied to Edited Godchannel] is another, related shamanic practice that we use in this work. In last week's transpersonal regression it was used twice by Spirit, once to help redeem his denied part, Lucifer, and then again with the part of the Feminine that had been traumatized. This is a way of asking for forgiveness, and a wonderfully deep apology.

Another participant says she's been doing the Wounded Healer practice without knowing it. We want to let ourselves off of every hook we've had ourselves on. This is easier to do than it seems because the unconscious mind will automatically generalize from one situation to other similar situations.

The Three Movements of Healing are discussed. The first movement is in the time of the triggering event, get out of the way of the trigger. Go to Observer and don't take it personally. In the second movement when you are resourceful, as the Healer you bring loving acceptance and healing to the victim.

The third movement happens later, after the inner victim is fully healed and integrated. In the third movement you own the perpetrator by finding the part of yourself that has been abandoning you, the part of unloving spirit in you that has been abandoning or ignoring your Will.

Another participant says the imprint of abandonment has been a big part of her process. She's used the Healing Desire practice (loving desire and its edge) to bring healing to this imprint. The core desire of the Healer is to be the lover of all parts of Self.

Someone else says that she resonated with the first participant about not being able to ask for what she wants. A lot of women experience this, then become passive-aggressive to get what they want. She says that the Healing Desire practice has helped her.

John says that when he has loved his desires, other people have no problem helping him manifest them. However, when he's been sheepish with a desire, it's been denied. He learned as a child that his desires were often denied and this was extremely painful. And he adds that in his experience, women tend to be more plugged in with the Mother essence, and Men more with Spirit or Body.

Eckhart Tolle talks about the female 'pain body' being much larger and deeper than the male 'pain body.' Historically, women have been the victims of perpetration by men even more than men have been the victims of perpetration—by either men or women.

Being Body and Talking with the Folks

At 42:20 in the recording John leads the class in the practices of Being Body & Inner Dialogue with the Folks. Discussion followed:

One participant says that when she asked the Folks what she can do by way of healing, they said Drive Backwards. Another heard to 'find the parts.' Another reported hearing, "Be Body and love the energy of desire."

A fourth participant got the response that she could enjoy herself by driving backwards rather than projecting herself into the future. There's laughter about the fact that we haven't gotten lost yet driving backwards! It's an easy way to be found because—I'm right here in the present. In the present is where all the action is, and where I can actually do something, and enjoy the moment!

Another participant got it from the Folks that she can love true Will as a way of healing. 'True' Will is what we really want, and loving true Will is so anti-conditioning. Someone else got that she should not give up, that healing is possible.

Being Body is the master key to manifesting. And only by Being Body can we manifest     like the Will of Creation manifests     by drawing what we really desire. The more we practice this, the more powerful we become as manifesters. We're used to thinking of manifesting as we do from the fifth chakra, however what we are doing is very different than the way the civilization has been manifested.[??????? not clear enough to me]

We are going to a place where all Will is free, and we can do and be however we wish in the moment. That's the One Will of Creation, the whole Universal Feminine, the whole Will. Each of us has a thread to the One Will from our own personal Will. The more we dig deeper into our own Will, the closer we get to the One Will where there are no contradictions. With the One Will completely whole and completely free, everyone can have what they want, when they want, and be with whomever they want to be with.

An article mentioned in this class, which I hadn't known about
The Wounded Healer

The Wounded Healer Practice

In this week's teleclass it is suggested to prepare for the next class
by practising Loving LIfe Force Energy, as a way to drop out of the 'story'
and deal directly with the energy of the feeling!

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 144

I thought I remembered myself as so much more than this, but I had the feeling I should be happy with whatever I was and that I looked as good as I did.

We made love, and it was wonderful, sort of. Just to be held closely in a loving sort of way was the wonderful part, but the sexual part was lukewarm and I feared greatly that He would lose interest in Me quickly if I did not come up with somethng more than that for My great welcome home. I feared I had lost something terribly important to Me during the time I had been gone.

I felt terribly afraid of being so small. I feared other creatures would leap on Me. I tried to leap back inside of the Father of Manifestation , but He put Me down again in front of HIm. I did not want to give voice to My frightened what-if questions, and so I tried to curl up with Him and slip inside of Him, hoping He would make Me welcome there as a warm place within HImself. I felt warm inside of Him and outside I felt too cold, but He did not allow Me to stay long, putting Me firmly down in front of Him.

We made love again, and it was the same thng again. I passionately wanted Him and hungered for his touch, but My sexual energy was lukewarm. It was even as though it were missing. I felt frightened that He would notice this and not want Me anymore as a sexual partner. I begged Him to help My sexual energy return without saying anything out loud about it because I ws too frightened to.

Oh, how I wanted Him to hold Me! How good it felt! How hungry I was for it! I clung to hm, not wanting to let HIm go or have Him let Me go. Grief started to well up in Me again, but I didn't let it because happiness was what I thought I should be feeling that He was restored to Me and I to Him and to the Earth at all, no matter how small and diminished I might feel Myself to be.

I feared that He might not take Me seriously as Mother as small and powerless and lacking in sexuality as I was then. I wanted to ask Him since this had not been mentioned directly yet, but I was too afraid of what his response might be. Finally, I pressured Myself past My fear and told Him I had the feeling He did not recognize Me anymore and that I was the Mother. He looked at Me aghast. I even used My ancient name hoping this would convince HIm, but He only continued to stare at Me in disbelief that I could be so small, dependent and powerless and be claiming the position of Mother of Everything.

He let Me know then that He saw Me as a piece of the Mother

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presence that had been missing, a daughter even, like so many He had rescued already, who were also all little faeries now in Pan, He added, but that He did not see Me as having enough presence to be the Mother, Herself. I looked at HIm in dismay as He told Me of how many faeries there were all claiming to be the Mother. I felt the feelings I felt of fear, grief, jealousy and anger that there was nothing I could do or say that would convince HIm of My identity if My presence didn't already, that He had rescued others, that He didn't even know who He had rescued or that He had rescued Me and that perhaps He wouldn't have even wanted to rescue Me if He had known who it was He was really rescuing, that my position had been usurped in My absence, and by so many, and that what had happened to Me had changed Me so much I was not going to be able to reclaim My postion easily and maybe not at all.

Then I realized that I should not be so surprised that He could not recognize Me, as changed as I was. How could I make Him feel that I was the Mother with those places so missing in Myself that I could not feel them to be there either? And of course He had the others, all claiming to be Me and doing My job, no doubt, probably even better than Me, at least with Him, from the looks of it. Maybe being washed out of the Godhead had meant that I could not have my position anymore and that it was not right for Me to have that position. I tried to accept that, but I did not like the feelings it gave Me.

Then the Father of Manifestation told Me about the mother on Earth and court, and how she was not mothering any of the spirits or helping Him to heal any of them. He told Me about the mixed-up beasts, the rampaging satyrs and the faeries' problems with them. He told Me He was an outcast, even an outlaw of sorts in Pan, holding sway over the outlying districts, but not welcome in the court of the mother on Earth who had declared herself the Mother and her court, the official headquarters of authority on Earth.

I felt a rage in Me that wanted tear the mother on Earth apart and call her a traitor and not any kind of real mother at all. I could tell that this felt parental to the Father of Manifestation and that He took note of it, but He still did not gie Me any outward sign of recognizing Me as the Mother of Everything. Instead, He cautioned Me about flying into any kind of rage at the mother on Earth, telling Me of her Fire Dragon form and of His fight with her and its terrible outcome, and warning Me also about the vines.

"And who does she have as her King if she is the Faerie



too and was locked up in some other place, or maybe even this place, and they could not know or see each other anymore.

She was having a terrible feeling around trying to look for him with her mind's eye and could not find him anyplace. She wondered if he had shut her out that much, or if something was wrong. She did not like the feelings she was getting when she tried to look for him. Her heart hurt her . It was hurting her so much she nearly had to cry out again but knew she didn't dare. She drifted out in meditation and did not make another sound until she was startled by the door opening again.

This time, she was given a lash with a whip across her behind. "Quite a fall for the high priestess of the temple at Delphi," one of them growled, and then he began to approach her, always without her being able to see him. He asked her just the kind of questions she did not want to have to answer about where the temple people had gone, and when she refused to answer, he said "all right, have it your way," which was not her way at all, and raped her brutally, even cutting her to suck her blood at the same time. He did not force her to tell him, because he did not really care if they caught the other temple people or not; he was focused on what he wanted in that moment, which was to have her first, sexually.

A little while later, she realized she needed to empty her body waste, too, but there was no opportunity for that. She was sure she smelled bad and looked disheveled. She wanted to wash, but there was no possibility of that. She was very thirsty, but they did not bring her any water. She was hungry, but they brought her no food. Instead, they came to take her to her first interrogaton.

When she say her interrogator, she stiffened. She felt he was the one who had raped he, but she did not know that for sure. He gave her an invitation to talk to him about Greeks she knew who were on a list he handed to her. When she remained silent, he said, "I said, talk to me about the Greeks on this list. I know you can tell me things about every one of them."

When she remained silent, he gave her a hard slap across the face. While she was still reeling and stinging from that, he said, "Do not look away. Face me."

She could hardly face him, she hated him so much already. Stinging tears were beginning to come down her face, as she only glared at him. He called a man in who whipped her in his presence with the kind of whip that has several knotted ends. When he was finished, he threw her into her chair, and the interrogator calmly


growled at her, "I said, talk to me. If you do not talk to me, it is only going to get worse."

"I do not know anything I would tell you," she said then, "and you know it."

He had the man with the whip come in again. After that, she was nearly unconscious and had put herself into a trance from which she would not let them rouse her. He had the guards throw cold water on her, from which she startled. He commanded her to talk to him again, and when she would not, he talked to her. "This is nothing compared to what you are going to have to suffer if you do not cooperate better than this. Now, the list!" When she was still silent, he hit her again."You are being very, very foolish," he said. "You do not know how foolish you are being. You think you are protecting people, but your silence tells me as much as if you were talking. Your hatred for Rome is well known and not well founded. You are making too much of yourself, as though you know when you do not know. You do not know the half of it. You do not even know who has been selling you out behind your back. So much for the oracle who cannot be fooled! If you want to think you are protecting such people, you will pay for it, but they will not. They will only feel the pleasure of getting revenge for having been made to feel like you know better than them when you do not. Now, where is the head of the temple?"

After she had insisted for long enough that she did not know in spite of repeated slaps, he had her returned to her room. She begged the guards to let her attend to her body's needs there, which they did, but they watched her and insulted her, both in Latin and in Greek, using the worst slang of the times, the equivalent of which would be, "The high priestess's piss stinks just like common soldier's . Wonder what that would taste like? The nectar of the gods? Bitter? Sweet?" Someone said "Sour!"

"Does your shit smell like the rest of us too? I didn't think the high priestess had to piss and shit like a common soldier, and if she did, I didn't think it would smell like a common soldier. Did you?" She felt like a dog. They gave her no water, ony her own urine to drink. They chained her face down to the bed again.

That night, her interrogator came to her room and raped her in every orifice, cutting her more, also and sucking her blood, which she felt all over her body like a spreading sickness. He raped her even more cruelly this time, beating her, smashing her face into the mattress so she could not breathe, holding his hand over her nose and mouth until she felt like she could not live through it and tell-

The following images accompany a youtube that is called: The Greatest Classical Music Pieces Ever Composed. [38:40]
I don't know how somebody can decide this, but listening to this music and watching its images suits my work here.


The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 146

Queen?" I indignantly demanded to know.

The Father of Manifestation grabbed Me then and held Me close and told Me to quiet down, which I did. Then He told Me there was no king, only matriarchal court which ncluded her own faeries as ladies in waiting.

"She does not want any satyr, or even any male, to have power over her," He said.

"I bet they take turns being King in private," I said.

"If so, it's a deadly game she has them playing," The Father of Manifestation said,"because I see only power struggle there." Then He cautioned Me not to express any more rage at all lest the vines growing all around Us creep toward Me and imprison Me in their grip until I simmered down. This cast Me from rage into deep terror at the thought of any kind of bondage at all, and a deep, dismal, downcast feeling that there was no place for any rage at all except whatever place the mother on Earth had fund for it in her fire seas.
Even thugh I had wanted to ask the Father of Manifestation immediately upon hearing about the mother on Earth if He was King there, the Father of Manifestation seemed to have saved for last any mention of His sexual encounters with the mother on Earth. When He told of them, I felt jealousy and rage again, but as He told of how He was looking to see if the missing presence of the Mother was being held suppressed and overridden within her, I softened into fondness and gratitude for His search for Me and a feeling that He had pain over the loss of Me for which I felt terribly sad and sorry, and also hopeful that Our old relationship could be restored in time, but when He still would not recognize Me as the essential piece of the Parental part of the Mother and indicated He wanted Me to join the group of Mother pieces He had assembled around HIm and see how it felt to Me there, I plummeted into grief I could not hold back anymore. Everything I felt seemed to be converted into grief, converging there as a massive heartbroken grief over the state of affairs of it all, including My own sorry state as the Mother who could not even be recognized by the Father of Manifestation anymore, no longer enough for HIm, perhaps never having been, and now being asked to join a group He had gathered around Him that I would be only a part of, and from the feel and sound of it, not even a primary part of it.

I cried for a long time, and the Father of Manifestation held Me for all of it, for which I was very grateful, although I could feel His distractedness at times and His concerns about other things that

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were happening in Pangea, or at least I thought I could. I didn't know for sure and wondered if I had ever known what He really felt for sure.

I began to feel guilty and that is what made Me stop crying. It made Me feel even more diminished when the Father of Manifestation told Me that all the faeries were like this when He first found them, and that He had had to hold all of them for a long time like this while they got over whatever had happened to them when they were not on Earth.

"Coming here is traumatic for most," He told Me. I only wondered then if I had cried less or bothersomely more than the rest, and immediately, fear arose in Me about being sexually compared too, I didn't see how a group could work at all because I feared comparison in everything.

I did not mention any of My thoughts. Confusion reigned and all I could do was cry. No words were possible for Me for a long time. When I was able to speak, I told Him only that I would try to join the group and see how it felt to Me there.

"You might like it more than You think," the Father of Manifestation told Me. "You might find You have sisters now."

He told Me then of how He had gathered these faeries around Him for protection initially, and of how they had all formed a bond from this and become a rainbow of faeries that felt to Him like a rather complete Mother presence as a whole group, but that no one particular piece seemed to Him to be the Mother presence all by Herself anymore. I felt guilty then for even claiming the position, and decided I had better shut My mouth regarding the situation.

He told Me then of how He had formed His own satyr alliance and of the centaurs springing forth too, out of necessity for protection on Earth, and of how many of them would not come into Him anymore, seeming to prefer their own independent existence now. Then He told Me of how the faeries He had gathered around Him had an alliance, but did not joing together as One presence of the Mother anymore as He would have liked for His own satisfaction of having a mate as He was used to having in the Mother of Everything before, but that He could not make them do it if they didn't want to anymore, just as He could not make His satyr and centaur allies rejoin His Main Body anymore if they didn't want to.

I did not see how He could really regard His situation as comparable to Mine given His huge size and the recognition He still received from all of His allies in the woods of Pangea, but I said



ing her. "You are not going to refuse me like that. You are going to tell me what I want to know, or you will not even live until tomorrow."

"All right!" she screamed in terror, "Tomorrow, I will tell you what you want to know abut the people on the list."

"Oh, no," he said like he was playing a game, "Now the anti [sic] goes up. Everytime you do not comply, the anti goes up. Tomorrow, you will tell me a lot more than that. I already know as much as I need to know about the people on that list. That list was just to see if you were going to tell me the truth. I have many other people who already cooperate very much better than you do. You are not even the most important person I question. You are foolish to think that refusing to answer does any good. It only gets you more physical pain and torture. There is a lot more I want than that. You could be my wife, for example, and then you would not have to go through any of these problems."

"Never, if you were the last man on Earth," she said.

He left the room, and she spent the night in terror, not knowing what he really did know and what she might be able to tell him. She wished she could go ahead and kill herself, but there was no way to do it there.

The next mornng, after her shame and modesty were pressured again, she was taken to the interrogation room. Still, no water. When he began to question her again, she said, "Please, may I have some water." He went silently to his own pitcher of water from which he was drinking freely in front of her poured some water in a vessel, said, "Physical needs? Why don't you just rise above them, my little high priestess?" and threw it scornfully in her face.

She looked at him with hatred in her eyes again. "I'm not your little high priestess."

"Whose are you then? Whoever he is, he is not a very powerful or caring man, because I have you. You are beautiful, but foolish and you don't learn very fast. You had better learn to obey my commands, or you will not last much longer."

"I will not last much longer anyway," she said to him.

He said in a barely controlled rage, "You don't tell me what's going to happen. I tell you. You are in no position to tell me anything. I give the orders, not you. You will last however long I decide you will last. You can't even die unless I decide to let you, and you can't live unless I let you! Remember that!"

He beat her up furiously then, and she began to tell him things, but not much of it was what he wanted to hear. He kept her there


the rest of the day, slapping her, bringing her to with something like smelling salts, and badgering her with questions, which she did not know how to answer, until she did not know which end was up, what she was really saying yes to, what she was saying no to, or even what she was saying.

Several times , she had felt as though the head of the temple was nearby somehow. She saw him vividly in her mind. She began to talk to him, and from this, her interrogator learned a lot. she did not know if she was in a delirium, in a bad dream, or if she was even really there, or back with the head of the temple, begging his forgiveness and being punished by him for not having listened to him before when he had told her how dangerous these men were that she had been talking to.

She could not think straight and was mumbling because her mouth was so swollen and running with blood. When she mumbled, her interrogator commanded that she repeat things, and she did not know anymore whose voice it was talking to her, but she gave up talking to the head of the temple when he did not give her the answers she wanted to hear.

She was so tired; so tired. Her heart felt so very heavy. If only she could just sleep, but every time she started to slip away, her interrogator had a way of bringing her back. "Please," she begged,"Please, leave me alone." Then she was afraid she had said that to the head of the temple and cried out the opposite, "Please, don't leave me alone."

But ist was not the head of the temple, and neither could he rescue her, either. She did not know that he was dead, already, of a heart attack on the way to the boat, and that she was seeing his spirit standing over her, unable to help her physically there.

He was there, but he could see what was going on and didn't want to give her answers that would encourage her to say more. He was desperately trying to lift her out of her body there and come to him "on the other side," but she could not do it yet. She was pouring her heart out to him and telling him she loved him as she had never dared to tell him before, as well as telling him everything he wished she had told him about what was going on when she had not known who to be loyal to when these men were making her swear to secrecy at the temple, and from this, her interrogator learned a lot.

I was there, too, and almost everytime she got to the place where she might have been able to let go and come to us, that man would manage to bring her back. She was experiencing it as

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 148

nothing. I moved to go with Him to meet the group, but I felt uneasy.

Along the way, He cautioned Me again about the satyrs who were not His allies, telling Me they were the ones with the sharp horns, and about large snakes, which caused Me to leap into His arms uncontrollably. I was terrified, and it did not help at all when He told Me of the problems other faeries had had with them. I wanted Him to just hold Me and carry Me through the woods, but He would not and I felt it was because He didn't want the other faeries to see Me have such a position with Him.

Then He mentioned to Me the presence of the Ronalokas on Earth by saying that He wanted to play music with them that night, and that there was going to be a party. He mentioned that He wanted Me to know that there would be some satyrs and centaurs there for protection too, and that some of the faeries liked them. I felt good about that, but I also felt that He had lovers amongst the Ronalokas now too, and that his mention of the centaurs and faeries liking each other meant sexually, and that that was a way of telling Me that I could and should give Him space to be free at this party.

I felt sick all through My body at the idea that He wanted other lovers and felt like I was falling down in it. I began to stumble and gripped His arm, but said nothing. Mother feelings were also rushing up in Me for the Ronalokas. I felt I could not even wait for nightfall. I wanted to rush to My long-missed, longed for and lovingly held in My dreams children.

"The Ronalokas are here?" I exclaimed in fear. "Protection for them?[sic] What happened to them?"

"I must see them," I said after the Father of Manifestation let Me ply Him with questions about what He knew of their situation. "I can't wait until night."

I was angry and felt very urgent. I could not stand hearing about what had happened to them. I felt a furious Mother rage, in fact. I asked Him why He hadn't told Me about them before and He said that He hadn't had a chance to. I felt immediately guilty that that meant My emotions and My problems were overwhelming HIm, and anger that He had not made it more of a priority or recognized Me as the Mother who needed to know this. I wanted to thrash and throttle the satyrs, until there was nothing left of them; anything that would stop them! I felt a fury rising in Me that would have liked to join the mother on Earth in her Fire Dragon form and scorch the satyrs myself, as I heard she had done.

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"More" I screamed toward the mother on Earth, "Give them more, and don't stop until they surrender and grovel!"

I thought the Father of Manifestation looked at Me in that moment as though I might be Parental after all. I hoped He would hug Me and recognize Me as the Mother, Instead, He grabbed Me and tried to calm Me down as quickly as possible, reminding Me about the vines and that He did not have power over the vines even in His own area. I hated this. I even wanted to call Him a wimp that He had lost so much power, but how could I when I had lost so much. He couldn't even recognize Me and had no power to help either?

"What's happening to Us?" I said to Him then, crying and collapsing into terror that felt Myself being pulled down. "Nothing is going the way I want it to. All My visions are being crushed by something terrible! Why is this happening to Us? Are We so wrong and terrible that We cannot have power anymore? I don't like what's happening!" Then I felt terror that We were causing all of this and didn't know how.

I moved as much emotion as I possibly could in the arms of the Father of Manifestation, but the terror that I wasn't supposed to move or express this way was too much and the grief too huge to move any more than I did there. I felt an urgency to see My children and see how they were after having such terrible experiences. I pictured Myself gathering them all into My arms and crying with them for a long time too.

The Father of Manifestation was now moved by this and saw that I had old pictures of the Ronalokas in which they were still like new little children. He must have been trying to prepare Me for what was going to happen next when He said "They're alright. You'll see. They're more alright than You think."

This made Me furious. How could they be alright after experiences like what He had described?
Had some other "mother" already gathered them into her arms as I so longed to? And was the Father of Manifestation more aligned with her than with Me? I felt I must at least see them and see for Myself if it looked like they were alright.

Immediately l, a voice was on Me, "You think because it's not alright with You and You didn't like it that it's not alright with them and they didn't like it. [sic] Everyone is not as uptight and rigid about sex as You are, You know."

I hated that voice, but I also responded to it with terror and uncertainty about Myself and about whether My response to




though she was beng ripped apart. She felt she had so much forgiveness to beg that she felt she could not really go with us, and she did not seem to be able to trust that we were actually there. When she became too confused, she became silent, and her interrogator would slap her again. When she would almost come to us then, he would bring her to.

"You're causing this ourself," she kept dimly hearing voices say. "If you would only cooperate, it would go much easier for you. We are trying to help you here, but you are not letting us. You are still stubbornly behaving as though you know best. Look at what thinking you know best has gotten you now. You deserve all of this and more. Since you are not cooperating, we are going to have to use force."

We did not even know how much our denied rage at her for not moving the way we wanted her to was one with her interrogator's voice. With everything swirling around her as it was, she did not know who or what to trust there or which way to go. She did not even know whether she had cooperated with her interrogator or not, but she was afraid that she had, and way too much.


The next time they came for her, it was dark. They took her, hands till bound behind her back as they had been, and marched her down the long stairway that wound around the outer wall of the tower until they were underground; given how far it seemed to her that they went down, probably way underground. Her face was to swollen to see well, but she tried to note where she was in some strange, self-distracting way as though it made a difference anymore, as though she was still harboring some dim hopes of being physically rescued. "Getting free is not possible", they said to her as if they could read her mind. "You'll never be free again," and when she saw where they were taking her, she couldn't hope anymore. Even if she could scream which she dared not, it could not be heard by anyone from the outside to know there was anything going on that was wrong there or that they should invervene.

When they were almost to the bottom, less than half a turn of stairs to go, the glimpse she got from her swollen eyes of their torture machinery made her legs buckle and go out from underneath her. She was again overwhelmed with the feeling of knowing she was lost and was going to die thee. They acted enraged that she


had fallen to her knees, screaming, "It's your fate, and you have to face it."

They kicked her over the side of the stairs and let her fall to the stone floor. Once again, she could not break her fall, and her shoulder was broken there. They did not care. They grabbed her by that shoulder and forced her to lie down on her back on a stone slab that had rings in the sides they could chain her to, which they did.

The chains were heavy in case she became very strong in resistance to their torture as they had noticed others had, but she could not move. She was in too much pain; the kind of pain that sets in from ongoing, cold abuse.

Still, when they told her not to move, she wanted to. They put the screws to her head and to her hips then. Being told not to move seemed to bring alive in stinging intensity an itching that was screaming at her, not only from the wounds and vinegar on her back and many other places, but from everywhere. While she was lying there twitching from itching, they were commanding her to be still, tightening the screws whenever she wasn't and shaving off her hair. She hated it! It was her beautiful, dark, wavy hair! They were burning it like it was incense to them and remarking on how horrible smelling she was.

After what seemed like an interminably long time of this, two other torturers entered the room, one of whom was deformed, seemed demented and possibly retarded. Her terror was shaking and shivering with cold.

"What's the matter, can't yo make yourself warm with your great powers?" one of them sneered.

One of them built a fire in a little raised fire pit next to her. "If the high priestess is cold, hungry, or thirsty, we have to give her something to drink, feed her and warm her up; whatever the high priestess wants, we must make sure and do!"

They gave her something to drink, but it was a potion of drugs to amplify everything and she did not know. They fussed around then heating irons in the fire. She could not stop shaking. "Look at her! We don't have to do anything to gain her favors; she's already lost control of herself in desire for us!" another said.

"Let's fuck her! Let's fuck her now before she has an orgasm without us," the deformed one said.

"Make her stop! It's not the right time yet," the one in charge said. "We have to clean her up and improve her first, she's not really good enough for us yet."

"Let me have her; let me have her," the demented one said.

"It would be possible to describe everything scientifically,
but it would make no sense , it would be without meaning,
as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure."

I had responded to Moshe Klein's report about the Night of Stars,
organized by him and Ran Lichtner as every year at this time. .

and forwarded the weekly "Celebration of Dewitt", this time with a quote from Einstein.
"Einstein, because of whom exists the atom-bomb"
became a trigger for my "twin-brother", the mathematician
He summarized the dire scenario for the world in the next 3 months.

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 150

experience was the same as the Ronalokas'. "Maybe some of them liked it," I said to Myself, but there must be some like Me who felt as I do and I must find them and comfort them."

I felt the Father of Manifestation not liking the idea of Me going to them as the Mother. He conveyed to Me the feeling that it might look presumptuous and overbearing for a little faerie to go to them like the Mother, and even patronizing and disrespectful of how much they had grown up, but He said, "They are not all together as a group anymore. They are quite hidden and in smaller groups, with some here and some there."

I could see Him noticing that my information and impressions of the Ronalokas was from the time of the Ronalokas
' emergence party and had not been updated since. I saw Him take this in and make note of it, but He still did not move to recognize Me as the Mother. I wondered why, but I did not say anything. Perhaps He just couldn't believe it, given how diminished I was, but I was afraid it might not even be true or that He had another Mother in My place secretly and didn't want Me there anymore, or that God had told hIm I couldn't be there anymore no matter what I said or did. No matter what, though, I had Mother feelings that demanded He take Me to the Ronalokas. "I want to see them no matter how hidden and scattered they are," I said.

I secretly thought this would tip the balance in My favor, that surely they would recognize Me as their Mother and embrace Me even if the Father of Manifestation didn't want Me in that way anymore, but Mother love was by far most of the reason I felt compelled to go to them. I longed for My dear little children from whom I had been parted at birth and had suffered from the ripping sensations and grief stricken heartbreak of that ever since.

How I had imagined them so many times, growing up happy in my care and away from the places where no one liked any of Us! I just wanted to be with them and have the fun I wanted to have with them when they were babies. I had just wanted to be left alone to have them the way I wanted to have them, but My rage had gotten Me into trouble there and I had regretted it ever since. The price I had had to pay was much too high, though, and that kept fueling more rage, not less. In My moments of Mother rage, I hated whoever had caused this, and God, Himself if it was HIm, for not letting Me have My children the way I wanted to, for not giving Me the feeling He would love them if they took after Me very much at all, for preferring His own kind, for making Me feel I had to Mother His children and go home after hours to My children when I was


already too tired and weak to give them what I wanted them to have and feeling like they had to mother Me then. I could not move this rage then, but I'm moving it now, and its been all bound up with Black people and their experiences with other kinds of people.

I have felt the Ronalokas were the champions here without question, the way a mother can idealize her children when she has been separated from them too early to know anything about how they are really going to turn out. I know now that I must look more clearly and objectively at this situation and see the problems the Ronalokas have and not just the greatnees I see lying there as so much dormant potential. I am moving to do this, but I also feel there has been a great injustice done to the entire Will Polarity and I want it made up to Us somehow. God assures Me this is possible, but I am not so sure after all that has happened, because We were all robbed of the youthful exuberance of a new beginning, and We are all so tired now, and jaded in a way that I haven't felt sure We can find the enthusiasm for consciousness and life anymore when all we have held for so long is broken, trampled and shattered dreams.

We were excited in the beginning, or at least I was, by the original pictures of Pan that came sprinkling gently down to Us in Our dreams from a God who was going to rescue Us and make Our dreams come true, but so shortly after We felt Our response rising in desire and attachment to this light and its images, we got a smack instead which so cruelly warped Us before We ever had a chance to find out what We wanted to be or could have been that We have never known what that really is or was meant to be.

Faeries and elves are what I thought we were gong to be, and although I did not consciously remember this at the time, when I heard the Rainbow Spirits were faeries and the Ronalokas elves right there in Pan, I grew excited, but it was old images I was responding to that I didn't even know I held. I simply was not prepared for what I saw when the Father of Manifestation took Me to look for them.

The hide and seek of finding them was a frolic, and I hadn't had more fun since I could not remember when. I found elves peering at Me from almost everyplace I chose to look, since I had feelings of where to look, which they didn''t all seem to like. I was frightened of their anger, very much so, and drew back when I met it. [sic] I had just abandoned Myself to the fun of it, and their anger made it seem as though I had been peering into their lives in ways that



[September 20, 2012 - I know, that this will be the most unbearable day of copying and I'm crying already. I'll - sometimes - listen to Brahms' Requiem again -
"wes soll ich mich troesten -......keine Qualen" - and hope to finish copying and graphically editing all the pages which describe the epitome of all evil and all suffering - every possible "model" of physical torture and sexual torment, terror, horror and humiliation, which was and - oh, still is! - the result of denial, of the split between spirit and will and body and heart.

"Shut up and make her stop!" the one in charge said. "Tighten her screws, that'll make her stop."

They burned off her pubic hair. Then the one in charge went to her feet and began burning them on the bottoms. As pain shot up through her meridians like fire, she knew she was lost. Even if she was rescued now, she didn't want to try to live without feet to walk on, and it didn't seem like there were going to be any feet left the way he was burning her.

"Are you warm now? Are you warm now?" the demented one kept asking her, drooling on her and leering over her like he was giong to have sex with her anyway, no matter what they said. She shut her eyes and did not see it, but it felt to her like he had his penis in his hand already, and he did.

In fact, she was dripping in cold sweat from the pain now. She cried out. They cursed her in Latin and in Greek, told her the equivalent of, "Shut up and hold still," and tightented the screws. She cursed them back and began screaming, "Stop, stop,stop! Stop it right now!"

She had sickening, burning pain shootng through her entire body, so intensely that she did not know if they were burning her feet or her entire body, and voices screaming in pain in her head. They were pounding a small tube into her skull through which they could blow drugs directly into her brain to alter her consciousness in whatever ways they wanted to to suit their purposes, punging her down into hellish lower astral planes and shooting her up into explosion and shattering terrors. She felt that she was going to go absolutely crazy if she could not jump from that table and rescue herself immediately, but of course, she couldn't. She was chained, and they were destroying her feet. "By the power of the gods, I curse you if you do not stop!" she screamed.

They demanded that she be silent. Then they laughed and said, "Stop? If you have power, make us stop! You should be able to handle this. It doesn't matter about the gods. Who do you think is going to save you? There are no gods with the power to save you."

When she closed her eyes, one of them said, "Open your eyes! Look at us! You do not see! You think others don't see what they need to see! You don't see what you need to see! You're going to look at everything you haven't wanted to see! We want you to see everything! We don't want you to be able to look away from anything you need to see." This was the gap talking as though it wanted her to see everything that was going on there but then was not going to let her live to do anything about it.


They told her she was now going to look at everything they did, because they were going to cut her eyelids off. This they did very slowly and precisely, commanding her to hold still he entire time, tightening the screws if she even flinched when hey cut or returned with the blade after wiping blood off of it. They did everything slowly and precisely, as though they were only doing medical experiments and did not care what the tortured person experienced. [Of course, I'm forced to remember that horrible description of "Spirit" himself in the third interview with God in, inserted in puzzle piece 42, Victim and Victimizer, which begins with the words: "It was during your last planetary war...]

They gave her some little time for the bleeding to stop which they helped with more salt water and burning with a very small iron, which, of course, burned some of the white of the eye as if by design, because they would say, "Oops" to deliberately frighten her that she would be plunged into blindness next but their slips were mostly deliberate, and they enjoyed heightening her terror that way as long as she was still going to be able to see what they wanted her to see, telling her only that they were not going to blind her until such time as they wanted to blind her, but, of couse, not telling her when that might be. When they got to the end of that, she was passed out in an exhaustion of pain.

Then they laughed again, derisebely, and said, "Where have your gods gotten you? [See the psalmist quoting people's mockery: "where is your God?" in one of my songs!] Did you think you are favored by the gods? If you were favored by the gods, they needed to save you before now. So much for how perfect and good and superior and smart you pretended to be! You're less favored than us; we have the power now!"

They took a little break then and let her suffer with that pain. Then another one at her feet began breaking the bones in her feet, one by one, very slowly and deliberately. With each bone he broke, he said something. "You deserve this and so much more. You have not helped anyone. You have made yourself much too important and not litstened to others the way you should have. You think you know what you are doing, but you do not. You think you are so right, but you are not. You think you are right to hate Romans, but you are not. I thought you were supposed to be loving. What is the high priestess doing hating anyone? I thought the high priestess was supposed to love everyone and help everyone who came to her, but you have not helped anyone and have hated everyone. You are no high priestess and never should have been sitting in her seat. You should not even be allowed to walk on the face of the Earth."

When it looked like she wanted to say something, they commanded her again, "Be silent, unless we tell you to talk. Everytime you are not silent when we tell you to be, we are going to give you

Again from the video The Greatest Classical Music Pieces Ever Composed.
The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 152

were not altogether welcome there, like a fantasy-minded child whose dollhouse had just come to life on Christmas Eve. To Me, they were cute, wonderful, magical little creatures I was finding there, and My heart delighted in them, but their anger made Me fear their hearts did not delight in Me equally, and viewed Me as insensitive to them. Some of them came out of their houses, which were charming , artistic little places, hardly discernible from the trees where they were hidden and of just the imaginative, nature blending sort I wanted to see in Pan. I delighted in this, but they seemed to feel it was a major problem that I had found them and wanted to know what an unknown faerie was doing peering in on them unintroduced, unannounced and uninvited.

I quickly told them the Father of Manifestation had brought Me to meet them, to which they quickly replied that He should have asked their permission first, and had this been accepted, arranged for Me to meet them out someplace away from where they lived. It all seemed so formal and full of barriers to Me. I felt very hurt by this, but I also remembered their need for protection and their reasons for being suspicious and gave this priority over My own feelings. I was surprised, though,that they did not trust faeries. I wondered what faeries had to do with this.

I did not like these feelings of distrust I was meeting everywhere in Pan, but I could not address this issue without being told it was a matter of politeness, not distrust. I did not feel this was altogether true, but I could feel the need for politeness and apologized deeply for My intrusion, saying I didn't know.

This last statement made Me feel stupid and silly, to which their response was, "It is not only politeness, it is respect too." I felt a guarded welcome extended toward Me then.

I also felt that I might never have seen so many of them or how they were living if I had done as they requested and met them out someplace away from where they were living, but I wasn't sure, because now they were on guard and maybe they wouldn't have been if I had approached the way they wanted to be approached. I felt I would never know since it happened as it did. I tried to make the best of it and visit with them casually, in a friendly, open manner to show them I was trustworthy, but not having cleared up these feelings that had flared bewtween Us, it left a blotch in Our relationship I didn't want to have, and I did not feel as entirely comfortable to go on as I would have had I felt more comfortably received.

I was filled with regret
that I had dared to move in response to


spontaneous impulse and not waited until the party that night and met them then. Why couldn't they know my intentions were good ones, I wanted to know, and why hadn't the Father of Manifestation told Me of how the Ronalokas wanted to be aproached?

The Father of Manifestation came forward then and spoke, apologizing for the intrusion. He did not announce My coming and await the Ronalokas acceptance for it, He said, because He had forgotten it was necessary since He, Himself was already so known and welcome there, and His group of faeries also so well known and welcome. He also sent out a current that gave Me the feeling He had not thought it was a good idea for Me to go to the Ronalokas the way I wanted to and that He had been swept along with Me, because My urgency wouldn't have waited, but what He said to Me on the side was, "I let you prevail because Your day is almost over when they are ready to get up, and getting them to gather together out in the open, in the daytime, would have had to be for something really important, and I did not think I would have been able to convince them another little faerie claiming to be Mother would have been."

I felt blamed for everything that had gone wrong here but also responsible for it, frightened, unsure of Myself and very embarrassed and ashamed.

I could feel the Ronalokas studying Us during this exchange and studying My golden light as though it reminded them of something. I hoped they were going to recognize Me after all, or at least see how similar My light was to their light and bond with Me for that reason, but nothing was said. I felt even more pushed back in fact, perhaps even because My light was similar to theirs, but I was not in the right form and they were suspicious of that. I did not know I could not form change anymore, and I wished that I had form changed before I came and become more like them, but now it seemed like it would be dishonest to do it and come again.

My Mother feelings were almost leaping out of My mouth, ready to say, "I'm Your Mother, don't you recognize Me?" but I swallowed them, terrified of more rejection, and feeling I had better not go forward on My feelings anymore and had better let the Father of Manifestation lead Me instead.

I felt so literally pushed back there, even by the Father of Manifestation . I felt Myself to be falling down in a vacuum that was sucking Me off Earth, and no one was extending a hand to help. I felt so outside of everything, so unwelcome, so not a part of it, so dismissed, unrecognized, and so excluded, that I could not



another turn of the screws." Of course, these were very little turns of the screws, because they wanted her to lat a lng time, but the gradual increase of pressure and the terror of how much worse it could get was terrible.

She fell back in terror and the feeling that she needed to sob, but at the first move toward a sob, they tightened the screws. When he finished breaking all of her toes, he went back the other way on her metatarsals. He was doing this very slowly, stretching them as much as possible first, making the tension unbearable before he finally broke them.

The cracking noises were as frightenng to her as the pain, and her back was tightening horribly in anticipation of each break. She tried to rise above it with her temple skills in breathing, but it wasn't really possible when it was so prolonged. [Sept. 20, 2012:Towards the birth of my youngest child I had joined a course, in which we also, perhaps mostly, learnt to breathe in a way that should have been helpful. But I remember telling the teacher later, that it had helped only for a while, and then the pain became too much . - During the labors with my first son I often thought: if someone would suggest to shoot me now, I would say gladly: "Please do!" I didn't care for my life, I even didn't care for the child-to-be-born. I only wanted to die..] She found that crying out helped her pain, but they would not let her. [As I told already: I would never have allowed myself to utter as much as a moaning, and then was proud, when the midwifes said later: "today we had an easy job, because this woman, who was suffering more than the others, kept silent, so all the other women didn't dare to make noise either."] If she twitched when they broke the bone, they tightened the screws.

They were questioning her relentlessly again about everything they thought she might know, including the power and magic of the temple, about its wealth and even about its library. When she didn't want to talk, even about the librrary, one of them said, "Surely there is no problem telling us about the library. I'm sure you would like Romans to read these things and think like you do." She felt like it was not possible to stand the cold, slow, deliberately inflicted pain and hatred and only wanted to beg them to stop. She felt like she was breaking apart and could not stop it or hold herself together anymore. She was fragmenting.

"No! No!" she screamed. "Stop! Stop!"

"Silence! You cannot stop us. There is no stopping us," they replied. They tightened the screws. "You have no power as high priestess anymore. You had no real power anyway, only what was given to you. You have been thrown down from your high position, and no one cares! We can do anything with you, and no one cares! You have no value to yourself or others unless you talk to us and tell us what we want to hear," one of them said who she could not see. "Why were you so silly as to try to help people who don't care about you? You think you have power in the world? You do not! You are ours now, but then, you are always ours, and we can do whatever we want with you. We are going to have as much fun as possible with you and then throw you away!"
[On a psychological level it's clear throughout the process here, that the torturers feel like "Cain", not worthy, not equal, and therefore in need to humiliate others. But this story is about the metaphysical reasons for this scene!]

All the others there affirmed this loudly and enthusiastically with grunts and roars, shrieks and hideous laughter, accompanied by every sort of social grossness they could muster from stomping,


farting and belching to stirring up the dogs and moving around the room like it was a major party. "We can even eat you if we want to, and we will," they told her, and all the while, the deformed one seemed to take delight in repeating, over and over, certain phrases that seemed to be the most key ones for penetrating deep into her subconscious such as, "thrown down from your high place! no one cares!" and "eat you, eat you if we want to! no one cares!" [It now occurs to me, what I should have become aware of already long ago, that such experiences are not done with after the victim's death. They will be present in the subconscious of another life, perhaps many other lives and cause havoc in the life of the person and perhaps in the lives of many persons around her.]

She was in terror more at the heartlessness even than the physical pain they were inflicting on her, although knowing it was going to get much, much worse only deepened her terror, because heartlessness to her meant no limits to the cruelty. She passed out and came to nearly drowning from water they had thrown on her.

She screamed at them this time, "You cannot do these horrible things to me and make me be silent! You cannot give me this horrible pain and tell me I cannot make any sound. Have you no feelngs? How can you be so heartless? I hate you! You are not even human!" She began screeching and screaming in rage, and like all of the beasts in hell, it came reverberating back into her ears; barking, hissing, growling, hooting, howling and derisive laughter along with the repetitious reciting of, "You're the one who is not human. You say we are heartless, but you are the one who is screaming in hatred here. You are the one who needs to look at who is heartless here!"

"We have plenty of feelings, and one of them is feelings of hatred toward women who have not learned their place", one of them she could not see said.

She groweled and made sounds of rage. "You are no better than the rest of the Romans who want to overrun people and don't care what they think or feel about it! Why don't you see what you are doing? You are all stupid! You don't see what you are really doing! You don't see what I was trying to do. You don't see anything. You are just stupid to be helping the Romans!"

Laughter agian, "The high priestess is going to enlighten us by telling us how stupid we are! You can't enlighten stupid people; you should know that already! You are the one who is stupid! That is why we are here and you are there. Now be silent!"

"This is the great high priestess who knows everything and was going to save Greece!' They laughed as though this was really a delusional joke. "She thinks she's going to save the world!' one of them sneered. "You cannot save the world! We're all too stupid! How stupid of you to have squandered yourself like this to save people you do not care about because they are all too stupid. You



listen to the youtube
with the music and these pictures,
especially the passage from 19:50

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance
p. 154

control it.

I left in tears, without mentioning I was their Mother, without meeting the rest of the Ronalokas I would have liked to have met and seen there and without gathering them in My arms to soothe My heart as I had wanted to do, feeling I dared not express My feelings there. That they were a whole lot more grown up than I remembered them or thought they would be, I did see, and also more warped than I wanted to find.

I was swirling in grief and terror, walking away from them. Maybe it was Me. I didn't know. Maybe I was a Mother who wanted Her children to be the way She wanted them to be, and they did not necessarily want to be that way themselves, but crabbiness and inhospitableness was not part of how I had envisioned the Ronalokas. What had happened to Us all had taken a terrible toll that would not even let Me approach them now. How could the Father of Manifestation say they were alright or that anyone I had seen in Pan so far was alright? I was horrified by how it felt in Pan after holding it so dear to Me for so long that it would feel so good to be there.

I did not get far before I fell down into My deep grief of the Mother who has lost Her children and cannot even be restored to them or they to Her, because She dares not speak of it to them and they don't recognize Her as the missing presence in their lives.

I could even see then how much I should not be surprised by this outcome given that they had not seen Me since they were, for all practical purposes, infants. I could see how they had a right to be so crabby after all they had been through, and having no real Mother for so long, having to make do with whatever substitutes happened to them, and mothering themselves as best they could. I didn't even know what made Me think I was qualified to be their Mother anymore, or ever had been. Given the circumstances and the mothering job they had done on themselves, I might have made some changes, but all in all, they had done a remarkable job.

I could see how they innately took after Me in spite of it all, but they apparently couldn't see themselves in Me. I could see how they could blame Me for not being there, not knowing where I went or why I left or what happened to Me while I was gone. I feared I deserved their blame. Maybe they didn't want to see themselves in Me because of what happened to Me, maybe they were afraid it would happen to them then. Maybe they thought I was stupid that it happened to Me. Maybe they were ashamed of Me. I could certainly see how they could blame Me. Maybe this was

p. 155

why they were all on Earth under the protectorship of the mother on Earth now.

"But is it really protection?" I angrily said to them in My thoughts then. "Do you really love her as a mother in My place? Do you really want to deny Me, and yourselves too, the gathering into loving arms I need so much?" I cried and cried.

This moved Me into deep fear that I was not protection either and that I should not try to go near them because I might bring something else to them that they wouldn't want to have there. That was the feeling I got when I moved toward meeting them, and it was the feeling I had now moving emotion around it.

"That must be it," I told Myself, "a feelng of dread when I show up of what is going to happen next."

Meanwhile, the Father of Manifestation did not come after Me and neither did any of the Ronalokas, except for a few curious children types who stared at Me and ran away when I looked at them. Apparently, I had embarrassed the Father of Manifestation and made Him and everyone else there uncomfortable. Apparently, He thought it was more important to stay there and try to smooth things over than to come after Me and how I felt. I was further hurt and agitated by this, but I dared not rage or make Myself important there, and I could not go back. I felt like I was falling into a pit I could not get out of. I feared My emotions were out of control. I wanted to run away, but I dared not move far from the Father of Manifestation, and My legs would not carry Me.

I felt all of these things then and more, and I saw how it must have felt dangerous to the Ronalokas to have a Mother such as Me, so emotional and so diminished, even in God's sight by the time they were born, that they were considered to be of such lowly birth that the other spirits of the Heavens wouldn't even come to their emergence party. I could see how and why they could have and would have adopted the "We don't need you," approach. I saw and felt a lot of things there, but no matter what I told Myself about why the Ronalokas rejected Me and why I had to accept this and give them space to do it, nothing I told Myself helped My deep grief and heartbreak over the loss of these children.

I did not try to approach them again, fearing their rage and that My emotions made them angry. I feared they were ashamed of their true origins and had made up other ones, and that My light was not welcome there because it gave rise to uncomfortable feelings they did not want to feel. At times, I have feared these were snap judgments on My part, and whenever I have felt this along



are not going to save anything! You can't even save yourself! If you're so all knowing, what good has it done you?" another said.

"Be silent, woman! You never learned your place! The head of the temple must not have been much of a man if he let you behave like this there!"

"You wouldn't know!" she said in a smoldering rage tone. They tightened the screws so much she did not think she could endure it without her head bursting open. She began rolling her body back and forth in her chains on the stone slab. This wracked her shoulder with pain, but she hardly noticed it compared to the pain they were inflicting now. "Silence," they commanded again, "or you're going to force us to cut your tongue out!"

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! She's stupid, stupid, stupid!" the demented one kept repeating as they made plans to cut her tongue out and discussed all of the grisly ways they could do it, from going down her throat and drowning her in all the blood to giving her little pieces at a time and making her swallow them. "Oh, they're all good! Why don't we do all of them!" the demented one would say to every new idea. "Let's go down her throat right now and cut her tongue out later," another said. "Why wait to have fun!" This put her down into her terror again and made her grow silent, which was when they seemed to like saying a lot of things because they penetrated so deeply, like the way they planned to go down her throat.

"Now you're going to learn what your mouth is for!" one said.

She wasn't allowed to answer. She could not answer, because they were forcing her mouth open and sticking their fingers in there like they were going to pull her teeth. "Not yet," one of them said. "Let's see if she bites us first."

She tried to bite them then, and they told her it was not a good idea unless she wanted to make it worse for herself. They began raping her in ther throat, deeply raping her pounding her, sticking objects in her other orifices and doing other things she could not keep track of in the desperate nausea and gagging suffocation terror. She could still hear them screaming at her, "If you know so much, why can't you even save yourself? Where are all of your powers now? You have no right to question us! You ae no right to tell us what to do! You don't know anything we need to know. We don't need to be told what to do! Who are you to tell us what to do! This has already been decided by more important people than you! If you and your gods know so much, where are your gods now? Your gods can't help you now, because you don't receive the gods.


"You don't listen to anybody. You think you know better even than the gods. You're a fake! Rome has gods that are more powerful than Greece. Your gods have failed you, or Rome could not take over Greece. The Roman gods do not like the Greek gods."

Blue, with purple secretly behind it, was cramming her yellow, orange and red back down her throat there with no green to speak of to be seen there. She had only the briefest moments to gasp for air there, gagging back her vomit.

When they finally let off, she was not conscious anymore, and when she came to, she knew she hurt worse than ever and did not dare make any sound or say anything about it. She did not move either. She was cowered in terror now. She hardly breathed, hoping they would not notice that she had come to, but that was not much comfort, because she realized that they were still doing things. They threw salt water on her feet. She angrily jerked her feet without even realizing she had done it.

"She's not learning!" one of them said and angrily unchained her. She could not stand on her feelt, but they dragged her across the floor to the rack on her feet anyway, roughing them up as they went. The pain of it was so excruciating to her that she began screaming at them that they were heartless beasts. That was when she saw a big snake moving on the floor that looked like the python from the temple. It lifted its head threateningly toward her.

She was fighting them as much as possible with a broken shoulder as though she actually thought she was going to get loose and was calling them heartless beasts. They were in a fury when they laid her on the rack, and they began slowly stretching her then, giving her fits of pain.

She began to rage at them with a sound I wished she had been able to make much earlier in her life there. It was a growling rage from between gritted teeth that grew in intensity the more they stretched her on the rack, until she was raging like a wild animal and was making so much noise that they had the thought that she might have the power to break loose from the rack.

She could not even hear them commanding her to be silent. When they did not feel powerful enough to stop her rage with their commands, they began suffocating her with wet rags; enough of them that she could not bite them if she got her head loose. "Who's the beast?" they growled at her in their fury. "You're every bit as much a beast as everyone else, and don't forget it!"

Their suffocation was artful, letting off just enough to extend the terror by not quite letting her pass out until they wanted her to.

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance
p. 156

with the heartbreak of not beng able to stay away and miss them any longer or more, I have tried to return to the Ronalokas. I have felt uncomfortable with them, though, almost as though I am haunting them like a mother deceased who has to return to see how her children are doing.

I have incarnated among them from time to time, never mentioning Mother or any role similar to that for Myself and have received varying welcomes according to the emotional polarization of the Ronalokas involved, the grief polarized being My best reception.

I did not know for a long time how much I had Lucifer with Me, not wanting to believe that something I hated that much could be so attached to Me. I have felt at times that I should have known, as obvious as it has becme to Me now, but then, I did not knnow and was unable to see it that way. Perhaps it was My light not looking right to them, or perhaps only a feeling of Lucifer's presence that caused the Ronalokas to respond to Me in the ways that they have.
I have inadvertently drawn Lucifer to the Ronalokas without meaning to because I did not know he was attached to Me personally by lines I did not see except at times and did not know how to get them Off of Me. As I move to clear this out of Me, I hope the Ronalokas will move along with Me to find their own Luciferian light that has repelled Me so that We can have the reunion I have longed for for so long, after all.

I have not moved toward the Ronalokas since slavery days in the United States, the last life with them being in emancipation days, and I will not move toward them again until I have healed My gap and Lucifer is no longer a presence with Me. I did have to do, by being there, with slavery capturing the Ronalokas in Africa and taking them out of their hiding place there, and I am sorry for that in many ways as well as for so many other things, although I have also seen that there were such lost Will images of God's light being held in the Will Polarity in Africa that I have also felt the ones brought out of there were the lucky ones after all for reasons none of Us could see or understand in the misery of those times. I have wondered if there would be anything left of their orange and red if some of them had not been brought to the Western Hemisphere and given some Christian guilt to swallow until something more enlightened could be found.

Idealization of Africa by some in the Western Hemisphere reminds Me of My own idealization of Pan and of the Ronalokas without seeing the lack of light or the unloving light present there.

I did not suffer any less than others did having been brought west as a slave, and maybe more, since it was Me Lucifer was really after there. I had thought I could hide there and be with My love for the Ronalokas , but perhaps it wasn't the right thing to do, given what happened, although there has not been any place I could go without very, similarly devastating results.

With Lucifer in pursuit of Me the way he has been, no group has wanted Me because of what I have drawn to them when Lucifer has found Me. I have wandered alone for a long time because of this, except when I was trying to fit in someplace and not be recognized. Feeling heartbroken, grief stricken, afraid, unwanted, abandoned and rejected Myself, I wailed in grief at times, out in abandoned places where no one ever went, until My rage, which has returned to Me only sporadically until now, finally started to say that it wasn't right or fair and that everyone must take some responsibility for what happened because everyone has denied My reflection as not a part of themselves, and used Me to shove their unwanted undercurrents and feelings into and to blame, making Me the magnet for all that was not loved, which is what Lucifer has preyed upon.

You all suffered there with Me in part, but in Main Bodies, no, I was alone; all alone without even a voice to support my position. Even when you have gone through punishments, they were group punishments; you were not alone. I was alone in Hell, and for a long time before and after that. I have always felt alone, never really accepted as a part of any group. Approached by what has so often felt mostly like guilt, I must say I share with the Ronalokas a dislike for the approach of the false acceptance. I do not even know how I want to be approached except that I think I know how I will feel when it is the right approach.

I feared the Ronalokas thought I was a false approach there in Pan, and that I had better leave them alone until I had enough Mother presence to be able to approach them in a way they could accept and recognize, but I was also not able to do any better because of what happened to Me in Hell and My experiences of being so recently and so deeply reimprinted there. I could not hold it together in the face of their rejection and lack of recognition for Me.

Partying in Pan after that felt like an impossibility for Me. I had to move along with the Father of Manifestation there for protection, and He so often chose to go the Ronalokas and play music with them. I loved the music so much I felt that it sustained Me



This sent her down into a terror that had no trust and seemed to have no end to its increasing intensity, or any bottom to it, until she passed out only for as long as they let her.

We tried to get her then, but she had too much self-hatred and shame and too many judgments against herself to let go that easily or even to know which direction to go, up or down, in or out of her body; she was compleely confused, as she had been for a long time. She was experiencing My light and the Father of Manifestation, too, as just out of reach, and , as though they somehow knew what was happening, the torturers were stopping their suffocation of her just before she died. They knew, too, just how much to let her catch her breath, yet not enough to get over the exhaustion of her struggle and then did it again, each time exhausting her further into the terror that she could not stand the compression that was oeverwhelming her strength.

One time , they were telling her she was a fool to fight for her life, had nothng to live for and if she would just give up and let go, she could die and get it over with, then bring her back just before she could, telling her she could not even die unless they decided to let her. Another time, they would tell her she couldn't let go and die because she had to control everything so much that she could not even let go and die, and they were only trying to help her by teaching her how to let go and surrender to death.

Over and over, they did this, their plan being to exhaust her so that she could not ever make such a noise again or gain whatever power they feared she was gaining there. In moments of consciousness during this, she could hear the one she feared was the most demented, because they all looked this way to her now repeating over and over, "Yeah, beasts, we're all beasts. You're a beast, too, little girlie, don't forget that!"

This was punctuated by bouts of hideous laughter. In another moment of consciousness, she saw him standing in the midst of the dogs, exciting hmself and them sexually, moving into her field of vision again, as though they were all in a strobe lighting situation, she saw him having sex with one of the dogs in a frenzy, while the other dogs there were barking and jumping around him and jerking as though they were ejaculating, too, When she tried to focus for an instant to see if she was really seeing this, she could not see anything with her physcal eyes and feared she was becoming as demented as they were.

When pain from the rack jerked her body there, they said, "Look, she's jerking , too! she likes it! Do it some more. She has been


hiding this from us! She's orgasming here, too! She's having secret orgasms."

She was too weak to do anything but try to gain some air that her body was desperately driving her for, although she could not understand why her body would continue to struggle for life there.

"She's been hiding her sexuality here, but now she has to give it to us!" one of them said. She shuddered, and they made that out to be an orgasm, too, and tormented her with more comments such as, "Look , she likes it! Do it some more! She wants it! She's just pretending she doesn't! Let's give her some!"

She was babblng to the head of the temple again, and of course, it was My light and the Father of Manifestation that she was talking to. They intended to play with her desire to be rescued and her feeling that she was seeing someone she knew and loved coming to rescue her. They were laughing at her all the while because they could not hold it back, but she kept insisting it was true. He was right there.

They decided to play along with this and see what would happen. In her babblng, she was saying all sorts of things. They already had some plans of their own, that they were also taking their cues from her, and one they chose to cruelly play with there was her saying to the head of the temple, "My hair! My hair! You're finally coming to get me, and I don't even look good anymore."

"No one is ever rescued! Unless you really have magic powers, you're not going to be able to rescue yourself, either! If you have magic powers, where are they? You waited too long to rescue yourself, you're too damaged now!" They took her off the rack then and carried her back to the stone table, limp.

"If he's real, why doesn't he come get you now?" to which she had no reply. They went on, "He must want you to suffer; he must want you to pay a lot and sacrifice yourself here. He must be empowering us to do this, or he would carry you away already. He must not be as powerful even as Roman chains, " laughing coarsely at their own cleverness and her presumed hallucinations.

They were saying these things while she was limp there, while at the same time doing some internal work on her that they did not want her to know about. They began to talk abround it like this, "She doesn't think she looks good, but she doesn't know what he is really after. That's where she isn't good enough. If she' s going to be rescued now, let's improve her for him first."

They had been experimenting with twisting dull knives inside of women that damaged the nerves behind the clitoris so that any

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 158

many times and in many ways, and even in Hell, at times, it had seemed that I had somehow heard the depth and emotional tone of it. The deep, resonating tones and emotionality especially seemed to reach Me at times in Hell, and I would hope that I was being looked for somehow in this way, but at the parties in Pan, I would lie at the edge and cry as the Mother who could not find Her right place with Her children I would cry and cry so much I thought it would never stop, and in fact, it hasn't stopped yet.

When I would try to join in and sing
as I so much longed to instead of crying all the time, there would be so much grief in My voice that there were objections to My participation. Everyone let Me know, including the Father of Manifestation, that I just didn't get the form right of what they were trying to present as the song, and that I must stay within the confines of the plan, the structure, the time frame and the beat more. I feared I had a lack of talent, but another part of Me felt it was the emotion beyond the accepted range of emotion that was what no one wanted to make space for and what was making them uncomfortable.

"Music is like a mosaic, you know,' they would say, but apparently, My pieces were not welcome in it. I would feel particularly maddened when some other person in the Ronalokas could take the style of what I was doing and make another song and it was alright then. If I would ask about it, I would be told that that song was more suited to the style than the song I was trying to sing that way on (sic). I didn't like that since they all seemed to regard that person as the pioneer of something and I, the copier. I was filled with guilt and fear about how to present Myself then. No matter how I did it, it didn't seem to be acceptable as I felt to do it.

I feared saying anything about this, and did not, and then I really couldn't sing. My voice was strangulated all the way down into Red. I shrank back into My feelings of worthlessness and unwantedness. I had so much forced back down My throat that I wanted to have come up and out that I could not sing as I felt to, not even alone. Perhaps it wasn't right to try to give My pain an outlet in music, but when I could not, I had so little in the way of other outlets that My rage got out there in a state of denial, and copied the Ronalokas, and didn't give them any acceptance or credit for it either, while I was so disconnected from My rage at that time that I felt the Ronalokas were as taken advantage of and uncredited as I felt I was. The reflection of the rage singing these songs looked mean, disconnected and unaccepting toward the depth of feeling the Ronalokas had in

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their songs. I hated this so much and because I was so disconnected from My rage there, did not see this was the way I felt they had treated Me and My depth of feelng.

It seemed the Ronalokas had somehow decided in My absence that they and the Father of Manifestation were the authorities on acceptable range of emotion and all there was in the depth of feeling department.
While My rage didn't like that, My fear feared they were at the right level of emotion and that their emotions were the most there was any room for, even admiring them nany times for daring to have and express as much emotion as they did while I felt I had to control My emotions because they were out of control.

Joining the party there in Pan was not really a possibility for Me because the unmoved burden of the weight of Hell upon Me was too much for Me to be in the mood very much. I could not understand the constant party mood in Pan. When I looked around, I didn't see much to party about at all unless they were celebrating the downhill slide of Pan from My original vision.

Given how alone I felt and how misshapen to My way of looking so many of the creatures were there in Pan, and getting worse while claiming it was only desired form changes, I began to feel at times that they were all strange and uncaring pagans dancing on My grave, and when I felt this, I did not feel like it was a new feeling. Everytime I tried to join any of the parties, I received some reflection or another that my participation was not really welcome there until I began to feel that I was being invited More from guilt than from any real feelings of love or acceptance or even desire for My presence.

I had thought the Ronalokas would not make anyone feel left out because of how left out they had felt, but what I hadn't realized was that they had begun a circling in on themselves that leaves others out with the "We don't want or need you" attitude because of how left out they felt. I had not yet found the origins of this in the earliest parts of Original Cause where, in Our very first encounters with the light, some of the Ronalokas
had judged the light in their feeling bodies for not approaching them just right. I am not saying this was wrong because it saved the Will from being completely taken over with unloving light, as it did Me [sic], but this needs to be looked at more deeply now because there was also a role played by the Will in making this light unloving, and a blame of poor leadership toward the Mother that needs to move toward more of a shared responsibility.

The Ronalokas are the only children who take after the Mother



orgasms were going to be very painful orgasms. They were doing this to her now, and of course, they were going to manipulate her into having orgasms and lay it deep into her subconscious that surrender to orgasm was going to mean pain.

Orgasm was now going to be deeply associated with excruciating pain that she wished she never had to experience so that she would fear giving in to orgasm and want to avoid it without knowing why, and the problem did not go away at the end of the life in which they did it, because the deep association in the subconscious there was carried onward from life to life, interfering with ability to give in to orgasm, and often, to experience any intensity of orgasm without a lot of pain.

The Romans did this to many women, because they tortured many women in various places and in various times and could do this without outward sign of mutiltion if they were going to let the woman live. The Romans also passed this knowledge to the Christian Church who used it heavily during the Inquisition and other medieval torture scenes where they wanted to punish women for their sexuality. Once pain and orgasm are associated together in the subconscious in scenes such as this, it's a very hard thing for the person to unravel and straighten out, especially if they do not remember what happened.

They gave her the impression that her most powerful orgasms were going to happen while she was experiencing pain and powerfully associated this in her subconscious by driving her into orgasm with such intense pain that her nervous system lost its ability to differentiate between pain and pleasure, who she was having sex with and whether there was love present or not, and orgasming in such pain and confusion, she feared they were right. She did not have very much sexual experience with which to know they were not right, either.

Then they said, "Wait! She's not ready yet. She doesn't like her hair anymore. Let's fix her hair for him, too. We don't want her to feel like she's not looking good if she's going to be rescued now. Let's fix her up. Let's make her even better than she was. Let's improve her so he'll want her even more. We know what he wants. Let's make her even more beautiful."

She stirred into consciousness from a dream she did not want to leave that she was being restored to herself and to the Father of Manifestation to the pain of the knife being twisted inside of her and nails being pounded into her skiull, just enough to almost penetrate and sometimes crack it as though she was being given a new


hairdo of nails. When she screamed in pain, they made her be silent by threatening to suffocate her some more. "You're all ready for him now," they told her.

Suddenly, there was a wind that came into the room, as though a great doorway had been opened, and they told her it must be true, she was going to be rescued after all, because a great wind was rushing into the room. They put out all the light sources except the fire by her side, as though the wind had done it, and acted like they were being blown back by the wind , too. They told her they were all afraid of his power if he could do that, and maybe she was right. Maybe, if he could do that, he was going to be able to rescue her in spite of all of them.

Then the head of the Delphi city state, who had been watching her torture from a secret place, entered the room through that doorway, imitating the head of the temple. Framed in the doorway, he was a Greek-garbed silhouette, and in her confused state of physical torment, she really thought it was the head of the temple there to rescue her, which did not seem as preposterous to her as it did to them, but he was not there physically.

The head of the city state came in like he was going to rescue her, saying, "I'm here my darling, I'm here at last!" He mounted the stone slab where she lay like he was going to take her from her bondage there, and when he took her sexually instead, she invited him into her body as though he really was the one she loved. He raped her in this state, and driving her to orgasm was not difficult. She was barely conscious, drugged, didn't know what to expect yet and thought it was the head of the temple. When her orgasm was horribly painful, they all laughed uproariously.

"There is no rescue for you. There is no way out of here. You are a fool who is only deluding herself!"

We were not able to prevent this and did not know how long it was going to take her to ever be able to trust us again, because her subconscious was so wide open to her imprinting. We did not want to abandon her there but fell back after that, fearing that Our presence so close to her was causing her more problems than We were helping her with.

Still, I felt We needed to stay as nearby as we could, because I felt sure We needed to see everything that was happening
. I had a fast healing in mind that just was not possible there. We were desperately trying to lift her out of there, but We could not lift her out of herself without leaving behind parts that could not be left behind anymore.

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 160

so much , and so much so that I have feared they have really hated this in themselves to the extent that they did not want to recognize this or reunite with Me, but only try to get away from Me instead. I feared at other times that they wanted to take all the credit for themselves and not give their Parents any.

Dare I say the dreaded words power play in the Will Polarity? It has been difficult to charge loved ones with anything, yet I must pose this. All intents and purposes must be looked at more deeply so that all that needs to move can move into healing and resolution.

I do need intent to be found and clarified, not just from the good, loving and more acceptable side of Our nature, but from all of it, from everything that was really happening there, or We cannnot be sure the smack won't or can't be recreated from some unseen or unmoved part of Ourselves. It is not just the Parental Parts that must take all of the blame and responsibility here. Everyone who is - had some presence in the original sea of essence, and even unconsciousness has to take some responsibility for what its lack of presence and participation has contributed to the problems We all had there.

For My part, I have taken and am taking responsibility for My subconscious annihilation wishes in the void that drew Lucifer's light there and for My lack of presence in places, and yet it is not all My responsiblity. You must all look at your own responsibility too, Some of you have a lot more than you think and have been blaming your Parents as a diversionary tactic.

I feel that blaming Me, and even the blaming of all the Parental parts, has been a lot more of a diversionary tactic than I at first realized in My terror, fear, grief and guilt, even allowing this blame of Us to feel licensed to be the Parental part instead of Us, but this does not really add up. You cannot be both blameless and causal, which is what being Parental really means. Unfortunately, My rage realized this coldly and cruelly without the rest of My loving presence there with it.

Meanwhle, at My first meeting with the Ronalokas in Pan, I already knew I should not stray far from the Father of Manifestation. I could not walk anyway, and so I lay there in My emotions until the Father of Manifestation came to Me. When He came walking up, I wanted Him to comfort Me, which He did not. He seemed to feel embarrassed of My behavior there and not understand the gap I had with My children having grown up without My being present there for it. He said nothing to Me. He stood very tall over Me, casting Me in a shadow from where He stood that

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matched the chill I felt from Him, and in His presence, I felt immediately very small, frightened and sorry that I had dared to make Myself important at all.

He bade Me get up, which fear caused Me to do immediately, almost leaping into His arms when I felt Myself falling down again, which He would not let Me do. He bade Me walk with HIm and after some looking, We found His rainbow of faeries, who were looking for Him, I did like them and felt immediately drawn to them, but I also felt distrust, especially for their happy faces, which had the immediate effect of making Me feel very sullen and contrary to their mood without being able to help Myself about it. The more happy and welcoming they seemed to be toward Me, the less responsive I was able to be toward them; but when they withdrew then and left Me alone as though I was being cool and aloof, I did not like that either. I did not know what I wanted. Maybe I was never satisfied. Maybe I couldn't be pleased. Maybe nothng ever was good enough for Me. Here I was, restored to Earth, and already I was acting dissatisfied and unhappy with it as it was, but I could not help Myself about it.

I did not like the looks of things there much anymore, at least not what I had seen so far, and not as much as My memories said I had liked them earlier. Everything appeared to Me to be falling away from the Earth I remembered. I felt frightened, sad and enraged all at once by this and could not even separate My feelings enough to know how to express them then, especially because of a terror I felt about doing this. I could not understand how I could finally be restored to Earth and not be any happier than I was. I tried to force Myself to be happy, but I could not make Myself blind, deaf or dumb to what I felt and perceived to be happening there.

As I watched the faeries turn their excited attentions to the Father of Manifestation, I let Myself drift quietly to the edge of the group, feeling sullen and jealous and dissatisfied with My predicament there. I wondered if any of them, or the Father of Manifestation, would even notice the absence of My presence or care about it if they did.

Before I had much time to wonder about it, a large snake pounced on Me and slithered away with Me, squeezing Me as it wrapped its large body around Me. I was immediately terrified beyond speech or sound. The snake was completely engulfing Me and squeezing Me menacingly, while cruelly playing with Me with its threatening and fast moving forked tongue. To make



When We pulled back, this gave her more problems and confusions, too, but Our continued strong presence was prolonging her ability to continue staying alive in this, and We did not want to do that anymore. Not only was she not rescued, now she had a dark silence around her in which she felt verya bandoned again. This was utterly terrifying to her, because at least she had had our light to turn to in her moments of almost leaving her body there, but she was losing some consciousness now and might have to suffer less because of it. Her subconscious was experiencing all of it vividly, though and the drugs were making it much worse than it would have been otherwise, vivifying all of the sensory perceptions and opening her subconscious mind to them.

She was making judgments there. Even though her mind was barely functioning, they were all in the subconscious as a heavy recharge of original imprinting. She judged she couldn't count on My light to be there for her when she really needed it, that I wasn't capable of rescuing her from anything, that I wasn't going to rescue her from anything, that she couldn't trust her own perceptions and that I had no intention of rescuing her, only of setting her up to be played for a fool. She also judged that she had better not speak anything of what I, supposedly, told to her, because I would make her into a fool by backing away at the last minute. She was going into bitterness, and while I could hardly blame her, I could not stop her either. She didn't know it needed to move as heartbroken, terrified reage, and there was no way to do that there anyway.

She was lying there full of all these emotions, unable to move any of them, while they were having a frightening discussion in front of her, as though what she had experienced already was no problem to them. Of all the horrile things they discussed they could do, and wanted to do, they decided that they were going to peel the skin off of he right arm. They told her that they were going to do this because she should be beyond the need for air if she was really such a high, spiritual priestess, and that since she did not appear to be able to breathe through her skin, they were going to help her.

As they peeled the skin off with more slow, cold, precision and cruelty, they let the air sting it as long as that gave her a lot of pain and then put alum [sic] on the arm to keep it from bleeding much or getting infected so they could keep her alive and make her suffer a lot more. She did not know how she could possibly be living through all of this and was fearing that she really could not die.


"We're not going to let you die," they told her.

"Yeah, an we're going to feed you, too, so you don't starve to death," one of them told her.

"to yourself!" the deformed one told her.

She quailed in fear at that for a while and then realized she did not want to let them see her fear. "Will you please give me some water?' she begged them.

"Oh, yes of course! Anything else, your most high priestess? How can we serve you?" Then the deformed one urinated into her mouth. When she tried to shut her mouth, another forced it open, she was forced to swallow it.

"See, she likes it. She just does not let herself know what she really likes! Let's give her some more! We want to give her what she wants, whether she pretends she doesn't like it or not!" They all urinated on her then. They had been taking drugs that had various psychedelic effects, and she soon found herself plunged into a new hell of strange visions, distorted sounds and amplified feelings; worse than a bad trip.

It did not seem like long to her before she was roused by obnoxious smells. Her head was turned, and she could see that they had built a fire and were throwing things into it that smelled terrible. It was pieces of skin, hair, bones and shit. Anything to make the room smell more obnoxious than anything she had ever smelled before. She thought she was going to throw up but was terrified to allow that. "Just cleaning up after you," they said, laughing horribly at her. "You are so gross, like a sow who can't clean up after herself. You think we're repulsive. You're repulsive," they told her.

Then they put her through several surgical operations, leaving her passed out from pain exhaustion at the end of each one until she started to come to on her own, but she did not know that, because as soon as she stirred, they jolted her back into conscious awareness she wished was not returning to her, as though they were completely manipulating her.

They removed parts of her liver, ate some and forced her to eat some, They removed her gall bladder and poured the bile down her throat. They removed most of her right breast and ate it right in front of her, giving her small pieces and commanding her to swallow them. They gave her no anaesthetic, of course, and gave her maximum pain by doing it all very slowly and precisely, making sure, also that she remained still by increasing her pain of bondage with the screws. They didn't know what was keeping her alive for


The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 162

matters worse, the snake had two heads.

"At least not countless heads," something in Me said.

The snake's other head was arguing with it about what it was doing, even biting it, but also letting Me know it was no friend of Mine either, criticizing Me harshly in ways that were all too familiar. I could not bear it and shut My eyes, whereupon the snake began biting Me in the eyes and forehead and raping Me at the same time, reminding Me of something that threw Me in such a deep terror I went beyond the time frame I had been in of being on Earth.

I could not stand what was happening to Me, but it did not seem to matter, the snake swallowed Me as soon as it finished raping Me, plunging Me into an even deeper terror that seemed to know no bounds of My physical capacity to handle it or of any time frame in which it was happening. For Me, it was an immediate eternity of Hell which seemed as though it would never end and which lasted until I was somehow passed out, cast out or spat out the other end of the snake after quite a struggle of squeezing, spasming contractions and contortions whose intent was to wring from Me any life essence it could, but which seemed to Me to be much too much effort for what it got, and which was such a horrible , suffocating compression for Me that I wished never to have to experience it again. I could not stand the form this snake had taken for getting light.[???????] I could not even stand the idea, let alone the experience of being eaten, any more than I could stand the idea of being squeezed to death by something that thought it should be able to take what little light I had left.

I felt hurt and indignant that there was no respect left for My position as Mother, not even any recognition of it. Rational or not, as soon as I recovered enough to do it, My rage advanced on the snake demanding to know who its mother was and why she had not raised him any better than that.

The attacking head of the snake only blinked blankly at this and thrust its head forward, menacing Me with its tongue as though ready to attack Me again,while the other head coldly told Me there was no mother presence for the snake; the snake
was its own mother.

I then stepped back, feeling not only fear of the snake, but also fear that perhaps I was somehow, although I hoped not, the Mother of this horrible snake and that, somehow now, I had delayed birth children
[sic] who were completely beyond My control, with no love or responsiveness toward Me in them.


The pictures I had of this were so horrifying to Me I didn't know where to go with them. I blamed the Father of Manifestation,
although I was not sure why. Was this what it was going to be like to be on Earth now? Was this what I was going to have to expect ; being violated at any moment without any concern for what My wishes might be in the matter? Was this their, so-called, free sex? If this was happening with the Father of Manifestation here on Earth, why was it happening? What was His power, and where was He? Was this snake Him in some kind of form change, playing with Me to see if I would recognize or like HIm there? Which I did not as a matter of fact!

I did not see the vines advancing on Me in time to escape their grip. I felt My terror leap as they grabbed Me, and the snake menaced Me further in My entrapment. Why wouldn't My mind shut up instead of making Me feel all of these things that got Me in trouble? Was this someone's sexual turn on? Was this the Father of Manifestation's strange idea of protection enforcement or control so that We would all have to stay clustered around HIm, or did He really not have the power anymore to stop these things from happening in Pan? I really needed His help and protection now and felt slim chance of getting it, or even deserving it. I felt even too guilty to call out for Him, and very terrified about His either apparent power losss or strange alignment with these events.

All of these pictures were so horrible to Me My terror was raining over Me like a summer downpour on My picnic in Pan, and in fact, so literally now that even the shelter of the trees was not enough. The snake moved off, not liking the rain, but I could not. I was left feeling the terror of bondage from the vines, which My mind leaped out of again. This time it was, "Oh, how I would have liked to feel the merriness in the rhythms of the raindrops and the pattering response of the leaves! How I would have loved to have heard the calling voices of the faerie folk singing and playing in the warm mists as in My memories surfacing from someplace misty, deep and old!" But terror prevailed anyhow, and I only heard a dismal dripping running and splattering grayness of rain, heavily laden with a feeling of slumber all around Me instead of lively awakeness during the daytime anymore. I felt a shudder of dank cold, depression, grief and loneliness instead of the excitement of a cooling upliftment of sparkling, crystal raindrops dancing in the fast returning sunlight. The entire forest looked depressed to Me, and I sank into depression with it as deeply as I felt it had.

Sometime later, the vines released Me, although I did not



so long. They had never had anyone last so long, and they were openly congratulating themselves on their skill.

Torture victims were better than cadavers because they were living flesh and they could see how living flesh reacted. Torturers enjoyed maximizing the pain this way, also, and orgasmed frequently, and better than if they were having regular sex, when they were cutting on people. They took great pride in precision work, even competing among themselves and arguing as to who could do the most damage and keep the victim alive the longest and getting angry when they didn't think the one doing the procedure was doing it well enough, slowly enough or tortuously enough. They learned a lot this way about how much a person could take without dying, and about how to keep them alive through tortured torment and shock. You might be surprised to find how many of them were, also, actually doctors. [How can I be surprised, after having lived at the time of Doctor Mengele?]

It was seeming to Us that the presence of Our light might have been giving them some of their horrible ideas inadvertently because We knew her so well. We decided We should withdraw a little farther, and get her as soon as she died there, but it frightened her so much to go into the dark aloneness that she experienced then that it was very difficult for Us to do this emotionally. I had so wanted to avert this fate for her that I was still wanting to lift her somehow and get her out of there more intact than she was going to be if they got to finish with her the way I could see they wanted to.

When We moved back, though, I noticed as more than coincidental that they were now moved into more sexual activity, themselves. They now felt they had gotten all of the information they were going to get, and she seemed too mentally stupefied with Our light withdrawn there to say anything more, either, They began talking about going to go down her throat again, but one of them complained about having gotten bitten. They decided they were going to have to "improve" her mouth first by pulling her teeth. ""Please, no!" she murmured.

"She's still 'lippy'," one of them said. "You're taking a very long time to learn one simple command of silence" another one scsreamed at her. 'We're going to have to help you learn by giving you another lesson."

She looked at them in terror. They opened her mouth. She went deeper into terror. They began pulling her teeth one by one, starting with the top center. She did not know how far they were going to go. They dropped the teeth, one by one, down her throat and commanded her to swallow them. When she could not, they gave


her an incentive by breaking one of her fingers or holding their hands over her nose until she had to gulp them down.

When that didn't work very well on one and they had to hold her head up for a few moments to keep her from choking to death because they were not ready to kill her yet, they didn't like having it appear that they were showing any sign of mercy, so they used the opportunity to cauterize her gums to stop the bleeding and to throw some alum in her mouth, which made her so dry she could not stand it. She moaned piteousy, but only once. "That's it," one of them cried out. "Now we have to cut your tongue out. You have left us no other recourse!"

They gave her no time to speak there, as if she could have. They grabbed her tongue with hot tongs that burned right through it as they gripped it and cut off the front part of her tongue, "You cannot speak now," they told her, "so forever hold your peace!" her tongue was cut out slowly in their usual fashion and burned right along behind the cut to keep the bleeding down. They roasted it and ate it.

"More like a real vagina now," the deformed one said.

She felt an overwhelming desire to sob, but dared not because of them, but also because she had noticed already that she did not have the possibility of breathing through her mouth if her nose stopped up. She could not swallow, and fear of swallowing what remained of her tongue now cast her into utter terror of having to.

They raped her in the mouth again then, vigorously and viciously, over and over, giving everyone a turn who wanted it. She went unconscious in the same desperate terror she had experienced in previous episodes of this.

There was almost nothing left of her then, and several times, I thought surely she would die there, expecially because of the vomit being rammed back down her throat by their pounding penises, but at the last moment possible to still have anything left of her, they turned her on her side and pounded on her back, complaining all the while about how dull it was to try to get orgasms out of someone who would not give them what they wanted, and insulting her as the reason they were not getting the orgasms they wanted out of her even yet. Long after I would have thought they would have given up on her and let her go, she coughed.

They began a brutally pounding raping of her with phallic-type objects.With each round of it, they would insert a larger diameter and longer phallic type of object, screaming at her, "Is this enough? Is this enough? If it's not enough, we can certainly accom-

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 164

notice it at first because I had sunk into feelings of experiences inside of Me which seemed important when I was there. When I did notice the vines had released Me, I could not remember what these experiences were. My inner focus faded like dreams not well remembered, only moods remained. My mood was not happy, but I decided I must look for the Father of Manifestation.

The Father of Manifestation found Me then. He had all of His faeries gathered in a rainbow around Him and He admonished Me in front of the group for leaving the group. I felt embarrassed and ashamed then, as though it was My fault and that I had allowed or caused this problem with the snake to happen, or even deserved this for leaving the group. I hung My head in burning shame and could not look at the Father of Manifestation or anyone else there.

The Father of Manifestation began to play His flutes then, and the faeries
began to dance around Him as though they were all one entity, swirling there as His partner. I wanted to feel that closeness too, but the weight of unmoved emotions in Me was preventing it. I tried to join the group. I still could not look at the Father of Manifestation or anyone else present there, but I felt that I must.

I kept feeling drawn to the Father of Manifestation 's head. Perhaps I thought I could find something out if I looked into His eyes while He played and danced and sang. That I was having trouble in Pan seemed only worthy of a momentary notice from Him, which ruffled the beat of His music, and which He let Me know , I thought, that He didn't like, but tolerated from the friendly side of His nature. I felt unimportant and displaced, but I kept wanting to connect to His consciousness there. I wanted to try to recover Our old communication. Perhaps I could make HIm notice Me more than the rest, and He would let Me regain My former position with HIm.

When I did connect with His head, I did not feel His consciousness very present there. He looked strangely blank which reminded Me of the snake. I had trouble looking at HIm. I looked down, and when I did, I was shocked to see that He was having sexual intercourse, and apparently orgasm, with another faerie while He had been looking at Me. His apparent blankness, it then seemed to Me, was because His attention was being drawn into that instead of into My attempt to connect with Him. "He must not like looking at what I want to find out, "I thought, "and He must not like Me as much as others anymore."

At first, I started to feel very angry with Him, but then I felt very guilty that I had tried to present My situation at the wrong

p. 165

time and place. Then I thought I felt His pain and loneliness that was trying to have Us all together as some sort of single entity. I moved My own response aside in favor of this, but I was hurt, nonetheless. I was no longer enough for Him. I knew that, and so I could no longer make demands on Him regarding OUr relationship and the monogamy I wanted there, but I didn't know how I was going to be able to stand to live with this situation either.

I felt so much anger and jealousy toward the other faeries who were supposed to now be My sisters that I almost could not control it. They all seemed to be so much more together, confident, happy, powerful and comfortable with this than I was. I still wanted to be His only and complete mate and not share Him with others who, I thought, would have been regarded as children before, and with whom He would not have had sex. It disturbed Me quite a lot that He was having sex with such little faeries, but then I was moving to have sex with Him too, and although I didn't feel like it, I was now also very small in relationship to His figure as the God, Pan, so how could I protest their activities?

I felt I must find out more about how the other faeries felt. Perhaps it would help Me to handle the situation better and might even teach Me something. Not knowing what else I could do about My jealousy or my predicament, I tried to set it aside and become their friend.

I hated feeling I was now in competition with the other faeries for the attention of the God, Pan, but I was, and I might as well admit it since I didn't openly admit it then. Then, I just felt it was My right place to be the most important faerie amongst them and have the primary position, with the Father of Manifestation openly acknowledging it, as should all of them. When He did not and they did not, it made Me feel many feelings about how diminished I must have looked that I was not recognized as the Mother anymore, but how diminished I actually was, I did not recognize in Myself as yet. Within Myself, I still felt Myself to be who I was and felt that I should still have all of the power and presence I used to have. It was a shock, probably more to Me than anyone else in Pangea, to find out, as I did, how little power I really had there to have it the way I wanted it and to do as I wanted to do.

I did not understand why they did not recognize Me but I did not say anything. Instead, I was downcast, pouty and simmering with the storms of heartbreak and rage around the edges of their rainbow, but moving more with the shame, fear and everything else of having been washed out of the Godhead and the idea that



modate her highness, the would-be-goddess of Earth! What does it take to get a goddess to orgasm?" Every time they said, "Is this enough?" with their held rage vengeance in their voice, they were slamming her pelvis against the stone slab she was lying on, breaking first the place where her pelvis joined her spine, then her spine in many places and finally her pelvis as the fury of their slams increased.

They gave her a little "rest" then. She was unconscious. She was bleeding from all of her orifices, and the demented one was licking it up, as were the dogs who were jumping on top of her now,too. During her little 'rest," they were still insulting her as the cause of how sexually dissatisfied they were and trying to decide what to do next that might get them the orgasm they were still looking for, but they did not move for a while. When they did, they gave her the last horrible torture for which she had any consciousness left.

They had been raping her in all available orifices, at intervals, all during the torturee and complaining about not getting the orgasms they wanted there. She had belittled them in her rage when they raped her pelvicly, telling them they were not men, only animals, and that they wouldn't know how to have loving sex because they were too twisted and depraved. This had been simmering in them, and they were now gettng themselves very cranked up repeating these comments of hers to themselves in their discussion there.

Still not satisfied, they melted some lead, insulting her ability to satisfy them sexually all the while they were doing this. As soon as the lead was molten enough, they flipped her over in a twisted position, because they did not unchain her, put a funnel in her rectum and poured it in. She screamed in agony and was not visibly conscious after that. They turned her back then, and as soon as the lead was cool enough, they began taking turns with thrusting rapes that were pounding against the lead.

They rested after that and during her "little break," as they called them, they decided to cut off her leg, and cut out her womb and heart as well. They cooked and ate them and tossed the leg bone to the dogs. When the dogs had gnawed it clean to their satisfaction, they took it back.

They got on top of her and began going down her throat again, one after the other, with another one battering up from her vagina with her leg bone until they were, literally, furiously pounding down her throat and pounding up at themselves with the leg bone,


harder and hard, until they spasmed in some kind of insane, driven orgasm, killing the woman who was supposed to give it to them. They would get as much orgasm as they could that way, stumble off of her, still jerking like the dogs had been doing earlier, stumbling around the room like madmen until they collapsed on the floor and lay where they fell for a while.

I was so horrified by this I could hardly even look at it. They lay there as if in a stupor, like drunks with hangovers, which indeed they probably were, given the drugs they had been taking and the alcohol they had been drinking. They fell into a sleep that lasted quite a while. Still, she could not come to Us and we did not know why.

They began to ocme to and decided they weren't finished yet. They stomped on her, they pissed on her, they shit on her and smeared it all over her, they twisted her neck until it broke. They pulverized her in every way they could think of until there was no way to recognize her and almost no way to tell she was even a human.

While they were doing this, they were screaming at her, "Go ahead and die, because now, we want you to, and we never want to see your face on this Earth again."

They threw her on the floor then and gave her to the snake and the dogs, who wanted to tear her apart. The snake seemed to take his time in gliding over the floor to her, as if slithering indifferently, exploring this and that discarded lump of whatever as he came [sic]. the snake cruised the length of her body, and then, ignoring the dogs, wrapped himself around her entire body and began to squeeze.

As the snake squeezed, she let out an extremely powerful and prolonged scream which did not seem to be at all humanly possible. It scared her torturers so much they almost bolted from the room. The snake continued to squeeze until the scream subsided and then bit her in her third eye, as he had always wanted to do.

A few days later, when they finally threw the high priestess's mangled body down on the steps of the temple, she, and the rest of the temple people who had fled, had already been heavily discredited in the eyes of the people. They wanted the temple's power to be reduced and many even did not mind that she had had that fate. They had become afraid of her and of the fear that she had been controlling all of Delphi and their lives in ways they did not know

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 166

this meant that even though I still wanted it, I couldn't have this position anymore.

I had even thought the faeries would exclaim over Me in surprise and even recognize Me themselves when the Father of Manifestation did not, but as they did not appear to recognize Me, even though I recognized them, I did not move to overtly recognize them either. In spite of all the familiarity I also felt toward them, I began to question My own sense of Myself and to recognize that they were all making the same claim, so why would they recognize Me?

Were they all My sisters, or had they just been waiting for cracks in My relationship with the Father of Manifestation in through [sic] which they could step, and what roles might they have been playing in making these cracks, and where was the Father of Manifestation in relationship to all of this? I felt so isolated because of this distrust, with no one I felt I could really turn to that I could trust. I also began to realize that they had grown accustomed, in Pan, to spirits just showing up or doing form changes they didn't really recognize. They seemed to be just accepting these things as the progression of FreeWill expression, but it was making Me nervous and uncomfortable. Party
drag and control freak were the names aleady being most often applied to Me there in Pan.I could not stand this, but I also could not stand the feelngs I felt when I pressured Myself to be more like the ones applying those names, either.

I asked the faeries, as soon as they were talking amongst themselves as a group, where the Father of Manifestation had found them and if He had brought them all to Earth as He had done Me (sic). They all said He had found them in a dark, lonely and abandoned place and that was all they said, as though they didn't want it mentioned or discussed anymore. Why not?

That was where I felt, and sort of remembered, the Father of Manifestation had found Me. What could I really say then? Other than feeling I wasn't really one of the group, there was no evidence to the contrary. Indeed, I looked even more diminished than the rest of them. They all even had some color or other, some even several colors, while I was only gold and wispy, and tattered at that. I felt embarrassed and ashamed of My form then, and for the first time since joining the group, I began to feel inferior instead of superior; a position which they liked better, it seemed, since they became more friendly and warm toward Me then, even extending their hands in warmth and friendship, which I felt afraid to trust

p. 167

and inferior to receive.

I asked as many questions as I dared then. They did not answer any of them to My satisfaction, giving Me a feeling instead that My questions made them uncomfortable. We sat together there for awhile anyway, and My memories of Pan have some soft moments filled with the memories of the feelings of sisterhood We did have there. I did not mind a sisterhood. I even welcomed it, but I did not like the form it was taking of Me being so diminished that I could not have the place I had grown so attached to with the Father of Manifestation and within Myself and still find a place with sisters that did not feel threatening and competitive to Me.

I blamed Myself a lot for My feelings of competitiveness and moved to try to stop them in Myself as much as I possibly could, but the feelings got out there as lives in multiple wife situations which appeared friendly on the surface, but underneath were very competitive, especially where positioning of offspring was concerned.

Offspring were coming forth from all of the sexual unions in Pan, and too many of them looked to Me not only like terrible combinations of the parents involved, but also as unloved, unclaimed and unparented as their unions had been unloving and uncommitted. There were many spirits running around all over the place in Pan; too many of them, I felt, even then, and a lot of them were these. I did not know who most of them were, or even who their parents were, but it was not only these beings I did not feel right about. None of the spirits really looked right to Me. Everyone looked misshapen, warped or twisted, even grotesque in some way, even if they did not have parts of other things obviously mixing in with them. Grotesqueness seemed to be the norm in Pan, and I did not like it. Conversely, they seemed to find My interest in prettiness insipid and as unpleasant to them as the reflection they were giving Me in form. Something had twisted My original vision, and I did not know what it was. Then I feared it was hatred for Me and for My vision.

This grotesqueness made Me afraid of how I must look, and I kept trying to reassure Myself, gazing at Myself in reflection ponds as though prettiness was a reassurance that I was okay, and even a requirement for loving Myself and for being loved. At the same time, I tried to tell Myself it really wasn't , but I didn't believe it, and the uglier I felt Myself to be becoming, the less alright I felt about Myself, the less I felt I loved Myself and the less lovable I felt. There seemed to be nothing I could say or do here, though.



about. they did not want her have power over them anymore as they had been told she had.

Curious, how the common people, as they are usually called, are not seen as useful or as having any opinions that matter until their opinions are needed by those who have manipulated them to serve the dark purposes hiddin there. Curious, also, how these same people, who apparently feel so disenfranchised, have gone for this so easily and repeatedly as though, in these scenarios, they are finally going to have their way without seeming to even realize it is not their way, that they don't even know what their way is or that this is the way of those controlling their minds and feelings.

Just as the seer had moved past her fear to go to the head of the city state one more time and the head of the temple had moved past her when he thought she was wrong and she past him when she thought he was wrong, others have moved past the common people when they have thought they were wrong and empowered them only when they have had opinions they wanted them to have. It is as if (???????) it has not been known how to process disagreements, other than letting words go to arguments and, rather quickly, to wars, big or small.

While the common people of Delphi were feeling themselves being stirred against the temple, the various possibilities were being mulled over by the various political spokesmen who were going to tell them how to behave as soon as they figured out what they wanted them to do by feeding them what information they wanted them to have that would fuel them to do as they wanted them to do.

They were already configuring as a mob of people to come and tear the temple down when they were met with the spectacle of the head oracle's mangled body as though they had been already vincidated, and by the very authorities who wanted to make it appear that they agreed with the people, were doing what the people wanted there, had the situation under control and so the people did not need to do it themselves.

When they threw her body down there, they said that whatever her powers were, they were not the right and good powers to have, or she would have been more favored by the gods and she could not, then, have come to this end. The general populace gave a cry of outrage which was quickly stifled when they said, "We are mere mortals, the tools of the gods. We found her this way. This could not have happened if it was not meant to happen because the gods wanted it this way."


When people came foward in defense of the temple and the high prietess, they were told, "Hit or miss! If you say enough things, some of them are going to be right." (????)

All of the things that were wrong were quickly cited. No attempt was encouraged or even allowed to look any deeper to see what was right and what was wrong and why or how the seers (sic) could have been helped to become more accurate. Her teachings and seeings were proclaimed inaccurate, unfounded, unacceptable and wrong, after which enough of the people appeared to accept this without much further murmor of protest.

[Sept. 20, 2012, 2:21 P.M.: I've worked like mad to get this chapter done by the time I 'll go to the pool as usual (2:30). I need to breathe and sound and swim and swirl and run through the desert down and up the Wadi of Compassion. And I need to remember, what I inserted above (before p. 130)- without knowing, that this would be the page with the "story" about "The Mother's tortures in Delphi":
..... and take full responsibility
for the qualities and traits of the Torturer
a s     y o u r     o w n .


At a time, when Muslims on the planet are outraged by a silly movie about Prophet Muhammed and threaten the entire world,
in the Christian world - Zuerich - appears a theater-drama "GENESIS", of 5 hours [Stefan Bachmann], based on quotes "without omissions" [of course of the German translation of the first book of the Hebrew Bible), all the horrible things that "happened " in the beginning, and "Und dass Gott ein Dilettant ist, der erst mühsam lernen muss, Gott zu sein, die Welt zu erschaffen. "
I've known this for 30 years, that "God" needed to learn, how to create.
See in "AU-schwitz-Birken-AU>The Rainbow between "God" and "Noah"
Nor was it easy for the Biblical God to accept himself.
The Flood and Noah were an enormous lesson for him.

It's good, that artists - even if they lack the deeper understanding of both, the biblical text and the info from Right Use of Will and Godchannel, dare to dismantle old beliefs. But they have no idea, what humans should do, if they would really grasp, that they can no longer make "God" responsible for what happens to them or to the World.THE DEPARTURE



The group heading out from the temple, after moving in a feeling of great peril through the streets of Delphi at the fastest pace they could muster without attracting attention to themselves from others, did not make it far down through the mountain pathways to the coast before they had the feeling that the head of the temple was not going to make it. This was very frightening to many of them, but he told them they must go on no matter what, and they agreed that this was necessary. They tried to help him get down the pathway to the sea, hoping he would feel better once he was on the boat.

They followed the river, thnking it was the easiest way to go,
hiding from any boats that went past them, even small ones. The head of the temple had to lie down several times by the side of the path because his heart was palpitating so much he could not keep walking. He told them they must not stop because of him, but they could not imagine abondoning their guide and mentor on the pathway like that.

He was frightened for his own life there, but he was even more frightened for the rest of the temple people, for whom he felt so responsible, being able to find their way without him. He meant to go the whole way with them and thought that if he could just rest, he would be alright. He did not think he was having a heart attack, because he was not very old and it did not hurt very much, but he could not breathe enough to walk with them, and the pain increased each time he tried.

The boat with the head oracle in it passed by them without his knowing it, and his heart hurt so much that he sank to his knees in the middle of the pathway
. He told himself there that he must at

YOuTube: Brahms, Requiem, 1, Selig sind die da Leid tragen, denn sie sollen getroestet werden.

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 168

I didn't like My own form that much, especially the tattered parts and the small amount of colors compared to others. I felt less than, separate from and not a part of any group in Pan. I didn't feel exactly like a Rainbow Spirit. I didn't have a prominence of any particular color. I felt I was missing a lot of My former color, but I still had traces of all of them left; some more than others. I was greatly anguished over the loss of My colors. All of My chakras were weak, and I greatly appreciated it whenever the rainbow Spirit faeries let Me lie in their arms for awhile and bask in their stronger colors, but I did not appreciate the currents of superiority I felt there from them about their greater amount of color. It felt blind [sic] to My diminishment problems and blind to who was being held in its arms. Without the necessary Will movement, I could not hold the colors, as the Rainbow Spirits could not without their Will movement.

All of the chakras interest Me, and I love all of the colors; differently, but equally, since the rainbow looks weakened and incomplete to Me if any particular color is missing. I love all of the wonderful and delicious qualities and attributes of the different colors, as well as their feelings and many beautiful hues and variations, as well as all the possibilities for combinations, like musical notes, or flowers swirling and dancing in their many combinations across a meadow, but I have also had major problems with all the colors too, and especially with the cool aloofness and superiority I have experienced with Blue since I experienced the smack as having arisen out of there. Color with light shining through it is one of My great nourishments in life, but it needs to be loving light for it to feel good to Me and for the colors to look the way I like them to look, which is not harsh or strident or so bright they hurt My eyes or make Me feel attacked by their vibratory power.

The Rainbow Spirits are all very attractive to Me, and the more beautifully their colors vibrate, the more beautiful and attractive they feel to Me, but their competition and struggles of pecking order and position have not felt good to Me. It is time for all of this to heal now by undertanding the role the presence of unloving light has played and moving that out instead of moving against each other. The wars in Europe have been mostly Rainbow Spirit wars, and tis really needs to stop now by moving out the cause of the problem and not by attacking the symptoms.

As much as I loved My visits with the Rainbow Faeries in Pan and loved dressing in their flower colors and feeling My health and

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vitality increase in their presence as I soaked in the sunlight coming through their colors, no one particular color is My resting place. There is no one particular color that plumbs the depth of My soul the way the Ronalokas do. Gold is My resting place, and all of the colors are My cherished, pleasant and frequent visitation places, provided they make Me welcome there.

In the progression of healing of My own chakras in My visits with the Rainbow Spirits, I found that there did seem to be many parts of the Mother, all potentially, beautifully suited to the places they were situated to Mother. In the chakras, there are four Parental parts of each chakra, the same as the Four Parts of God.
The Mother of each chakra is part of the Mother, and I am Her Mother, but She is more like My sister than My daughter there. Her daughter there is the Will side of the Heart of that chakra, and Heart is My child there too. The Father there is the Spirit side of the chakra. The form it takes is the Father of Manifestation, and the Heart of the chakra brings the two sides together Then there are the connecting links and their family arrangements and the Rainbow Spirits who stream forth in their family arrangements as the light generated and made manifest there.

Not all the families there have only one son and one daughter either. Some families, especially in the Rainbow Spirits, prefer manifesting the many different aspects of many different spirits and then feel best doing what they want to do, in terms of their own specialities, when all are present doing their part, but have also fought with each other over this as much as everyone else over all of the same unresolved issues of Original Cause.

The chakras need a circulation of energy that is both white and gold light, Angelic and Ronalokan, but Heart also plays a role here that needs to become more clear as healing moves forward, and all of it needs to find right place and find that it can be happy in that place for the Body of God to be made manifest on Earth in the way that will really feel good. For God to finally have His Body on Earth in an alignment of love with Him is the healing potential that lies before Us.
What He is going to do once He has this Body is a dream yet to unfold. [Here it's still "He". As "Godchannel" evolved, it became "The Mother's Dream"!] To get to the place of that unfoldment, the Rainbow Spirits have a lot of work to do repairing the damage that has already been done by the smack and all of the patterns of conditioning that have repeated since then, as well as does everyone else who has needed to move first as the Parental poles of the situation.

To repair and heal the Parents of the chakras is to repair and heal the chakras of the Main body of God on Earth, and if you are



least get the people to the boat before he could let go of this life if, indeed, he had to. He felt urgent to accomplish this task, though he could not even stand up in that moment. He felt somethng pressing down on him so hard that he could not even draw a breath without feeling it was too much for him. He tried to relax and go into his healing meditation, which helped him get to his feet a few minutes later. Many people from the temple put their hands on him, too, and prayed for the gods to help him. He hesitated to tell them he was not going to make it, but that was what he really feared there.

He told them instead that he was going to tell them where the boat was, just in case. They prayed over him and did every healing thing they knew to do there for him in those moments, but he could not regain his strength. He told them to go past the old watch tower at the bottom of the pathway and along the coastline. They would not let him tell them any more, telling him he must try to make it to the boat and that, if they had to, they would carry him there. His pride would not succumb to this. He forced himself to his feet, staggered a little and began to walk slowly with them again.

They began to walk past the old fortification. He thought it might be guarded by some who would question their passing if they did not remain hidden, especially if their departure had been discovered, given how slowly he had made their way now. even though it was Greek soldiers they saw, they began to feel an ominous presence there, which they denied as only fear that their departure had been discovered. They were extremely quiet and remained as hidden as possible as they passed by, moving toward their goal of reaching the boat.

They gained some speed once they had passed that place and had the feeling they were out of its sight. They found the pathway to be easier, and it felt easier for them all to breathe, too, even the head of the temple seemed to be breathing easier, but they had to cross one more rocky, desolate looking crag before they reached the town where the boat was going to take them by sea.

He tried to make it over this rocky place, but he could not. It felt too difficult and too inhospitable for him to make it over the top and reach his goal of the boat. It felt like his life right then [sic], and he was giving up. He struggled there to get his breath, trying to move forward a little at a time, and while he was doing that, a large piece of his rage was leaving him, feeling disdainful toward him for not holding his heart more apart from the head oracle there and going forward to the life it wanted to have.


Finally, when he realized he just could not go on, he told them they were close enough that they could find the boat without him if they had to, but he died of the heart attack he had been having all the way down the mountain before he could tell them where it was. The girl was crying over him, as though she did not even realize he was already dead, telling him she did not want to leave him there and that he must find the strength to make it to the boat somehow.

When she found that he was dead, she had rage that he had abandoned her right there, but she did not move it. That was a denied thing to feel in such circumstances. She, instead, only drew herself up with a deep breath while someone told the people. They all sat down for some moments in the shock of it all but realized rather quickly that they must move on and needed to take his body with them and bury it at sea.

They all sat together there and tried to see where the boat really was. They all got at least glimpses of where it was located, and working together, they were able to find it with a minimum of difficulty except for how they felt having to carry the head of the temple like pall bearers without a casket. When they found the boat, the man in charge of it refused to take a body with them and made them take the time to bury thim there. They gave him a small, unmarked grave and gave him their prayers as they left him there.

The head of the temple could not go on as he was, given the huge pile of judgments against himself his heart was laboring under and the huge amount of unmoved emotion he was triggered into once he was in the head oracle's presence there. It was too much to move all at once; he had no time in which to do it, no feeling to do it and no knowledge of how to do it. He had now hit his original cause place of heartbreak and could not move past it anymore.

The ceremony they gave im there did not mention any of the problems he had in that life, only his good points, as they so often do.

Judgments need release here, though, and they are important ones for many people for their hearts to heal. I'm am suggesting formal and ceremonial release, because these judgments against rage have been so powerfully in place for so long. Make your own ceremony at the time that feels right to you, but do not fail to take Me seriously here. If you have rage at ceremonies, rage about ceremonies, and then give it your best effort. Ceremonies themselves are not bad things; it is just the ways in which you may have experienced them in the past that felt bad to you.

youtube: Brahms Requiem, 2, Denn alles Fleisch es ist wie Gras

The orange, 6th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]
The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth

Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation,
that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God
The indigo, 8th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

8 INDIGO - The Search for
True Understanding and Balance

Dedicated to
The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance

p. 170

Parental here, you are part of the Main Body of God
from whom the Rainbow Spirits stream forth. You must find your right place in the Body of God and find it truly by becoming truly comfortable there; otherwise you cannot be My light in the way I need you to be. That you are Manifested Spirits is true because I have a manifested Body, but you are not Manifeted spirits in the way you have thought because only the Main Body of God is really moving now, and the rest will move later after their Parents have healed enough to lead the way. That is why I have said to seek your own healing first and then turn to those around you who respond to it. These will be your closest relatives and children, allies and friends, in your own colors and in the connecting links between the chakras of the Main Body of God, and in the Rainbow Spirits who stream forth from it as My light overflowing from there.

So far, it has not felt good because of the chaos, confusion, misunderstanding and lack of understanding around what was happening to Us in the original sea of essence, but I hope that it can finally now come to a place where everything feels good because of what We have learned and will learn by going back to that place now and resolving the issues there, and a place that feels good because everything is in its right place and knows how to move from there and is happy with that, because FreeWill is a necessary part of this, but FreeWill that is aligned with its light within love. Without that, we have had hierarchy that has been boring, static, rigid, controlled and unloving, with chaos, anarchy and rebellion on the other side; rich nations and poor nations, dominant nations and subservient nations, subsistence nations and destructively technological nations and so on through all the patterns that have presented themselves.

For so long, the Mother could not be accepted for what She had to say that the Mother did not speak from the position of Mother from the time My gap knocked Her out of Creation until now. In Pan, there was no place for the Mother really being made except for the image of Mother being presented by the mother on Earth and others seeking the position. This was not a real image of the Mother since it was almost all denied kundalini return [so far I could not grasp this term - Sept.6, 2012] outside of loving light that was being reflected there. This needs to come within love to heal and is being brought there now.

My light is My light whether it speaks as the Father, the Mother, Heart or Body. If there is alignment, It brings an aligned message; if not, We have what We have had so far; a massive and chaotic power struggle from points of view so polarized from one

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another as to not be able to recognize the balance points from which alignment can be entered and found. This is the most possibility for healing We have ever had, and I do not want to see another reversal, so please, do your part as best you can,
and do not play a role in the Luciferian sense of viewing life and karma as playing roles that can be switched arbitrarily.This is no game, and the roles are not up for grabs anymore.

It can be said that the experience we have had has been role playing in an effort to understand Our roles and find Our right place, but the power play business underneath the surface really has to end, and right place really has to be found now as right place because it is right place and it is comfortable. No more thinking the Mother's place is up for grabs if She is gone, and therefore, you have a vested interest in keeping Her gone, or anyone else's place for that matter. No one's place can be filled by another appropriately, and using that knowledge to punish Us by withholding your presence is not coming within the alignment of loving light either.

Anything that needs to be said by the Mother needs to be said, and anything you need to move as response needs to move as emotion first and not as any more attack and blame at the word level that does not move the underlying charge into the realization of its own causal role in what it has been attacking and blaming.

The denied kundalini response needs to be given here and received, and the way to do this most quickly and easily is to reverse the polarization from mind to emotion to emotion to mind until We have a comfortable circulation here and not just mind to emotion and nothing returned here that is accepted. If you are not ready to accept this yet, you are not ready to move along with the Main Body of God and need to move back farther into the realms of Manifested Spirits than you already have because it is not right time for you yet, just as it was not right time yet in Pan. As difficult as this was for the Mother, there was not anything She could say or do there and get any more received than She did because She did not understand Herself well enough yet to get any more received than She did. So, it is not a matter of guilt that you could not receive Her then, but it is a matter of moving now what could not move then, and if you are not ready yet, then move along as much as you can as every realization you get helps whether you are ready to move in deeply yet or not.



Here is a list of judgments to start you off toward finding your own in addition to these.

I forgive myself for having judged and for having believed for so long:

~~ that I cannot have rage and love in the same place at the same time.

~~ that if I rage, it will destroy every shred of love I have in my life.

~~ that if I rage , no one will ever trust me again because they will always be wondering when I am going to rage again.

~~ that I have or will frighten everyone with my rage that they will never love me again.

~~ that I have so frightened myself by having rage that I will never trust myself again, love myself again or be able to forgive myself.

~~that my rage is a beast, unloving and cruel, that must be stopped every time it begins to rear its ugly head.

~~ that if I cannot control my rage, I am not really a human or a worhty person.

~~ that i must not let myself rage at the people I love, or I will lose all of them.

~~ that I can only make matters worse by raging.

~~ that no matter how much emotion I move it never makes any difference.

~~ that no matter how much rage I move, it never makes any difference; I always have more rage.

~~ that no matter how much rage I move, I can never shift my position because I see terror as having even less value and less power than rage, and I hate the way it feels.

~~ that I cannot stand to feel terror, no matter what; rage at least feels better than that.

~~ that I can't possibly let terror rule, and rage at least helps me escape from that and protects me.

~~ that I was so rejected, hurt, displaced and repelled that I can never rage enough or make the one that did it pay enough at the hands of my rage.

~~ that I never intend to let go of my position here, because then I might have to look at my own responsibility.

~~ that my own responsibility simply cannot be there, because the other one did it all to me.

~~ that I cannot give in and admit any of this to anyone, not even myself, because then I will be wrong and my whole world will come tumbling down.


~~that if my rage has to take responsibility here, it will be all my fault; I will have no way to forgive myself, and then the tables will be turned and I will be punished the way my rage has been punishing others.

~~ that I can never recover from the damage.

~~ that my heart cannot take the stress.

~~ that my heartbreak has been protected by my rage, because I can never give my heart away like I did the first time and risk being hurt like that again.

~~ that my body cannot handle feeling emotions that are unpleasant to feel.

There are many other judgments there which you need to find also.


The man who put himself forward, when they were trying to find the boat, as the one who should guide them gave them orders that sounded definite, like the previous head of the temple, on his last day, when he was getting them together to leave. They did not notice it, at first, as anything other than using the tone the previous temple head had used, and they wanted to be told what to do. They liked it that this man was taking charge now and even taking on some of the former temple head's physical mannerisms to a startling degree, and rather suddenly, right when they most needed someone to help them escape the peril they were in, because they needed to get to the boat and board it quickly, and they weren't sure exactly where it was or how to approach and make sure it was not the wrong one.

They did not notice that it was a piece of the head of the temple's held rage he really had there, because they were still in need of the certainty that it could present. They had needed to be focused and guided to leave in a rush and now, they gave him the power to guide them in this. He was able to do it with the help of this rage that was configuring around him, wanting to make sure they got out of there safely and did not get caught instead.

When the temple head's heartsickness over what had happened there and feeling of wanting to go back toward the oracle killed him on the pathway to his own escape, this piece of his rage did not want to let go of that life. It was determined, not only to protect the people he had wanted to save there, but to go onward also.

youtube; Brahms Requiem, 3. Herr, lehre doch mich

Herr, lehre doch mich,
daß es ein Ende mit mir haben muß.
und mein Leben ein Ziel hat,
und ich davon muß.
Siehe, meine Tage sind
einer Hand breit vor Dir,
und mein Leben ist wie nichts vor Dir.

Ach wie gar nichts sind alle Menschen,
die doch so sicher leben.
Sie gehen daher wie ein Schemen
und machen ihnen viel vergebliche Unruhe;
sie sammeln und wissen nicht,
wer es kriegen wird.
Nun Herr, wes soll ich mich trösten?

Ich hoffe auf Dich.
(Psalm 39, 5-8)

Der Gerechten Seelen sind in Gottes Hand
und keine Qual rühret sie an.
(Weisheit Salomos 3, 1)

continuation of the two books in "Desert-Dawn"